Galactic News

  • December 28, 3307
  • A Retrospective of 3307 (Part One)

    The noted historian Sima Kalhana takes a look back at the turbulent events of the last year in a four-part series of articles.

    “The start of 3307 was a time of crisis. The rise of the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA), the Marlinist refugee crisis and increased Empire-Federation tensions had brought a full-scale superpower war closer, with renewed attacks from the Thargoids increasing the pressure.”

    “All of this led to Pranav Antal’s proposal of a diplomatic conference for all three superpower governments to work through their problems – the very first Galactic Summit. Within weeks, Sirius Corporation was selected as the neutral host for the conference. Li Yong-Rui scored another triumph by establishing the Marlinist Colonies for millions of political refugees who had fled from the Empire.”

    “In February came the trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent, accused of arranging Starship One’s destruction back in 3301. His paymaster was revealed as Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester, who wanted to replace Federal democracy with direct corporate rule.”

    “His breakaway faction Jupiter Division was defeated in battle and Rochester himself jailed for life. This also led to Core Dynamics’s acquisition of Lakon Spaceways being cancelled, leaving the Alliance to purchase a majority sharehold in the company.”

    “Key players on the political stage finally gathered when the Galactic Summit began in late February. The Sirius system hosted leaders from the Alliance, Empire, Federation and independent systems. Even pirate warlord Archon Delaine gatecrashed the event, causing controversy with his ‘crown of bones’ speech.”

    “It seemed for a while that the bickering between so many strong personalities might trigger a war rather than avert one. But gradually there was progress, with the possibility of a treaty to increase unity against the Thargoid threat. But before reaching this conclusion, the Galactic Summit was derailed by a threat from another source.”

    “Nine Martyrs – as named by the NMLA leader Theta Seven – was the largest terrorist attack in history. Hundreds of thousands were killed by starport bombings in nine systems, including the superpower capitals of Alioth, Achenar and Sol. This horrific tragedy ended the conference abruptly, but did give rise to some inter-power cooperation.”

    “A new agreement signed at the Galactic Summit allowed the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit (ACT) to be formed rapidly. Drawing on the superpowers’ security services and other organisations, its sole purpose was to hunt down and eliminate the NMLA, a task that would dominate the headlines for the rest of the year.”

  • December 20, 3307
  • Theta Seven’s Identity Discovered

    ACT has revealed the background of the man known only as Theta Seven, the NMLA’s de facto leader who recently died in the Mudhrid system.

    Captain Saskia Landau gave this statement to the media:

    “A combination of investigative work and interrogating NMLA survivors has allowed us to confirm that Theta Seven’s real name was John Tyburn. He was born and raised in the city of Fontaine on the planet Baltah’Sine, where he was a munitions technician constructing demolition charges for commercial mining.”

    “There is evidence that Tyburn was always a vocal believer in Marlinism, and became a pro-democracy campaigner. This eventually caused him to lose his job and serve a prison sentence for sedition. His Imperial citizenship was revoked, his marriage annulled and his children taken into state care.”

    “Upon release, Tyburn was contacted by the NMLA and radicalised to the Neo-Marlinist cause. He produced portable explosives for terrorist actions, and rose rapidly in their ranks.”

    “It was Tyburn’s proposal to develop caustic enzyme bombs capable of damaging a starport, but his experimentation on these weapons resulted in injuries and corrosive scarring. They only became a reality following a workable design commissioned from the engineer Liz Ryder without her knowledge of its purpose.”

    First Minister Octavia Volkov of the Marlinist Colonies commented:

    “It’s unsettling to learn that this arch-terrorist grew up in the same place as I did and had similar experiences. John Tyburn might easily have been my fellow refugee from the Empire, or perhaps helped us form our republican society. This does not excuse his crimes, but it’s all too clear how political persecution can give rise to monsters.”

  • December 18, 3307
  • -9-118

    An Imperial family of decadent wealth

    Rules trillions of people in public and in stealth

    No matter the troubles ef the common folk

    This timelass bloodline will never go broke

    But currency comes in many forms

    Knowledge, culture, the will to perform

    In peace and to war, a leeder is strong

    That heeds lessons of those in history’s sxng

    But a fleet? A fleet of beautiful chrome!

