
  • 19 januari 2017
  • Gereed

    Conflict in Parun (Trade/Smuggling)

    Einde: 19 jan. 2017

    The Laksmil Jet Power Industries has orchestrated an operation to smuggle quantities of Personal Weapons, Explosives and Reactive Armour into Underwood Port so Imperial agents can use it to conduct guerrilla attacks against the Independents of Parun, the system's controlling faction.

    The Laksmil Jet Power Industries has appealed to the galactic community for support, promising to reward pilots who support its campaign by delivering Personal Weapons, Explosives and Reactive Armour to Underwood Port in the Parun system.

    The operation begins on the 12th of January and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering Personal Weapons, Explosives and Reactive Armour to Underwood Port in the Parun system.

    Be aware that faction-state changes, UA bombing and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    Current Global Progress: 10,397,413 tonnes collected

    Top 8 CMDRs: 20,563,200 CR Top 10%: 16,450,560 CR Top 25%: 12,337,920 CR Top 50%: 8,225,280 CR Top 75%: 4,112,640 CR Top 100%: 700,000 CR

  • 8 januari 2017
  • Gereed

    Balones Gold Touch Systems Appeals for Materials

    Einde: 8 jan. 2017

    The Balones Gold Touch Systems has placed an open order for materials for use in a forthcoming project. A bulletin from the organisation confirms that pilots who deliver mined Osmium, Praseodymium and Methanol Monohydrate Crystals to Tiedemann Dock in the Balones system will be generously rewarded.

    A spokesperson for the organisation elaborated on the nature of the project:

    \"The purpose of this programme is to develop a number of advanced deep-space probes – ones that will reveal more about what lies beyond the borders of our galaxy.\"

    \"We at Balones Gold Touch Systems believe galactic civilisation is on the cusp of a paradigm shift. The alien shipwrecks and the Synuefe ruins leave no room for doubt: we are not alone in the universe.\"

    \"Knowledge is the currency of the future. Not money. Not weapons. Knowledge. And how best to acquire this knowledge? With the instruments that Balones Gold Touch Systems is developing.\"

    The campaign begins on the 5th of January 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering mined Osmium, Praseodymium and Methanol Monohydrate Crystals to Tiedemann Dock in the Balones system.

    Be aware that faction-state changes, UA bombing and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    Pristine metallic ring finder website: -Courtesy of CMDR VicTic


    • Powerplay: Balones is exploited by Pranav Antal
      • Balones system contains Metal Rich & Icy rings with major reserves

    Latest status - last updated: 08/01 @ 12:20 UTC

    Current Participation Rewards: Top 10 CMDRs: 39,070,080 CR Top 10%: 31,256,064 CR Top 25%: 23,442,048 CR Top 50%: 15,628,032 CR Top 75%: 7,814,016 CR Top 100%: 800,000 CR

  • 5 januari 2017
  • Gereed

    Alliance Appeal for Construction Materials (Trade)

    Einde: 5 jan. 2017

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has announced plans to construct a planetary outpost in the California Nebula. In a statement, Mahon explained that the new outpost would serve as a centre for xenobiological and astronomical research. He went on to say:

    “We have placed an open order for Geological Equipment, Hazardous Environment Suits and Surface Stabilisers for use in the construction of this new outpost, and authorised 160 SOAR to reward pilots who deliver these materials to Tshang City in the Furuhjelm III-674 system.”

    The campaign begins on the 22nd of December 3302 and will run for two weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering Geological Equipment, Hazardous Environment Suits and Surface Stabilisers to Tshang City in the Furuhjelm III-674 system.

    Be aware that faction-state changes, UA bombing and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    Current Global Progress: 9,486,299 tonnes collected

    Current Participation Rewards: Top 10 CMDRs: 24,675,840 CR Top 10%: 18,506,880 CR Top 25%: 12,337,920 CR Top 50%: 6,168,960 CR Top 75%: 2,056,320 CR Top 100%: 700,000 CR

  • Gereed

    Neutralising Agitators in Furuhjelm III-674

    Location: Furuhjelm III-674 | Einde: 5 jan. 2017

    The Alliance has announced plans to construct a planetary outpost in the California Nebula, and has placed an open order for materials for use in the construction.

    To ensure those contributing materials can do so safely, 160 SOAR has placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the Furuhjelm III-674 system, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Tshang City.

    The campaign begins on the 22nd of December 3302 and will run for two weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before handing in Bounty Vouchers at Tshang City in the Furuhjelm III-674 system.

    Please note that if you have any crew members, a portion of your bounty vouchers will be automatically assigned to them. These bounty vouchers will not count towards your personal contribution total, and your crew will receive the reward for their vouchers when they are handed in. The proportion of bounty vouchers assigned to your crew will depend on their rank.

    Be aware that faction-state changes, UA bombing and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    Current Global Progress: 21,103,159,636 credits earned

    Current Participation Rewards: Top 10 CMDRs: 22,014,720 CR Top 10%: 17,611,776 CR Top 25%: 14,089,421 CR Top 50%: 10,567,066 CR Top 75%: 5,283,533 CR Top 100%: 800,000 CR


    • Station services: Restock, Refuel, Repair, Shipyard
    • Available RES in system: •Planet 10 (~2,000 Ls): 2 x High RES •Planet 11 (~2,000 Ls): 2 x Haz RES, 1 x High RES •Planet 12 (~3,000 Ls): 1 x Low RES, 1 x High RES •Planet 14 (~ 4,000 Ls): 2 x Haz RES

    • Bounties that are known to count towards the goal: 160 SOAR, Alliance
    • Bounties that are known NOT to count towards the goal: United Sussche Partnership, Furuhjelm III-674 Republic Party

  • Gereed

    Festive Appeal

    Einde: 5 jan. 2017

    Many cultures choose to mark the end of the galactic year with the giving and receiving of gifts, and this year will be no exception. In anticipation of this busy period, luxury goods supplier Santa Muerte Co-operative has placed an open order for personal gifts. The organisation's CEO, Nicolas St Clauss, released the following statement to the media:

    “This year we're asking pilots to bring goods from Frost Dock in the Njambalba system to Clauss Port in Santa Muerte. In exchange, we're offering generous financial rewards and special festive prizes for those who make the largest contributions.”

    The campaign begins on the 22nd of December 3302 and will run for two weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering Personal Gifts from Frost Dock in the Njambalba system to Clauss Port in the Santa Muerte system.

    Be aware that faction-state changes, UA bombing and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    Notes: Supply system: Frost Dock in the Njambalba system

    • Industrial Outpost, no large pads available, no shipyard, 32,306 Ls from main star, 156.02 Ly from Sol
    • Distance from source to destination: 224.82 Ly

    --Commanders who contribute to this Community Goal will get the Chrome Eagle Paint job-- web address to quote about this on Frontier Forums website....

    Current Global Progress: 254,527 tonnes collected

    Tier 8 (COMPLETED 1838 24 DEC 2016 UTC): Top 12 CMDRs: 26,732,160 CR Top 10%: 21,385,728 CR Top 25%: 16,039,296 CR Top 50%: 10,692,864 CR Top 75%: 5,346,432 CR Top 100%: 800,000 CR