CMDR Evolution profile > Logbook

(Imperial Courier)

Log copied from INARA:
[color=#3399ff][size=3]-------------- | Overview | --------------[/size][/color]
[size=2][url=]The overall mission can be found here.[/url][/size]
[color=#3399ff][size=2]The log is structured into the following sections:[/size][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Overview[/color][/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Phase[/color] - explaining the exact route with specific notable entries and images. At the end of every day, the progress is shown in green.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Progress stats[/color] - giving the phase totals and overall totals for the expedition.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Route[/color] - showing the phase route and overall journey [url=]since Phase 1[/url].[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]The Plan ahead[/color] - outlining what the next phase will cover.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Ship details[/color] - the spec of Viatorem with links to the ship in INARA and Coriolis.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------- | Phase 13 | -------------[/size][/color]
[url=]This phase has taken 37 hours effort since the Phase 12 update[/url] and the effort felt well worth it o7. This log is what the previous 458 hours in Elite had been working for...
Phase 13 was the second part to reach Colonia from the core - that would be stage 1 of Phase 13. When Colonia is reached, stage 2 was to get allied with every controlling faction from the analysis in [url=]Phase 12 (see 'The Plan Ahead' section):[/url] [table][tr][td][li]There are 95 stations in Colonia (exc 1 prison megaship and 4 for engineering).[/li] [li]33 stations have medium landing pads, 62 have large.[/li] [li]There are 42 minor factions which have control of stations.[/li] [li]41 of the factions have at least one station with a large landing pad and only one is limited to medium pads*.[/li] [li]Considering that, [url=]Viatorem[/url] will be used to sell data to the 41, rather than buying a smaller ship to sell just one lot of data.[/li][/td][/tr][/table]
Stage 1 of the phase started from moon 'A 1 D' in the system PHRAE FLYOU CB-M D8-1201, located inside the Phrae Flyou nebula at the edge of Odin's Hold. The first destination was to the other moon I'd seen in the last log - A 1 C. I flew down to the surface and was pleased not to see gas vents, but Silicate Magma lava spouts instead: [img][/img]
The second destination was to see the black hole GMP location at PHRAE FLYOU HW-W F1-27, called [url=]'Abholos'[/url]. It was very nearby, at only 2 jumps / 67.18LY and can been seen below. [color=#3399ff]If you click the image, it will open in 4k:[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Next, a course was set towards Colonia going via the nebula Dryooe Prou (AA-A H55). The route was set to the system DRYOOE PROU HH-C D2725 at 65 jumps / 3,283.04LY away. One jump later, an Ammonia world was discovered and can be seen here: [img][/img]
System AGNAIRT GX-T E3-1802 was reached on the 27th jump and had a class B star with a single HM world. It was interesting as the HM world was 12,707.28LS from the star but had a surface temperature of 1,085K, 2,221.87 atmospheric pressures and most surprisingly, it was a terraformable world: [img][/img]
In the DRYOOE PROU AN-I B55-92 system on the 43rd jump, the route transitioned from Odin's Hold into the Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm on the next jump to DRYOOE PROU VU-G C26-640.
2 jumps later (45 done, 20 remaining), a valuable Metal rich lava world was discovered only 1.69 seconds from its star. Unsurprisingly, there was no atmosphere and the surface temperature was 1,241K: [img][/img]
With 2 jumps left (63rd from the route) at the system DRYOOE PROU LN-A D1-3204, the Dryooe Prou (AA-A H55) nebula was already filling the view with its green and red colours and I was already on the fringe. Twin Sulphur Dioxide moons (6B and 6C) were visited where this image was captured: [img][/img]
[table][tr][td]Everyone who's been following the journey will know that I quite often take economical routes through Nebulae to see as many systems in them as possible. Being 1.2k LY from Colonia will mean there's less chance of finding something new, so I decided not to go into the centre of the nebula this time but to plot economical routes around the outside. That way, a lot more of the nebula will be shown in any images of interesting planets and there will be a higher chance of systems not being previously visited.[/td][/tr][/table]
The first mini route consisted of 34 jumps / 73.83LY to DRYOOE PROU XB-C B4-22.
After 11 jumps / 23 left, [url=]Viatorem[/url] discovered the DRYOOE PROU XA-B C2-160 system, where a WW and a terraformable HM planet were found. The WW is shown below: [img][/img]
On jump 14 / 20 left, I arrived at DRYOOE PROU XA-B C2-95 where 4 terraformable planets were found. Most importantly, 2 WW and a HM world in orbit around each other which is very rare, especially with a nebula and even more so as it's green. That felt like the perfect place to call it a night. [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the first day were [color=#33cc66]79 jumps, 1,492 scans, 31 planets mapped and 3,347.44LY - worth 62,738,960 credits.[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 18.88[/li]
The route was replotted to DRYOOE PROU XB-C B4-22 and two extra jumps were added, meaning there were 22 left.
After 4 jumps, terraformable WW and HM planets were found in the DRYOOE PROU LN-A D1-1265 system. The WW had an Ammonia atmosphere which can be seen by its brown appearance: [img][/img]
I arrived at the target system, then mapped the first Gas giant and its closest twin moons. Moon '2 A A' had geological surface signals so the ship was taken down to investigate. Upon approaching the surface, a site was found in what appeared to be a dried-up valley. Scanning revealed the location to be Water Ice Geyser's so the river was apparently still there but had gone underground. [img][/img] [table][tr][td]Doing some system checks on the surface revealed a big milestone had been reached for EDSM! I'd discovered over 4,000 systems on the Galactic Network. I wish I had the true figure covering over 2 years before I knew about EDDN but that's another story. Also, at that point, I was only 20m credits away from crossing the 3 billion mark since [url=]since Phase 1[/url].[/td][/tr][/table]
From there, a second economical mini route was plotted to DRYOOE PROU QU-E C1177 at 29 jumps / 66.16LY.
5 jumps in, the system DRYOOE PROU IH-C D199 was reached where there was an Icy body twice the mass of a Gas giant and three times the mass of a 'Gas giant with water based life' from the same system. I flew out and visited the rings of the Icy body which was 65.8x the mass of Earth: [img][/img]
22 jumps later (2 remaining), a terraformable HM planet was found in the DRYOOE PROU QO-E C962 system. There hadn't been many worthwhile mapping planets in this run so I felt like this would be the last one near the Dryooe Prou (AA-A H55) nebula: [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived at the target DRYOOE PROU QU-E C1177 and after over 450 hours to get this far, it was time to finally plot a course for Colonia! Colonia was only 22 jumps / 1,117.30LY away then. [table][tr][td]Looking in EDSM at the 65 jumps of both economical mini routes around the nebula, it’s surprising to report that 63 had never been visited before and only 2 had. I honestly expected a lot less new discoveries so close to Colonia, especially at the 2nd closest nebula.[/td][/tr][/table]
Twin terraformable HM planets were found in the system EOL PROU KJ-V C17-672 which was 9 jumps away from Colonia: [img][/img]
[table][tr][td]The last part was done very quickly as I wanted to get to Colonia to rest there overnight. There was 1 high value planet I hadn't mapped and most annoyingly, I'd wanted my total scan value for all the phases to be over 3b but it was so, so close, at 2,999,958.159! It was only 41,841 credits off so I guess I couldn't really complain (although I just did!). On the positive side, it wouldn't take long to reach the milestone in stage 2 of this phase (below).[/td][/tr][/table]
The journey was all worth it when approaching Jaques Station, to be greeted by this in all its glory: [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] was docked and it was time to get some sleep, ready for stage 2 the next day. [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]73 jumps (152 total), 966 scans (2,458 total), 13 planets mapped (44 total) and 1,264.72LY (4,612.16 total) - worth 26,942,639 credits (89,681,599 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 13.23 and the phase average was then 16.17 scans per system[/li]
After a good night's rest, stage 2 started on the next day (as explained near the top of the log). In short, there were 41 stations I needed to visit to be Allied with the controlling factions of Colonia. Whilst doing that, the normal stat totals were recorded as well.
[table][tr][td]The rest of the phase shows highlight details and images, tables for the objective and end of day stats.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][color=#3399ff]Allied factions are shown in the tables as green and any that couldn't be completed (i.e no cartographic vendor) are in red.[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
For the final system of the day (PERGAMON), three Notable Stellar Phenomena were visited whilst on route to Malcolm Oasis to get allied with the faction Societas Eruditorum De Civitas Dei. The first phenomena was a green Viride Lagrange Cloud containing Flavum Metallic Crystals and Solid Mineral Spheres. [img][/img]
The second signal was another green Viride Lagrange Cloud containing Purpureum Flavum Metallic Crystals, Solid Mineral Spheres again and also Luteolum Umbrella Molluscs (shown below on the right): [img][/img]
Lastly, the third was very different looking as the phenomena didn't have a Lagrange Cloud and was inside a planetary ring with Pradinum Metallic Crystals: [img][/img]
[table][tr][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Distance[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]System[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Station[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Minor Faction[/size][/color][/th][/tr] [tr][td]0.00LY[/td][td]COLONIA[/td][td]Jaques Station[/td][td][color=#33cc66]Jaques[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]0.00LY[/td][td]COLONIA[/td][td]Colonia Hub [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Colonia Council[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]0.00LY[/td][td]COLONIA[/td][td]Holloway Biology Centre[/td][td][color=#33cc66]Holloway Bioscience Institute[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]8.62LY[/td][td]OGMAR[/td][td]Whirling Station[/td][td][color=#33cc66]Galcop Colonial Defence Commission[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]8.88LY[/td][td]RATRAII[/td][td]Colonia Dream[/td][td][color=#ff3333]Colonia Co-Operative[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]10.24LY[/td][td]DERISO[/td][td]Giles Station[/td][td][color=#33cc66]Hotcol[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]10.97LY[/td][td]SOVEREIGN'S REACH[/td][td]Harold's Respite [/td][td][color=#33cc66]The Sovereignty[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]15.58LY[/td][td]AMATSUBOSHI[/td][td]Hayabusa Landing [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Tenjin Pioneers Colonia[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]16.05LY[/td][td]PYTHEAS[/td][td]Hipparque - Cartographers' University [/td][td][color=#33cc66]LGC - Colonia Cartographers' Guild[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]16.13LY[/td][td]TIR[/td][td]Bolden's Enterprise[/td][td][color=#33cc66]Colonia Citizens Network[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]16.66LY[/td][td]PERGAMON[/td][td]Malcolm Oasis [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Societas Eruditorum De Civitas Dei[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
[li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]8 jumps (160 total), 237 scans (2,695 total), 3 planets mapped (47 total) and 140LY (4,753.11 total) - worth 2,568,280 credits (92,249,879 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 29.63 (which was so high due to megaships in the central Colonia area) and the phase average was then 16.84 scans per system[/li] [li][color=#33cc66]120,666,647 credits[/color] of exploration data was sold to 10 minor factions (above)[/li] [li]I'd also crossed the [color=#33cc66]3 billion credit mark at 3,002,526,439[/color] since [url=]since Phase 1[/url][/li]
The next day, economical routes were enabled and stars filtered to unvisited systems to ensure as many places were visited as possible whilst getting allied with all the main factions.
The first jump at EOL PROU IW-W E1-1201 contained a Notable Stellar Phenomena with a yellow and green Lagrange Cloud, Prasinum Metallic Crystals and Viride Umbrella Molluscs. After a quick stop off, I headed to the next system: [img][/img]
The second jump brought me to EOL PROU PX-T D3-290 which had another three Notable Stellar Phenomena! I've never seen so many in such a small area - 3 jumps in a row! The first signal didn't have a Lagrange Cloud but had Rubeum Metallic Crystals and Solid Mineral Spheres which looked interesting, set against the bright stars in the distance: [img][/img]
The second signal was a green Lagrange Cloud with Purpureum Metallic Crystals: [img][/img]
Signal three was completely different looking as the Caeruleum Lagrange Cloud was deep blue and this was possibly the first time I've not been able to see any stars in space. The signal also had more Purpureum Metallic Crystals and Luteolum Umbrella Molluscs: [img][/img]
The second from last jump from PERGAMON to CHRYSUS was to EOL PROU IW-W E1-291 where there were two Notable Stellar Phenomena. The first signal appeared to be an opaque; black Lagrange Cloud. As I travelled inwards, the cloud transitioned to bright blue which revealed Viride Umbrella Molluscs and a new creature - Lattice Mineral Spheres. It looked very much like it was underwater which is something I'd never seen before: [img][/img]
I travelled back out again and as the colour shifted, it also changed the colour of the star: [img][/img]
The other signal was inside the rings of a brown dwarf, which had Flavum Metallic Crystals and Viride Umbrella Molluscs: [img][/img]
The system Luchtaine contained another Notable Stellar Phenomena. I decided that due to the shear number of Stellar Phenomena, I'd only record anymore which differ from the others. This signal did indeed, as it was a red Luteolum Lagrange Cloud with Prasinum Metallic Crystals and Solid Mineral Spheres. The red cloud made the ship interior look gold - to finally match the outside! [img][/img]
After arriving at the Asteroid base Moore's Charm in LUCHTAINE then selling data to get allied with Ukraine Colonist Alliance, it was time to call it a night. [img][/img]
[table][tr][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Distance[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]System[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Station[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Minor Faction[/size][/color][/th][/tr] [tr][td]18.51LY[/td][td]CHRYSUS[/td][td]Rock [/td][td][color=#33cc66]INO Research[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]19.63LY[/td][td]LUCHTAINE[/td][td]Moore's Charm[/td][td][color=#33cc66]Ukraine Colonist Alliance[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
[li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]13 jumps (173 total), 306 scans (3,001 total), 3 planets mapped (50 total) and 60.84LY (4,813.95 total) - worth 3,176,717 credits (95,426,596 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 23.54 and the phase average was then 17.34 scans per system[/li] [li][color=#33cc66]26,397,899 credits[/color] of exploration data was sold to 2 minor factions (above)[/li]
The following day, the first highlight was in the system RODENTIA when visiting Surly's Nest to get allied with The Fuel Rat Colony. The system had a ringed Earth Like world which I hadn't seen one of for a long time. [img][/img]
In the EOL PROU IW-W E1-862 system, a HM planet looked like it was covered in water but it was actually the effect of the light from its Class B star, 1,492.73LS away: [img][/img]
[table][tr][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Distance[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]System[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Station[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Minor Faction[/size][/color][/th][/tr] [tr][td]20.05LY[/td][td]PYRRHA[/td][td]Tsiolkovskiy Horizon [/td][td][color=#33cc66]ICU Colonial Corps[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]20.97LY[/td][td]RODENTIA[/td][td]Surly's Nest [/td][td][color=#33cc66]The Fuel Rat Colony[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]21.96LY[/td][td]MORPHEUS[/td][td]West Base [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Order Of The West's[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]23.66LY[/td][td]DUBBUENNEL[/td][td]Dunker's Rest [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Ed'S 38[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]24.17LY[/td][td]CANONNIA[/td][td]Arcanonn's Legacy [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Canonn Deep Space Research[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]24.27LY[/td][td]AURORA ASTRUM[/td][td]Prisma Renata [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Likedeeler Of Colonia[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]24.30LY[/td][td]VALAC[/td][td]Salted Womb [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Marquisate Of Valac[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
[li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]51 jumps (224 total), 1,258 scans (4,259 total), 12 planets mapped (62 total) and 243.10LY (5,057.05 total) - worth 14,325,108 credits (109,751,704 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 24.67 and the phase average was then 19.01 scans per system[/li] [li][color=#33cc66]104,935,054 credits[/color] of exploration data was sold to 7 minor factions (above)[/li]
As you'll see in the table (below this day's images), the distances aren't in order of the distances from the COLONIA system anymore. As the intended systems were becoming increasingly far away in any direction, so from this day they were plotted in relation to each other.
