Galactic News

  • March 17, 3307
  • Anti-NMLA Intelligence Unit Formed

    The Alliance, Empire and Federation have created a centralised agency dedicated to investigating and eliminating the NMLA paramilitary group.

    The new Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit (ACT) is a direct result of the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, which was signed at the Galactic Summit.

    This treaty requires the superpowers to share information on any large-scale threats to civilian populations. With a combined death toll rising over half a million, the recent starport bombings have obtained such status.

    ACT will be jointly led by the veterans of the tri-superpower taskforce that defeated the League of Reparation in 3304: Captain Niamh Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service, Inspector Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol, and Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez of the Federal Intelligence Agency.

    Captain Seutonia gave a brief statement:

    “ACT is an independent organisation dedicated to bringing the NMLA to justice. We will draw resources from Alliance, Empire and Federation security forces and elsewhere.”

    “However, we foresee the need for even larger numbers of dedicated personnel. Therefore, we have contacted the Pilots Federation for permission to invite independent pilots to gather information for us when necessary.”

    Pilots are advised that civilians still require transportation from damaged starports in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam, Rhea and Sol systems.

  • March 15, 3307
  • Superpowers Respond to ‘Nine Martyrs’ Attack

    Political fallout has been intense after the NMLA simultaneously bombed nine starports in the Alliance, Empire and Federation.

    The targeted stations are in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam, Rhea and Sol systems. These were referred to by NMLA propaganda as the ‘Nine Martyrs’, a reference to the attack against Kepler Orbital last November.

    All three superpowers are treating this as a major emergency. Top-level discussions have taken place between their chiefs of security, using communication protocols recently established at the Galactic Summit.

    However, mainstream media has also reported on internal political tensions.

    The Imperial Herald: “Senator Patreus proposed that all known Marlinists be arrested immediately as NMLA collaborators. He received a direct rebuke from Chancellor Blaine, who said ‘Her Majesty views your blunt tactics as having been counter-productive, and requires more creative solutions.’”

    The Federal Times: “President Hudson opened Congress with a minute’s silence to honour VP Brad Mitchell and other deceased Cabinet members. He then directly blamed Shadow President Winters for their deaths, claiming ‘You invited terrorists with your virtue-signalling aid programme for fake refugees!’”

    The Alliance Tribune: “The Assembly broadly welcomed Prime Minister Mahon’s call for unity against the NMLA, and praised his efforts on the Sirius Treaty despite it remaining unsigned. But there was also support for Councillor Kaine’s viewpoint: ‘Our entry fee for the Galactic Summit was hundreds of thousands of lives.’”

  • March 12, 3307
  • Starport Bombing Casualties Include Federal Vice President

    Vice President Brad Mitchell and a number of Federal Cabinet members have been killed in the recent terrorist attack on a starport orbiting Earth.

    The NMLA planted caustic enzyme explosives at Li Qing Jao station, where a government meeting was taking place. The VP and Cabinet members were confirmed to be among tens of thousands of casualties. Eight other starports across all three superpowers were simultaneously bombed.

    President Zachary Hudson, who was attending the Galactic Summit during the attack, made this statement:

    “This atrocity is nothing less than a declaration of war, and we will respond accordingly. For now, we mourn the loss of my close friend Brad Mitchell and other heroes of the Federation. I will personally appoint replacements to their positions soon.”

    The Federation has directly accused the Empire of being responsible, by allowing Neo-Marlinist bomb-makers to escape from a secret prison facility. The Imperial Senate reiterated that ‘Serene Harbour’ does not exist and is part of a Federal disinformation campaign.

    Followers of Marlinism have also received much public criticism. The Marlinist Colonies have repeatedly stressed that they do not support the NMLA and are unconnected to the attacks.

    Independent pilots have been asked to assist rescue and repair operations in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam, Rhea and Sol systems.

  • March 11, 3307
  • Galactic Summit Cancelled – NMLA Attacks Superpowers

    The conference in the Sirius system has ended prematurely after terrorist bombings against nine starports across the Alliance, Empire and Federation.

