Galactic News

  • February 16, 3308
  • Arissa Retakes the Imperial Throne

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has attended a public ceremony following her year-long abduction by the Lords of Restoration.

    Her proclamation from Trasken Square, standing before millions of Capitol’s citizens and flanked by legions of Imperial Guard, was broadcast across all channels:

    “To those who protected the Empire during my enforced absence, I offer my deepest gratitude. My trusted chancellor, senators and security agencies are to be commended.”

    “To those who dared to attack Imperial citizens, who dared to impersonate me and mislead my people…who took the lives of my family. Know this: there will be no place to hide from my wrath.”

    “And to all citizens who may fear these uncertain times, I vow that your Emperor will lead you into the glorious future that is ours by right.”

    Subsequent messages from the Imperial Palace praised ACT and its supporters for their work in freeing Arissa and destroying the NMLA. Princess Aisling Duval was also thanked for her dedication to finding out the truth, although some newsfeeds have noted that Aisling would hold a strong claim on a vacated throne.

  • February 14, 3308
  • ACT Exposes the Lords of Restoration

    The Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit has unveiled a secret cabal of Imperial senators who masterminded the NMLA’s terrorist activity.

    The information was obtained after ACT successfully penetrated the NMLA’s dark-comms network. Captain Saskia Landau provided this summary to the media:

    “Senators Gereon, Jourdain, Nerva, Scordato and Torquatus were at the heart of a powerful conspiracy to permanently remove the position of Emperor. They called themselves the Lords of Restoration, based on their aim to restore executive power to the Senate.”

    “The NMLA became their terroristic agents, weaponised to assassinate the Duvals and other obstacles. Its members were militarised at Darkwater training camps and provided with sophisticated equipment by corrupt Imperial Intelligence agents. But the Lords could never fully control the terrorist figurehead Theta Seven, whose attacks against non-Imperial starports were not part of their original plan.”

    “Marlinism was also exploited as a political lever. The hope was that, compared to this democratic ideology, citizens would view a senator-led Empire as a moderate compromise once the Imperial Family was gone. While this led to the establishment of the Marlinist Colonies, the Lords’ later attempts to influence those systems via puppet politicians did not succeed.”

    “Following the assassinations of Prince Harold and other Duvals, the Lords abducted Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval in January 3307. She was kidnapped en route to a secure location, with Senator Nerva falsifying confirmation of her safe arrival. This allowed the Lords to engineer communications with the Senate via a virtual doppelganger, which were accepted as genuine since they were verified by Imperial Intelligence agents.”

    ACT is working closely with Imperial security agencies to identify all those who collaborated with the Lords of Restoration.

  • February 9, 3308
  • Arissa Rescued from Year-Long Captivity

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has been found alive after being secretly imprisoned by the private military firm Darkwater Inc.

    The Imperial Herald published a special report on recent events:

    “The absence of the Emperor from public life for over a year has prompted much speculation. The Senate claimed that she was being kept safe from assassination attempts by the NMLA, and that they remained in contact with her.”

    “In truth, she was being held captive by the NMLA’s secret benefactors. This group of Imperial senators referred to themselves as the Lords of Restoration. They were revealed only after ACT recruited independent pilots to help decipher the terrorists’ dark-comms network.”

    “Chancellor Blaine immediately ordered the Imperial Guard into battle against Darkwater soldiers. A ship fleeing from the Summerland system was intercepted, aboard which was a cryogenic pod containing the Emperor herself. She was swiftly returned to Capitol, and is currently under the care of the Imperial Palace medical team.”

    “The IISS has launched a security operation based on ACT’s information. This reveals that groups within the Senate, Darkwater and Imperial Intelligence formed a long-running conspiracy to fund and empower the NMLA. Senators Alberto Gereon, Karl Nerva, Ursula Torquatus and several others have been placed under arrest.”

    “ACT has stated that it will provide additional information soon.”