    That carry the orders of the blessed throne

    Surely an Emperor can spare a few craft

    To ride on the zea, exploring the path

  • December 16, 3307
  • NMLA Megaship Becomes Marlinist Flagship

    The megaship Steel Majesty has travelled from Mudhrid to the HIP 22550 system and been renamed as Fairfax Vision.

    The Wells-class carrier was originally owned by the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and used as a base for the NMLA terrorist group. After a military defeat, the vessel’s crew sought political asylum in the Marlinist Colonies.

    The Steel Majesty later became the hub for Minister Aaron Whyte’s followers during the Marlinist Civil War. More recently, NMLA activists retook the ship and unsuccessfully tried to rescue their leader Theta Seven.

    The Marlin Standard published this statement from First Minister Octavia Volkov:

    “I am delighted that the Marlinist Consulate has negotiated with the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group to arrange for this megaship to be returned to us. We are renaming it in honour of my predecessor Dr Jenna Fairfax, who led millions to safety after our mass exodus from the Empire.”

    “The Fairfax Vision is now controlled by the Free Marlinists of Carinae faction, but will represent the colonies’ parliamentary and diplomatic interests abroad. I hope that true Marlinism, and our progressive republican society, can now flourish peacefully.”

  • December 9, 3307
  • Tributes Gathered to Honour Duval Heir

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The birth of Hadrian Duval’s son has been celebrated in grand fashion in the Paresa system.

    Praetor Leo Magnus, the new leader of Nova Paresa, publicly thanked pilots for delivering Chateau De Aegaeon, HR 7221 Wheat, Indi Bourbon and Yaso Kondi Leaf to support these highly exclusive proceedings. Payment is now available from Dyson City starport.

    Political journalist Cassia Carvalho discussed the arrival of Hector Mordanticus Duval in The Imperial Herald:

    “As Emperor Hengist’s illegitimate grandson and former enemy of the state, Hadrian Duval has always been the outsider. Indeed, his newborn son’s middle name seems deliberately chosen to remind the Emperor that she ordered Hadrian’s mentor, Imperator Mordanticus, to be shot in cold blood.”

    “But over the last two years, Hadrian’s position has gradually shifted from isolationist rebel to legitimised ally. He appeals to citizens who are unhappy with a female monarch, even more so now that he has a male heir. And he remains closest to the Imperial bloodline, with most other Duval family members having been assassinated by the NMLA.”

    “Therefore, unless Arissa Lavigny-Duval or Aisling Duval produce children, it’s entirely possible that Hadrian’s child might inherit the throne. Despite only being a few days old, Hector Duval’s impact upon the Empire could be measured in centuries.”

  • December 2, 3307
  • Empire Celebrates Newborn Duval

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A new chapter in the Duval family’s history has begun with the birth of Hadrian Augustus Duval’s son.

    The announcement was made by The Imperial Herald:

    “Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval, wife of Hadrian Duval, has delivered a baby boy at an undisclosed secure location while under senatorial protection.”

    “The child has been named Hector Mordanticus Duval. This is in honour of Hadrian’s late father Hector Jansen, who was Emperor Hengist’s illegitimate son, as well as Imperator Kaeso Mordanticus, who played a major role in both Hadrian and Astrid’s lives.”

    “Despite Hadrian not being an official member of the Imperial Family, many citizens are jubilant at the arrival of a new Duval. The Imperial Palace, Princess Aisling Duval and Chancellor Anders Blaine have all sent messages of congratulation.”

    Praetor Leo Magnus, who was Hadrian Duval’s head of security, has resigned his temporary commission from ACT to assume leadership of Nova Paresa. The faction has organised an initiative to gather rare commodities for its former leader to celebrate the historic occasion.

    Pilots are asked to deliver Chateau De Aegaeon, HR 7221 Wheat, Indi Bourbon and Yaso Kondi Leaf to Dyson City in the Paresa system. All shipments will be subject to security scanning before being redirected to a suitable location.

