Galactic News

  • September 18, 3309
  • Wallglass Links Rackham to ‘Calico Zack’

    The Federal Times has published evidence that trillionaire and presidential candidate Zachary Rackham was once the pirate lord ‘Calico Zack’.

    The newsfeed featured a detailed exposé by financial journalist Bryanna Blanco:

    “The Wallglass Investigations Agency has confirmed my long-held suspicions about Zachary Rackham’s past. With the timely assistance of independent pilots, we have unearthed a message archive concealed in the Zeta Trianguli Australis system.”

    “This was created as insurance by a pirate named Angelo Defries. Wallglass’s analysis revealed that Defries learned of Zachary Rackham’s alter-ego over sixteen years ago, and threatened to transmit evidence to several newsfeeds – including, ironically, us here at The Federal Times.”

    “While Defries seems to have disappeared around 3292 with his evidence withheld, conversations from that period were traced to the Wishbone Point facility. Wallglass, in conjunction with volunteer pilots, tracked down and decrypted the damning logs.”

    “This vindicates my many years investigating Rackham’s criminal activities and corruption. More importantly, we have proved that the Federation is at risk of electing a pirate lord as its president.”

    Vox Galactica reporter Patricia Chen covered the story:

    “Mr Rackham strenuously denied these allegations, stating that he always tolerated ‘being associated with a mythical figure’ as it gave him ‘an aura of danger that was useful in boardroom meetings’. His devoted followers say that the evidence was manufactured for Wallglass to find, and that Bryanna Blanco is secretly funded by either Jerome Archer or Felicia Winters.”

    “However, high-profile supporters such as business magnate ‘Sir’ Randolph Plaskett and ICE-caster Sura Oyekan have publicly withdrawn their support. The value of shares in Rackham Capital Investments has also nosedived. With a month until the voting period opens, this discovery has disrupted an already much-delayed Federal election.”

  • September 14, 3309
  • Aegis Releases Upgraded Xeno Scanner

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A pulse wave xeno scanner upgrade that can detect human life signs on Thargoid Titans is now available.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, announced the campaign’s successful conclusion:

    “The upgraded pulse wave xeno scanner will isolate human life signs aboard the Titan motherships. If Seo Jin-ae is correct that some of our missing populations are being stored by the Thargoids, this could be the most important technological breakthrough in the war. I’m deeply grateful to all those who helped make it a reality.”

    “Aegis is already trialling potential methods to rescue abductees, providing they can be located. I have also accepted Li Yong-Rui’s invitation to discuss the recovery methods already explored by Sirius Corporation, following majority approval from our superpower delegates.”

    Former Federal admiral and current Aegis military strategist Aden Tanner discussed the practicalities of locating human captives:

    “I want to remind pilots of how dangerous this task will be. Ships must be equipped with caustic sink launchers to survive within the corrosive Maelstroms, as well as Thargoid pulse neutralisers to breach the Titan’s defensive barrier.Flying close to the surface of the Titans is no easy feat, plus there is an ever-present risk of attack by patrolling Thargoid vessels. But I know how determined many of you are to find these poor souls. Every human identified is a potential life saved the moment we have the tools to do so.”

    In advance of the pulse wave scanner upgrade, Aegis hosted a campaign in the Rabh system which aimed to resupply low-stock commodities for the broader humanitarian efforts. Independent pilots managed to deliver quantities of neofabric insulation, polymers and thallium. While the eventual total received was lower than anticipated, current stocks should now be sufficient while a permanent supply chain is established.

    CD-51 1447 Imperial Society is now rewarding contributors to Aegis’s initiative at Muller Terminal in the Rabh system. Pilots who protected deliveries by destroying wanted ships can also now redeem bounty vouchers.

  • September 7, 3309
  • Rescue Megaships Scheduled to Redeploy

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The eleven megaships coordinating evacuation efforts from Thargoid-invaded systems are set to move over the next few weeks.

    Military analysis of the current front line has highlighted that the distance between active conflict areas and the megaships can be decreased with an acceptably low degree of risk. Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, part of the Imperial delegation to Aegis, offered this comment:

    “Shortening the distance between systems which require humanitarian support and the megaships responsible for coordinating that support is important. Until now we have urged caution to maintain their current safe positions, since these vessels are obvious targets for Thargoid attack. But as our brave pilots continue to regain territory and push the alien forces back, we feel confident that this is the right decision.”

