
  • 22 september 2016
  • Gereed

    80 DD-D 774-CE-2 (Jaques) Appeals for Exploration Data

    Einde: 22 sep. 2016

    The 80 DD-D 774-CE-2 faction, an independent organisation based at Jaques Station in the Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 system, has issued a request for exploration data. The request is part of an ongoing initiative to establish a permanent community in the Colonia Nebula.

    A spokesperson for 80 DD-D 774-CE-2 released the following statement: “If we're going to settle in the Colonia Nebula we need to know more about it, which is why we're currently offering highly competitive rates for exploration data. After all, pilots will be making the trek out to Jaques anyway – might as well make some credits en route.”

    80 DD-D 774-CE-2 has promised to reward pilots who deliver exploration data to Jaques Station in the Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 system. The campaign begins on the 25th of August 3302 and will run for four weeks. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering Exploration Data to Jaques Station (80 DD-D 774-CE-2) in the Eol Prou RS-T d3-94 system.

    The campaign is scheduled to run for four weeks, but if the final target is met earlier than planned the campaign will end immediately.

    Current Tier Reward AA - Top 10 CMDRs - 115,200,000 CR A - Top 10% - 82,944,000 CR B - Top 25% - 55,296,000 CR C - Top 50% - 27,648,000 CR D - Top 75% - 13,824,000 CR E - Top 99% - 800,000 CR

    1,601,226 Reports Submitted Progress completed to Tier 8

  • Gereed

    The Fight for Thoreau Orbital - Empire

    Einde: 22 sep. 2016

    Imperial intelligence operatives have discovered that the Federation is using Thoreau Orbital in the Obotrima system to manufacture autonomous defence drones, more commonly known as skimmers. The Imperial Organisation Chimechilo Empire League has therefore asked Imperial Pilots to deliver explosives to Thoreau Orbital in the hope of disrupting skimmer production at the Starport.

    The operation is scheduled to run for one week from the 15th of September 3302. If the OChimechilo Empire League achieves its aims before then, the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering Explosives to Thoreau Orbital in the Obotrima system.

    The project is scheduled to run for one week, but if the final target is met earlier than planned the campaign will end immediately.

    Please be aware that faction-state changes, UA bombing and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    Tier 8 Rewards: Top 10 Commanders - 27,525,120 Cr Top 10% - 20,643,840 Cr Top 25% - 13,762,560 Cr Top 50% - 8,257,536 Cr Top 75% - 5,505,024 Cr Top 99% - 800,000 Cr

  • Gereed

    The Fight for Thoreau Orbital - Federation

    Einde: 22 sep. 2016

    Federal intelligence operatives have uncovered an Imperial plot to destabilize the Thoreau Orbital outpost in the Obotrima. The starport is a major manufacturing centre for autonomous defence drones, more commonly known as skimmers.

    According to a leaked report, the Imperial organisation Chimechilo Empire League plans to flood the black market at Thoreau Orbital with explosives in the hope of disrupting skimmer production. To counter this threat, the Obotrima Organisation has asked Federation-aligned pilots to deliver skimmer components and robotics to the outpost in order to manufacture new skimmers.

    The operation is scheduled to run for one week from the 15th of September 3302. If the Obotrima Organisation achieves its aims before then, the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering skimmer components and robotics to Thoreau Orbital in the Obotrima system.

    The project is scheduled to run for one week, but if the final target is met earlier than planned the campaign will end immediately.

    Please be aware that faction-state changes, UA bombing and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    Tier 5 Rewards: Top 10 Commanders - 8,192,000 Cr Top 10% - 6,144,000 Cr Top 25% - 4,096,000 Cr Top 50% - 2,457,600 Cr Top 75% - 1,638,400 Cr Top 99% - 500,000 Cr

  • 18 september 2016
  • Gereed

    The Fight for Thoreau Orbital - Empire

    Einde: 18 sep. 2016

    ...going to change time to end this duplicate CG as there is a \"The Fight for Thoreau Orbital - Empire\" CG already made & updated here.

    V/r CMDR Peregrinus19

  • 15 september 2016
  • Gereed

    Imperial Combat Operations in Mu Koji

    Einde: 15 sep. 2016

    Security operatives in Mu Koji have reported that the Empire and Federation have launched rival military operations in the system.

    Both superpowers have fleets stationed in Mu Koji, and both have launched attacks against these convoys with the aim of securing valuable enemy intelligence.

    The Xuangu Crimson Major Network has been authorised to coordinate the Imperial operation, while rival organisation the Mu Koji Resistance is directing the Federal campaign. Both factions have asked independent combat pilots for support, promising to reward those who come to their aid.

    The rival operations are scheduled to run for one week from the 8th of September 3302. If the final target is met earlier than planned the campaign will end immediately.

    To be eligible for rewards you must sign up as an active participant before delivering Combat Bonds to Aksyonov Hub in the Mu Koji system.

    The project is scheduled to run for one week, but if the final target is met earlier than planned the campaign will end immediately.

    Please be aware that faction-state changes, UA bombing and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.