  • Battle of Mudhrid Ends in NMLA Defeat

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid has been defeated by the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group in the Mudhrid system.

    With the aid of many independent pilots, the Imperial faction outmatched the NMLA-supporting forces who were attempting to rescue their leader Theta Seven.

    Captain Saskia Landau provided an update from ACT:

    “Using the fierce fighting as cover, Captain Milo Castile led a commando unit made up of specialists from Alliance, Federal and Imperial security forces to gain access to the Steel Majesty. After freeing and arming the crewmembers that were being held hostage, they overpowered the NMLA troops and retook the megaship.”

    “We have successfully prevented Theta Seven and his followers from rejoining their fellow terrorists. But the Far God cult’s vessel, the Sacrosanct, is still in the system under his control. Until the man responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths has been captured, our victory over the NMLA remains incomplete.”

    The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group stated that those who supported its campaign can now receive their rewards from Payne-Scott City starport.

    The Imperial faction also agreed that independent pilots who fought for the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid will be permitted to collect payment from the Steel Majesty, which has been transferred to their ownership.

  • November 25, 3307
  • The Battle of Mudhrid

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group have declared war in the Mudhrid system.

    The Steel Majesty megaship is serving as the base of the Neo-Marlinist forces. These include many surviving NMLA terrorist cells that gathered to overtake the vessel from the Marlinist Colonies.

    Also in the system is the Far God cult megaship Sacrosanct, where the NMLA’s de facto leader Theta Seven and the remnants of Theta Group have been in hiding for months. They recently took control of the vessel and are holding thousands of cultists hostage.

    The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid have offered a uniquely augmented enzyme missile rack to its highest contributors if certain objectives are met. Margrave Corentin Delacroix broadcast a call to arms:

    “All those who seek to topple the Duval dictators must fight alongside us here and now. Neo-Marlinism has no future unless its believers defend it.”

    The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group is orchestrating its campaign from Payne-Scott City starport. Senator Denton Patreus has requested that Imperial auxiliaries provide the faction with combat support.

    ACT’s co-leader Captain Saskia Landau stated:

    “The NMLA clearly places huge value on Theta Seven’s ability to produce caustic enzyme weapons, and has risked concentrating in large numbers to defend him. If he can transfer to the Steel Majesty and escape, the threat of further atrocities like the Nine Martyrs bombings will remain high.”

  • November 24, 3307
  • Far God Megaship Hijacked by Theta Seven

    NMLA figurehead Theta Seven has taken control of the Sacrosanct megaship and redirected it to the Mudhrid system.

    Several months ago, the leader of Theta Group and his closest aides evaded capture by posing as members of the Far God cult. One of their pilgrimage vessels, the Sacrosanct, has now bypassed its scheduled flight plan and jumped to Mudhrid.

    ACT’s joint leader Captain Milo Castile broadcast an emergency statement:

    “We can confirm that despite being few in number, the terrorists are in command of the Sacrosanct. Since Far God worshippers are pacifists and fatalistic in nature, it’s likely that they offered little resistance.”

    “Theta Seven has stated that he will wipe out the vessel’s entire population if any attempt to seize the vessel is made. Our intel suggests he possesses caustic enzyme explosives of the type used in the starport bombings, making his threat credible.”

    Also in the system is the Steel Majesty megaship, recently overtaken by the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid. ACT believes that the NMLA is regrouping its forces and aims to provide protection for Theta Seven.

    Mudhrid’s ruling faction, the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group, has ordered system security to shoot down any vessels attempting to pass between the two megaships.

  • November 22, 3307
  • Crime Wave Raises Security Concerns

    An expert larcenist known as the Winking Cat has triggered widespread alarm with a spree of high-profile thefts.

    Vox Galactica published this feature by crime correspondent Mira Bukowski :

    “Last month, the galaxy’s most infamous thief reappeared in the headlines after a long absence. It appears the Winking Cat is making up for lost time by stealing multiple items in quick succession.”

    “One notable target was a portrait of Emperor Olban Hensard Duval, the tenth ruler of the Empire. Painted in 2989, it was notable for being seven metres high - as was the graphic of a smirking feline face engraved on the wall where it once hung.”