    From September 7th, the following megaships will temporarily cease offering new mission contracts. They will redeploy to new locations on September 14th, with missions offered once again:

    Rescue Ship Foerster

    Rescue Ship Hutner

    Rescue Ship Seacole

    Rescue Ship Yoshida

    Allied Solace

    From September 14th, the following megaships will temporarily cease offering new mission contracts. They will redeploy to new locations on September 21st, with missions offered once again:

    Rescue Ship Bertschinger

    Rescue Ship Cavell

    Rescue Ship Cornwallis

    Rescue Ship Kisseih

    Imperial Sanctum

    Federal Haven

    Any ships or modules stored on the rescue megaships will be transported safely to the new location.

  • Upgraded Xeno Scanner Requires Resources

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis aims to provide an update to the pulse wave xeno scanner that can locate captive humans on Thargoid Titans.

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Alliance’s scientific liaison to Aegis, informed the media about the project:

    “Information provided by Seo Jin-ae suggests that people abducted by the Thargoids are being kept alive aboard the Titan motherships inside ‘pods’. This theory makes sense - since Thargoid atmospheres are toxic to humans, any captives are surely sealed in an environment that meets their respiratory and nutritional needs.”

    “The pulse wave xeno scanner has been modified by Allied, Federal and Imperial technicians, working in concert using Aegis’s communications protocols. The module’s electromagnetic pulse technology aims to identify these pods by detecting several key markers generated by living humans.”

    “A broader effort to prepare for humanitarian rescue efforts is underway, but we have encountered a shortage of neofabric insulation, polymers and thallium. Shipments of these materials are urgently required to support the crews onboard rescue megaships in its vital work.”

    Contributors are asked to transport these commodities to Muller Terminal in the Rabh system. The CD-51 1447 Imperial Society has agreed to coordinate the enterprise on behalf of Aegis, and will protect deliveries by redeeming bounty vouchers for all wanted ships in the system.

  • September 1, 3309
  • Materials Received to Construct Duval Statues

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A campaign by a minor Imperial Family member to deliver precious materials to Laedla has concluded.

    The shipments of gold, jadeite and platinum will be used to construct statues of Duval family members, to be erected in public spaces in planetary cities across the Empire.

    The project is the brainchild of Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval, who announced:

    “I am deeply grateful to all the pilots who mined or transported the resources we required. Work has already begun to forge them into beautiful works of art, commemorating past Emperors and other noble holders of the Duval name.”

    “It is my honour to confirm the first two statues will be of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval, located in the palace’s central plaza on Capitol, and of Lady Florence Lavigny, placed within the main square of Topaz’s capital city alongside the memorial sculpture of Emperor Hengist.”

    Laedla Empire Assembly is now offering payment to those who delivered the required materials to Kummer Acropolis in the Laedla system. Bounty vouchers for all wanted ships destroyed within the system will also be redeemed.

  • Aegis Leak Confirms Vanishing Populations

    A private discussion among Aegis leadership regarding mass Thargoid abductions has been made public.

    Recordings of Professor Alba Tesreau, Aden Tanner and Seo Jin-ae were sent to and published by all newsfeeds, including the Pilots’ Federation. File data shows that their conversation took place shortly before Professor Tesreau’s statement to the media on July 18th, in Alba Tesreau’s office at Aegis headquarters in Duamta.

    After a brief period of speculation, Seo Jin-ae herself confirmed that she released the logs. Seo indicated that rumours circulating on ‘alternative ICE channels’ of Aegis withholding information from the public were false, and that Tesreau intended to announce evidence of human abductions even before the Dedicant tragedy brought the news to prominence.

    Ernesto Rios analysed the new information in an article for Vox Galactica:

    “Leaks of classified information are nothing new, but it is rare that they support rather than damage the target organisation. According to these recordings, the topic of millions of people missing from Thargoid-invaded systems was carefully considered prior to Aegis informing the public.”

    “A significant revelation relates to the visions experienced by Seo Jin-ae. She tells Tesreau and Tanner: ‘An image keeps repeating… Rows and rows of what I thought were eggs.’ But then clarifies: ‘They’re pods. Containers for humans.’ Seo claims that abducted people are being kept alive aboard the Titan motherships. The reason remains unknown, though Seo insists the abductees are ‘important to the next phase of the Thargoid invasion.’”