  • February 1, 3308
  • ACT Defies Imperial Decree

    The Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit is actively investigating Imperial Intelligence, despite the Senate ordering it to cease operations.

    Inspector Mara Klatt, one of ACT’s co-leaders, told the media:

    “We are convinced that elements within Imperial Intelligence provided support to the NMLA. Our view is that a modified version of the Omega Grid software was supplied to the terrorists, allowing them to build their own dark-comms network. Thanks to Captain Saskia Landau’s inside knowledge, we are learning how to detect a unique identifier associated with the network employed by the NMLA.”

    “Our actions may have political repercussions, but this taskforce is dedicated to finding and destroying the NMLA. We must follow the trail wherever it leads.”

    Civil and military leaders in the Empire have reacted with outrage, including Senator Zemina Torval:

    “Are we expected to risk our citizens’ lives by letting our security services be compromised? How might the Alliance or Federation respond if we attempted to hack into Interpol or the FIA?”

    However, a plea for cooperation was made by Princess Aisling Duval:

    “If nefarious groups within our Empire have helped the NMLA, we must uncover the truth. I firmly believe that the Emperor herself remains in danger, and ACT might help us to learn her fate.”

  • December 6, 3308
  • Arissa Addresses the Empire

    The Imperial Senate has shared a personal message from Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, who has been in a secure location for nearly a year.

    The brief statement was broadcast on all public channels:

    “Citizens of the Empire, be assured that your Emperor is alive and well. I regret that my temporary seclusion has lasted for so long, but I have remained in contact with the Senate during this time.”

    “I was advised to depart from Capitol when Imperial Intelligence warned me about a legitimate NMLA assassination attempt, and of Marlinist sympathisers within the highest levels of our government. Once the work of this loyal agency is complete, I will continue my work in leading us toward a prosperous future.”

    Eye on Achenar reported that this address was “welcomed by a relieved Empire”, adding that it was vital to “root out all Marlinist traitors”. The Imperial Herald noted that the Emperor seemed to absolve Imperial Intelligence of the allegations that it was secretly enabling the NMLA.

    However, a caution was sounded by Princess Aisling Duval:

    “Arissa has communicated with the Senate in the same manner for months, so this changes nothing. Only a public appearance will alleviate my concerns regarding her wellbeing. I would be delighted to host a suitable event if she will accept my invitation to attend in person.”

  • December 1, 3308
  • Federal Government Plans for the Future

    President Zachary Hudson has delivered a speech to Congress on maintaining security for the Federation in the coming years.

    Excerpts from his address include the following:

    “In the last year, we have excelled at protecting Federal citizens from harm. The Proactive Detection Bureau proved its worth in locating terrorists before they could strike, and our security services played an instrumental role in the NMLA’s defeat.”

    “3308 is already bringing many challenges. The war against the Thargoids could escalate at any time, and we face the challenge of replacing Aegis with our own anti-xeno taskforce. We are also deeply concerned about increased infighting within the Alliance and Empire, which could easily spill over into our territory.”

    “My administration is holding high-level discussions about how best to keep the Federation strong and secure. We will soon make some brave proposals to continue meeting our people’s constitutional right to safety.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters delivered this rebuttal:

    “President Hudson fails to mention his disastrous attempt to capture Yuri Grom, his former fleet admiral’s criminal conviction for destroying Starship One, or that his surveillance laws forced several systems to declare independence. I would argue that under his leadership, the Federation has never been weaker or less secure.”

  • January 20, 3308
  • Caine-Massey remporte le contrat de minage

    Alerte du Cercle des pilotes

    La société Caine-Massey a battu Torval Mining Ltd et garde le contrat de minage du système Dulos.

    Des campagnes rivales ont été menées par les deux adversaires pour les droits de fournir du minerai et des matériaux minés à de nombreuses filiales locales.

