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(Imperial Cutter)

Ok what just happened, I swear Colonia has just been turned upside-down. This is now a war in Mobia, Deriso has had a disease outbreak (again) and don't get me started about whats happening in Einheriar.
Now if you excuse me I am going to go to a quiet moon and hum very loudly until this is over.
Some explorers go crazy out in deep space, sometimes this is due to boredom or they think something is after them or perhaps they found something this makes no sense whatsoever. Of course some people in the bubble think we are already space mad for wanting to go out to deep space in the first place.
I swear I saw algae or maybe some sort of green fungus on a metal-rich body in a nebula but when i went down to check it out there was nothing. After a while of looking around I would eventually go off to another system only to see the same green stuff on a rocky moon but once again I go down there and there was nothing.
When I got back to Colonia i asked for a mental check up just in case there was something wrong with me. They said i was perfectly fine but I have been resting the last few days just to be sure.
Even with this, I would say that that trip went really well since I got an Earth-Like World with Rings inside a Nebula while I was out there.
Don't worry about me, I won't be licking ice off the windows anytime soon.
I have decided to go back to Colonia for a while. Ever since i got back to the bubble from distant worlds 2 it has been one crazy event after another. Everything seems to have calmed down now, long enough a least for me to head out for a while.
It will be great to see the high density of stars in Colonia again.
Looks like I was a bit off when it came to who was responsible but I was right about the fact that it was sabotage. The Scythe of Panem were behind this. They did this as revenge of when the Federation bombed their Onionhead crops back in 3301.
If you ask me they just never think about the consequences of their actions and after what they have done, they deserve every punishment coming their way. This galaxy has no place for terrorists.
It seems the bubble can't go a few months with falling into another crisis situation these days. Once again I am going in to make sure disaster doesn't happen.
I have managed to make a huge amount of credits thanks to my new mining ship but I am still making adjustments to it.
There is one thing bothering me about this situation, this new blight appeared 1 month ago on multiple planets and seems to come out of nowhere, and only 3 months ago the Thargiods withdrew from the bubble.
The anti-thargoid ship has been finished now and I have been able to test it against Cyclops Interceptors. I was in a wing of 3 for this and my build did work just fine. I not going to try taking down a thargoid solo anytime soon, even if my build could potentially do that.
Anyway i have also put together a new mining ship I want to test out, has all the new gear and everything but i haven't used it yet.
There has been a change to my situation, now that I have been hyperdicted for the first time. I can no longer rely on keeping a low profile to get around Thargoids, at least not as much as i used to.
This means that an anti thargoid Combat ship is now a must. I have already figured out a ship build but i will need to go back to the guardian sites for more blueprints.
It seems the meta alloy search paid off. turns out there were a lot more meta alloys in the Witch Head Nebula then were previously thought. Unfortunately is seems like everyone is moving in all at the same time, this is going to be a huge mess.
I knew I would eventually go back to the bubble, but i never imagined it would be so sudden or urgent. If Meta Alloys are dwindling this is something i cannot ignore. Before i didn't involve in the Thrgoid War apart from station repair, this won't be the case for much longer
Anyway i have no time to waste, I need to go.
This is it. It is done, well im in Colonia now so you could say i am back in inhabited space although I am still nowhere near the bubble and I am going to be here for some time.
I didn't take a direct route to Colonia. After crossing the abyss I went to an a region called the Arcadian Stream before going to a few nebula's on the eastern edge of the core.
Anyway now that I am in Colonia I have some "important matters" to attend to.