    Sirius Corporation confirmed that the cancellation was due to fears that Patterson Enterprise station may be the next target. All scheduled business, including finalising the Sirius Treaty, has been halted. The delegations are returning to their home systems under high security.

    Temporary permits for the Sirius system will remain in place for one week. Pilots who contributed to the security and trade initiatives held in partnership with the Empire can collect their rewards at the Spirit of Laelaps. Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways will continue to offer a 10% discount on all their ships for one more week.

    The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for the simultaneous attacks in nine systems, including superpower capitals Achenar, Alioth and Sol.

    The following message was broadcast on NMLA propaganda channels:

    “I no longer have a name. Nor a family. Nor a future. Each taken by the Empire. Now all I have is the dehumanising number printed on my uniform in their torture chambers. Now all I am is Theta Seven.”

    “The Alliance and Federation’s rulers have revealed themselves as imperialist supporters of the Duval dynasty, which has crushed our ideals for a thousand years. Peoples of the galaxy – you can change this. We give you your own Nine Martyrs. Use them to retake control and regain your power.”

    Media newsfeeds are detailing the impact and implications of the attacks. There is speculation that NMLA activists were concealed among Marlinist refugees that fled to Alliance and Federation space to escape Imperial persecution.

    The Marlinist Parliament has officially stated it has “no connection to Neo-Marlinist extremists”, and that it will cooperate with security and emergency services during this crisis.

  • Nine Starports Hit by Terrorist Bombings

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Explosions have struck starports across the Alliance, Empire and Federation in a coordinated bombing attack by the NMLA.

    The capital systems of all three superpowers – Achenar, Alioth and Sol – have been targeted by the terrorists, as well as six other high-population systems. Precise casualty numbers are unavailable, but several hundred thousand people have been killed with many more injured.

    There are urgent calls for independent pilots to rescue survivors and support repair operations at all nine locations:

    Dawes Hub in the Achenar system

    Donaldson in the Alioth system

    Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system

    Hahn Gateway in the Nanomam system

    Ito Orbital in the Rhea system

    Lave Station in the Lave system

    Li Qing Jao in the Sol system

    Parkinson Dock in the Eotienses system

    Shajn Market in the Kamadhenu system

    The explosive damage to each station is consistent with corrosive enzyme weapons previously used by the NMLA. This has triggered automated systems designed to respond to Thargoid assaults.

    The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy are on full alert. Other military and security forces across the core systems are preparing for possible further attacks.

    The Galactic Summit has been temporarily suspended while Alliance, Empire and Federation leaders respond to the emergency. A full lockdown is in effect in the Sirius system, where the scheduled bounty hunting and trade initiatives have been cancelled.

  • March 9, 3307
  • Thargoid Conflict Discussed at the Galactic Summit

    Potential solutions to the threat posed by the Thargoid race are being debated at the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system.

    Political correspondent Conrad Sterling reported for Vox Galactica:

    “As always, the topic of the Thargoids brings division. The Alliance delegation has portrayed the aliens as a universal danger, while the Empire and Federation took a more balanced view.”

    “Professor Alba Tesreau’s plea to increase support for Aegis was well received, but many delegates argued that further anti-xeno breakthroughs were needed to justify additional funding. To this end, Aegis will undertake new research into the Guardians, hoping to discover a technological advantage from that ancient species.”

    “Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal for strategic cooperation against the Thargoids – known as the Sirius Treaty – is now being examined in detail. Supporters view it as a logical progression from the recently agreed Cornelius-Lasky Convention.”

    “There was minor uproar when Archon Delaine agreed to be a signatory. Coupled with similar commitments from the Marlinist Colonies and other independents, this has brought pressure upon the Empire and Federation to follow suit.”

    “If ratified, the Sirius Treaty could be the crowning achievement of the conference. However, putting it into practice will require a huge influx of resources. Decisions are expected before the end of this week.”

  • March 4, 3307
  • Defence and Delivery Requests for the Sirius System

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Empire is aiding Sirius Corporation by offering bounty hunting and trade opportunities to support the Galactic Summit.

