Galactic News

  • November 9, 3307
  • Prime Minister Mahon Campaigns for Re-Election

    Edmund Mahon has launched a political campaign to be elected as the Alliance’s leader for a second term.

    The incumbent prime minister is undertaking a whistle-stop tour across Alliance space to rouse support. Only members of the Assembly can cast votes in this election, but they will be heavily influenced by public opinion within their systems.

    Mahon’s campaign has focused on the Alliance’s huge expansion during his six-year premiership, with reminders of triumphs such as the Alliance Festival of Culture. His ability to handle a crisis has also been highlighted, including President Kincaid’s attempted coup and the League of Reparation’s crusade.

    More recent examples of his leadership are welcoming Marlinist refugees from the Empire and exploiting the Coalsack Nebula to boost economic prosperity. However, Mahon’s critics have pointed out that both strategies increased the risk of attack from Neo-Marlinist terrorists and the Thargoids.

    Addressing a packed conference hall on Birmingham in his home system of Diso, Mahon proclaimed:

    “We live in an increasingly turbulent galaxy, making it important to maintain a steady hand at the wheel. I will be honoured to continue representing the diverse peoples of the Alliance.”

  • November 8, 3307
  • Galactic Summit Proposal from Sirius Corporation

    Utopia’s ability to host a diplomatic conference for all three superpowers has been challenged by the Sirius Corporation.

    The megacorp’s counter-proposal was announced by CEO Li Yong-Rui:

    “With all due respect to Simguru Antal, his commune cannot match our level of resources. Sirius is far better placed in terms of logistics and security, and our navy will be able to ensure the safe transportation of all delegates.”

    “Furthermore, we already have excellent commercial relationships with the Alliance, Empire and Federation, and can therefore guarantee neutrality. Our recent philanthropic gesture at creating the Marlinist Colonies proves that we are an impartial, stabilising force for the whole galaxy.”

    Discussions regarding the conference have been ongoing in superpower and independent systems alike. Some leaders have decried it as a pointless exercise, while others view it as a rare opportunity for political cohesion.

    Sirius Corporation and Utopia’s propositions for a Galactic Summit are now being compared by potential attendees. However, Zachary Rackham’s offer to host the conference at the actual galactic summit of Rackham’s Peak is not being seriously considered.

  • November 4, 3307
  • New Marlinist Systems Request Emergency Food Supplies

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The newly settled Marlinist Colonies have asked for urgent deliveries of foodstuffs.

    Millions of Marlinists have relocated to eight systems colonised for them by the Sirius Corporation, thereby reducing tension between the Empire and the Federation. They have asked Universal Cartographics to delay a census of the systems’ populations, while the refugees lay the infrastructure for their new societies.

    The Marlinist factions are holding democratic elections to select their leaders. However, the transitional parliament has declared an emergency due to the shortage of food stocks.

    Community spokesperson Dr Jenna Fairfax announced:

    “We are grateful to the galactic community and Sirius Corporation for providing homes. However, we need further help to feed our people in the short term, until we can become self-sufficient.”

    “The more supplies we can stockpile, the faster our economies will develop. This in turn will allow us to offer greater commodity discounts, to encourage the establishment of regular trade routes.”

    Pilots are asked to deliver animal meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, and grain to Stillman Hub in the HIP 22550 system.

    As this system’s defence forces are still being formed, the Free Marlinists of Carinae have offered bounties on all wanted ships to secure these initial trade runs to the Marlinist Colonies.

  • January 8, 3307
  • Aegis Supports Galactic Summit

    The organisation Aegis has expressed support for Utopia’s offer to host a Galactic Summit for all three superpowers.

    Aegis was jointly formed by the Alliance, Empire and Federation to study the Thargoids, and develop new methods of monitoring and combating their forces.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, gave this statement:

    “Humanity’s focus on petty internal conflicts has blinded us to the existential threat of the Thargoids. Their recent horrific attacks should be a wake-up call to the fact that defunding has crippled Aegis’s ability to offer protection.”

    “We strongly entreat our founders to come together and channel resources toward Aegis, and particularly into research. There can be no hope of coexistence with this alien species unless we increase our understanding of them.”

    No official responses to Utopia’s proposal have been made as yet. However, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, Princess Aisling Duval and Shadow President Felicia Winters have all signalled broad approval of the idea. There are reports that many congressmen, councillors and senators are pressuring their respective leaders to attend the diplomatic conference.