The first highlight of the next day was in the system EOL PROU RS-T D3-270, which was a Croceum Lagrange Cloud containing Flavum Metallic Crystals. The cloud was half orange and half black and gave the star a very green colour: [img][/img]
After a visit there, it was time to continue on route to MAGELLAN. If you haven't been to a Lagrange cloud before, jumping to hyperspace in a lot of them looks amazing: [img][/img]
Walhalla Port in the MAGELLAN system was on a really nice planet with mountains overlooking the port: [img][/img]
[table][tr][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Distance[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]System[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Station[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Minor Faction[/size][/color][/th][/tr] [tr][td]24.66LY[/td][td]MAGELLAN[/td][td]Walhalla Port [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Pioneers And Explorers[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]32.86LY[/td][td]SOLITUDE[/td][td]Knight's Retreat [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Knights Of Colonial Karma[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]41.75LY[/td][td]LUX CAELI[/td][td]Tristan's Rest [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Infinity'S End Deep Space Company[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]27.84LY[/td][td]KOPERNIK[/td][td]Kolonia Sobieski [/td][td][color=#33cc66]The Winged Hussars Colonia Initiative[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]25.19LY[/td][td]FAR TAURI[/td][td]Chaydar Correctional [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Nu Simbad[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]29.28LY[/td][td]SIGNALIS[/td][td]Broadcasting Bay [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Radio Sidewinder Galactic[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
[li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]35 jumps (259 total), 783 scans (5,042 total), 2 planets mapped (64 total) and 149.91LY (5,206.96 total) - worth 6,529,691 credits (116,281,395 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 22.37 and the phase average was then 19.47 scans per system[/li] [li][color=#33cc66]72,935,555 credits[/color] of exploration data was sold to 6 minor factions (above)[/li]
The following day, I used a helpful site to get all of the distances between the remaining systems [url=](that you can find here)[/url]. The distances were put into a spreadsheet and a route was plotted to tackle the remaining 15 places as efficiently as possible.
First on the list was to head to The Bone Yard in the CANIS SUBRIDENS system. Although the nebula isn't in the background, the site looked interesting as it was set high on a plateau in a mountainous region: [img][/img]
When travelling between KIOTI 368 and JUNIPER, a detour was taken to visit EOL PROU IW-W E1-1273 as [url=]Viatorem's codex[/url] showed it to contain a different type of Lagrange Cloud.
The system also had an incredibly rare group of planets around planet 18 - a Gas giant that I visited first. There were 5 planets just over 6,425LS from the star, 4 had rings, 4 were terraformable and there was also a water world.
Next, was to visit the Notable Stellar Phenomena. The signal was a pink Roseum Lagrange Cloud containing Viride Umbrella Mollusc's and a vast amount of Purpureum Metallic Crystals: [img][/img]
Between the EARTH EXPEDITIONARY FLEET and UNION systems, the codex was checked and a second detour was taken to EOL PROU PX-T d3-1363, to see the final type of Lagrange cloud.
[url=]Viatorem[/url] travelled to both signals in the system and although they were nice to see, neither of them were a Proto Lagrange Cloud like the codex had listed. So, not to waste any more time, a direct course was plotted to the UNION system. [img][/img]
A final detour was taken towards EOL PROU KW-L C8-32 after leaving EINHERIAR and before heading to the KAJUKU system. This was to specifically visit planet 4 - one of the incredibly rare bright green Gas giants I'd heard all about. As the Gas giant is water based, the green colour is likely to be a form of chlorophyll, where the alien life absorbs sun light in the upper atmosphere: [img][/img] [img][/img]
[table][tr][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Distance[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]System[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Station[/size][/color][/th][th][color=#3399ff][size=3]Minor Faction[/size][/color][/th][/tr] [tr][td]38.25LY[/td][td]CANIS SUBRIDENS[/td][td]The Bone Yard [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Smiling Dingo Crew[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]27.82LY[/td][td]MOBIA[/td][td]Pedersen's Legacy [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Mobius Colonial Republic Navy[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]31.94LY[/td][td]KIOTI 368[/td][td]Kremmen's Respite [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Privateer'S Alliance Expeditionary Force [/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]27.55LY[/td][td]JUNIPER[/td][td]Marigold City [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Bloodhounds[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]26.29LY[/td][td]PHOENIX[/td][td]The Nest [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Last Phoenix Vault[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]28.71LY[/td][td]MERETRIDA[/td][td]Dezhnev Landing [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Eol Prou Group[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]44.44LY[/td][td]FARWELL[/td][td]Phoenix Industries [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Iron Phoenix Enterprise[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]39.43LY[/td][td]RODENTIA PETRAM[/td][td]Rock Rats Reach [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Rock Research Ring[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]46.42LY[/td][td]WHITE SUN[/td][td]Eavesdown Docks [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Browncoats [/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]40.57LY[/td][td]EARTH EXPEDITIONARY FLEET[/td][td]Vicktore's Promise [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Earth Expeditionary Fleet[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]29.26LY[/td][td]UNION[/td][td]Rebolo Port [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Explorers' Nation[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]36.88LY[/td][td]CARLOTA[/td][td]Cubil del Lobo [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Lobos De Loki[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]41.17LY[/td][td]EINHERIAR[/td][td]Pilkington Orbital[/td][td][color=#33cc66]Einheriar Agri-Works Ltd[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]35.85LY[/td][td]KAJUKU[/td][td]Prince Kajukus Paradise [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Simple Elite Corps[/color][/td][/tr] [tr][td]43.53LY[/td][td]LYCANTHROPE[/td][td]The Crypt [/td][td][color=#33cc66]Carpe Noctem[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] reached the final port of The Crypt in LYCANTHROPE and the objective was completed! 40 of Colonia's controlling factions were then allied o7. [img][/img] [li]The progress values of the final day were [color=#33cc66]97 jumps, 2,167 scans, 4 planets mapped and 609.44LY travelled at the value of 14,525,152 credits. The totals can be seen in the following section.[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 22.34.[/li] [li][color=#33cc66]304,467,841 credits[/color] of exploration data was sold to 15 minor factions (above)[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 13 were: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Jumps: 356[/li] [li]Distance: 5,816.40LY[/li] [li]Scans: 7,209[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 68[/li] [li]Value: 130,806,547[/li] [li]Data value handed in: 629,402,996[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 20.25[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 13 Phases gives the overall progress of: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Jumps: 4,006[/li] [li]Distance: 176,395.22LY[/li] [li]Scans: 61,720[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 1,578[/li] [li]Value: 3,026,557,995[/li] [li]Remaining Data value: 2,397,154,999[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 15.41[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]This section shows the route I'd taken[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown just for Stage 2 of Phase 13 (Colonia) in EDD:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]Shown for Phases 1-13 in EDSM:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
After the 458 hours effort it's taken to complete all the key objectives of the mission [url=]since Phase 1 (shown here)[/url], there are the final parts left.. [li]Travelling back to the bubble and working out which stations to visit with the remaining data - currently sitting at [color=#33cc66]2,397,154,999[/color] in the [color=#3399ff]'Progress stats'[/color] section^^.[/li] [li]Handing in the remaining data and gathering materials for the Colonia engineers[/li] [li]Going back to Colonia to level up the engineers [/li] [li]Lastly, heading back to the bubble again and the phases will be finished o7[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]Its build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 large efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe. o7, Evo
Log copied from INARA:
[color=#3399ff][size=3]-------------- | Overview | --------------[/size][/color]
[size=2][url=]The overall mission can be found here.[/url][/size]
[color=#3399ff][size=2]The log is structured into the following sections:[/size][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Overview[/color][/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Phase[/color] - explaining the exact route with specific notable entries and images. At the end of every day, the progress is shown in green.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Progress stats[/color] - giving the phase totals and overall totals for the expedition.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Route[/color] - showing the phase route and overall journey [url=]since Phase 1[/url].[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]The Plan ahead[/color] - outlining what the next phase will cover.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Ship details[/color] - the spec of Viatorem with links to the ship in INARA and Coriolis.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------- | Phase 12 | -------------[/size][/color]
[url=]This phase has taken 21 hours effort since the Phase 11 update.[/url]
After the worst night's sleep at the prison megaship Grim Pioneer (not as a prisoner, I have to add), it was time to get ready and say goodbye to uncivilised civilisation. [img][/img]
[url=]Next on the list[/url] was to head towards Colonia. For Phase 12, the route was set to go from the Galactic Centre and back into Odin's Hold. The target system was PHA AOB DS-J C22-1372 at 193 jumps / 10,012.68LY, located between the route from the previous phases into the core and Colonia itself. [table][tr][td]Note - that was later extended to the Phrae Flyou Nebula as you'll see below.[/td][/tr][/table] [img][/img]
26 jumps in, the MYRIESLY JQ-C C26-51196 system was reached. It contained 3 terraformable worlds including a yellow world which had an atmosphere of 100% Sulphur Dioxide: [img][/img]
The 51st jump at BYOOMI FI-R C21-590 was the last in the Galactic Centre region, transitioning into Odin's hold for the 52nd jump to BYOOMI EI-R C21-243.
On the 58th jump, an orange and white terraformable world caught my eye as the colours matched the background well. The planet was in the system HYPOE PRUAE UW-U C19-1519 and I decided to call it a night there: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the first day were [color=#33cc66]58 jumps, 1,019 scans, 19 planets mapped and 2,993.27LY - worth 37,584,837 credits.[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 17.57[/li]
The following day, the course was re-plotted to PHA AOB DS-J C22-1372 and [url=]Viatorem's[/url] computer added three extra jumps, with 138 jumps / 7,024.51LY remaining.
After 12 jumps, system CHOOMEAU HN-S C17-4323 contained a metal rich lava world and a terraformable HM planet. The lava world had 1x Earth masses and was only 11LS from the star, which are shown below: [img][/img]
The second planet was very unique with a water world looking appearance although it was a HM planet with no water at all. The planet had a 99.9% Nitrogen atmosphere, a large size with 2.7 Earth masses and high value at over 2m credits. [img][/img]
Most of the systems that day hadn't contained much of interest to record. However, after 48 more jumps (60th today / 78 left), a 1.29G Metal rich world with geological signals and dramatic cliffs was found in the system PHA AOB DS-J C22-1372. Here's an image of the SRV on top of one of the cliffs, overlooking a silicate vapour fumarole site and the star, only 8.8LS away: [img][/img]
Not long after that, there were 69 jumps done / 69 left and a Water world was found in the HYPIAE AUB ZK-P C5-2192 system. As it was the half way point from the start of the day, I settled there for the night: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]69 jumps (127 total), 1,041 scans (2,060 total), 25 planets mapped (44 total) and 3,540.74LY (6,534.01 total) - worth 46,512,854 credits (84,097,691 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 15.09 and the phase average was then 16.22 scans per system[/li]
The next day and after only 2 jumps, I arrived in the system CHOOMUIA BT-U D2-6324 where a Gas giant was the closest body to the star. The Gas giant was rare as it had a water world moon, which are shown here: [img][/img]
On the 19th jump (50 left), I arrived in the CHOOMUIA IG-Y D3402 system which had two worthwhile mapping planets - a Metal rich world and a terraformable HM planet. Although planet 10 caught my eye in the FSS. It was a rare Water giant with a unique ring system as well: [img][/img]
Whilst still in that system, a detour was plotted to visit the GMP location [url=]'The Many Moons of Troy'[/url]. The new course to BYOOMIAE UY-A D2780 was 18 jumps / 884.22LY away.
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived in BYOOMIAE UY-A D2780 and [url=]'The Many Moons of Troy'[/url] were visited. The first two (twin) moons are captured in the image below with the EL. The view would've been brighter around 10 hours later but I didn't have time to wait that long, unfortunately. [img][/img]
A reverse route of 18 jumps / 883.43LY was then plotted back to the main course at CHOOMUIA RM-W C1-2217.
The target system on the main line was reached and had a Metal rich body with 20 geological surface signals. The ship was taken down to the surface to investigate one of the sites and unlike the last gas vents which had a white appearance, these gas vents appeared yellow as they contained Sulphur Dioxide instead: [img][/img]
From there, a course was re-plotted to the end of Phase 12 destination PHA AOB DS-J C22-1372 - which was then 49 jumps (one less than before) / 2,503.51LY away.
With 14 jumps remaining, system PHA AOB HL-E C25-2401 was reached. It contained two terraformable HM worlds including the planet below, which looked like an Ammonia world from a quick glance with the FSS: [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived in the objective system PHA AOB DS-J C22-1372. From there, Colonia was 89 jumps / 4,532.99LY.
However, I could see a massive nebula called Phrae Flyou in the same direction as I had been travelling, so Phase 12 was extended to finish there. The new end point was set to PHRAE FLYOU CB-M D8-1201 at 19 jumps / 935.41LY.
After 5 jumps in the system WEPAA KS-S C20-1069, there were 4 terraformable HM planets to map. My favourite of which was the planet A2 - shown next to the Phrae Flyou nebula below. It reminded me a lot of a world [url=] I really liked, back in Phase 4[/url]. [img][/img]
With 3 jumps left, system PHRAE FLYOU DB-M D8-1580 was reached. The system had 5 worthwhile planets to map. Here was the water world from the system which looked almost like an ice world. More interesting though, is the amazing view of the nebula from there: [img][/img]
I made it to the destination of PHRAE FLYOU CB-M D8-1201 and was very glad I'd made the extension to this phase! Although the system had been previously visited, most planets hadn't been scanned before. The first Gas giant had some very interesting moons, including these: [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] was taken down to moon A 1 D, where Silicate Vapour gas vents were found. This felt like the perfect place to rest and prepare for the next phase: [img][/img] [li]The progress values of the final day were [color=#33cc66]123 jumps, 2,333 scans, 72 planets mapped and 6,214.59LY travelled at the value of 133,744,787 credits. The totals can be seen in the following section.[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 18.97 - the highest daily average of the entire journey![/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 12 were: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Jumps: 250[/li] [li]Distance: 12,748.60LY[/li] [li]Scans: 4,393[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 116[/li] [li]Value: 217,842,478[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 17.57[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 12 Phases gives the overall progress of: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Jumps: 3,747[/li] [li]Distance: 171,188.26LY[/li] [li]Scans: 56,678[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 1,514[/li] [li]Value: 2,910,276,560[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 15.13[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]This section shows the route I'd taken via EDSM[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown just for Phase 12:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]Shown for Phases 1-12:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
Phase 13 will be the second part to reach Colonia from the core. When Colonia is reached, a key objective is to get allied with every controlling faction.