    The diplomatic conference is now entering its second week, with superpower and independent leaders gathered at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system.

    Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

    “Our thanks to the Federation for organising additional security against unexpected numbers of vessels this past week. Anarchic extremists, political enemies and opportunistic criminals all attempted to disrupt the conference to no avail. Pilots who helped maintain the peace can collect their rewards at the Spirit of Laelaps.”

    “For the coming week, we are working with the Empire to maintain the security operation by offering bounties on all wanted ships. The Empire will also pay generously for extra supplies of animal meat, coffee, fish, fruit and vegetables, and wine that are delivered to the Spirit of Laelaps.”

    Pilots are reminded that neither permanent nor temporary permits to enter the Sirius system apply to fleet carriers. This joint initiative will run for one week, followed by Sirius Corporation partnering with the Alliance for the final week of the Galactic Summit.

    In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are continuing to offer a 10% discount on all their ships to mark the historic occasion.

  • March 3, 3307
  • Superpowers Make Progress at the Galactic Summit

    Leaders from the Alliance, Empire and Federation have agreed a series of minor treaties at the diplomatic gathering in the Sirius system.

    Vox Galactica featured this report from political correspondent Conrad Sterling:

    “Following days of heated arguments, temperatures in the conference chamber finally cooled enough for all three superpowers to formalise a raft of agreements. These were ratified in person by Chancellor Blaine, President Hudson and Prime Minister Mahon.”

    “The most significant of these treaties is the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, named after its two leading proponents. This requires the Alliance, Empire and Federation to share information on any large-scale threats to civilian populations, including environmental, medical and xenological crises.”

    “There has been slow progress on other topics, such as military limitation and border control. Many independent ambassadors are demanding to prioritise debates on the Thargoid issue, and especially the defensive role played by Aegis.”

    “Outside the chamber, First Minister Fairfax invited Princess Duval to a small ceremony to honour her late father. Fairfax formally apologised for Prince Harold’s death and condemned the terrorists responsible. Aisling Duval gracefully accepted this, but time will tell if it was an empty gesture or the first step toward Imperial-Marlinist rapprochement.”

  • March 1, 3307
  • Galactic Summit Imperilled by Political Frictions

    Delegates at the diplomatic conference have clashed over long-standing political issues, with some threatening to abandon the event.

    Journalists at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system reported their observations via mainstream newsfeeds.

    The Imperial Herald: “Minister Whyte’s claim that the Empire had fomented terrorism by repressing Marlinism was somewhat predictable. But nobody expected Princess Duval’s icy retort, which caused shocked gasps across the chamber.”

    Sol Today: “President Hudson easily dealt with Patreus’s whine about the Federation’s so-called ‘war-mongering’, putting the bombastic Imp in his place.”

    Eye on Achenar: “The dull-witted thug of a president was no match for Senator Patreus, who received cheers for his condemnation of typical ‘Fedneck’ arrogance.”

    The Alliance Tribune: “The conference’s hosts were visibly embarrassed by Councillor Kaine’s claims that Coalsack Nebula terraforming projects had triggered recent Thargoid attacks. Shockingly, several delegates dismissed this as an internal matter for the Alliance.”

    The Federal Times: “Chancellor Blaine’s stonewalling on the co-funding of humanitarian aid brought a rare flash of anger from Felicia Winters: ‘Maybe the Emperor’s puppet could loosen a few strings?’”

    The Sovereign: “Despite Prime Minister Mahon exaggerating the benefits of Alliance membership, several independent ambassadors complained about its incomprehensible bureaucracy, saying it would be less damaging to declare war against the Alliance than join it.”

    A representative from Sirius Corporation reported that the Galactic Summit was “going well”.

  • February 26, 3307
  • Historic Meetings at the Galactic Summit

    Alliance, Empire and Federation leaders have held their first ever face-to-face discussions at the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system.

    Political correspondent Conrad Sterling published this report for Vox Galactica:

    “The Galactic Summit has already made history by bringing together many political figureheads within one conference chamber. Optimistic opening statements from Chancellor Anders Blaine and Prime Minister Edmund Mahon gained applause. President Zachary Hudson was more curt, reminding everyone that billions of people would be affected by their efforts.”