    Johann Fleischer, vice-président de Caine-Massey, a déclaré leur victoire :

    « Nous souhaitons remercier le grand nombre de pilotes qui ont livré de la bromellite, du samarium et de la gallite. Grâce à vos efforts, notre contrat a été renouvelé pour une nouvelle décennie. J'aime à penser que nous avons également protégé l'honneur de la Fédération en freinant les plans de l'Empire. »

    Des récompenses sont désormais disponibles pour les contributeurs de Caine-Massey, qui peuvent les récupérer à Smith Port dans le système Dulos.

    Torval Mining Ltd a également reçu de nombreuses livraisons de matériaux mais en quantités insuffisantes pour sécuriser le contrat. Constantia Torval a confirmé que les pilotes qui ont soutenu leur initiative peuvent récupérer leurs paiements à bord du méga-vaisseau Pride of Bitterwood.

  • Caine-Massey Wins Mining Contract

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Caine-Massey corporation has beaten Torval Mining Ltd to retain a mining contract in the Dulos system.

    Competing campaigns were waged by the two rivals for the rights to supply ore and mined materials to many local subsidiaries.

    Johann Fleischer, vice president of Caine-Massey, declared their victory:

    “We wish to thank the large number of pilots who delivered bromellite, samarium and gallite. Thanks to your hard work, our contract has been renewed for another decade. I like to think that we have also secured the honour of the Federation by stalling the Empire’s plans.”

    Rewards for contributors to Caine-Massey are now available for collection at Smith Port in the Dulos system.

    Torval Mining Ltd also received many deliveries of materials but in insufficient quantities to secure the contract. Constantia Torval has confirmed that the pilots who supported their initiative can collect payment at the Pride of Bitterwood megaship.

  • The Missing Emperor?

    Princess Aisling Duval has discussed growing concerns over Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s lack of public engagements in recent months.

    In an interview with The Imperial Herald, she said:

    “Chancellor Blaine assures us that the Emperor has been kept in seclusion for nearly a year to protect her from the NMLA. But why has this prevented the Empire’s ruler from engaging with her citizens? After all, Hadrian Duval and his family were placed under the same senatorial protection without disappearing altogether.”

    “We know that the Emperor has communicated with the Senate on various matters during this time. Government channels are generally trusted thanks to Imperial Intelligence’s verification protocols. But Captain Landau’s recent testimony, which links Imperial Intelligence to the NMLA, has me concerned. How can I be sure that a breach to our most secure networks wasn’t responsible for the location and murder of my father, Prince Harold?”

    “Until Arissa appears in person, it is irresponsible to assume her safety is guaranteed. I will be most relieved to have my fears proved wrong.”

    Chancellor Anders Blaine responded:

    “With the greatest respect to Princess Duval, I have never had cause to believe that Her Majesty the Emperor is in any danger from her own security agencies. Her imminent return to public life should alleviate such concerns.”

  • January 18, 3308
  • Superpowers Plan to Replace Aegis

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have accepted the Baumann Report’s recommendation to permanently shut down Aegis.

    The independent inquiry’s findings on the organisation’s failings will result in Aegis being immediately shut down. However, Chief Administrator Carter Armstrong has cautioned that “full demobilisation of staff, ships and resources might take several months”.

    Senator Denton Patreus has successfully obtained senatorial approval for an increased military budget, to allow the Imperial Navy to directly take on the role played by Aegis.

    Fleet Admiral Tayo Maikori likewise confirmed that the Federal Congress has ordered the creation of a new naval strike force. On his own authority he has also commissioned an investigation into Salvation, following Ram Tah’s testimony regarding the nature of the anti-xeno superweapon.

    Admiral Nikolas Glass, who was recently appointed to the Council of Admirals, stated that the Alliance Defence Force and Sirius Navy will work in conjunction to fulfil Aegis’s purpose.

    Xenological research laboratories set up by Professor Alba Tesreau will now transfer their work to specialist departments in the Holloway Bioscience Institute, Imperial Science Academy and Olympus Village University. In 3304 the Thargoids made targeted strikes against Aegis’s labs, but all three institutions have made assurances that the new locations will have the highest security.