The distance isn't as far but I expect it will take a lot longer due to the info below:
During this phase, analysis was done for the Phase 13, using EDDB to gather all the info and build a spreadsheet. The key findings were: [li]There are 96 stations in Colonia (exc 4 for engineering)[/li] [li]33 have medium landing pads, 63 have large.[/li] [li]There are 45 minor factions which have control of stations.[/li] [li]44 of the factions have at least one station with a large landing pad and only one is limited to medium pads*.[/li] [li]Considering that, [url=]Viatorem[/url] will be used to sell data to the 44, rather than buying a smaller ship to sell just one lot of data.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]Its build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 large efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe. o7, Evo
Log copied from INARA:
[color=#3399ff][size=3]-------------- | Overview | --------------[/size][/color]
[size=2][url=]The overall mission can be found here.[/url][/size] [color=#3399ff][size=2]The log is structured into the following sections:[/size][/color]
[color=#33cc66][li]Overview[/color][/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Phase[/color] - explaining the progress with images. The values are shown in green for every dock.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Progress stats[/color] - giving the phase totals and overall totals for the expedition.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]The Plan ahead[/color] - outlining what the next phase will cover.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Ship details[/color] - the spec of Viatorem with links to the ship in INARA and Coriolis.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------- | Phase 11 | -------------[/size][/color]
[url=]This phase has taken 42 hours effort since the Phase 10 update.[/url]
Whilst still at [url=]Explorer's Anchorage[/url] in the STUEMEAE FG-Y D7561 system, 5.6m credits of cartographic data was sold to get allied with the main faction and there were also 1.3m credits worth of codex discoveries handed in from the phases. Wear and tear was repaired for the hull and some charity donations were given to other factions which all cost 3.4m credits. [img][/img]
The system is the furthest populated system from civilisation (around 11k LY) but contains a low intensity resource extraction site. So, having a break from exploration after +430 hours of isolation in deep space, I settled there to do something different ([url=]mentioned in the plan back in Phase 1[/url]).
As [url=]Viatorem[/url] can be used for bounty hunting (see the info at the bottom of the log), bounty vouchers were built up for this phase meaning the log structure is slightly different than normal. Local vouchers were sold in various stages to gain rep and get allied with all the minor factions.
A little tip - whenever you enter a RES and if the targets are smaller ships, you can relog a few times and get better enemies with larger bounties, like this one: [img][/img]
[li]On the first return to dock, [color=#33cc66]4,743,425 credits[/color] of bounty vouchers had been gained. Also, the following manufactured material capacities had been topped up to full again: Compound Shielding, Galvanising Alloys, High Density Composites, Proto Light Alloys, Shield Emitters, Shielding Sensors & Worn Shield Emitters.[/li] [img][/img]
[li]The second dock earned [color=#33cc66]3,156,595 credits[/color]. I'd also made various adjustments to the ships COVAS (EDDI) during that run. I'm happy to share the EDDI profile if you drop me a message.[/li] [img][/img]
[li]For the third dock, [color=#33cc66]3,552,904 credits[/color] worth of bounty vouchers were earned. When they were claimed, I was then friendly with all the other factions in STUEMEAE FG-Y D7561.[/li] [img][/img]
[li][color=#33cc66]4,702,834 credits [/color] were earned for the fourth visit. By that time, there were 28 minor faction bounties for interstellar factors but the values were quite low for each.[/li] [img][/img]
[li]Dock 5 earned [color=#33cc66]5,976,683 credits[/color] and there were 34 bounties collected for minor factions outside the system. The screenshot for this stage was a bit close for comfort but my shields held strong and it was worth it for the image![/li] [img][/img]
[li]The sixth return gained [color=#33cc66]4,281,504 credits[/color]. Looking at the minor factor rep, it looked like another 2 runs should be enough to be allied with them all. If not all of them, I'd use a couple of charity donations to finish the objective.[/li] [img][/img]
[li]On the seventh run, the F63 fighter was flown a lot more to add some variety and enjoy some fast-paced combat in the asteroids. When [url=]Viatorem[/url] was returned to dock, [color=#33cc66]5,787,579 credits[/color] were awarded.[/li] [img][/img]
[li]Dock 8 was the last one and had gained [color=#33cc66]5,821,053 credits[/color]. After handing in the last batch, there were 54 bounties for interstellar factors. All of the factions were then allied and luckily, no other charity donations were needed.[/li] [img][/img]
[li]Lastly, the nearby prison colony with interstellar factors at STUEMEAE BA-A D955 (5.81LY away) was visited. [color=#33cc66]906,690 credits[/color] (after 25% discount) were collected from the 54 bounties gained with the KW scanner.[/li] [img][/img]
It was nice to have a break from exploration and felt rewarding to be allied with all the most distant minor factions. After the 42 hours, it definitely felt like the right time to get back to exploring which will be as usual in the next phase o7.
[color=#3399ff]During this phase and in addition to those hours, many hours were spent:[/color] [li][url=]Overhauling my INARA Biography[/url] which gives an easy-to-read overview of the last 6 years with links to galleries, ships, logs and lower level info.[/li] [li][url=]Improving and aligning[/url] all the logbook structures from [url=]Phase 1 onwards[/url] :).[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The credit values for Phase 11 were: [/u][/color] [color=#ff3333][li]Initial wear and tear: 1,469,700[/li] [li]Phase ammo, fuel, wear and tear: 91,414[/li] [li]Pilot wage: 3,620,856[/li] [li]Charity donations: 1,950,000[/li] [li]Total expenses: 7,131,970[/li][/color][color=#33cc66][li]Exploration Data: 5,616,318[/li] [li]Codex discoveries: 1,302,500[/li] [li]Combat bounties: 38,929,267[/li] [li]Gross profit: 45,848,115[/li] [li]Net profit: 38,716,145[/color][/li]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the credits from the 11 Phases gives the credit value of:[/u][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Value: 2,731,150,227[/color][/li] [table][tr][td] Note - The combined profit is being shown for this phase only but will not be added to the normal rolling totals for the next phases. Adding bounty vouchers would incorrectly reflect averages as the other phases are all exploration based.[/td][/tr][/table]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
Next on the list, is to head towards Colonia as I still haven't been there yet, even after so much time.
For Phase 12, the route will go from the Galactic Core and back into Odin's Hold - between the route from the previous phases and Colonia itself.
After Phase 12, then Phase 13 will be the second part to reach Colonia from the core.
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]It's build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 large efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe. o7, Evo
Log copied from INARA:
[color=#3399ff][size=3]-------------- | Overview | --------------[/size][/color]
[size=2][url=]The overall mission can be found here.[/url][/size] [color=#3399ff][size=2]The log is structured into the following sections:[/size][/color]
[color=#33cc66][li]Overview[/color][/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Phase[/color] - explaining the exact route with specific notable entries and images. At the end of every day, the progress is shown in green.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Progress stats[/color] - giving the phase totals and overall totals for the expedition.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Route[/color] - showing the phase route and overall journey [url=]since Phase 1[/url].[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]The Plan ahead[/color] - outlining what the next phase will cover.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Ship details[/color] - the spec of Viatorem with links to the ship in INARA and Coriolis.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------ | Phase 10 | ------------[/size][/color]
[url=]This phase has taken 29 hours effort since the Phase 9 update.[/url]
At the time of starting this log, the time spent on exploration since the 3rd May had amounted to 408 hours effort. Phase 10 was to finally go back to Sagittarius A and it had been over 5 years since I was last there on 10th June 2015! Below is an image of [url=]my Cobra Atavus[/url] from the archive, before the Pilots Federation allowed engineering modifications so the ship only had 25LY jump range: [img][/img]
Unlike 5 years ago before Colonia and distant stations existed, the furthest station from Earth is now [url=]Explorer's Anchorage[/url] which is just outside Sagittarius A and where Phase 10 will be concluded.
The route took me out of the Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux, through Odin's Hold and into the Galactic Centre. Point to point, the distance was 189 jumps / 9736.93LY from EORL BRE PJ-P C19-153 to Sagittarius A. There were also two side objectives to cover: [ol][li]There was a greenish looking nebula nearby (Xothuia) that I'd seen a long time ago. So, the first objective was to visit there and that would be the last nebula I'd planned to visit, seeing as I'd visited a lot in [url=]Phase 8[/url] and [url=]Phase 9[/url].[/li] [li]Although I'd already seen a Wolf-Rayet star, I hadn't discovered one of my own since logging my data to EDDN from 2017. I searched for a long time and found one almost on route in system PHIMBEE AA-A H39. Point to point, it was 98 jumps / 4,952.69LY and that will be the second objective. For that location, I wouldn't divert off the main course like normal, but would visit Sagittarius A via this destination.[/li][/ol]
A course was set towards the second objective and a point was chosen to break away for the first objectives detour, being the system EORL BRE UG-C B27-54 at 11 jumps / 568.40LY. The first detour's starting position (EORL BRE UG-C B27-54) was reached, then a course was set towards the Xothuia nebula. The new target system EORL BRE BB-J C24-33 at 14 jumps / 709.00LY. [img][/img]
After 5 jumps, [url=]Viatorem[/url] got to the EORL BRE HQ-V C16-41 system where there were three high value planets to map, including the one below. This planet was only 9LS from the main star and had a temperature of 2,151k with 2,991.51 atmospheric pressures of entirely silicates: [img][/img]
The target system EORL BRE BB-J C24-33 in the Xothuia nebula was reached and I was glad to see it was true - the nebula had green looking clouds mixed in with red. I headed over to a Gas giant and then retired to my cabin for the night to enjoy the views and get some rest: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the first day were [color=#33cc66]25 jumps, 422 scans, 8 planets mapped and 1,285.72LY - worth 15,957,335 credits.[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 16.88[/li]
The following day, an economical route was plotted through the nebula to EORL BRE XK-J C24-357 - 33 jumps / 107.66LY.
3 worthwhile mapping planets were discovered only 2 jumps later. 2 were terraformable HM planets as well as an Earth Like world. The nebula's green tinge can be seen alongside the green vegetation of the planet: [img][/img]
4 jumps later, I have to say that at this stage that there had been a lot more Water worlds than I expected and also, no systems had been visited before. Here was one of the Water worlds from the system EORL BRE AH-S B48-9 which caught my eye due to the contrast from darker regions in its atmosphere: [img][/img]
6 jumps further (21 left), [url=]Viatorem[/url] was in the EORL BRE ZP-E D12-352 system, where there were 3 planets worthwhile for mapping. [img][/img]
With 19 jumps left, a Water world was found in the system EORL BRE XK-J C24-342 and the Xothuia nebula had shades of green even darker in this area: [img][/img]
In the same system and much more astoundingly, were the discoveries of 2 Notable Stellar Phenomena here as well. The first Stellar Phenomena was a turquoise coloured Caerulrum Lagrange Cloud: [img][/img]
The Lagrange Cloud contained many Flavum Metallic Crystals: [img][/img]
After collecting data for the scientists back home, I moved on to the 2nd site which was a red Rubicundum Lagrange Cloud: [img][/img]
This Lagrange cloud contained Rubium Metallic Crystals: [img][/img]
In addition to that, the cloud contained another different life form called a Viride Bulb Mollusc which is a space dwelling invertebrate. As I approached the creature, it released some small spores which you can see below. Unaware if it was a defensive reaction or an attack of some kind, I backed away and left it in peace. [img][/img]
5 jumps from the target, 4 worthwhile mapping planets were found at EORL BRE ZP-E D12-626 which had been scanned but never mapped. Here was an Ammonia world from that system: [img][/img]
The last 5 jumps were covered and I arrived in EORL BRE XK-J C24-357, as planned. Between the stats, the nebula having the green effect and the Stellar Phenomena, it felt like this being the last planned visit to a nebula had been a great set of achievements to end on! The next nebula I plan to visit will be Colonia in a later phase. [table][tr][td][color=#3399ff][url=]For the point I made in the last log[/url] about there being a lot of unexplored systems in far away Nebulae, the Xothuia nebula had been even better.[/color] [color=#33cc66]Just from the last 33 systems, 28 had never been visited before. 25 valuable planets were found and the total value of those systems was 45,065,709 credits.[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
With objective 1 covered, a route was plotted back to the main course line at system EORL BRE MW-N D6-959 (16 jumps / 791.22LY). The new target led onwards to objective 2, as mentioned at the start of the Phase.
System EORL BRE PP-U B47-19 was reached after 2 jumps and contained 2 terraformable High metal content worlds, including this planet (A1): [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived at the target system EORL BRE MW-N D6-959 and a new course was plotted to objective 2's location - PHIMBEE AA-A H39. The new target was 86 jumps / 4,381.03LY away.
13 jumps in, XOTHUIA LC-V D2-1556 was reached, where star B had 5 terraformable planets to map. The value of them came to 8.5m credits. The brown looking world below was actually a Water world with an Ammonia atmosphere and it's terraformable moon is also in the image. [img][/img]
2 jumps later (71 left), the route transitioned from the Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux and into Odin's Hold region.
The system XOTHUIA CF-A E4829 was reached after another 7 jumps (64 left). The main star was class B with 4.89 solar masses. The system had 2 Gas giants and 4 Brown dwarf mini systems within. Oddly, the furthest planet from the star was a Water world at 10,356.13LS, even though it wasn't accompanied by one of the smaller stars. It was most likely able to retain its water due to its +2,600 atmospheric pressures of Nitrogen and Argon, giving it quite a pale appearance. I decided to rest there overnight. [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]71 jumps (96 total), 1,114 scans (1,536 total), 44 planets mapped (52 total) and 2,037.48LY (3,323.29 total) - worth 82,406,965 credits (98,364,300 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 15.69 and the phase average was then exactly 16 scans per system[/li] [li]With only 192 more scans, a key objective [url=]since Phase 1[/url] to unlock The Explorer Tier 3 INARA Award will be completed.[/li]
The ninth jump of the next day, was to system DRYI CHRAEI WU-D C26-330 which had 5 high planets to map. Here was planet A6 from the system: [img][/img]
12 jumps later (21st jump), twin Ammonia Water worlds were discovered in DRYUAE CHREA JD-J D9-11401. As there were so many stars, the image below focuses on the more distant WW so it's easier to see them both: [img][/img]
An Earth Like world was discovered after only 3 more jumps in the system DRYUAE CHREA RA-U C17-1692. I had a break there to enjoy the views and submit more star distances to the galactic network (bringing the EDSM amount to 400). [img][/img]
A small detour was taken 4 jumps later (27th jump / 37 left) in the system DRYUAE CHREA OO-X c15-1438. A mini route of 5 jumps / 237.05LY was plotted to a Neutron star stellar remnant nebula at DRYUAE CHREA JH-V E2-8239 - [url=]named Dryads Camp in the GMP[/url].