    “Agendas and debate topics for the next three weeks were formalised. Much of the work will be done behind the scenes by ambassadorial staff, making big decisions in small rooms.”

    “The general tone so far has been courteous, although that may not last. Predictably, interactions between the Imperial and Marlinist delegations have been frosty, with Senator Denton Patreus refusing to even acknowledge their presence during discussions.”

    “However, First Minister Jenna Fairfax enjoyed a more cordial meeting with Shadow President Felicia Winters. They were joined by Jasmina Halsey, who has accompanied Winters from Mars in an unofficial capacity.”

    “One notable absentee was Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, whose family is under legal scrutiny following the crimes of his older brother Jupiter Rochester. This at least spared Jordan the awkwardness of having to formally greet his ex-fiancée, Princess Aisling Duval. But it’s likely there will be no shortage of tension between other delegates in the coming weeks.”

  • February 25, 3307
  • Galactic Summit Begins with Defence Request

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The Federation is working with Sirius Corporation to offer bounty hunting opportunities to protect the diplomatic conference.

    The first Galactic Summit has officially opened at Patterson Enterprise station in the Sirius system. Temporary permits have been issued to all arriving delegates and Commanders for the three weeks of its term, although these do not apply to fleet carriers.

    Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

    “The data supplied to us in January revealed several unanticipated threats, putting additional strain on our navy and security forces. Working with the generous support of the Federation, we have placed bounties on all wanted ships to ensure delegates’ safety. Pilots defending the Sirius system will be rewarded for handing in bounty vouchers at the Spirit of Laelaps.”

    The joint initiative will run for one week, after which Sirius Corporation will partner with the Empire to provide for the needs and security of the conference.

    In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are celebrating the political gathering of all three superpowers with a 10% discount on their ships during the next three weeks.

    Delegations have begun to arrive and formal introductions are taking place, with much media attention. This is the first time that universally recognised figures such as President Zachary Hudson, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Princess Aisling Duval have been seen side by side.

  • Rare Goods Received for Political Delegates

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    A wide range of luxurious food and drink for the Galactic Summit has been delivered to the Sirius Corporation.

    Orders were placed for Eden Apples Of Aerial, Ethgreze Tea Buds, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Giant Irukama Snails, Goman Yaupon Coffee, Karsuki Locusts and Lavian Brandy. Large quantities of these rare items were shipped to Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system.

    The consumables will be ferried to the nearby Sirius system, where the diplomatic conference will take place. This initiative was considered a priority, since some delegates only agreed to attend if their requests for these rarities were met.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui has expressed his personal thanks to all pilots who delivered the rare goods, who can now collect their payment at Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system.

    Sirius Corporation has been organising the Galactic Summit for the past month, which has involved increased freight runs into its home system as well as heightened security. Preparations are now complete, and the first ambassadors from the Alliance, Empire and Federation are on their way.

  • February 22, 3307
  • Hudson and Winters Confirmed for Galactic Summit

    President Zachary Hudson and Shadow President Felicia Winters will both attend the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system.

    The Federation will also be represented by ambassadors from the Federal Diplomatic Corps, as well as several civil and corporate interests.

    Political correspondent Sofia Trevino reported for The Federal Times:

    “President Hudson’s personal presence at the Galactic Summit sends the message that he still holds the reins of power. He clearly hopes that facing off against the Empire’s leaders will distract the public from the recent Jupiter Rochester scandals.”

    “In his absence, Vice President Brad Mitchell will oversee congressional matters. There are rumours that Mitchell is positioning himself to challenge Hudson as the Republican Party candidate in the next election.”

    “The conference also offers opportunities for Felicia Winters to appear presidential. She has eagerly agreed to meet the Marlinist Colonies delegation, having coordinated humanitarian aid for the refugees last year.”

    “Winters has not asked Shadow VP Isolde Rochester to accompany her, perhaps as a rebuke for the criminal actions of her son. Furiously working on damage control for her family’s name, the Rochester matriarch has taken Jupiter’s two children into her care after his husband, Tomas Turai, filed for immediate divorce.”

