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CTS Megasun [TO-12C]
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Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 25 (Turning Around)

I ended up staying at Beagle Point longer than I originally planned. I did finally leave Beagle Point today after spending a whole month there. I am still not sure what I am going to do on the way back. Maybe i will go back to the galactic core or somewhere around there.

Right now i am going back down the abyss. I have crossed most of it now but I and going to stop for today. I don't have to run on a schedule anymore so I can go at whatever pace I like.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 24 (Hanging Around)

I have just been sitting here at Beagle Point for the past few weeks. I have just been talking and mucking about with other CMDRs, some of the others even brought rare goods as party supplies. Given how the others flew about i think we gave them a bit too much to drink.

Now I have been thinking that I should start heading back to inhabited space soon. I am going to be here for at least a few more days, but i might stay longer.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 23 (Flashbacks)

I remember back on the Galactic Nebula Expedition. It was my first time on an organized expedition with other CMDRs. It was the fist time I went exploring in the further areas of space, before then I hadn't gone further than 6000lys from the bubble. Before the Galactic Nebula Expedition I felt like I was a child just pretending to be grown up, going to Sagittarius A changed that about me forever. Back then I was flying a Diamondback Explorer and I wasn't as confident in my abilities to handle myself out in deep space back then, we didn't have repair limpets in those days so a lot of us had damaged hulls at the end, a few of us had less that 10% hull.

Now i look back at everyone i knew from the GNE. Tea_Rex, Andi8p, Cometborne, Thomaski, Dezent, Aizria. They all had a major impact on who I am now. 4 Years ago I wouldn't have ever considered doing anything like this. In my early days as a CMDR, I would often hide for weeks or even months afraid to do anything. I would only do data runs and the occasional cargo route in my Adder. I am now more confident in myself, no longer am I scared of everything, I know my bounds and can move forward with being terrified.

I am now in a much better position now and i am glad for it.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 22 (Worn Out)

I need to stop going nuts about this. It had been 3 weeks since the mental tremor and nothing bad has happened to me. I have been feeling a bit better about it recently, maybe it's because of the big rush or the 3 Earth-like Worlds I found or both. Either way I shouldn't let my guard down but I need to rest, after the big rush I am worn out.

I haven't just worn out myself, the paint on my ship is starting to wear and tear. I haven't been able to restore the paint since Explorer's Anchorage, back on the Beagle Point Expedition it was much worse. Maybe this time I can get to Beagle Point without completely destroying the paintwork.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 21 (Big Rush)

Looks like we will ge going a huge distance to get to the next waypoint. At least they gave us 2 weeks to do it. I am actually glad we are going so far since my recent troubles around bleia, however were now coming up on the Praei restricted sectors so I am still not sure, I quickly went over 5000ly in 1 day so hopefully I have lost it, but this is not over and I know it.

On the upside in my rush to get away from bleia i did find 2 Earth-Like Worlds and now I am heading for a giant ring system I found back during the BPE. This has been a difficult time for me.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 20 (Steer Clear)

Well I didn't die and whatever was after me hasn't found me, at least not yet. After I finishing mucking around in the Magnus Nebula, I decided to take an extened route that would keep me a good distance from the bliea permit locked areas. Even thought I have gotten to the Morphenniel Nebula without incident i wonder if what I did may have only just postponed the problem and not solved it.

I will be keeping an eye out for anything suspicious while I am here.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 19 (Diving Into Trouble)

The next place were going to is right near the bleia permit locks. Ever since the mental tremor I have been a bit worried that something is coming for me. Could that be what is waiting for me in bleia. Do I want to go in so i can flush it out of hiding or do i try to avoid it.

On a more positive note I did find a Water World with a Water World moon and I have heard about a 10.65g landable planet, which I won't go to since I know what will happen if I go there and I am already way past it anyway. I have already heard about some other CMDRs blowing up their ship trying to land there.

I need to figure out what I am going to do about the bleia problem. This time I think I am the primary target.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 18 (The Quiet Shock)

Last night i felt a sudden disruption in my mind as if something terrible has happened. There was something familiar to it that I just can't pin down. Either way I don't want to turn around so I guess I will just keep going.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 17 (Pushing Limits)

Looks like to get to Waypoint 8, we will have to go up to Goliath's Rest. Those with less than a 45LY jump range will need a lot of jumponium, I have a 69LY jump so this doesn't worry me. What does worry me though is that I only have a standard sized fuel tank and I am not sure if I can easily go to a scoop-able star up there.

When I set up my ship I thought I would be doing all my craziness either in the SLF or the SRV, I guess I have now been proven wrong. Either way I have a long way to go to get there, I better get moving.

Distant Worlds 2 Log Entry 16 (Other Problems)

I wasn't able to help with part 2 of the community goal, the explanation is a bit of a long story and all I can say is that I am sure this it won't come up again. anyway I am still a bit shaken up after what happened so I will rest for a while, till we have to go.