    “Tanner then queries that Aegis might develop a way to recover these pods. We have yet to see confirmation that Aegis is investigating this possibility. But the prospect of extracting prisoners from within the fearsome Titans will only appeal to the most courageous or foolhardy pilots.”

  • August 28, 3309
  • Rackham Refutes Rumours

    Presidential candidate Zachary Rackham has denied allegations that he was a notorious pirate lord prior to becoming an entrepreneur.

    Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco has long maintained that the business magnate gained his initial fortune by means of piracy. She recently announced that she was renewing efforts to prove his criminality, thereby invalidating him from holding the presidency under Federal electoral laws.

    In an exclusive interview with Sol Today, Mr Rackham addressed the situation:

    “I’ve always been highly amused by these stories, which make out that I was some kind of swashbuckling corsair in my youth. No doubt they’ve helped boost sales of The Federal Times.”

    “But in the Federation, we have laws to protect innocent people – just like me! – from libellous accusations. It’s time for Ms Blanco to discard her poisonous obsession with me, or I’ll be forced to defend my good name through legal means. Hey, if she needs a good source of income, my campaign could always find use for an imaginative speech writer!”

    In response, The Federal Times published a personal article by Bryanna Blanco:

    “Rackham does have one genuine talent: covering his tracks. With all his money and resources, he’s erased all evidence of his past. I’ve interviewed plenty of victims and witnesses, but most of my discoveries won’t stand up in court against his powerful legal team.”

    “So, with special funding provided by my editor, I’ve turned to the professionals. The Wallglass Investigations Agency has been hired to prove that Rackham operated as a pirate lord. If they can’t find irrefutable proof, nobody can. And if I’m proved wrong, then Calico Zack can take his shot at stealing the entire Federation.”

  • August 25, 3309
  • Deliveries Requested to Commemorate Duval Family

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Shipments of precious materials are needed in the Laedla system to build statues honouring the House of Duval.

    Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval made a public announcement to launch the initiative:

    “We are all relieved that our beloved Imperial Mother is on the path to recovery. In such times, we must remember how much all citizens owe to the Duval dynasty, whose thousand-year reign has brought peace and prosperity to trillions.”

    “In honour of Her Majesty the Emperor and all those who came before her, I am arranging for mighty statues to adorn the public plazas of many Imperial worlds. Using the finest quality gold, jadeite and platinum, we will construct impressive monuments to the architects of our glorious Empire.”

    The Imperial Herald published a related piece by royal correspondent Gudrun Vestergaard:

    “Archduke Otto Lombardo-Duval is the son of Prince Baylor Duval, one of Emperor Hesketh’s brothers, who married into the House of Lombardo nearly a century ago. This offshoot branch of the Imperial Family are survivors of the mass assassinations perpetrated by the NMLA, as a result of which their prominence among the nobility has risen.”

    “Emperor Arissa has given the statues her personal blessing, but the mood within the palace is mixed. Some view Archduke Otto as having delusions of grandeur. Others consider him an opportunist looking to ingratiate himself with more prominent family members. But perhaps this is a simple gesture in good faith – a swift response to Florence Lavigny’s request for unity within the royal family.”

    The required resources can be delivered to Kummer Acropolis in the Laedla system. Laedla Empire Assembly, which is providing logistical support and security for the project, will redeem bounty vouchers for wanted ships in the system.

  • August 22, 3309
  • The Case Against ‘Calico Zack’

    Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco has renewed her investigation into Zachary Rackham, seeking to invalidate him from the Federal presidential race.

    “Thirty years ago, the mysterious ‘Calico Zack’ gained a reputation as a notorious pirate lord. In some backwaters, tales are still told of how he personally led countless raids against cargo ships and passenger liners. Allegedly there were very few casualties in his wake, since the pirate always focused on hijacking valuables rather than causing bloodshed.”

    “As Calico Zack’s wealth and influence grew, Archon Delaine viewed him as a threat and planned to go to war. This may be what prompted him abandon piracy. He laundered his ill-gotten gains via shell corporations and stock investments, reinventing himself as Federal entrepreneur Zachary Rackham.”

    “Since those days – which he now claims were spent as a struggling trader – Rackham has become a trillionaire. He has absorbed companies, funded grandiose structures, and plastered his name wherever he could. Rackham Capital Investments is largely run by former pirate comrades turned businessmen, which has led to a few violent ‘resignations’ over the years.”