Surprisingly, on the 3rd jump, another Earth Like world was discovered in the system DRYUAE CHREA ZQ-B C14-638. The planet can be seen below with its twin, a water world (just above the nose of the ship). [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived at the target DRYUAE CHREA JH-V E2-8239: [img][/img]
The ship was flown over to investigate some geological signal sources at moon A 5 C. Firstly, to a site which was near the end of a canyon and overlooking planet 5: [img][/img]
I travelled to the dark side of the moon to visit the site mentioned in the GMP details for [url=] Dryads Camp[/url]. The site didn't have lava spouts as shown with the GMP information but like the first geological signal, it had gas vents instead: [img][/img]
A reverse route of 5 jumps / 236.28LY was then taken back to the main line at DRYUAE CHREA DRYUAE CHREA OO-X c15-58. From there, objective 2 was re-plotted for PHIMBEE AA-A H39. The ship's computer added an extra jump from when the detour was taken, so the new amount was 38 jumps / 1914.49LY.
With 20 jumps remaining and 18 done, another Earth Like world was found in the system DRYI CHREA DR-V D2-6331. The planet had a large mass for an EL at 2.3x planet Earth, a long orbit of 1,183.6 days and 2.2AU distance from star B. I wasn't expecting to find so many EL planets so near to the centre of our galaxy. From there, the distance was only 5,791.05LY. [img][/img]
I arrived at objective 2's destination PHIMBEE AA-A H39. As I'd seen in EDSM prior to reaching there, the system hadn't ever been visited before. [url=]It was a privilege to officially discover one[/url] as they’re a lot rarer than Neutron stars and Black holes.
As this phase had already felt very rewarding by visiting a green nebula, discovering two Stellar Phenomena, finding so many Earth Like worlds so close to the core and being the first person to see the Wolf-Rayet star above, I felt it was time to set a direct course to the Phase 10 destination - Sagittarius A. With the target plotted, the distance left was 94 jumps / 4,825.83LY. [img][/img]
23 jumps into the route / 71 to go, [url=]Viatorem[/url] reached the PHIPOE XO-G C11-929 system. Planet A1 was a Metal rich body with geological signals. I took the ship down and found some Sulphur Dioxide Fumarole’s on the surface: [img][/img]
6 jumps later (and with 65 jumps / 3,320.32LY left), the route transitioned from Odin's Hold and into the Galactic Centre.
As the journey continued towards the core, a lot more systems only contained stars but there was a nice surprise on the final system of the day (55 left). 4 worthwhile mapping planets including an Earth Like world were found in the system EOS CHRAEI CB-W C2-4113. It was a perfect place to spend the final night in the void as tomorrow, I'll be able to dock at [url=]Explorer's Anchorage[/url] in the core. [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]114 jumps (210 total), 1,861 scans (3,397 total), 63 planets mapped (115 total) and 5,753.34LY (9,076.54LY total) - worth 129,833,501 credits (228,197,801 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 16.32 and the phase average was then 16.18 scans per system[/li] [li]90 distances were also submitted to EDSM [/li]
On the final day, Sagittarius A was plotted again and the computer added an extra jump like earlier in the phase, so the amount left was 56 jumps.
After 11 jumps, the STUEMAU EW-B E6-1300 system was reached and had a Metal rich world worth mapping. The planet had geological sites and looked interesting from orbit: [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] was flown down to investigate the surface and found a rocky area with Sulphur Dioxide Fumaroles: [img][/img]
With 24 jumps done (32 left), the blackness of space was increasingly becoming replaced by a reddish effect from the countless stars in the region. More surprisingly though, was a reddish / pink Gas giant found in the system STUEMAU ZN-R C18-3653: [img][/img]
To add to the luck there had been of finding so many Earth Like worlds on this route, one was found only 14 jumps / 685.70LY from the centre! The planet was in the system PHUA AUB FP-I C9-2504 and was tidally locked to a terraformable HM world: [img][/img]
Only 5 jumps / 217.20LY away, a terraformable high metal planet and a Water world were discovered in the system PHUA AUB TZ-S C3-7832. The Water world had 5.6 Earth masses and was the furthest body from star A. By approaching the core from this angle, there were still no stars which had been visited before. If I had approached from Sol, Beagle Point or Colonia, there would have been much less new systems to discover, if any. [img][/img]
Shortly afterwards, [url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived at Sagittarius A! [img][/img]
The F63 fighter was deployed to get a faster spin, watching the gravitational lensing. [img][/img] [img][/img]
Then after having fun for a while, it was time to head off to STUEMEAE FG-Y D7561 for the last destination of Phase 10. [img][/img]
STUEMEAE FG-Y D7561 has a Stellar Phenomenon close to an Earth Like world, so firstly, I took [url=]Viatorem[/url] over to see the site. The site didn't have a Lagrange cloud but contained Purpureum Metallic Crystals and also some L04-Type Anomalies [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] was lastly taken to the end point of Phase 10 and the official 'furthest station away from Sol' - [url=]Explorer's Anchorage[/url]. [img][/img] [li]The progress values of the final day were [color=#33cc66]57 jumps, 843 scans, 23 planets mapped and 2,854.44LY travelled at the value of 41,215,127 credits. The totals can be seen in the following section.[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 16.71.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 10 were:[/u][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Jumps: 269[/li] [li]Distance: 11,930.98LY[/li] [li]Scans: 4,240[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 138[/li] [li]Value: 269,412,928[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 15.76[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 10 Phases gives the overall progress of:[/u][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Jumps: 3,497[/li] [li]Distance: 153,439.66LY[/li] [li]Scans: 52,285[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 1,398[/li] [li]Value: 2,692,434,092[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 14.95[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]This section shows the route I'd taken via EDSM[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown just for Phase 10:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]Shown for Phases 1-10:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
Phase 11 will be to spend time at Explorer's Anchorage and get allied with all the minor factions as it's the most distant populated sytem in the galaxy.
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]It's build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 huge efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe. o7, Evo
Log copied from INARA.
[color=#3399ff][size=3]-------------- | Overview | --------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=2]The log is structured into the following sections:[/size][/color] [color=#33cc66][li]Overview[/color][/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Phase[/color] - explaining the exact route with specific notable entries and images. At the end of every day, the progress is shown in green.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Progress stats[/color] - giving the phase totals and overall totals for the expedition.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Route[/color] - showing the phase route and overall expedition [url=]since Phase 1[/url].[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]The Plan ahead[/color] - outlining what the next phase will cover.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Ship details[/color] - the spec of Viatorem with links to the ship in INARA and Coriolis.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------ | Phase 9 | ------------[/size][/color]
[url=]It's been 43 hours since my last log update for Phase 8 of the journey.[/url]
Phase 9 was to visit the Segnao nebula first, the Pleedgoe Nebulae, then the Phleedgoea nebula in the Izanami region. After that, I headed to the Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux.
Starting from VEGNAE YY-S D3-1413, a course was plotted to a Neutron star in the system SEGNAO IH-S D5-2420, being 11 jumps / 552.80LY. 4 jumps in, the route was changed to an economical route covering 152 jumps / 341.49LY. Although the number is incredibly high, I stuck with that decision to visit a lot more locations. After 2 jumps, a metal rich lava world was discovered in the system SEGNAO YG-O C9-269 [img][/img]
12 jumps later, a nice looking Class 1 gas giant was found 216LS from its star in the system SEGMAO ZN-C B19-28. [img][/img]
A dense atmospheric WW was found in the system SEGNAO BB-U D4-1445 after 8 more jumps (26th of the day). The WW had 21.48 Atmospheric pressure with 73.2 Ammonia, giving the planet its strange colour. [img][/img]
Most of the systems near the Segnao nebula had many planets to scan but very few worth mapping. That worked perfectly for me as I'd already earned a lot and wanted to gain more scans.
After another 60 jumps, a very different system was discovered - SEGNAO AV-X E1-2634. It had two main stars and various T Tauri stars with mini systems around them. [url=]Viatorem's[/url] COVAS (EDDI) was talking for a very long time about all of the planets there. One of its metal rich planets can be seen here: [img][/img]
Planet 10 G was a terraformable rocky body, worth over 1.5m and can be seen here with its moon 10 G A: [img][/img]
Planet 11 E (a terraformable WW 31,718LS from the main star) was worth over 3m credits can be seen with its moon here. [img][/img]
The moon had geological and biological signals, so [url=]Viatorem[/url] was flown down to investigate. The Sulphur Dioxide gas blended with the nebula in the image below, but it was clear when seeing it rising up from the vents. After that system, there were still 72 jumps left of the economical route. [img][/img]
Another terraformable WW was discovered in the system SEGNAO GH-S D5-13, after 15 jumps: [img][/img]
28 more jumps done and 29 left, a very orange looking terraformable High Metal content world was discovered in the SEGNAO MP-R B24-213 system: [img][/img]
After only 3 more jumps, a yellowish white coloured Ammonia World was discovered in SEGNAO HH-S D5-2660: [img][/img]
At 10 jumps from the target SEGNAO IH-S D5-2420, a very dark brown terraformable High Metal world was discovered in the system SEGNAO UU-I C12-505. There had been so many systems visited by that time, that it was time to call it a day and retire to my cabin for the night: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the first day were [color=#33cc66]148 jumps, 2,505 scans, 40 planets mapped and 615.32LY - worth 72,507,540 credits.[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 16.92 - the highest average of the entire journey, since leaving the Eagle Nebula in May![/li]
The Neutron star was reached at SEGNAO IH-S D5-2420 on the next day. The system was a supernova remnant nebula inside the star nursery Segnao nebula - so a nebula inside a nebula. From there, a 35 jump / 71.29LY mini route was set inside the nebula to SEGNAO ZV-G C13-491. [img][/img]
Sulphur Dioxide Gas vents were discovered on a metal rich body, in the system SEGNAO NI-Q D6-2375 after 16 jumps / 19 jumps left: [img][/img]
5 jumps later, five mapping planets were found orbiting the 2nd star of the system SEGNAO NI-Q D6-1935. Most importantly, those included an Earth Like world which can be seen below: [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived at the mini route target SEGNAO NI-Q D6-2375 inside the Segnao nebula. From there, economical routes were disabled and a 10 jump / 512.48LY journey was plotted back to the main course line at VEGNAE FG-W A29-3. As much as I enjoyed the views of the nebula, I knew there were many different interesting places to discover. I took a long look at the nebula, then it was time to press on: [img][/img]
One jump from the target, system VEGNAE WG-W B-15-122 was discovered and contained 6 mappable planets within 2k LS. Here was planet A2, a terraformable high metal world: [img][/img]
In the next system, an end of phase target was plotted to EORL BRE EE-D B40-20. The destination was 125 jumps / 6,325.90LY.
23 jumps into the route, [url=]Viatorem[/url] was in the HYPAU BRAI PR-N D6-2724 system which again, had 6 planets worth mapping. Below was the furthest planet away from Star B, a Water world with an atmosphere of Ammonia that gave it a red glow: [img][/img]
15 jumps later (92nd of the day) in the system AIPHAIRNS IV-C C26-124, 2 terraformable worlds were discovered. It was at this point where the second detour was taken to visit the nebula Pleedgoe AA-A H40. The nebula can be seen next to one of the terraformable worlds below. The new target system was PHEEDGOE US-V B47-5, being only 13 jumps / 622.99LY away. [img][/img]
3 jumps from the target in the system PLEEDGOE RE-F D12-26, there was an interesting Gas giant with water-based life discovered. [url=]Viatorem[/url] was flown over to map the planet, which can be seen here: [img][/img]
Only one jump away, 4 planets worthwhile for mapping were discovered in the system PLEEDGOE PT-D D11-23, including a Water world with a Water world moon. The moon is shown here in the foreground and the planet is in the distance, at the bottom left hand corner of the moon: [img][/img]
I arrived at PHEEDGOE US-V B47-5 and it was relaxing to settle down for the night in the nebula: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]105 jumps (253 total), 1,845 scans (4,350 total), 36 planets mapped (77 total) and 3,145.69LY (3,761.01 total) - worth 74,507,859 credits (148,015,399 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 17.24 and the phase average was then 17.18 scans per system[/li]
After a good night's rest, an economical route of 20 jumps / 88.95LY was plotted through the nebula to PLEEDGOE GG-Y B46-2. [img][/img]
For the first 10 jumps, only 2 had any planets to scan and most had been visited before. Then surprisingly, jump 11 to PHEEDGOE LW-X B46-6 which hadn't been visited yet, had 70 bodies to scan and those included a terraformable WW, planet C1: [img][/img]
During the route, I'd started submitting distances to EDSM. I checked online and they are still needed for many systems as prior to 2.1, the galactic coordinates weren't included in our journal files. I have to confess that I hadn't done that before but by the end of the route, there were 120 submitted.
After reaching the target PLEEDGOE GG-Y B46-2, economical routes were disabled and a reverse course was plotted to bring me back onto the main line. The new target was AIPHAIRNS IV-C C26-296 at 12 jumps / 568.40LY distances.
I arrived back on the main course in the AIPHAIRNS IV-C C26-296 system. A route of 88 jumps / 4,445.67LY was then plotted to the end of phase target EORL BRE EE-D B40-20.
[url=]Viatorem[/url] was in the AIPHAIRNS QJ-I D9-516 system on the 6th jump and a high G (2.96) metal rich body was mapped, which had Geological signals. The ship was taken down to one of the sites inside a crater for some scans, before heading off. [img][/img]
23 jumps in, a terraformable HM world was found in the system AIPHAIRNS GI-V B2-16. It was at this point, that the next detour was plotted to the system PHLEEDGOEA QU-L C22-4 in the Phleedgoea nebula which was 41 jumps / 2,014.71LY away. The nebula and HM planet can be seen below: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]56 jumps (309 total), 895 scans (5,245 total), 5 planets mapped (82 total) and 1,857.39LY (5,618.40 total) - worth 12,419,495 credits (160,434,894 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 15.98 and the phase average was then 16.97 scans per system[/li] [li]In addition to the stats, 300 distances were submitted to EDSM[/li]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived in the PHRODE BLOAE ED-O B12-18 system on the 8th jump, the next day. The system had a terraformable HM planet with some interesting colours, worth over 2m credits: [img][/img]
With 9 jumps left / 32nd jump, 3 terraformable High Metal planets were discovered in the system PHLEEDGOEA LS-T E3-1025, including this planet 3,295LS from the star: [img][/img]
A very interesting high metal content world was found in the system PHLEEDGOEA MY-H D10-283, I flew down to the surface and landed at a location of Silicate Magma Lava spouts, overlooking the nebula where the colours suited well together: [img][/img]
Only one jump later, a ringed Ammonia world was the closest planet to its star in the PHLEEDGOEA QU-L C22-4 system: [img][/img]
I arrived at the target PHLEEDGOEA QU-L C22-4 system. The system hadn't been visited before and only 7.22LS from the star, was a Metal Rich lava world. I settled there for the night and relaxed next to the planetary camp fire! [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]41 jumps (350 total), 764 scans (6,009 total), 13 planets mapped (95 total) and 2,038.19LY (7,656.59 total) - worth 27,245,883 credits (187,680,777 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 18.63 and the phase average was then 17.16 scans per system[/li]
A mini route of 26 economical jumps / 104.23LY was plotted through the Nebula to PHLEEDGOEA OP-K C23-22 on the next day.