    Simguru Pranav Antal has confirmed that the governments of independent systems will also be welcome to send delegates to the Galactic Summit. However, Utopia’s primary aim is to provide neutral territory for the Alliance, Empire and Federation to debate policies.

  • January 7, 3307
  • Thargoids Wreak Havoc in Nebulas

    Starports in the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas have been damaged during full-scale Thargoid incursions.

    An appeal by Aegis for anti-xeno support led to a concerted response from the galactic community. However, the Thargoid forces proved to be overwhelming and have attacked systems within the nebulas, with the loss of thousands of lives.

    Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison of Aegis, broadcast this message:

    “Despite the heroic efforts of many pilots, the alien ships have resisted being driven from the Witch Head Nebula.”

    “Aegis’s military capability and manpower are both severely limited as a result of curtailed funding from the Empire and the Federation. We have no choice but to rely on independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons as the first line of defence against the Thargoid threat.”

  • January 1, 3307
  • Utopia Invites Superpowers to Galactic Summit

    Simguru Pranav Antal, leader of the Utopia commune, has proposed hosting a diplomatic conference for the governments of all three superpowers.

    The intention is to provide a neutral location to discuss key issues such as the renewed Thargoid attacks, the Marlinist refugee crisis, and hostilities between the Empire and the Federation.

    Details have been sent to the Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate. Pranav Antal has also broadcast his invitation across all media channels:

    “It is not Utopia’s tradition to become involved with politics, but recent events are of great concern to us all. Interstellar war, terrorism, alien incursion and economic collapse are the new four dark horsemen that threaten humanity’s future.”

    “We therefore offer to host a Galactic Summit where the Alliance, Empire and Federation may debate these problems peacefully. My sincere hope is that the heads of state grasp this opportunity to resolve their differences and create solutions that benefit their peoples.”

    Utopia is an independent society with a focus on using highly advanced technology to increase quality of life. Should this Galactic Summit take place, it would be the first diplomatic meeting of all three superpower governments.

  • December 24, 3306
  • Alliance Shelters New Marlinist Refugees

    Tens of thousands of Marlinist refugees have claimed sanctuary in Alliance space, after emigrating from the Empire to avoid political persecution.

    In recent weeks, there has been a steady stream of ex-Imperial citizens arriving at Alliance systems, mostly travelling aboard small private vessels or in the holds of cargo ships.

    The humanitarian aid organisation Safeguard Interstellar reported that accommodation and basic necessities are being provided. Alliance Interpol is running stringent security checks for evidence that members of the NMLA terrorist group are present.

    The initial wave of refugees, which fled to the Federation, are currently preparing to populate a number of independent colonies established by the Sirius Corporation. However, these systems cannot yet provide harbour to the continuing exodus of Marlinists from the Empire.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon publicly welcomed the refugees, but there has been some dissent in the Alliance Assembly. Councillor Nakato Kaine, who is expected to be Mahon’s main rival in next year’s election, received widespread support for her views:

    “Naturally, we must provide these poor people with emergency aid, but there are practical limits to our resources. It is not our responsibility to solve the Empire’s domestic issues, and we have seen the Federation pay the price for sheltering terrorists. The Alliance cannot end up as the dumping ground for other superpowers’ problems.”

  • December 21, 3306
  • Terrorism Respite as Marlinists Prepare for New Homes

    As independent colonies are set up for Marlinist refugees, there has been a lull in terrorist strikes from the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA).

    In recent months, the paramilitary group launched multiple attacks across the Empire. Starports and administrative buildings were bombed and dozens of individuals assassinated, including Prince Harold and more distant members of the Duval family.

    However, the number of incidents has fallen drastically following successful operations by the Imperial Internal Security Service:

    “After the Federal Security Service identified NMLA members aboard the emigrants’ megaships, these were transferred to us for interrogation. We obtained information that enabled us to shut down many terrorist cells, although there is evidence that the NMLA’s network remains widespread.”

    In related news, hundreds of thousands of Marlinist refugees are preparing to occupy new colony systems established by the Sirius Corporation. Mass transportation will take place early next year, overseen by Safeguard Interstellar. The Empire, Federation and Sirius Gov have all agreed that the settlements will remain fully independent.

    The refugee population has already begun to determine its future social structure, based on the principles of Marlinism. A transitional parliament has been formed by community leaders such as Dr Jenna Fairfax, Aaron Whyte and Amrita Ross. Democratic elections for a representative government will take place once the Marlinist Colonies are operational.

  • December 17, 3306
  • Commodities Delivered to Build Marlinist Colonies

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Sirius Corporation has successfully gathered materials to construct new independent settlements for Marlinist emigrants.