    “Another disappearance, albeit of a less artistic nature, was the only working prototype of Achilles Corporation’s XS1001 security robot. This was being guarded by several XS801 models which, according to insiders, were found lying on their sides and emitting an unusual ‘purring’ sound.”

    “There are reports of several other rare or precious artefacts disappearing from secure locations. In all cases, there are no clues as to how security systems were circumvented.”

    “The Wallglass Investigations Agency has theorised that the Winking Cat may not be an individual after all, but a group of criminal specialists working together. They also suspect that these latest thefts may be intended for some larger purpose.”

  • November 19, 3307
  • Neo-Marlinist Forces Gather in Mudhrid

    The megaship Steel Majesty has arrived in the Mudhrid system after being taken over by NMLA terrorists.

    Its original owning faction, the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, has officially reclaimed the vessel. Margrave Corentin Delacroix, the faction’s new military ruler and the son of former Landgrave Arastin Delacroix, announced:

    “The Steel Majesty has returned home to fulfil its destiny. Be warned: should any ships attempt to board or attack, all the former crewmembers still onboard will be executed.”

    Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez gave a statement on behalf of ACT:

    “Unfortunately, we cannot take action while hundreds of innocent people remain captive. But the NMLA’s effort to assemble troops, supporters and resources must not succeed. Having the Steel Majesty as a mobile base will allow them to regroup for a new campaign of terror – especially if they manage to reach Theta Seven before we do.”

    A spokesperson for the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group, which controls the Mudhrid system, claimed:

    “The hostages should be considered lost as casualties of war. We are prepared to perform our duty for the Empire once again by destroying the Neo-Marlinist threat.”

  • January 18, 3307
  • ACT Captures Theta Group

    The creators of the NMLA’s caustic enzyme bombs have been arrested, although the terrorist figurehead Theta Seven remains at large.

    Theta Group is directly responsible for 17 starport bombings conducted by the NMLA across the core systems. These attacks resulted in a combined death toll of almost 800,000 people, with twice as many suffering serious injury.

    Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez, one of the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit’s co-leaders, told the media:

    “We have finally tracked down the NMLA’s bomb-making engineers, and a joint task force made the arrest with minimal casualties. Large quantities of Thargoid corrosives and explosive components were also seized.”

    “This achievement was only possible due to intercepting Theta Group’s communications with Neo-Marlinist sympathisers. We are unsure why the NMLA’s dark-comms network was not used in that instance.”

    “As our intel predicted, the group’s leader Theta Seven was not among those we captured. We have confirmed that he and a handful of followers disappeared after the bombings in July, anticipating their imminent capture. ACT will not rest until the galaxy’s most wanted terrorist has been brought to justice.”

    The name ‘Theta Group’ was assigned to the bomb-makers during their incarceration at Serene Harbour, an Imperial Intelligence penal facility in the R CrA Sector AF-A d42 system. After escaping, their leader adopted his prisoner designation – Theta Seven – as a reaction to what he viewed as dehumanising treatment of Neo-Marlinists by the Empire.

  • November 2, 3307
  • Hadrian Duval Accepts Senate Protection

    The Empire has officially proclaimed Hadrian Augustus Duval and his wife Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval to be wards of the Senate.

    The offer of senatorial protection was made following an NMLA attempt to assassinate them and their unborn child by bombing Dyson City starport.

    Prior to being transported from the Paresa system to a secure location, Hadrian Duval sent this message:

    “Lady Astrid and I accepted this offer with enormous reluctance. Neither of us wish to abandon our home or loyal followers. Yet we feel it is a matter of duty to protect our family and ensure future generations of the Duval bloodline.”

    “Nova Imperium will henceforth be known as Nova Paresa. It will continue to serve as a staunch ally of the Empire, as per the Treaty of Paresa. To all those who fought for our cause over the years, I assure you that history will never forget us. Memento Mordanticus!”

    There has been public support for Praetor Leo Magnus to assume leadership of Nova Paresa. Hadrian Duval has endorsed his former head of security taking his place, but confirmed that the title of Imperator is now defunct.