  • February 18, 3307
  • Rare Goods Required for Galactic Summit

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Sirius Corporation has requested deliveries of consumables to Luyten’s Star for the forthcoming diplomatic conference.

    The Galactic Summit will take place in the Sirius system and last for three weeks, beginning on Thursday the 25th of February. It will be attended by leaders from the Alliance, Empire and Federation, plus representatives from independent systems.

    Sirius Corporation has placed orders for these rare commodities: Eden Apples Of Aerial, Ethgreze Tea Buds, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Giant Irukama Snails, Goman Yaupon Coffee, Karsuki Locusts and Lavian Brandy.

    All shipments are to be delivered to Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system. They will then be ferried to Sirius before the conference begins.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui discussed these preparations at a media event:

    “We will provide all honoured delegates with a comfortable, luxurious environment. This includes offering the finest cuisine from across the galaxy.”

    Several journalists pointed out that both the Alliance and Empire had registered official complaints about the Galactic Summit’s location being situated deep within Federal space. Li Yong-Rui responded:

    “I assure you that the Sirius system is politically neutral territory, and Sirius Corporation remains independent from the Federation. I can personally guarantee the safety and diplomatic immunity of all attendees.”

  • February 12, 3307
  • Empire and Marlinists Prepare for Galactic Summit

    Delegations have been formed by the Empire and the Marlinist Colonies to take part in the forthcoming diplomatic conference.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval will not attend in person, but will be directly represented by Chancellor Anders Blaine. During the conference, Senator Zemina Torval will temporarily assume chancellor duties and act as head of the Senate.

    In addition, Princess Aisling Duval and Senator Denton Patreus will be in attendance. They will be accompanied by experienced ambassadors from the Imperial Diplomatic Corps.

    The Marlinist Colonies have also finalised their delegation, which includes First Minister Jenna Fairfax and Minister Aaron Whyte. A spokesperson for the Marlinist Parliament said:

    “The Galactic Summit offers us an opportunity to engage with the Empire diplomatically, and we sincerely hope our voices will be heard. We also aim to establish mutually beneficial relations with other governments.”

    There is widespread speculation on how the Empire will respond to political overtures from its own ex-citizens, who were persecuted for following the democratic ideology of Marlinism. However, most societies within the Marlinist Colonies still remain culturally Imperial in nature, despite their republican governance.

    The Galactic Summit is being hosted by Sirius Corporation and will officially commence on Thursday the 25th of February 3307.

  • February 4, 3307
  • Engineer’s Enhanced Missile Rack Initiative

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    The engineer Liz Ryder has requested mined materials to help make a previously unique ship module widely available.

    The module is a fully engineered lightweight and high capacity Class 2 Seeker Missile Rack with thermal cascade. It was offered in October 3306 to pilots who helped defend the Eurybia system from Imperial forces. At the time, the Empire suspected Liz Ryder of supplying weapons to the NMLA terrorist group.

    Ms Ryder has announced that her aim is to make this specially modified weapon available for purchase at all human technology brokers. She added:

    “Pilots can help kick-start this project by providing mined commodities, which will temporarily reduce the amount of materials that customers require to obtain the missile rack. As a bonus, the highest contributors to this initiative will be gifted with the module.”

    “I’m pleased to be working with tech brokers to add this to the market. Many engineers think we could do more to serve the galactic community, and this is a step in that direction.”

    Shipments of bromellite, lithium hydroxide, osmium and samarium can be delivered to Awyra Flirble in the Eurybia system.

  • February 3, 3307
  • Empire Denies Existence of Secret Prison

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    An Imperial Intelligence detention facility discovered in the R CRA Sector AF-A d42 system has been repudiated by the Empire.

    The outpost, named Serene Harbour, was located after its distress call was shared publicly by the Pilots Federation. According to the Commander Andee-X- who first investigated the site, all its occupants were dead as the result of what appeared to be a prisoner breakout.