    Both the Empire and the Federation accepted the proposal from Sirius Corporation to establish colonies for the political refugees, who have been the cause of increased tension between the superpowers.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui made this announcement:

    “As always, the galactic community’s immense contribution has made this achievement possible. The shipments of atmospheric processors, auto-fabricators, structural regulators and water purifiers will be used to construct new outposts and settlements in 8 uninhabited systems.”

    The Omega Merchant Command is now offering rewards at Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system to all pilots who delivered commodities.

    Aaron Whyte, a community leader among the refugees, commented on Vox Galactica:

    “I suppose we should be grateful that these colonies give us a chance of survival. But none of us wanted to set up our own kingdoms – only to remove the kings. And one day, we will.”

    The Marlinist population is expected to be transferred from Federal space to the new colonies in early 3307.

  • December 10, 3306
  • Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Commodities are requested to create new settlements for Marlinist refugees who fled from the Empire to the Federation.

    Sirius Corporation has offered to resolve the current standoff between superpowers by establishing colonies where the refugees can live independently.

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, summarised his proposal:

    “It is clear that the Marlinists cannot return to the Empire, and are a destabilising presence within the Federation. We offer an alternative by constructing permanent habitats for their population. These will be self-governed and may freely trade with the galactic community.”

    “Sirius cannot stand by while the risk of interstellar war increases. I sincerely hope this leads to a more stable and profitable period for us all.”

    After intense debate, both Congress and the Senate accepted the proposal, with the proviso that any refugees identified as NMLA members will be returned to the Empire.

    Dr Jenna Fairfax, a Marlinist community leader, also offered her approval:

    “We were forced to abandon our entire lives because of our political beliefs. This at least gives us a chance to have homes again.”

    Traders are asked to deliver atmospheric processors, auto-fabricators, structural regulators and water purifiers to Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system. From there, the Omega Merchant Command will distribute resources for the colonisation of up to ten uninhabited systems.

  • December 8, 3306
  • Marlinist Refugee Crisis Grows Critical

    Hundreds of thousands of political refugees who fled from the Empire to the Federation have brought both superpowers to the brink of conflict.

    The Marlinists, who believe in restructuring the Empire into a republic, escaped crackdowns in several Imperial systems during a hunt for Neo-Marlinist terrorists.

    The Federation has provided temporary safe haven for the refugees. However, security concerns proved to be justified when the NMLA bombed a Federal starport where captured members were being held.

    The Federal Security Service provided this update:

    “The Marlinists themselves have informed us of more individuals among them with NMLA connections. The risk of terrorism from this population is now low, although it’s impossible to know exactly how many have been radicalised.”

    There have been heated debates in Congress over granting citizenship to the Marlinists. President Hudson insisted that “all illegal aliens must be deported”, and has strengthened the Federal Navy as a defensive measure in light of the Empire’s warnings.

    Conversely, Shadow President Winters argued that “turning away starving refugees to face imprisonment and discrimination would be immoral”. She also noted that the same principles of democratic representation found in Marlinism are enshrined in the Federal Accord.

    This disagreement between the Republican and Liberal Parties has led to stalemate, with the fate of the Marlinists hanging in the balance.

  • Universal Increase to Combat Bond and Anti-Xeno Payouts

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The values of combat bonds and anti-xeno bonds have been increased, as factions focus on bolstering defences.

    Financial instability and the current political tensions have led to factions upscaling their rewards for combat bonds, as well as bonds received for destroying Thargoid vessels.

    These increases to anti-xeno and combat bonds will be in effect across Alliance, Federal, Imperial and independent space. They can be processed as usual at any starport offering the relevant services.

    This follows a turbulent period in many marketplaces that has impacted commodity prices, as well as producing a boost to the value of bounty vouchers.

    The changes were remarked upon by Professor Ophelia Kaufmann, head of economics at Orion Independent University:

    “As anticipated, the ongoing volatility of financial markets has led to further widespread revaluation. With heightened hostility between the Empire and the Federation, coupled with terrorist attacks and a resurgence in Thargoid activity, it is hardly surprising that every faction now places a greater premium on protecting their citizens.”

    “Although some may view the current tranche of changes as inevitable or overdue, there may well be additional revaluing in other fields as a result of competing market forces. The only certainty is of further uncertainty.”

  • December 3, 3306
  • Capital Ship Construction Initiatives Conclude

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Parallel campaigns in the Empire and the Federation to provide commodities for building new capital ships have ended.