The system PHLEEDGOEA UZ-F D11-404 was reached after 4 jumps. The bodies were already scanned but there were two terraformable worlds which hadn't been mapped yet. Here was planet 2 from that system: [img][/img]
At 8 jumps left, I arrived at the PHLEEDDGOEA UZ-F D11-347 system. Again, it had been visited and this system had 4 valuable unmapped planets. Here were two of the terraformable worlds: [img][/img]
After reaching the target PHLEEDGOEA OP-K C23-22 at the top of the nebula, economical routes were disabled and a course was plotted to AIPHAIRNS PL-Y C8, re-joining the main route. The distance was 40 jumps / 1,999.68LY. [table][tr][td][color=#3399ff]If anyone's hesitant to travel a long way to distant nebulae in case they've all been visited like the more local ones, then to put their minds at rest, there are actually quite a lot of unexplored systems when you travel to remote regions.[/color] [color=#33cc66]Just from the last 26, 11 systems had never been seen by humans before. On top of that, 8 valuable unmapped planets were found. The total value of the 26 systems was 15,004,141 credits.[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
15 jumps into the route, system PHLEEDGOEA OU-N D7-118 had 2 planets to map, including this ringed HM world: [img][/img]
7 jumps later, in the PHRODE BLOAE CQ-J C11-7 system, 3 mappable planets were found and most importantly, an Earth Like world: [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived in AIPHAIRNS PL-Y C8 and a course could be set again for the end of phase destination EORL BRE EE-D B40-20. The target was then only 65 jumps / 3,289.96LY and from here, the direct path would be taken.
HYPO CHREOU GQ-P D5-58 was reached after 17 jumps. The system contained a ringed water world which can be seen below: [img][/img]
3 jumps later, the route transitioned out of the Izanami region and into the Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux.
With 34 jumps left (another 12 done), LYAIREAU IR-N E6-42 had a B type star and some very interesting class 3 Gas giants. Although they're not worth much to map, two were visually appealing so were visited and mapped: [img][/img] [img][/img]
DRYUAE BRE KW-W C1-22 had a terraformable HM planet, where [url=]Viatorem[/url] was shut down for the night. A lot of progress had been made and only 11 jumps were left for the final day of Phase 9. [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were [color=#33cc66]120 jumps (470 total), 2,212 scans (8,221 total), 39 planets mapped (134 total) and 4,932.98LY (12,589.57 total) - worth 85,602,589 credits (273,283,366 total).[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 18.43 and the phase average was then 17.49 scans per system[/li]
On the last day, [url=]Viatorem[/url] was taken on the short trip through the remaining 11 jumps and reached the end of Phase 9 target - EORL BRE EE-D B40-20. In the end of phase system, two worthwhile mapping planets were found, including this Water world: [img][/img] [li]The progress values of the final day were [color=#33cc66]11 jumps, 150 scans, 2 planets mapped and 563.68LY travelled at the value of 5,616,781 credits. The totals can be seen in the following section.[/color][/li] [li]The average scans per system were 13.64.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 9 were: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 418[/li] [li]Distance: 13,153.25LY[/li] [li]Scans: 8,371[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 136[/li] [li]Value: 278,900,147[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 17.40[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 9 Phases gives the overall progress of: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 3,228[/li] [li]Distance: 146,508.68LY[/li] [li]Scans: 48.045[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 1,260[/li] [li]Value: 2,423,021,154[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 14.88[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]This section shows the route I'd taken via EDSM[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown just for Phase 9:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]Shown for Phases 1-9:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
Phae 10 will be to go back to Sagittarius A. It's been over 4 years since I was last there on 10th June 2016!
The route will take me out of the Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux, through Odin's Hold and into the Galactic Centre
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]It's build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 huge efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Please consider giving it a like and subscribing if you found it interesting. If you have and would be interested in seeing how I got this far, [url=]you can find the earlier phases in my logbook page[/url]. I hope your exploration trip is going well / or you consider one in the future. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe. o7, Evo
Log copied from INARA.
[url=]It's been 19 hours since my last log update for Phase 7 of the journey.[/url] [color=#33cc66]Total stats and the ship details are at the end of the log.[/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------ | Phase 8 | ------------[/size][/color]
This phase of the expedition was to continue towards the core [url=]in the same direction as shown in the previous log[/url]. It was starting from the Conduit, going through the Outer Orion-Perseus Conflux and then into the Izanami region. Leaving [url=]DSSA Unicorns Rest[/url] at MYOANGEIA AT-U D2-244 and heading to VEGNAE YY-S D3-1413 was 108 jumps / 5,449.61LY excluding detours. In addition to that, some nebulae and interesting locations from the Galactic Mapping Project (GMP) will be visited en-route. [img][/img]
14 jumps in, the system PLOOE FRAAE BL-A B41-5 was reached. The largest planet (at 2.95x Earth) was a beautiful water world with rings: [img][/img]
17 jumps later, The Conduit region was left and the route transitioned into the Outer Orion-Perseus Conflux region.
After 6 more jumps, [url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived in PRAEI FLEE PE-G C24-14 which contained 2 metal rich worlds worth mapping. Both planets were only 15LS from their star and both of their surface temperatures were 1,036k. I stopped off at the twin worlds to call it a night: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the first day were 38 jumps, 495 scans, 4 planets mapped and 1,947.98LY - worth 8,377,940 credits.[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 13.03[/li]
The next day, there was an interesting HM planet found after 7 jumps, in the system: ORAEI FLEE IB-W C15-31: [img][/img]
13 more jumps into the route, a terraformable HM planet and an Earth Like world were discovered in the PRAEI FLEE LF-T B3-11 system. The EL was only 47.82LS from the star and can be seen below: [img][/img]
In the system PLAE AOB EL-B C13-44, and on the 36th jump of the day, a small detour of 6 jumps / 279.23LY was taken to GREETHIA SS-U E2-48 - the GMP location for [url=]Lapislazuli Nebula[/url]. The system contained a blue supernova remnant nebula and Neutron star at its core, which can be seen below: [img][/img]
After visiting [url=]Lapislazuli Nebula[/url], a reverse route was taken to bring the course back into line with the main route, heading to PLAE AOB PH-Z B27-20 at 6 jumps / 278.85LY away. [img][/img]
From being back on the main course, there were 34 jumps / 1,690.68LY to the end of phase destination - EGNAE YY-S D3-1413.
9 jumps in (57th of the day) and at the system PLAE AOB KM-W D1-83, there were various valuable planets discovered orbiting the 3rd star. They included this moon overlooking the Segnao nebula that I'll be visiting in the next phase: [img][/img]
7 jumps later, the system VEGNAE II-B D13-556 was reached, which again, had various planets to map including the one below. You'll see there were a vast amount more stars showing here, although I was still 16k LY outside of Sag A. [img][/img]
It was at that point where the first stage of the second detour was plotted to VEGENEIA BF-R E4-735 (9 Jumps / 460.76LY), heading towards the Vegneia nebula for stage 2. The system is a GMP location named [url=]Segnao Starburst (Segnao-2) [/url]- a second star cluster of the Segnao nebula (shown 2nd above) and where I'll be visiting in the next phase.
VEGNAE ZK-P E5-1691 was only 2 jumps later and the system was very unique. It had 3 metal rich bodies to map and the last 4 planets were super-Earth lava worlds. The first metal rich planet map revealed geological and biological signals so [url=]Viatorem[/url] was flown down to investigate the 2.35G world: [img][/img]
I was glad I'd landed there as the life forms were glowing and looked very interesting, set against the dense background of bright stars. The SRV was deployed and the lifeforms were revealed to be Blatteum Bioluminescent Anemones, before returning to the ship to spend the night at the site: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were 66 jumps (104 total), 981 scans (1,476 total), 36 planets mapped (40 total) and 3,353.27LY (5,300.65 total) - worth 73,280,122 credits (79,658,062 total).[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 14.86 and the phase average was then 14.19 scans per system[/li] [li]The day had also had a big milestone, as the exploration data crossed the 2 billion mark [url=]for the journey so far.[/url][/li]
The following day, the rest of the metal rich planets were mapped and one of the massive HM planets furthest out shown below. From the image, you might assume it shows ice but in fact, those were lava lakes in the middle and the temperature was 2,844K, Mass was 37x Earth and pressure was 110,013.59 even though it was 6,234.35LS from the main star: [img][/img]
VEGENEIA BF-R E4-735 was reached for stage 1 after 7 jumps and [url=]Segnao Starburst (Segnao-2) [/url] was seen up close in all its glory: [img][/img]
The system also contained 4 worthwhile mapping planets 73k LS from the Neutron star and two hadn't been mapped before. [url=]Viatorem[/url] was flown over to map all the bodies. Planet D4 can be seen in front of the next destination below: [img][/img]
A course of 4 jumps / 164.55LY was then plotted to the system VEGNEIA ZO-I D9-3 for stage 2 of the detour. The Vegneia nebula was considerably bigger than I thought it would be: [img][/img]
In the next system VEGNEIA BF-R E4-1476, another metal rich planet with biological and geological surface signals was discovered. Here is a site overlooking the nebula: [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived at VEGNEIA ZO-I D9-3 and an economical route inside the nebula was plotted for 9 jumps / 52.33LY to VEGNEIA FQ-G D10-23. On only the first jump to VEGNEIA ZO-I D9-465, a ringed terraformable HM planet was found which hadn't been mapped before: [img][/img]
System VEGNEIA BK-I D9-406 was reached after 3 more jumps and there were a variety of planets worth mapping. 2 terraformable HM planets (unmapped before), a Water World, an Ammonia world and an Earth Like. The EL can be seen below: [img][/img]
The economical route to VEGNEIA FQ-G D10-23 was completed and a valuable metal rich lava world was discovered, which can be seen below. Next, a mini route was taken to bring the course back into line with the main route. The new destination was VEGNAE PP-H A106-1 at 12 jumps / 584.68LY away. [img][/img]
I arrived at the system VEGNAE EC-D D12-791 and was back on the line for the main course. The end of phase 8A target VEGNAE YY-S D3-1413 was re-plotted, being 17 jumps / 871.50LY.
System VEGNAE TJ-I D9-502 had Sulphur Dioxide Gas Vents found on the edge of a metal rich planet's cliff, after 8 jumps: [img][/img]
Another 2 jumps later in the VEGNAE PD-K D8-1505 system, a third detour was plotted to visit the GMP location [url=]'Scroll of Thoth'[/url]. The new mini route was 5 jumps / 223.90LY.
[url=]Viatorem[/url] arrived at [url=]'Scroll of Thoth'[/url] which was a supernova remnant black hole, giving the system a very a green appearance. Here is the black hole aligned with gravitation lensing over the Segnao Nebula, giving them the similarity of an eye: [img][/img]
There were also two unmapped Gas giants in the system so I took the honour of mapping one of them. The planet below was an incredibly dark Gas giant with water-based life and 987.93x Earth masses. Luckily due to the green background, the Gas giant contrasted well alongside the Segnau Nebula. A reverse mini route was then plotted to VEGNAE YY-S D3-1413 - of 5 jumps / 226.84LY. [img][/img]
A terrafomable High Metal and Water world (shown below), plus a standard WW were discovered in the target system VEGNAE YY-S D3-1413. From there, the end of Phase target was only 10 jumps / 466.42LY. [img][/img]
On the second jump, a ringed ammonia world with no atmosphere was found. I don't think I'd ever seen one without an atmosphere before. The next jump was transitioning away from the Outer Orion-Perseus Conflux and into the Izanami region. [img][/img]
I arrived at the end of Phase 8 destination VEGNAE YY-S D3-1413, which contained 3 Terraformable HM metals to map. Two of them can be seen below. I stopped off there for a break, to gather the data I'd recorded and to send the datastream back home of the travels from the phase. [img][/img] [li]The progress values of the final day were 60 jumps, 1,003 scans, 46 planets mapped and 2,526.67LY travelled at the value of 75,271,268 credits. The totals can be seen in the following section.[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 16.71.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 8 were: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 164[/li] [li]Distance: 7,827.32LY[/li] [li]Scans: 2,479[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 86[/li] [li]Value: 154,929,330[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 15.11[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 8 Phases gives the overall progress of: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 2,747[/li] [li]Distance: 133,355.43LY[/li] [li]Scans: 39,674[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 1,124[/li] [li]Value: 2,144,121,007[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 14.44[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]This section shows the route I'd taken via EDSM[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown just for Phase 8:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]Shown for Phases 1-8:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
Phase 9 will be to visit the Segnao nebula first, then both of the Pleedgoe Nebulae in the Izanami region. After that, I'll head to the Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux. As always, GMP locations will also be visited on route.
It depends how much progress has been made but I may even visit more Nebulae at the very end of the phase / or those will be done in Phase 10.
The next phases will still be heading towards the core from an approx 300 degree angle (with Sol being at 180).
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]It's build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 huge efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Please consider giving it a like and subscribing if you found it interesting. If you have and would be interested in seeing how I got this far, [url=]you can find the earlier phases in my logbook page[/url]. I hope your exploration trip is going well / or you consider one in the future. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe o7
Log copied from INARA.
[url=]It's been 30 hours since my last log update for Phase 6 of the journey.[/url] [color=#33cc66]Total stats and the ship details are at the end of the log.[/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------ | Phase 7 | ------------[/size][/color]
This phase of the expedition was to continue through Mare Desperationis in the Newton's Vault region and cut through the Norma Arm, heading to the far side of The Conduit region. Point to point and excluding detours, that would be 211 jumps / 10,228.51LY to PRIA AOB SA-J B50-1: [img][/img]
21 jumps in, the WRUEGNEE NY-H C-23-2 system was reached and had a HM planet to map. I stopped off there to have a break for a couple of hours: [img][/img]
8 jumps later in the system FLYUA BLIAE TB-C B33-0, the end of Phase target was changed from PRIA AOB SA-J B50-1 (182 jumps / 8,912.24LY) to MYOANGEIA AT-U D2-244 (142 jumps / 6,883.90LY). The old and new targets were in the same region but the new destination was nearer and has a fleet carrier [url=](DSSA Unicorns Rest)[/url]. That will allow the data totals to be reset between phases 7 and 8. The course adjustment can be seen here: [img][/img]
An Ammonia world with a thick atmosphere at 7.69x Earth of Oxygen and Ammonia was found after 11 jumps in the system WRUENGNEE IF-R C4-1. [url=]Viatorem[/url] was flown into the exosphere to take some readings and the atmospheric composition can be seen below: [img][/img]
Another 11 jumps later (51st of the day) and in the system OOMBAH HL-B B47-0, I checked [url=]Viatorem's[/url] mapping interface and aimed towards OOMBAH AA-A H84 to visit a black hole at the bottom of the galactic plane. The galactic network (EDDN via EDD / EDSM) was investigated and luckily, there was no record of that location. There are some explorers who fly off grid with their transponders off though, so I just had to try to go ahead and hope it was a new location. Unfortunately, a route couldn't be plotted but I headed in the general direction, knowing I could enable the FSD booster and synthesis so hoped it would be enough. A 16 jump / 547.97LY route was set for OOMBAH WA-D D13-0.