    In related news, ACT stated that its investigation into the Dyson City attack has yielded results. Although details remain embargoed for security reasons, a significant breakthrough is expected to be announced soon.

  • October 28, 3307
  • Resources Boost for Torval Mining Ltd

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Vital materials have been delivered to the EGM 559 system to sustain Senator Zemina Torval’s new corporation.

    The megaship Pride of Bitterwood received multiple shipments of geological equipment, microbial furnaces and mineral extractors. These will be transferred to Torval Orbital in the LTT 198 system, supplying the starport acting as the primary base of operations for Torval's new venture.

    Operations director Constantia Torval announced the campaign’s conclusion:

    “All of us here at Torval Mining Ltd are pleased with the contributions. These supplies will ensure that we meet our first year’s targets and continue providing high-quality services to our customers in the Empire.”

    Torval Mining Ltd was originally a subsidiary of Mastopolos Mining, but became autonomous following a rift between Zemina Torval and her cousins in the Mastopolos family. The two corporations are now commercial rivals in the Empire’s industrial mining market.

    The megaships Champion of Commerce and The House Ascendant have recently jumped to the Laguz and 21 Eridani systems, respectively. These vessels represent part of the corporate fleet recently purchased by Torval Mining Ltd.

  • October 26, 3307
  • Alliance and Marlinists Address Refugee Crisis

    The Marlinist Colonies have offered to provide help for political refugees who sought sanctuary in Alliance space.

    In 3306, the Empire’s security forces began arresting followers of Marlinism, suspecting them of being linked to the NMLA. Many pro-republican Imperial citizens fled to the Federation, but some set course for the Alliance instead.

    The situation has been highlighted by Prime Consul Kayode Tau of the Marlinist Consulate:

    “Having made a desperate journey for survival, over a million Marlinists are now dispersed across Alliance territory. Most are clustered in small groups, lacking basic supplies and facing extreme deprivation. Some Alliance systems have offered citizenship, but others are attempting to expel them as illegal immigrants.”

    “The Empire wishes to repatriate these people, which means harsh interrogation for some and lifelong persecution for others. I hope to negotiate with the Alliance to arrange an alternative – transportation to the Marlinist Colonies. There they will be welcomed into the democratic society established by their brethren.”

    Ambassador Elijah Beck, head of the Alliance Office of Diplomatic Relations, has agreed to meet with Prime Consul Tau to examine solutions. The Imperial Diplomatic Corps officially refused an invitation to join this discussion.

  • October 25, 3307
  • Senators Offer to Protect Hadrian Duval

    The recent NMLA attack in the Paresa system has encouraged the Imperial Senate to reach out to Imperator Hadrian Duval.

    An official pronouncement was made by Senator Caspian Leopold:

    “A majority of us believe that preserving the Duval bloodline is paramount for the future of the Empire. Hadrian Duval is not officially a member of the Imperial Family but he is the grandson of Emperor Hengist, meaning his as-yet unborn child is also of royal lineage.”

    “The NMLA has already murdered many Duvals, including Prince Harold. Indeed, Hadrian himself barely survived an assassination attempt last year. It’s clear that the Empire can provide greater security than he currently has, and it is our duty to do so.”

    “Therefore, we propose making both Hadrian and Lady Astrid wards of the Senate. They will be placed under the highest level of protection, at least until this grave threat has abated.”

    Imperator Hadrian Duval is currently holding discussions with a delegation from the Senate. Political observers believe that their proposal may be conditional on him severing ties with Nova Imperium, an isolationist organisation that was once outlawed in the Empire.

    Independent newsfeeds have speculated that since the NMLA’s terror campaign began, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has been under similar senatorial protection and performing her duties from a secure location.

  • October 21, 3307
  • Torval Mining Ltd Requests Resources

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Senator Zemina Torval’s new corporation requires deliveries of commodities to its megaship in the EGM 559 system.

    Constantia Torval, the senator’s daughter and operations director of the company, provided details of the initiative:

    “Now that we are a fully independent business, additional resources are urgently needed to continue providing services to the Empire. My goal is to ensure that the Torval name remains synonymous with efficiency and dedication.”