    The Federal Navy’s construction programme was boosted by deliveries of building fabricators, microbial furnaces and energy grid assemblies. Contributing pilots can now collect their rewards at Schweickart City in the Parutis system.

    As a result, 5 newly completed Farragut-class Battle Cruisers will become operational within a matter of days. They are expected to be patrolling in several Federal systems including Atropos, Iman Caber, LHS 142, LFT 367 and Wolf 25.

    The Imperial Navy is also rewarding all traders who delivered building fabricators, microbial furnaces and energy grid assemblies for use in its shipyards. Payments can be collected from Miyasaka Orbital in the Mandh system.

    It has been confirmed that 4 new Majestic-class Interdictors will shortly join the fleet. Filed flight plans suggest that their shakedown cruises will take place in the Chimechilo, Orannika, Theta Indi and Zelano systems.

    As well as capital ships, Federal Congress and the Imperial Senate have both increased funding for other military operations, including support vessels and ground forces.

  • November 27, 3306
  • The Shadow of War

    NMLA terrorist attacks and the Marlinist refugee crisis have driven an increase in military spending from both the Empire and the Federation.

    The Federal Times has reported on President Zachary Hudson’s actions:

    “Building on the public outcry following the Neo-Marlinist bombing of a Federal starport, President Hudson has positioned himself once again as the Federation’s strongman. This is clearly a calculated effort to regain political power after negative associations from the Starship One trial.”

    “Shadow President Felicia Winters’s acceptance of Marlinist refugees has lost popularity, now that terrorists concealed among them have murdered thousands. However, cooler heads in Congress agree that provoking the Empire could lead to a far greater death toll.”

    The Empire’s response mirrored its counterpart, as observed by The Imperial Herald:

    “As well as the construction of new capital ships, Senator Denton Patreus has also ordered the withdrawal of funding for Aegis. The Senate’s consensus is that since Thargoid activity has reduced, the focus should now be on the Federation as well as the internal threat of the NMLA.”

    “Cooperation between the superpowers is rapidly coming to an end, leading to a state of interstellar brinkmanship. There is a real possibility that the Neo-Marlinists’ demand for revolutionary change may have broader repercussions than they intended.”

  • November 26, 3306
  • Empire and Federation Increase Capital Ship Production

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Federal and Imperial Navies have both requested commodities for the construction of new capital ships.

    President Zachary Hudson has convinced Congress to increase funding for the Federal Navy, and to advance the construction programme for Farragut-class Battle Cruisers. In a powerful address, he said:

    “Defending the Federation is our highest priority in these uncertain times. It is vital that we reinforce our capability to protect the people from all threats.”

    The Federal Navy urgently requires additional resources to meet the new shipbuilding timetable. Deliveries of building fabricators, microbial furnaces and energy grid assemblies are requested at Schweickart City in the Parutis system.

    A similar declaration was made in the Imperial Senate mere hours later, when Senator Denton Patreus announced:

    “We face adversaries on all sides and from within, eager to corrupt and destroy our proud Empire. This is a time to bolster our strength and our resolve.”

    The Imperial Navy confirmed that new Majestic-class Interdictors and other military vessels are being assembled. A request has been made for shipments of building fabricators, microbial furnaces and energy grid assemblies to Miyasaka Orbital in the Mandh system.

  • November 23, 3306
  • Commodity Prices Affected by Market Volatility

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Volatile trading markets have caused widespread price changes on several commodities, with a focus on the mining sector.

    Alongside general market instability, unprecedented stock levels for a range of mined materials such as painite – once the gold standard of many systems – mean they now have uncertain futures.

    Many financial experts predicted this correction to the markets, and saw it as an inevitable change. Others see this as a direct result of escalating tensions between the Empire and the Federation, with a few dismissing it as a minor anomaly and that prices will rapidly return to normal.

    Professor Ophelia Kaufmann, head of economics at Orion Independent University, observed:

    “There is certainly historical precedent for volatile markets during periods of political instability. Whatever the real cause or outlook in the short term, commodity values have become far more susceptible to market forces.”

    “This is a notoriously difficult field in which to make predictions, but it is likely that prices for some lower-value goods may increase. The only certainty is of further fluctuations, but their severity will largely depend on how the precarious situation between superpowers is resolved.”

  • November 20, 3306
  • Superpowers React to Latest NMLA Strike

    Relations between the Empire and the Federation have deteriorated following a terror attack by Neo-Marlinists against a Federal starport.