  • January 17, 3308
  • Le Sénat bloque l'enquête de l'UAA

    Des rumeurs affirment que le Sénat impérial empêche les tentatives d'examiner un lien potentiel entre les services de sécurité impériaux et l'ALNM.

    La capitaine Saskia Landau a publiquement affirmé que le réseau de communication clandestin des terroristes est étroitement lié au Réseau Oméga utilisé exclusivement par les renseignements impériaux. Elle a approfondi sa théorie dans une déclaration à Vox Galactica :

    « D'après les preuves et les transcriptions des interrogatoires obtenues par l'UAA, je pense que des éléments rebelles au sein des renseignements impériaux ont entraîné et ont fourni de l'équipement à l'ALNM. Cela expliquerait le niveau de sophistication qu'ils ont atteint en coordonnant leurs attaques des spatioports et en communiquant sans se faire repérer.

    Il y a certainement assez de preuves circonstancielles pour justifier une enquête spécifique. Mais le Sénat refuse d'autoriser cela, ce qui me fait me demander ce qu'ils essaient de cacher. »

    Le sénateur Karl Nerva a réitéré : « Il est temps pour l'UAA de se dissoudre et de rendre les ressources indispensables à l'Empire, là où elles doivent être. »

    Cependant, le sénateur Caspian Leopold a répondu : « Pour atténuer tout manque de confiance en nos services de sécurité, nous devrions examiner rigoureusement l'allégation du capitaine Landau. Nos citoyens doivent se rassurer : les renseignements impériaux existent uniquement pour leur protection. »

  • Senate Blocks ACT Investigation

    There are claims that the Imperial Senate is preventing efforts to examine a potential link between the Empire’s security services and the NMLA.

    Captain Saskia Landau has publicly stated that the terrorists’ dark-comms network is closely related to the Omega Grid system used exclusively by Imperial Intelligence. She expanded on her theory in a statement to Vox Galactica:

    “Based on evidence and interrogation transcripts obtained by ACT, I believe that rogue elements within Imperial Intelligence were training and providing equipment to the NMLA. This would help explain the level of sophistication they achieved in coordinating their starport attacks and communicating without detection.”

    “There is certainly enough circumstantial proof to warrant a dedicated investigation. But the Senate is refusing to authorise this, which makes me wonder what they are trying to hide.”

    Senator Karl Nerva reiterated: “It is time for ACT to devolve and return much-needed resources to the Empire where they belong.”

    However, Senator Caspian Leopold responded: “To alleviate any lack of confidence in our security services, we should examine Captain Landau’s allegation rigorously. Our citizens must be reassured that Imperial Intelligence exists solely for their protection.”

  • January 13, 3308
  • Corporations Compete for Mining Contract

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Caine-Massey and Torval Mining Ltd are running rival campaigns to deliver mined commodities to the Dulos system.

    For the past decade, the megacorp Caine-Massey has supplied ore and other raw materials to several subsidiaries in the region. But with the contract up for renewal, Torval Mining Ltd is making a bid for the lucrative business.

    Constantia Torval, operations director for the Empire-based company, outlined the initiative:

    “We are calling upon pilots to provide the following mined materials: bromellite, samarium and gallite. These should be delivered to the Pride of Bitterwood in the Dulos system. Your assistance will directly support our proposal to win this contract and expand our entire enterprise.”

    Caine-Massey published a similar request from its vice president, Johann Fleischer:

    “The citizens within this region deserve a high standard of service, and we aim to continue meeting their needs. The Green Party of Dulos, acting on our behalf, shall offer generous rewards for shipments of mined bromellite, samarium and gallite delivered to Smith Port in the Dulos system.”

    The corporate distributors within the region have agreed that whichever candidate is able to provide the greatest amount of materials will be awarded the contract for the next decade.