    “Shipments of geological equipment, microbial furnaces and mineral extractors can be delivered to the megaship Pride of Bitterwood in the EGM 559 system. From there, they will be transferred to our headquarters at Torval Orbital in LTT 198.”

    The Pride of Bitterwood is part of a corporate fleet recently purchased by Torval Mining Ltd. Most are currently in the LTT 198 system being outfitted for mining and transport operations. Business analysts believe that these megaships were funded by Zemina Torval after selling the majority of her shares in Mastopolos Mining.

  • October 14, 3307
  • Terrorist Attack at Hadrian Duval’s HQ

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Explosions have struck Dyson City starport in the Paresa system, home of Hadrian Duval’s organisation Nova Imperium.

    The starport suffered severe structural damage plus the corrosive effects of caustic enzymes, characteristic of the customised weapons used by the NMLA. Initial reports state that over fifteen thousand people have been killed and a similar number injured.

    The following statement was issued by Praetor Leo Magnus, the former head of security for Nova Imperium who was seconded to ACT:

    “Shortly before this attack, my team intercepted a communication between suspected Neo-Marlinist supporters. This referred to an imminent attempt to kill Imperator Hadrian Duval, Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval and their unborn child.”

    “I immediately ordered the Praetorian Guard to move the Imperator’s family off-station, which was achieved minutes before the bombs detonated. I am pleased to report that they survived this brutal attack, but unfortunately the remaining population could not have been evacuated in time.”

    A state of emergency has been declared in the Paresa system, with an urgent request for independent pilots to assist with rescuing survivors from Dyson City starport.

    The Empire confirmed that as per the Treaty of Paresa, it will provide military and medical support to Nova Imperium. ACT is performing investigations to learn more about the attack.

  • October 4, 3307
  • Ambassador Condemns Entrapment of Yuri Grom

    The Federal Diplomatic Corps has officially denounced President Hudson’s attempt to capture Yuri Grom in the Delta Pavonis system.

    The political conference was to determine whether the system’s ruling faction would ally with the EG Union or the Federation. It was abandoned when a Federal black ops team attempted to arrest Yuri Grom’s delegation, triggering a conflict in the system.

    Ambassador Delphine Dumont told The Federal Times:

    “We have no option but to state that our own government has violated the conventions of diplomatic immunity. This conference was established in good faith with all parties. We were not informed that any hostile act against EG Union was planned.”

    “I offer my personal apologies to Yuri Grom. Our negotiations were spirited but honest, and I genuinely felt that progress was being made.”

    This is the first time that the Federal Diplomatic Corps has distanced itself from the actions of a sitting president. Political observers believe that this is to maintain its reputation for integrity, especially in dealings with the Alliance and Empire.

    Public reaction in the Federation has been varied, with President Zachary Hudson being praised and criticised in equal measure. Insiders within his administration suggest that he is under enormous pressure to regain popularity, following the recent rebellion of several Federal systems.

  • September 21, 3307
  • An Heir for Hadrian Duval

    Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval, wife of Hadrian Augustus Duval, has confirmed that she is expecting a child in December.

    The story was broken by the Paresa News Network:

    “Lady Astrid was visibly overjoyed as she told us of her pregnancy, and of Hadrian’s excitement at being a father. Her only complaint was that she’s no longer allowed to fly support missions for Nova Imperium. Once a Commander, always a Commander!”

    Mainstream media channels also commented on the news.

    The Imperial Herald: “This has caused tangible ripples of unease in the Senate. Since neither Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval nor Princess Aisling Duval have heirs, Hadrian’s claim to the throne will be strengthened if he alone ensures that the Duval bloodline continues.”

    Eye on Achenar: “Who cares about the spawn of Emperor Hengist’s illegitimate grandson? The NMLA may have assassinated much of the Imperial Family, but this outcast boy is still a footnote in their noble history.”

    Vox Galactica: “Despite his unofficial status, Hadrian Duval has many silent supporters within the Empire. His isolationist stance appeals to nostalgic citizens, as does returning to the tradition of male Emperors. Should Hadrian have a son, he may feel empowered to seek his birthright more forcefully.”