    Kepler Orbital in the Atropos system was bombed by the NMLA to eliminate several of its captured members, before they could reveal anything under interrogation by the Federal Security Service.

    Imperial Ambassador Imogen Luciana made this statement:

    “The NMLA was obviously able to make use of its bomb-making factories within the LTT 1935 system. If the Federation had not resisted our investigation, we would have shut these down and prevented the attack.”

    “Our warning about the extremist threat went unheeded, and the Federation is now paying the price. We once again insist that all Marlinists are repatriated to the Empire.”

    Ambassador Jordan Rochester has not responded, but did confirm that Federal embassies in several Imperial systems have closed after violent anti-Marlinist protests placed diplomatic staff’s lives at risk.

    In Congress, Vice President Brad Mitchell directly blamed Shadow President Felicia Winters for the recent attack. He accused her of “laying out the welcome mat for terrorists” by offering sanctuary to the Marlinists. Other congressmen argued that she had prioritised aid for Imperial rather than Federal citizens.

    There is evidence that Winters is now losing some of her recently gained political capital. However, the Liberal Party’s popularity remains high in the wake of President Hudson’s alleged association with the destruction of Starship One.

  • November 18, 3306
  • Terrorists Identified Among Marlinist Refugees

    A screening process for Marlinist asylum-seekers arriving in the Federation has located several members of the NMLA terrorist group.

    Vice President Brad Mitchell personally initiated a Federal Security Service operation to uncover any Neo-Marlinist extremists concealed among the refugee population.

    The Vice President delivered this report to Congress:

    “After standard ID scans flagged up some potential suspects, FSS officers employed more vigorous checks and interview techniques. They found nine individuals who were active members of the NMLA.”

    “The terrorists have been transported to secure facilities for further interrogation, after which they will be handed over to Imperial authorities. Our security services remain vigilant against this danger that the Liberal Party has invited into our communities.”

    Vox Galactica featured a statement by Marlinist community leader Dr Jenna Fairfax:

    “I am horrified to learn of NMLA hiding among us. These killers do not represent the principles of Marlinism, and we are happy to cooperate in expelling them.”

    In related news, protestors on several Federal worlds have warned of increased crime, terrorism and economic damage unless all refugees are sent back to the Empire. Counter-protests have called for the Marlinists to be welcomed as fellow believers in democratic government.

  • November 16, 3306
  • Emperor Decides Hadrian Duval’s Status

    Princess Aisling Duval’s request for her cousin, Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval, to be accepted into the Imperial Family has been denied.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s decision was delivered to the Senate by Chancellor Anders Blaine:

    “Her Majesty acknowledges that Hadrian is a Duval by blood, and offers royal pardons to him and his followers for previous crimes against the Empire. However, she does not bestow upon him the title of prince, nor offer any formal position within the Imperial Family.”

    Aisling Duval and Hadrian Duval both expressed disappointment, but agreed to accept the decree. The Senate has now ratified the Treaty of Paresa, which removes Nova Imperium’s outlaw status in return for accepting Emperor Arissa’s rule and contributing to operations against the NMLA.

    The Imperial Herald’s political journalist Cassia Carvalho commented:

    “This surprisingly even-handed judgement is widely seen as bowing to pressure from the Senate, where there is much loyalty to Aisling Duval. Some interpret it as atonement – or regaining political goodwill – for the purge of Nova Imperium in 3305, which included the execution of several senators.”

    “The image this projects is of an Empire coming together against the greater threat posed by Neo-Marlinists. But there is speculation that an alliance between the two youngest Duvals may one day challenge the Emperor for the throne.”

  • November 12, 3306
  • Federal System Resists Imperial Takeover

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Federation has successfully maintained control of the LTT 1935 system, following a battle against local Imperial forces. The conflict was caused by an Imperial investigation that traced deliveries of bomb-making materials from this system to an NMLA workshop.

    Colonel Ernest Harris of the LTT 1935 Confederacy stated:

    “The LTT 1935 system remains part of the Federation, now that we have defended against the Empire’s attempt to take control. Our citizens have been saved from the indignities of Imperial interrogation.”

    “In gratitude to the Federal auxiliaries and independent pilots who helped support our freedom, rewards are now available at Wolf Port .”

    There was also a message from Captain Axel Cyprian of the L.Y.S Corp:

    “This is a serious setback in our war against the NMLA terrorists, who the Federation seem eager to protect. Nevertheless, for all those courageous pilots who flew on our behalf, we can offer generous payments from Strength of Purpose.”