  • January 11, 3308
  • Torval Mining défie Caine-Massey

    L'entreprise de la sénatrice Zemina Torval tente de remporter un contrat d'extraction minière précédemment accordé à la corporation Caine-Massey.

    L'accord affecte plusieurs entreprises opérant du côté du système Dulos et à la périphérie de l'espace fédéral, et qui se procurent depuis une décennie du minerai et d'autres matières premières auprès de Caine-Massey. Torval Mining Ltd a officiellement déposé un dossier pour l'appel d'offres de ce contrat arrivé à échéance.

    Constantia Torval, directrice des opérations de l'entreprise et fille de Zemina Torval, a fait la déclaration suivante :

    « Les services que nous fournissons à l'Empire nous ont permis de connaître un succès aussi rapide que phénoménal. Nous voyons dans cette opportunité la chance de toucher un plus grand nombre de clients et de les convaincre de l'intérêt de faire appel à Torval Mining. »

    Johann Fleischer, vice-président de Caine-Massey, a rétorqué :

    « Notre corporation est fière de ses origines fédérales et de fournir depuis de nombreuses années à ces systèmes les ressources dont ils ont besoin pour se développer. La candidature de Torval Mining n'est rien d'autre que la manœuvre d'une sénatrice impériale visant à asseoir son influence au détriment des intérêts fédéraux. »

    La Federal Commerce Authority s'est prononcée sur la demande d'intervention formulée par Caine-Massey. Son enquête préliminaire a reconnu le caractère hostile de la proposition déposée par Torval Mining, mais souligne l'absence de clause d'exclusivité empêchant les entreprises concernées d'engager des négociations avec un fournisseur impérial à l'expiration du contrat avec Caine-Massey.

  • Torval Mining Challenges Caine-Massey

    The company owned by Senator Zemina Torval is attempting to acquire a mining contract previously awarded to the Caine-Massey corporation.

    The agreement affects multiple corporations on the fringes of Federal space around the Dulos system, who for the last decade have purchased mined ore and other raw materials directly from Caine-Massey. With the contract up for renewal, Torval Mining Ltd has made an official bid.

    An announcement was made by Constantia Torval, the company’s operations director and daughter of Zemina Torval:

    “We have enjoyed enormous success in a short space of time by providing services to the Empire. This is an opportunity to reach a broader customer base, and convince them that they too can benefit from Torval Mining’s expertise.”

    Johann Fleischer, the vice president of Caine-Massey, remarked:

    “Our corporation is proud of its origins within the Federation, and we have supplied these systems with resources for many years. This is a surreptitious attempt by an Imperial senator to boost her own standing by hijacking Federal business.”

    The Federal Commerce Authority has responded to Caine-Massey’s request for intervention. An initial review found that, while it recognises the aggression of the Torval Mining claims, there is no exclusivity clause in place that prevents the companies in question from holding talks with an Imperial supplier now Caine-Massey’s contract term is expiring.

  • January 7, 3308
  • Imperial Intelligence Denies NMLA Connection

    Senators have refuted ACT’s claim that the NMLA made use of official but highly secret Imperial communications devices.

    Captain Saskia Landau maintains that the terrorist group’s dark-comms network was very similar to the Omega Grid, an undetectable messaging system used exclusively by Imperial Intelligence.

    Senator Karl Nerva told the media:

    “In her desperation to seek out the NMLA, Captain Landau is chasing shadows. Imperial Intelligence must operate under total secrecy, but I assure you that this ‘Omega Grid’ is just as much of an invention to discredit the Empire as Serene Harbour was.”

    “Landau has overstepped her authority with these outlandish accusations. I once again propose that ACT be disbanded and its operatives returned to normal duties.”

    The Imperial Herald reported that other senators are calling for Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval to overrule those who are blocking ACT’s investigation. The newsfeed highlighted that she did not attend any functions in person during the past year, and has not broadcast any public messages.