5 jumps in / 11 jumps left, a massive Ammonia world with rings was found furthest out (4,541.65LS) from its star in the system OOMBAH NU-D D13-2: [img][/img]
Two terraformable worlds and a large Earth Like world were found only 2 jumps later in the OOMBAH PP-D D13-3 system. One of the terraformable worlds was actually the moon of the EL. The EL had a unique appearance with various landmasses showing vegetation inside its polar region - global warming? The planet can be seen below: [img][/img]
When I arrived at the end of the course, the black hole target was then 86.19LY away. I enabled the FSD booster and a level 2 synthesis boost was used to reach OOMBAH AA-A H64. [img][/img]
OOMBAH AA-A H84 was reached and I was glad to see it hadn't been visited before. It's incredibly rare for there to be a black hole this far below the galactic plane so it felt like an honour to discover it. [url=]I submitted an entry to Galaxy Mapping Project for that location here,[/url] called it 'Eye of Atretochoana'. [img][/img]
Despite the difficultly in reaching the last location, a route was possible to OOMBAH WAS-D D13-1. The route involved travelling slightly further down and back up to OOMBAH WA-D D13-1. When that system was reached, it contained a water world which can be seen below: [img][/img]
From there, another mini route was plotted to bring me back to the height of the previous main route. The new target was OOMBAH LO-Y A96-0, being 20 jumps / 500.34LY away. Possibly due to some radiation damage from the black hole, [url=]Viatorem[/url] was having trouble plotting a direct route and created one looping back on itself but as the objective is exploration, I stuck with that route. [img][/img]
With 5 jumps left and 15 jumps done, the system OOMBAH MJ-F D12-2 was reached. The system contained a terraformable High Metal world, terraformable Rocky world, a Water world and an Earth Like world. The EL world can be seen below: [img][/img]
I arrived at the target system and disabled the FSD booster for the journey onwards. [url=]Viatorem[/url] was stopped off next to the main star - a Class Y Brown Dwarf: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the first day were 93 jumps, 1,116 scans, 33 planets mapped and 4,519.88LY - worth 75,476,498 credits.[/li] [li]The average scans per system were exactly 12.[/li]
This point in the journey would be taking me through the last area of Mare Desperationis. Looking at the route map in EDD on the following day, it wasn't well aligned with the previous main route, so a mini route was taken of 5 jumps / 215.42LY towards OOMBAH FQ-B B47-0. When I arrived, the end of phase destination MYOANGEIA AT-U D2-244 was re-plotted. The remaining journey was then 119 jumps / 5,889.82LY. This screenshot is very rare as it shows the exact millisecond before hyperspace on the first jump: [img][/img]
With 33 jumps done (38th of today), I arrived at SLATCHAA AY-B which contained a High Metal world and Water world. The WW was unique for various reasons - it was a candidate for Terraforming, only had 0.01 atmospheric pressures, was a very dark colour and didn't have any polar regions: [img][/img]
Unlike most of the trip, a lot of the systems on this day either only had stars or gas giants with moons (as you'll see reflected in the daily totals). That was convenient as it allowed time to carry out some time-consuming improvements to the ship's COVAS (EDDI) and then for quicker progress to be made.
12 jumps later (50th of the day), the system SLATCHAA AM-Z B6-0 was reached and [url=]Viatorem[/url] was moored up for the night, next to a rocky ice world: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were 50 jumps (143 total), 594 scans (1,710 total), 6 planets mapped (40 total) and 2,487.88LY (7,007.77 total) - worth 12,273,820 credits (87,750,318 total).[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 11.88 and the phase average was then 11.96 scans per system[/li]
16 jumps into the route on the next day, HYPHOKEIA KL-U A57-4 system was reached and had a terraformable HM world worth mapping. I decided to map its moon as well which had geological sites. Both planets can be seen below: [img][/img]
The ship was landed at one of the moon's Geological sites so the Carbon and Vanadium supplies could be filled again (since using the lvl 2 FSD boost the other day): [img][/img]
[url=]Viatorem[/url] was taken off but before departing, the fighter was deployed and taken through some of the canyons to enjoy the scenery. This image shows the aesthetics of the area - about 1km away from the site just visited: [img][/img]
After 35 more jumps in the system EACTAITHS ET-N B6-24, I'd just left Newton's Vault Region and crossed into The Conduit where only 23 jumps remained. Body 2DA was visited to replenish the 1 Germanium and 1 Niobium that I was missing (leaving 1 Cadmium still to find). In this image from left - right, you can see the parent gas giant, the Myoangooe Nebula, the blueish / grey appearance of the sister moon, the moon itself and the increasing galactic light. It's finally, definitely getting a lot brighter than it's been for a long time: [img][/img]
Initially, a site was chosen to be overlooking the sister moon but unfortunately, it became clear that it was in a massive canyon of 7km down and there was nowhere to land either. I flew around the moon and found a much better place to collect the 2 elements: [img][/img]
After finally landing and collecting the elements, it was getting late so I didn't head off again that night but left the last 23 jumps / 1,175.06LY for the next day to reach [url=](DSSA Unicorns Rest)[/url]. [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were 51 jumps (194 total), 786 scans (2,496 total), 10 planets mapped (50 total) and 2,607.53LY (9,615.30 total) - worth 14,957,597 credits (102,707,915 total).[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 15.41 and the phase average was then 12.86 scans per system[/li]
3 jumps in on the next day, the system MYOANGEIA VJ-X C28-34 was reached where planet 1 was metal rich and worth mapping. The planet had geological sites and also contained Cadmium so I took [url=]Viatorem[/url] down to collect the last one needed: [img][/img]
After collecting the element, all material capacities were at 100% again. It was time to head back and press on with the final part of the phase: [img][/img]
MYOANGEIA AT-U D2-244 was reached and it was shocking to see how close [url=]DSSA Unicorns Rest[/url] was! Only 3MM or 3,000 km - wow! Being conscious of the 268 hours I've invested in the journey so far (literally and that's just in game), I carefully proceeded at a slow pace: [img][/img]
Luckily, the carrier was reached safely: [img][/img] [li]The progress values of the final day were 23 jumps, 379 scans, 10 planets mapped and 1,188.31LY travelled at the value of 15,403,776 credits. The totals can be seen in the following section.[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 16.47.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 7 were: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 217[/li] [li]Distance: 10,803.61LY[/li] [li]Scans: 2,875[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 60[/li] [li]Value: 118,111,691[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 13.25[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 7 Phases gives the overall progress of: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 2,583[/li] [li]Distance: 125,528.11LY[/li] [li]Scans: 37,195[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 1,038[/li] [li]Value: 1,989,191,677[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 14.40[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]This section shows the route I'd taken via EDSM[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown just for Phase 7:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]Shown for Phases 1-7:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
Phase 8 of the expedition will be to continue towards the core from this direction. Starting from the Conduit, through the Outer Orion-Perseus Conflux and then into the Izanami region.
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]It's build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 huge efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Please consider giving it a like and subscribing if you found it interesting. If you have and would be interested in seeing how I got this far, [url=]you can find the earlier phases in my logbook page[/url]. I hope your exploration trip is going well / or you consider one in the future. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe o7
Log copied from INARA.
[url=]It's been 22 hours since my last log update for Phase 5 of the journey.[/url] [color=#33cc66]Total stats and the ship details are at the end of the log.[/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------ | Phase 6 | ------------[/size][/color]
From PROYOE OD-Z B13-4 in the Formorian Frontier region, a route was plotted to travel through Hieronymus Delta to PREOU CHRIE EJ-Q B32-1 in Newton's Vault region. The route covered 202 jumps and 10,025.20LY, plus any detours to visit interesting locations along the way.
At 38 jumps, only the second system with worthwhile mapping planets was found and I decided to stop there at BLO BRE WE-R C4-30 for the night. Here were twin terraformable high metal content worlds from that system: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for today were 36 jumps, 604 scans, 6 planets mapped and 1,948.90LY - worth 16,494,925 credits.[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 15.89 which was back to normal levels, before I reached the outside of the galaxy in the [url=]previous phases[/url]. I expected the average would drop as the journey moves into less dense areas of space.[/li]
On the following day and after 13 jumps, the system BYOI CHRAEI SY-H C23-29 was reached. At that point, a detour of 19 jumps / 919LY was taken to visit the system BLAA GREE AA-A H0. That location contains a black hole known as the [url=]Eye of Ereshkigal[/url].
8 jumps into the detour, two HM terraformable planets were found in the BLAA GREE DW-C D81 system worth mapping. In the background, you can see one of the planets and how much different the galactic light is looking from this area: [img][/img]
Only 62.56LY away from the black hole, an Earth Like world was discovered in the system BLAA GREE QU-V D3-6: [img][/img]
I arrived at BLAA GREE AA-A H0 and was greeted by the [url=]Eye of Ereshkigal[/url]. Nearly a whole day was spent there whilst enjoying the view. [img][/img]
The black hole complimented the darkened galactic light very well. This is a very unique place to visit if you ever head out in this direction: [img][/img]
This final image shows gravitational lensing over the Large Magellanic Cloud: [img][/img]
Later that night, it was time to head back towards the route I'd left earlier. An 18 jump / 918LY course was set for the system BYOI CHRAEI SY-H C23-30.
With 12 jumps left, a terraformable water world and high metal content world were found in the system BLAU BRE CS-N B6-7, where the planets were mapped and [url=]Viatorem[/url] moored for the night. In the image below, you can see the probes mapping the HM world after dropping from SC: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for today were 41 jumps (77 total), 584 scans (1,188 total), 12 planets mapped (18 total) and 1,977.68LY (3,926.58 total) - worth 26,841,599 credits (43,336,524 total).[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 14.24 and the phase average was then 15.43 scans per system[/li]
After 7 jumps on the following day, a class 2 gas giant worth mapping was found in the system BYOI CHRAEI KU-B B54-1, which had a value of 379k credits. For comparison, that's actually more than some pre-mapped EL worlds I've visited. [img][/img]
The target BYOI CHRAEI SY-H C23-30 was reached and a worthwhile metal rich planet mapped, before setting target back to the end of Phase 6 destination PREOU CHRIE EJ-Q B32-1. From there, the distance was 150 jumps / 7,450.20LY. [img][/img]
8 jumps into the route, a terraformable HM world and an EL world were discovered. Rather than spending the night elsewhere in the void, I settled down at the Earth Like planet for the night: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for today were 20 jumps (97 total), 378 scans (1,566 total), 4 planets mapped (22 total) and 991.42LY (4,918 total) - worth 7,450,996 credits (50,787,520 total).[/li] [li]For that small amount, the average scans per system were 17.13 and the phase average was then 16.14 scans per system[/li]
On the next day, I continued ahead for 10 jumps and found another Class 2 Gas Giant worth mapping (for 338k) in the system BYOI CHRAEI MX-L C7-52: [img][/img]
From there, a small detour was plotted to visit the '[url=|planetFeatures|2014]Ghostly Lantern[/url]'. The new location was only 9 jumps / 416.33LY away in the system BYOI CHRAEI EV-Y D15. It's a 2.3g ice body which orbits its brown dwarf star so closely that a year only takes 3 hours.
I arrived at the BYOI CHRAEI EV-Y D15 system and was surprised to find two unmapped terraformable planets within 100LS of the [url=|planetFeatures|2014]Ghostly Lantern[/url]. I mapped those first, enabled my shields and headed over to the high G world: [img][/img]
After landing, the SRV was deployed and the Carbon material banks were filled, before heading back to [url=]Viatorem[/url]: [img][/img]
A mini route was taken to BYOI CHRAEI EB-W B15-14 of 9 jumps / 417.33LY to re-join the main path. After getting there, PREOU CHRIE EJ-Q B32-1 was re-plotted (the Phase 6 destination), being 132 jumps / 6,531.49LY away. [img][/img]
7 jumps in, an Ammonia World was discovered only 174LS from its star in the system BYOI CHRAEI NS-U B2-13: [img][/img]
21 jumps later (57th of today), TRUECHOOE YJ-G B24-0 was the last system in the Formorian Frontier, before transitioning into Hieronymus Delta on the next jump to TRUECHOOE QS-J B22-11.
After 20 more jumps and in the system SMOOTEIA OH-H B51-8, it suddenly dawned on me that I was meant to take another detour to visit a crystalline shard site called [url=]Tellurium Fields[/url]. I'd gone slightly past the intended switch place but it wasn't too far, so I still went ahead with the side trip. The detour would take me to BLA BLOAE RF-L D9-77 which was 24 jumps / 1,195.40LY.
6 jumps into the detour, a terraformable High Metal planet and 3 Water Worlds were discovered in the system TRUECHAE GN-W C1-22. Here was the most valuable planet at just over 3m credits, planet A2: [img][/img]
I arrived at the target BLA BLOAE RF-L D9-77 and flew 361,438LS to visit body B2D, containing the [url=]Tellurium Fields[/url]. Viatorem was landed at the site and the engines switched off for the night: [img][/img] [li]The effort for the day was just over the combined last 3 days. The progress values were 101 jumps (198 total), 1,419 scans (2,985 total), 22 planets mapped (44 total) and 5,082.89LY (10,000.89 total) - worth 41,566,027 credits (92,353,547 total).[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 14.05 and the phase average was then 15.08 scans per system[/li]
After waking up the next day, the SRV was deployed to investigate the site and gather the last 7 Tellurium needed to fill the capacity: [img][/img]
If you're curious about exactly how much Tellurium there is, for a perspective the first four element groups I found were all Crystalline Clusters and the radar below shows how many there were on sensors - I'd never seen anything like it! [img][/img]
When coming into land last night, some red canyons were seen that caught my attention. I took a flight over, deployed the fighter and had some fun flying in something manoeuvrable for a change: [img][/img] ^You'll notice that Viatorem showed 'unmanned' when I was in the fighter. Hmmm, yes, unfortunately it was at that point that I realised I'd left my pilot Ethan at Beagle Point! I thought he was elsewhere on [url=]Viatorem[/url] but on retrospect, it was odd that I hadn't seen him [url=]since leaving BP in Phase 5[/url]. He's not going to be happy! I sent a datastream and asked him to transfer to Explorer's Anchorage in STUEMEAE FG-Y D7561. Then I will pick him up when I next visit a station, near Sagittarius A in a later phase.
