Perfil do CMDR Tomsgalaxy > Diário

(Imperial Cutter)

We have now done the final waypoint and we have done the mass landing (still not sure i got the timing right but oh well). Between the SRV racing, jumping over a peak in the canyon and all the other things we did, this was a fun way to end the expedition (don't even ask why there are so many tire tracks on and around that boulder, you know the one).
I have a new problem now, I never thought about what I would do after the expedition ended, do i go back to the bubble or do I stay out here longer. I will stay here tonight to figure it out.
Ever since its discovery, the Three Worlds Nebula has been rumored to have majestic structures on the surface of the Water World, the Earth-Like World and even the Ammonia World with some of them floating in the water and even in the air. I had adjusted the setting and parameters of my probes in any way that I could in order to try and confirm the presence of the structures, unfortunately no matter what I did i always got inconclusive readings.
Anyway before then A15X was the much larger Eta Carina Nebula where at Waypoint 5 we had an SRV race round one of the Guardian Ruins there which included driving on the ridges in the ruins (I swear that one ridge was near impossible to drive on). We had the Waypoint 6 meetup just outside the Tree Worlds Nebula where we were trying to see if we could jump from the inside of a crater to the inside of another crater (the last 2 were just too far anyone to do it). Most of the way through some of the other thought it would be funny to see how long it would take them to take down part the shields of Kit Ausland's Federal Corvette using their SRV guns. I decided to be a spanner in the works and stared ramming the SRVs while they were shooting, there may have been a few retaliatory pot shots but its all in good fun out here.
Even thought i never got a clear reading wherever those structure were there or not, there were some some clouds around in the Three worlds Nebula, I didn't go that far into them, my SLF kept getting shaken about and I wasn't going to risk the Cutter this late into the expedition.
Moving on I got the Waypoint 7 at the Qing Long Caverns in NGC 5315, no meetup here but it does have a nice view. I am now between WP7 and WP8, not much longer left on the expedition. I guess I can take it a bit easier now.
I guess I couldn't go that long into this expedition without something of mine exploding. I was using my SLF to fly between the front of an Asp explorer and A Federal Corvette but every time they would shrink the gap and well, I really should have seen that is wasn't wide enough anymore. I think you get the picture.
But between and SRV chase down a canyon and flying our ship in Formation i manged to have a lot of fun (without exploding), although we are now far enough out that I an starting to think about getting some good undiscovered places to find but this expedition is only 3 week so i am not sure I would have enough time. I will give it a go anyway and hope for something.
Waypoint 5 is in the Eta Carina Nebula and I have never been there. I am excited to see it.
We met up in space in the Hind Nebula for that start of A15X and there was spinning around, some unusual conversations and the mass jump (they never get old). It feels like i am on the BPE again, over 500 of us going into the unknown.
Waypoint 2 was at Nimbostratus where there is a Water world moon and a landable HMC moon and this is where the SRV Shenanigans begun, racing up the the top of a peak in the middle of a crater and we covered the top of a DBX with SRVs. We then got race our SRVs to wards a Fumerrole site form 17km away, I spun out quite a few times and at least 1 jump gave a a bit of a shock.
We had our mass jump once again and now we are all heading to Waypoint 3. We have got plenty of time so it should be fine to have a look around here for anything interesting.
I haven't even left the bubble and I still managed to blow up an SRV.
How did i blow my SRV, um lets just say that Nagi was doing an "experiment" that lead to a lot of SRVs and some SLFs to either go spinning wildly a long distance or just exploding.
At least i am still in the bubble so SRVs are easily replaceable but if all the meetups are like this pre-meetup then 4 SRVs might not cut it. I hope the fleet carriers have restock.
UGH! The bubble has now gone too far into disaster for me to keep trying to save it every time. I am going to go out of the bubble for a while and hope it has cooled off when I get back.
I have signed up for the Apollo 15 Expedition and i am going to do something a bit different. Instead of my Anaconda, I am using an Imperial Cutter and it will be great to be on another group expedition again.
A15X starts in the Hind Nebula on the 10th, just need to run some checks on the Cutter before I leave the bubble.
The Jupiter Division is at it again. Those Corporatist scumbags, even with Rochester locked up they still mange to start another war.
You corporatist fools, you will be destroyed!
I'm back in the bubble and have been for some time. Something feels different but i am not sure what it is, anyway I have a cargo CG to get on with.
I'm still not sure if Mahon was the right choice but its a bit late to turn around.
I wasn't expecting 8 Terraforming Candidates in 1 system to get rid of my frustration but it seemed to work, either that or the Earth-Like I got a some days ago. I guess i just needed to go after some new discoveries.
Anyway after all of this I am now in Rohini and i am trying to decide if I should mess around in deep space some more or go back.
Even with the Order of Mudhrid defeated and the situation in the bubble winding down, I find myself more frustrated with the bubble than before. I think i know what i need but i don't know if the bubble will have another disaster, which is why i haven't done it already. I need to go on a long distance exploration trip, don't know where just yet but i will think of something.