    In response, Chancellor Anders Blaine gave this statement:

    “Her Majesty was placed under secure protection in early 3307 after several failed assassination attempts by the NMLA. She has been communicating remotely with the Senate on all official business, but does plan to return to Capitol very soon.”

  • January 4, 3308
  • Whistleblower Reveals Imperial Link to NMLA

    A potential connection between the NMLA’s dark-comms network and Imperial Intelligence has been made public by one of ACT’s co-leaders.

    Captain Saskia Landau sent a personal statement to all major media outlets:

    “The majority of my career has been with the Imperial Internal Security Service, but I was seconded for a year to a classified project run by Imperial Intelligence. To coordinate their operations, they use a sophisticated communications system known as the Omega Grid. This is designed to avoid detection or interception by enemies of the Empire.”

    “I have reviewed ACT’s research into the NMLA’s dark-comms network and can verify its similarity to Omega Grid technology. Since this is exclusively under Imperial Intelligence’s control, it suggests that an individual or group within the organisation was making it available to the NMLA.”

    “I’m aware that revealing this information publicly may end my career or even endanger my life. Nevertheless, I have shared my findings with ACT’s leadership, and call upon the Imperial Senate to open an independent investigation into this evidence.”

    As yet there has been no response from Imperial Intelligence or the Senate. However, several agents of the IISS have anonymously spoken to reporters from The Imperial Herald, verifying that the Omega Grid system does exist and has been in use for many years.

  • January 1, 3308
  • Duvals Gather to Celebrate New Year

    Princess Aisling Duval marked the start of 3308 by introducing her cousin Hadrian Duval, his wife and their newborn son to Imperial high society.

    Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios broadcast a report on the event:

    “It’s an annual tradition for Princess Aisling to invite the great and the good to her palace on Emerald, although the tragic loss of her father in 3306 meant that last year’s gathering was cancelled. This year she made up for it with a sumptuous, glittering celebration of the kind that we Imperials are famed for.”

    “For the first time, Hadrian Duval and Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval were in attendance. This youthful couple were surprisingly charming for a pair who would once have been arrested on sight. They entertained guests with stories of trading and fighting aboard tiny ships, from the days when their only title was Commander.”

    “However, the real guest of honour spent most of his time asleep, oblivious to the colossal attention he drew. Yes, baby Hector made his very first public appearance, having been born while his parents were under senatorial protection. Many dignitaries insisted on having their image recorded beside the ‘future Emperor’, a phrase one could hear being murmured throughout the palace.”

    “But what of the current Emperor? Unlike Hadrian’s family, Arissa Lavigny-Duval remains in seclusion and only communicates remotely with the Senate. Now that the terrorists have been quelled, surely the time has come for Her Imperial Majesty to reappear before her loyal subjects?”

  • December 31, 3307
  • A Retrospective of 3307 (Part Four)

    The last in a series that reviews the events of the past year, by noted historian Sima Kalhana.

    “October brought further controversy for the Federation, when a diplomatic conference in the Delta Pavonis system was revealed to be a honey trap designed to capture Yuri Grom. Only a rush of support for EG Union allowed their ruler to escape, causing political embarrassment for President Hudson.”

    “There was more corporate drama when Zemina Torval relinquished her long-held majority sharehold of Mastopolos Mining, fuelling rumours of a family rift with her cousins. Torval Mining Ltd became a fully independent corporation run by her daughter Constantia.”

    “The Colonia Bridge project officially started the first of two phases this year which would see the construction of 56 megaships between the Alcor and Colonia systems. Brewer Corporation enjoyed great public support for improving this travel corridor along the 22,000 light year journey, and revealed plans to enhance it further in the new year.”

    “Hadrian Duval, his wife Lady Astrid and their unborn child were the specific targets of another starport bombing by the NMLA. It proved unsuccessful, but did result in the Imperial Senate offering them protection in order to secure the Duval bloodline. It also led to a manhunt for Theta Seven, the galaxy’s most wanted terrorist.”