After flying the fighter and re-docking, [url=]Viatorem[/url] was landed again and 4 Niobium collected, meaning all element capacities were back at 100%. Then a course was plotted to re-join the main route at SMOOTEIA GL-E C25-9, which was 24 jumps / 1,195.23LY. [img][/img]
At 9 jumps, I was in the TRUECHAE LQ-G C10-7 system and a metal rich planet was found only 8.23LS from its star. The star had a solar mass of 0.86 and a solar radius of 0.93. That meant because the planet was so close, it had an incredibly high surface temperature of 1814k. The star isn't in the image itself but you can see the brightness from the reflection: [img][/img]
The target system SMOOTEIA GL-E C25-9 was reached and contained a terraformable high metal content world. Once again, the main course was set for the end of Phase destination PREOU CHRIE EJ-Q B32-1 which was then 83 jumps / 4,048.03LY. [img][/img]
With 48 jumps done, there hadn't been many planets worth mapping in this area but I managed to find a nice metal rich lava world in the system FLYAI GRAAE LT-O D7-11. I flew behind the planet to capture the eclipse and retired to my cabin for the night. [img][/img] [li]The progress values for the day were 72 jumps (270 total), 1,098 scans (4,083 total), 16 planets mapped (60 total) and 3,648.89LY (13,649.78 total) - worth 34,768,279 credits (127,121,826 total).[/li] [li]The average scans per system were better today, at 15.25 and the phase average was then 15.12 scans per system[/li]
Only 35 jumps / 1674.86 remained for the final day. That was to continue to travel through the Hieronymus Delta Region and away from the Scutum-Centaurus Galactic Arm. The route would take me into a sparse area known as Mare Desperationis which would be where I'd arrive in the Newton’s Vault (after 14 jumps) and lead into the Norma arm for Phase 7.
11 jumps in and 3 jumps away from Newton's Vault, a water world was found in the system FLYAI GRAAE ZH-V C5-3, which can be seen below: [img][/img]
4 jumps later, a terraformable high metal world was found with a dense covering of Sulphur-Dioxide clouds in the system FLYAI GRAAE DC-B D1-21: [img][/img]
I pressed on, covering the Newton’s Vault region's last 20 jumps and arrived at the Phase 6 target of PREOU CHRIE EJ-Q B32-1. There weren't any planets of interest to visit so [url=]Viatorem[/url] was stopped off next to twin ice worlds, shown here: [img][/img] [li]The progress values of the final day were 35 jumps, 331 scans, 8 planets mapped and 1,736.72LY travelled at the value of 18,302,096 credits. The totals can be seen in the following section.[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 9.46.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 6 were: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 305[/li] [li]Distance: 15386.50LY[/li] [li]Scans: 4,414[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 68[/li] [li]Value: 145,423,922[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 14.47[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 6 Phases gives the overall progress of: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 2,366[/li] [li]Distance: 114,724.50LY[/li] [li]Scans: 34,320[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 978[/li] [li]Value: 1,871,079,986[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 14.51[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]This section shows the route I'd taken via EDSM[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown just for Phase 6:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]Shown for Phases 1-6:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
The next phase of the expedition will be to continue onwards through Mare Desperationis in the Newton's Vault region and cut through the Norma Arm, heading to the far side of The Conduit region.
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]It's build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 huge efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Please consider giving it a like and subscribing if you found it interesting. If you have and would be interested in seeing how I got this far, [url=]you can find the earlier phases in my logbook page[/url]. I hope your exploration trip is going well / or you consider one in the future. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe o7
Log copied from INARA.
[url=]It's been 26 hours since my last log update for Phase 4 of the journey.[/url] [color=#33cc66]Total stats and the ship details are at the end of the log.[/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------ | Phase 5 | ------------[/size][/color]
This phase was to travel from Beagle Point in The Abyss and back into the Formorian Frontier, heading towards the other side of the galaxy from the previous phases. [img][/img]
[url=]As mentioned in the last log[/url], this phase and the following phases will be split into 10k LY rather than 20k. This means I can give updates almost weekly rather than every couple of weeks. I've decided to do that so there's not too much info and images for people to look through from having such big phases. If you look at the [url=]previous 4 phases[/url] and think 20k is better, then please let me know o7.
It wasn't possible to plot a 10k LY route away from Beagle Point to the intended area so firstly, I travelled 27 jumps / 1,076.51LY to STRAAE EOHN PM-E B59-0.
21 jumps in, the system CEECKIA JD-Z D1-6 was reached. Orbiting a High Metal lava world 2,622LS from its star, was a rare candidate for terraforming, being an atmospheric rocky moon: [img][/img]
I also went into the exosphere of the massive lava world to take some readings: [img][/img]
When the first destination STRAAE EOHN PM-E B59-0 was reached, it still wasn't possible to plot a long route so another smaller course was plotted for PYRA DRYE PF-L D9-4. The route covered 50 jumps / 2,057LY.
11 jumps into the new route, I reached the system STRAAE EOHN YQ-U C19-1 which had an interesting water world with a red glow due to its Ammonia atmosphere. I decided to rest there and return to my cabin for the night: [img][/img] [li]The first day resulted in 38 jumps, 475 scans, 6 planets mapped and 1,737LY travelled at the value of 6,998,665 credits.[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 12.5. Like the previous phases, once I've cleared the gaps in the spiral arms and as I travel further into the galaxy, the average should increase.[/li]
The next day on the 5th jump (33 left), I arrived in STREAU EOP QT-O D7-3 where none of the planets had been scanned or mapped. This system had 2 terraformable worlds: [img][/img]
As the journey continued, the number of stars were slowly increasing and the galactic light was starting to be obscured by galactic dust again, which I really like the look of. It's not something we ever see in the bubble, unless we head away and towards the edges of the galaxy.
I arrived at the target destination PYRA DRYE PF-L D9-4 and tried plotting a 7k LY route but it still wasn't possible. This was as there was a sparse region covering a few thousand LY ahead. Due to that, I bookmarked a destination (PROYOE OO-Z B13-4) as a placeholder for the end of the phase in the Formorian Frontier. Then, another smaller course was plotted for CHEIA DRYE WB-K C25-0 which was 31 jumps / 1,117LY away. [img][/img]
9 jumps towards the new target, there was a terraformable high metal world in the system PYRA DRYE ZB-S D5-1. You can see the galactic light being darkened, as I mentioned before: [img][/img]
I made it to the target CHEIA DRYE WB-K C25-0 system. There weren't any particularly interesting planets but there was a high surface pressure ice world. I decided to stop off there for somewhere different from the normal places where I usually stop to rest: [img][/img] [li]The progress values from the day were 69 jumps (107 total), 810 scans (1,285 total), 26 planets mapped (32 total) and 3,158.81LY (4,895.31 total) - worth 24,353,581 credits (31,352,246 total).[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 11.73 which was slightly lower than yesterday's 12.5. The phase average was then 12 scans per system[/li]
From there, route plotting was getting even more difficult as I was then in the sparse region. The next destination was 27 jumps / 860LY to the CLIEWUAE ZA-U D4-0 system. This would take me out of The Abyss and into the Formorian Frontier. If worst comes to worst, I could always enable the FSD Booster and also include non-scoopable stars if needs be.
An issue happened to [url=]Viatorem's[/url] computer only one jump later. I tried to open the system map interface but it locked out my controls. I did a reset and due to that, the computer needed to re-plot the destination but couldn't find the way through! I was then plotting even smaller mini routes to get through the area.
After 7 jumps today (still using mini-routes), I arrived in the system CLIEWUAE FT-S C20-0 and was able to map this planet: [img][/img]
Another 2 jumps later, the computer still wasn't able to re-plot the course. After consideration, I headed back towards the previous target, checking the next target on every jump. Because I'd broken away from the first route, there were new systems to visit so the time was still well spent.
With 5 jumps in the wrong direction, I was in the CLIEWUAE OK-P C22-0 system which had 2 terraformable planets to map. Here was one, a very vibrant orange looking world: [img][/img]
After making it all the way back to CHEIA DRYE WB-K C25-0, I was finally able to plot the course to CLIEWUAE ZA-U D4-0. Who ever said exploring was easy!? Once again, the distance was 27 jumps / 860LY.
System CLIEWUAE CM-J D10-1 was reached after 6 jumps. 4 worthwhile planets were found and none had been mapped or even scanned before. Here was one, which I liked due to the yellow / black contrast of the planet; the galaxy, space and [url=]Viatorem[/url] too: [img][/img]
Another 6 jumps in, CHO EURK YN-S C17-O was reached, where there were 3 planets to map including the first Earth Like world I'd seen [url=]since the previous phase:[/url] [img][/img]
I pressed on and reached the destination CLIEWUAE ZA-U D4-0. For the next part, there was a clear gap in the stars which stretched a long way. Rather than list the small segments in this log, I continued onwards to the final destination as I mentioned near the start of today (PROYOE OO-Z B13-4).
When the system CLIEWUAE XP-V D3-0 was reached, a water world was discovered which hadn't been mapped, planet BC1: [img][/img]
On the 45th jump, the end of one of the mini routes (CLIEWUAE WP-V D3-1) was reached but I couldn't see a way ahead. The FSD Booster was re-enabled and the star filters were disabled, which opened more avenues.
For the 54th jump of the day and in the system CLIEWUAE QD-X D2-1, there was a terraformable high metal planet. As you can see, there's not a single star showing in the background: [img][/img]
5 jumps later in the system CHO EURK EZ-S C3-0, I mapped a water world then took a long flight to the furthest point in the system to see (and map) a gas giant. I had to approach it with the galactic light behind in order to even see it! Here's an image of the blue gas giant with enhanced brightness and contrast - the colours haven't been adjusted: [img][/img]
After a further 2 jumps, the end of another mini route was reached in the system CLIEWUAE HC-B D1-1. I mapped a terraformable world and settled there for the night: [img][/img] [li]The progress values for today were 62 jumps (169 total), 562 scans (1,848 total), 26 planets mapped (59 total) and 2,820.83LY (7,716.64 total) - worth 35,979,957 credits (67,337,357 total).[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 9.06 which was the lowest amount to date but as explained, that was because I had to backtrack. The phase average was then 10.93 scans per system[/li]
From the previous efforts, I could see a route around a large section of empty space and towards EOWRAILT JB-W C15-0. The route was 18 jumps / 669LY. From there, the path ahead looked a lot easier than the day before.
Only 2 jumps in, I arrived in the system CLIEWUAE EW-C D1 A3 which had two Water worlds, a High Metal world and an Earth Like world: [img][/img]
With 4 jumps left, another Earth Like world was found in the system EOWRAILT XJ-I D9-1: [img][/img]
The target EOWRAILT JB-W C15-0 was reached, where the star filters were re-applied and the FSD booster disabled again. It was finally possible to plot a course to the end of phase destination PROYOE OO-Z B13-4, being 98 jumps / 4,360LY away. [img][/img]
12 jumps in, the system EOWRAILT ZJ-I C9-0 contained an Ammonia world which I hadn't seen in a long time. The planet A6 also had only been scanned but never mapped. The value was over 1.6m credits: [img][/img]
27 jumps later (57th of today), system CHAU THAU HW-E D11-O was reached. It contained 2 terraformable worlds, a Water world and an Earth Like. Here was the EL world from the system: [img][/img]
As progress was made, it was great to be visiting many unexplored systems again. If you visit Beagle Point, you'll notice most systems have been visited before. Once you're a few thousand LY out and not following the main paths (which can be seen in EDD), you'll find many new places to see.
Another 10 jumps onwards, a valuable metal rich body was found in the system CHAU THUA NX-L D7-9 (A2). The planet was aesthetically pleasing from orbit and sensors detected Geological signals at the surface: [img][/img]
I enabled [url=]Viatorem's[/url] shields and headed down to one of the Sulphur Dioxide Fumarole sites. Whilst there, some Germanium and Vanadium was picked up so their capacities were full again: [img][/img]
On the 86th jump (30 from target), CHAO THAU DB-A C5 was reached. The system contained an Ammonia world and a Water world. The Water world was closest to its star and can be seen below: [img][/img]
By this point, nearly every system had never been visited before and there were many planets to scan. It reminded me a lot of [url=]how Phase 3 had been.[/url]
At 9 jumps from target, the system PROYOE HR-N D6-33 had a unique looking high metal world that was nice to discover: [img][/img]
With 116 jumps covered today, the end of phase target PROYOE OO-Z B13-4 was reached! [li]The final day resulted in 116 jumps, 1,572 scans, 30 planets mapped and 5,616LY travelled at the value of 45,590,309 credits. The totals can be seen in the following section.[/li] [li]The average scans per system were 12.5.[/li]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 5 were: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 285[/li] [li]Distance: 13,333.13LY (that distance wasn't intentional!)[/li] [li]Scans: 3,420[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 90[/li] [li]Value: 112,927,666[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 11.96[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 5 Phases gives the overall progress of: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 2,061[/li] [li]Distance: 99,338[/li] [li]Scans: 29,906[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 910[/li] [li]Value: 1,725,656,064[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 14.51[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]This section shows the route I'd taken[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown in ED (just Phase 5):[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]Shown in EDSM (Phases 1-5):[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
Phase 6 will be to leave the Formorian Frontier, travel through Hieronymus Delta and head into Newton's Vault.
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]It's build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 huge efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Please consider giving it a like and subscribing if you found it interesting. If you have and would be interested in seeing how I got this far, [url=]you can find the earlier phases in my logbook page[/url]. I hope your exploration trip is going well / or you consider one in the future. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe o7
Log copied from INARA.
[url=]It's been 41 hours since my last log update for Phase 3 of the journey.[/url] [color=#33cc66]Total stats and the ship details are at the end of the log.[/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------ | Phase 4 | ------------[/size][/color]
Starting from the THUECHAEI JN-A D1-6 system [url=](in the last log)[/url], it wasn't possible to plot a course to Beagle Point with only scoopable stars but it was possible with L-Type stars included. The distance needed was 14,014LY / 340 jumps away.
24 jumps into the route, I arrived in the system BLAA BLAO UR-D C28-12. The system had 2 water worlds 234k LS from the star. I wouldn't usually fly that far out but decided to travel over there, whilst updating my material and data log (spreadsheet). Luckily for the elements, only 40 were needed to get everything filled again so I'll visit a planetary surface later in the phase. The water worlds were mapped and it was time to press on: [img][/img]
5 jumps later and using EDD's 3D star map, my route was going to join with another commander's course to Beagle Point on the next jump to GREAE BLAO LX-R B9-0. Due to that, a 25 jump / 1,141.91LY route was plotted to take me forward at a different angle, towards GREAE BLAO DG-E B58-0.