    Unlike the Imperial Internal Security Service, the Imperial Intelligence organisation has no spokespeople or public channels. However, Senator Karl Nerva told the media:

    “The claim that high-security prisoners and terrorists are being tortured for information in an unregistered outpost is categorically false. There is no such place as ‘Serene Harbour’.”

    “We believe that independent pilots have been duped by a Federal ploy to undermine the Empire, using fake locations and logs for theatrical effect. I assure all citizens that Imperial Intelligence operates fully within the law and remains vigilant against all threats.”

    When asked about Commandant Gabriel De Luca, who was identified by surviving logs at the outpost, Senator Nerva replied:

    “Captain De Luca was indeed an agent of Imperial Intelligence, but died on active duty several years ago. It’s obvious that this respected hero’s identity has been stolen to add credibility to anti-Imperial disinformation.”

  • February 1, 3307
  • Alliance Election Delayed due to Galactic Summit

    The Alliance Assembly has agreed to delay electing a new prime minister to avoid clashing with the forthcoming Galactic Summit.

    The proposal to postpone the election date came from Prime Minister Edmund Mahon:

    “Now that the diplomatic conference has been confirmed, we must adapt to take advantage of this historic event. A potential change in leadership occurring at the same time as the Galactic Summit would cause confusion and undermine the Alliance’s presence.”

    Although Mahon’s proposal was voted through by a narrow margin, many council members disagreed with altering the political calendar. Councillor Nakato Kaine, who is a candidate in the election, declared:

    “It is outrageous that the prime minister is using this as an excuse to extend his term in office. Once again, he is more concerned with projecting the Alliance as a superpower than the interests of member systems. This behaviour is what you’d expect from a corrupt emperor or president, clinging onto power at any cost.”

    The Assembly has rescheduled the election to take place three months later in May 3307, although this remains only provisional.

  • January 28, 3307
  • Sirius Corporation Secures Hosting of Galactic Summit

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Sirius Corporation has received more data than Utopia and will therefore host the Galactic Summit.

    Both organisations proposed to organise a diplomatic conference for the Alliance, Empire and Federation. After calling on the galactic community to gather data that would support security operations, many pilots handed in anomalous bulk scan data, atypical disrupted wake echoes, exceptional scrambled emission data and unusual encrypted files.

    All three superpower governments confirmed that due to its success in preparing effective security systems, they will accept Sirius Corporation as the neutral territory for the conference.

    CEO Li Yong-Rui made this announcement:

    “Thank you to all the independent pilots who supported us. Sirius will now begin work preparing for the first Galactic Summit, which we hope will increase peace and prosperity across the galaxy.”

    Pilots who delivered to Sirius Corporation can collect their rewards from Goldstein Port in the Lembava system.

    Simguru Pranav Antal expressed disappointment, but confirmed that all who contributed to Utopia’s initiative will be rewarded at Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system.

    Sirius Corporation has stated that the Galactic Summit is provisionally scheduled to take place over a three-week period in late February and early March.

  • December 2, 3307
  • Councillor Kaine Campaigns for Alliance Votes

    Councillor Nakato Kaine is visiting key systems across the Alliance as part of her bid to be elected as the next prime minister.

    Of all the challengers to the incumbent Edmund Mahon, Kaine has the most support from fellow council members. She has represented the Tionisla system for nearly a decade, and is renowned for delivering forceful speeches before the Assembly.

    Kaine’s disapproval of the expansionist policies in recent years has struck a chord with people in many systems. She also has a strong reputation among the ‘Old Worlds’, which are viewed as the historic hub of the Alliance.

    During a political rally on Leesti, Councillor Kaine directly criticised her election opponent:

    “Prime Minister Mahon clearly thinks that the Alliance must mimic the Empire’s arrogance and the Federation’s corporate greed. He has repeatedly led us into conflict with the Thargoid race, risking millions of lives so we could raid their territories like thieves in the night.”

    “I believe that we should be inspired by the mutual cooperation that once made the Old Worlds thrive. We must invest in trade and security to benefit our member systems, instead of pretending to be a monolithic superpower.”