    “In November, Orion University claimed that the dredger occupied by the Scriveners Clan was legally their property, but the nomadic descendants of its original crew refused to give up their home. The stand-off caught the public attention, with some supporting the clan’s right to independence and others keen to discover what their Knowledge Core contained. Ultimately the Scriveners retained their freedom, sailing off into the void with their secrets intact.”

    “Many were shocked when Admiral Tanner, Aegis’s military chief, went rogue and tried to force access to a starport controlled by Salvation’s allies. His conviction that the anti-xeno superweapons were responsible for provoking the Thargoids was, however, not enough to win the day.”

    “The NMLA threw everything they had at the Mudhrid system in an attempt to rescue Theta Seven, who was hiding among the Far God cult to avoid capture. But the terrorists were crushed by ACT and a coalition of ships, with Theta Seven martyring himself by destroying the hijacked megaship Sacrosanct.”

    “A happier event in December was the birth of Hector Duval, son and heir of Hadrian and Lady Astrid. There were celebrations across the Empire, but also questions asked about the future of the Duval dynasty and if the child might one day inherit the Imperial throne.”

    “The year ended as it had begun, with Thargoid vessels swarming into nebula systems. But with incursions steadily increasing over recent months, there were fears that this time they might prove unstoppable. Salvation’s superweapons were once again deployed to halt the aliens’ progress, but will they be enough to prevent the Thargoids from threatening humanity in 3308?”

  • December 29, 3307
  • A Retrospective of 3307 (Part Two)

    Continuing a series of articles by historian Sima Kalhana that look at the most newsworthy events during the past year.

    “April 3307 saw the creation of the Federation’s Proactive Detection Bureau in reaction to the Nine Martyrs bombings. This organisation monitored all public and private communications for evidence of terrorists, to prevent similar attacks in future. But its highly controversial nature would soon present the Federation with new challenges.”

    “ACT’s investigation led them to the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, which had helped deliver the caustic enzyme bombs to their nine targets. The faction’s defeat was an early victory against the NMLA, but much of the organisation remained a mystery.”

    “When the ‘ghost ship’ Adamastor began receiving an encoded signal, this began an entire saga of mysteries. Its long-lost sister ship, the Hesperus, was soon located by pilots who had been recruited by an anonymous figure named Salvation. His interest in Azimuth Biochemicals, the 200 year old corporation that owned both vessels, would bring a strange twist to the ongoing Thargoid conflict.”

    “In May, Hadrian Duval was targeted by Federal forces after accusations that he was the mastermind behind the NMLA. The spectre of Empire-Federation war rose once again as Nova Imperium successfully defended itself, but ACT concluded that evidence had been falsified to implicate Hadrian and his new wife Lady Astrid.”

    “Aegis came under intense scrutiny when the megaship Alexandria, laden with newly collected Guardian artefacts, began attracting Thargoids in every system it jumped to. The Alexandria later vanished completely in hyperspace, and to this day remains missing presumed destroyed.”

    “The Alliance election finally took place at the end of May, having been delayed by three months due to the Galactic Summit. Councillor Nakato Kaine fought a spirited campaign, but Edmund Mahon was re-elected to serve a second term as prime minister.”

    “Supporters of Neo-Marlinism gained a voice in June, when Minister Aaron Whyte offered a peace deal with the Empire to prevent further terrorism. The idea of a political wing of the NMLA gained support from those fearing further bombings, but opened major rifts within the Marlinist Colonies.”

    “Salvation once again contacted pilots to track down survivors from the Hesperus. This led to the discovery of an ancient Guardian-Thargoid battleground, where Azimuth scientists had built a research base around their vessel Proteus. All were killed by unusual experiments into weaponising Guardian crystals.”

    “The Proactive Detection Bureau had been generally accepted by Federal citizens, but many claimed it was a violation of civil liberties. Halfway through the year, the Azaladshu Free faction took the bold step of seceding from the Federation, thus triggering the possibility of mass rebellion.”