As the detour progressed, it was clear that most of those systems weren't having many planets to scan or terraformable worlds to map. However, there were still some high value metal rich words that I could quickly map. With 9 jumps left, here was one of those in the system GREAE BLAO LT-T C19-3: [img][/img]
I arrived at the detour destination GREAE BLAO DG-E B58-0 and tried to re-plot a course to Beagle point but unfortunately, it wasn't possible from there. I decided to re-disable L-type stars and head off-centre towards Beagle Point, to the first system in The Abyss region. The new target was SKUEQAO HB-F C14-0, which required 85 jumps / 3,390.8LY. [li]At that point, I'd covered 54 jumps, 848 scans and 10 planets mapped - at the value of 18,908,981 credits.[/li]
On the 3rd jump, I was in the system BLAA BYOEA ML-B C2-2 and felt glad to see a terraformable planet on sensors, at last... but to my disappointment, it wasn't much to look at! I mapped the planet and then went over to its moon and mapped there as well. Both are shown below with the moon in the foreground: [img][/img]
19 jumps later (63 jumps to go), I got to the BLAA BYOEA DC-J d10-6 system, where there were 3 terraformable planets discovered. Planet A6 looked interesting so an image was taken for the log: [img][/img]
Another 21 jumps later (42 to go) in the system PLOXU AW-T D4-2, a terraformable moon was found. The colour contrasted well with the light (and lack of light) from our galaxy, this far out. I decided to take a break there to have some food and enjoy the view: [img][/img]
When [url=]Viatorem's[/url] computer was replotted, it managed to find a slightly more efficient route of 40 jumps.
Just over half way there with 18 jumps left, I arrived in the system SKUEQAO GY-D C1-0. The system had a water world and a high metal world worth mapping. I thought the HM planet definitely looked better to add to my personal gallery and to the log: [img][/img]
The target system SKUEQAO HB-F C14-0 and The Abyss Region had been reached. From there, the distance was 8,524LY away from Beagle Point - so not bad for a day's work! Luckily, I could also plot a course again which was then 219 jumps. [li]The progress values of today were 137 jumps, 1,933 scans, 45 planets mapped, 87,669,909 credits and an average of 14.1 scans per system.[/li] [li]The average is lower than the previous phases values as systems were becoming increasingly sparse, which would continue as I travelled further out.[/li]
When I progressed with the journey, 6 jumps were covered and the system SKUEQAO GZ-M D8-1 was reached. The system had already been visited by 3 commanders at least: one person who only discovered the star, another who scanned a water world and another who mapped that world and scanned the rest. Luckily for me, there were another 3 unmapped terraformable worlds as well as the already mapped water world. Here was planet 6, a beautiful high metal content world with a blue scattering effect in its atmosphere: [img][/img]
Unlike most of the Phases, there were now more and more systems that had been previously visited. Luckily, I'd taken a very long route or I'm sure everything would've been scanned & mapped before. As my overall mission is firstly for the scans and secondly for the credits from mapping, I still continued scanning everything and mapping any high value planets (thanks to EDDI).
3 jumps later, I arrived in the CHAA EORK DS-U C19-0 system which had its star and first planet already scanned. Luckily, I was able to scan the rest of the planets and map a terraformable water world: [img][/img]
With 18 jumps covered today, I uncovered an ongoing issue for 4 years between our ship computer data and the galactic network (Elite vs EDD). [table][tr][td] Every match in CQC since 2016 where journals were uploaded, logs were showing I'd jumped thousands of LY to one of 4 systems then back again. I manually removed every single entry which cut off a million LY from my EDD and EDSM journeys. [/td][/tr][tr][td] [color=#ff3333][b]Please be aware of this if you've ever played CQC and uploaded your journals to EDSM[/b][/color] - you'll need to search EDSM and EDD to remove these 4 systems: [/td][/tr][tr][td] [color=#3399ff]THETA URSAE MAJORIS, BOEPP SU-E D12-818, ETA CEPHEI and BLEAE AEWSY GA-Y D1-14.[/color] [/td][/tr][tr][td] The issue is caused because they appear in our journals and if you import those to EDSM and have it linked to EDD, you'll need to delete those lines if you want your EDD totals to be correct. [url=]I've raised a report with EDSM for that to be fixed[/url]. [/td][/tr][/table] [li]Due to that and some CQC matches today, I'd only managed to cover 18 jumps (155 total), 253 scans (2,186 total), 9 planets mapped (54 total), 835.57LY (7,347.25 total) - worth 16,350,817 credits (104,020,734 total)[/li]
10 jumps in on the next day travelling, I reached the system PYRODE EORK OI-Z D1-0 where I found a terraformable high metal planet. Like most of the recent systems, these hadn't been mapped but had only been scanned before. I mapped the world I wanted but also travelled out to the furthest planet from the sun as it looked interesting. I wasn't disappointed and managed to capture a few images of its methane lakes and its atmospheric scattering effect. In this image, you can see the blue effect and also the red effect with the faint galaxy lights in the distance: [img][/img]
In this image, you can see some of its significant amounts of methane surface liquid. Some areas were as large as oceans with archipelago islands scattered everywhere: [img][/img]
After 27 jumps that same day, I reached the system PYROOE EORK FA-H C13-0 which hadn't been visited before. Planet 1 was a terraformable high metal content world which looked a lot like an Earth Like planet, partly due to its water rich atmosphere: [img][/img]
[li]The totals for today were: 27 jumps (253 total), 484 scans (2,670 total), 14 planets mapped (68 total), 1,153.72LY (8,500.97 total) - worth 21,681,776 credits (125,702,502 total).[/li] [li]I was glad to find out the scan per system daily average was much better than yesterday at 17.97 vs 14.06.[/li] Being nearly 60k LY from Sol and as this planet was so rare (that it looked Earth Like), I considered this would be a good place to rest for the night: [img][/img]
There were 175 jumps remaining on the next day. 17 jumps into the route, I arrived in the system PYROOE EORK BE-E D13-0 which had been scanned but no planets were mapped. There were 3 worthwhile mapping planets and the last was a Water World with a reddish atmosphere - due to its 9.57x atmospheric pressure of 81.3% Ammonia: [img][/img]
32 jumps later (49th of today), I stopped off next to a water world in the system CHOI DRYOAE SS-S C20-0. Like quite a few of the more recent systems, it hadn't been visited before. From there, the distance was 4,944LY from Beagle Point and 61,283LY from Sol: [img][/img]
After 15 more jumps and many systems with only stars, I was pleasantly surprised to find a system with a terraformable high metal content world, a terraformable water world and most surprisingly, an Earth Like world. I suspected this might be one of the last, if not, the last Earth Like planet I would see, being this far out. The system was PYRAE DRYOAE FX-A D1-2. Only the Earth Like and Water world had been scanned or mapped. I visited all of them to do the honours and take some images for the log: [img][/img]
28 jumps onwards (92nd today), I arrived in the system PYRA DRYIAE HY-F D12-0 which hadn't been visited before and there were 4 terraformable worlds. The system was only 3,216 / 78 jumps from Beagle Point. Here were the first two worlds from the system: [img][/img]
On the 107th jump of the day, I reached the system FLECKEAE TU-V D3-5 which had 6 terraformable worlds that hadn't been mapped before. Here were the planets B7 & B8: [img][/img]
17 jumps later, the system FLECKEAE HS-S C20-1 was reached, which had been visited before. For some strange reason (luckily for me), only one of four terraformable planets had been mapped even though it was right next to another terraformable world. I can only assume they hadn't taken the free COVAS upgrade (EDDI). As always, I mapped all the worthwhile planets and continued on the journey:
With 142 jumps done today and 28 left for to go, a terraformable world was found in the system CEECKIA JS-W C4-0. It wasn't much to look at but I thought the simplicity worked well with our entire galaxy as the backdrop: [img][/img]
A lot of distance had been covered meaning it won't take long to reach Beagle point tomorrow. [li]The totals for today were 142 jumps (324 total), 1,678 scans (4,348 total), 50 planets mapped (118 total), 6,627.75LY (15,128.71 total) - worth 100,005,674 credits (225,708,176 total).[/li] [li]The daily average scans per system were 11.82 (13.42 total for the phase).[/li] As mentioned before, the plan for Beagle point after reaching there, is to find a carrier which can re-supply limpets (for afterwards), get rid of my 64 limpet stock, re-enable the FSD booster and continue the journey further out. I'll visit some locations, before returning again to restock and send my log.
The next day, the last 28 jumps were covering 1,054LY but after 4 jumps, an economical route was used to gain more scans on the final approach. It would have a higher chance of gaining unmapped / undiscovered places and this increased the jumps to 45 from there.
39 jumps left. 6 jumps in (10th of today), I found an unmapped terraformable world in the system CEECKIA BV-Y B20-0 (the brown world below). Its sister planet wasn't terraformable but looked more interesting, so that was mapped as well and they can both be seen below: [img][/img]
32 jumps left, 13 jumps later (17th today), I decided to stop off at a medium gravity world to visit some Silicate Vapour Furnarole Geological sites on the planet CEECKIA DO-K C11-1 A1: [img][/img]
While there, 22 Tin and 7 Vanadium were collected to fill their capacities. After those, I only needed 4 Niobium and 7 Tellurium for all elements to be at 100%. As I'd planned to use FSD boosts later, I can focus on gathering any elements after then. [img][/img]
After re-plotting the course, the route added 3 jumps meaning 35 were now needed to cover the last 675LY.
5 jumps away / 125.55LY, nearly every planet in every system had been mapped - even worthless ice worlds. Luckily in the CEECKIA TE-P C22-0 system, there were some planets over 161k LS away, so I took a long flight to map two high metal planets with a value of 224k: [img][/img]
Then the time was finally here: [img][/img]
Beagle Point had 2 active carriers and a decommissioned carrier. Before docking, I had to record my totals as they get reset when docking. So those will be manually added to the new totals at the end of the phase. The efforts so far today had resulted in: [li]52 jumps (376 total), 662 scans (5,010 total), 17 planets mapped (135 total), 1,334LY (16,462.90 total) - worth 12,983,912 credits (238,692,088 total).[/li] I set a course for the DSSA Distant Worlds carrier orbiting planet 2: [img][/img]
When I docked, the repair fee was 864,402 for [url=]Viatorem's[/url] integrity which was at 44% since the last carrier 662 jumps before [url=](Phase 3)[/url]. I was able to sell my 64 limpets and hand in some exploration data to offset the cost for today. Seeing as the carrier had outfitting available, I also stored a lot of modules and increased my unladen jump range from 68LY to 74LY. [img][/img]
By doing some research, I found the furthest point away from Sol is OEVASY SG-Y D0, so that was my next destination. I wasn't able to plot a course directly (even with 148LY jump using Boost level 3!). So, this was the method I used: [li]10 jumps / 485LY to MYEIA THAA RI-B D13-1.[/li] [li]5 jumps to OEVASY NA-A D0.[/li] [li]One level 1 FSD Boost was needed to reach OEVASY RG-Y D0 (82.7LY).[/li] [img][/img] [li]Lastly, it was then possible to jump 50LY to OEVASY SG-Y D0.[/li]
There are 3 terraformable worlds in that system which are 130,55LS from the main star. As you can see, the background is completely devoid of any nearby stars. I'd selected Sol to show the vast distance (65,647LY) from there: [img][/img]
It was just after taking that screenshot, that someone tried to trick me into killing me, [url=]as I warned the community about here[/url].
The next day, a course was set back to Beagle point (in reverse order as I bullet pointed above). With 4 jumps left in the system CEECKIA WX-F D12-1, a nice looking terraformable world was found with a water rich atmosphere: [img][/img]
I arrived back at the DSSA Distant Worlds carrier, safe and sound. [url=]Viatorem[/url] was restocked with its modules from storage. limpets etc, some wear and tear was covered and a small amount of exploration data was sold to cover the small fee.
It's taken a lot of effort to get here as you'll see below. I feel even more lucky, considering it was nearly stolen from me at the finish line. Even that has added to sense of achievement knowing that the log I left last night has hopefully helped other people as well.
[color=#3399ff][size=3]------------------- | Progress Stats | -------------------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]The progress values for Phase 4 were: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 420[/li] [li]Distance: 19,144.79LY[/li] [li]Scans: 5,298[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 146[/li] [li]Value: 245,708,434[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 12.614[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]Combining the totals from the 4 Phases gives the overall progress of: [/u][/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]Jumps: 1,776[/li] [li]Distance: 86,005LY[/li] [li]Scans: 26,486[/li] [li]Planets Mapped: 820[/li] [li]Value: 1,612,728,398[/li] [li]Average scans per system: 14.913[/li][/color]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]---------- | Route | ----------[/size][/color]
[color=#3399ff][u]These 3 images show different angles of the route I'd taken between Phases 1-4 since the Eagle Nebula.[/u][/color]
[color=#33cc66]Shown in ED:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]In EDSM:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#33cc66]In ED Discovery:[/color] [img][/img]
[color=#3399ff][size=3]--------------------- | The plan ahead | ---------------------[/size][/color]
On the return journey, I'll go back to Sagittarius A as it has been over 4 years since I was last there on 10th June 2016. The distance between Beagle Point and Sagittarius A is 39,386.35LY so this will need to be split into phases again.
However, going forward, rather than produce massive logs of 20k LY per phase, they'll be broken into smaller phases of 10k LY. Also, like before, I won't take a direct route but I'll take a scenic path to avoid the previously explored main courses.
[color=#3399ff][size=3]----------------- | Ship details | -----------------[/size][/color]
Exploration ships are usually as light as possible which sacrifices some usage when they reach their destination. [color=#3399ff]Although Viatorem is an exploration ship, it can also be used for other aspects as well. Some features of Viatorem include:[/color] [color=#33cc66] [li]70.5LY max / 68LY unladen / 63 laden jump range.[/li] [li]Operating heat level of 17% when exploring.[/li] [li]It's build is suited to kinetic resistance, giving 3,524 kinetic hitpoints[/color] - for extra protection when visiting high gravity worlds.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]6 fighters[/color] - for added protection and to explore scenery.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]4 SRVs[/color] - as it's always good to carry a spare (or three!).[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]1 huge efficient beam laser with heat vent[/color] - to keep temperatures down when using...[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]3 large lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]2 medium lightweight multi-cannons with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small lightweight multi-cannon with incendiary rounds.[/li] [li]1 small mining laser[/color] - to collect materials if ever they're needed.[/li] [color=#33cc66][li]Kill Warrant Scanner.[/li] [li]Frame Shift Wake Scanner.[/li] [li]Refinery.[/li] [li]Repair Limpet controller.[/li] [li]Collector Limpet controller.[/li] [/color] The ship description and full information can be found on [url=]INARA here[/url] and [url=]Coriolis here[/url]
Thank you for having a read through. Please consider giving it a like and subscribing if you found it interesting. If you have and would be interested in seeing how I got this far, [url=]you can find the earlier phases in my logbook page[/url]. I hope your exploration trip is going well / or you consider one in the future. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions. Stay safe and fly safe o7