    “Rackham’s presidential candidacy has inspired me to redouble my efforts to expose his criminal past. I cannot imagine what the Federation will become if he is elected to high office.”

    The Federal Times has come under fire from Zachary Rackham’s supporters, claiming it is acting on the orders of his political rivals. An editorial in rival newsfeed Sol Today said:

    “Bryanna Blanco was once a highly respected reporter, but should be facing libel charges for this kind of mudslinging. She has pursued a years-long vendetta against Rackham with very little to show for it, and her articles often recycle discredited conspiracy theories.”

    A Federal Intelligence Agency spokesperson stated:

    “Mr Rackham is a long-standing member of the FIA Civilian Oversight Board. There has never been any evidence that might cause us to open a criminal investigation into his activities.”

  • August 17, 3309
  • Ancient Alien Battleground Discovered

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Wreckage from a past conflict between the Guardian and Thargoid races has been found in the Wregoe BU-Y b2-0 system.

    The crashed remains of Thargoid vessels, alongside structures of Guardian origin, are located on Wregoe BU-Y b2-0 1 c. Conflict between the two species occurred millions of years ago, but physical evidence of this is extremely rare. The only comparable site, in the Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2 system, was initially found two centuries ago by the Azimuth Biochemicals ship Proteus and rediscovered in 3307.

    Wregoe BU-Y b2-0 was one of several systems under investigation following a report by Commander Renia Rakowski, who encountered a Thargoid interceptor in nearby Wregoe GA-X B3-0.

    The Holloway Bioscience Institute has sent teams into the area to explore the possibility of xenoarchaeological research. Dr Jeong-Hui Shin gave a statement to The Sovereign newsfeed:

    “It is fascinating that none of the Thargoid vessels operating in this region are immediately aggressive. One of our theories is that they are still following million-year-old orders to attack the Guardians. Therefore, from their perspective, humans are an unknown species and not identified as an enemy. Alternatively, they may be pursuing non-combat functions such as meta-alloy harvesting, as with the Thargoids that can still be found in some nebulas.”

    Prominent xeno-peace advocates including Timothy Culver, Bernadette Wells and Dev Venkatesh have called for further study of the area. They claim that this is “an opportunity for non-hostile interactions with the Thargoids,” who may have developed “an autonomous subculture that is more amenable to coexistence with humanity, providing certain boundaries are respected.”

    Other pro-peace groups have demanded that naval forces should not be sent into the region, as the Thargoids may view this as a provocation. At present, Aegis is focused entirely on gathering information and is not aware of any anti-xeno deployments against Wregoe BU-Y b2-0.

  • August 9, 3309
  • Thargoid Scythes Undertake ‘Human Harvest’

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A new type of Thargoid vessel is hyperdicting human ships and capturing living passengers.

    Aegis has designated the hunter-class alien ship as a ‘Scythe’. Aden Tanner released an assessment of its capabilities:

    “This Thargoid vessel has been designed not just for combat, but to hyperdict ships and extract human beings from them. Our observations of its tactics suggesting that abduction is its primary purpose.”

    “A Scythe’s initial attack mirrors that of its Glaive cousin, by attempting to disable frame shift drives and deplete shields. It then launches a unique strike to makes passenger cabins and cargo holds uninhabitable. The resulting escape pods are rapidly drawn onboard onto the Scythe intact.”

    Further observations were made by Vice Admiral Skylar Anderson, the Empire’s military liaison to Aegis:

    "Due to their modus operandi, it now seems likely that the Dedicant’s population was forced to abandon the megaship and subsequently abducted en masse by these vessels.”

    “The Thargoids have been capturing escape pods for years, but now it seems to have become a strategic priority. Perhaps they view ‘harvesting’ us in the same way as obtaining meta-alloys from barnacle sites. We can only imagine what unpleasant intentions they have for living human specimens.”

  • August 4, 3309
  • Cultists Blamed for Dedicant Tragedy

    President Zachary Hudson has accused the Order of the Far God of being directly responsible for the fate of the Dedicant megaship.

    “Our assessment of these Thargoid-worshipping extremists has been proved correct,” he told The Federal Times. “Hijacking the Dedicant to deliver it to their alien gods is an act of treason and mass murder.”

    “I have ordered the Proactive Detection Bureau to root out every deluded individual with sympathies for this twisted cult. Automatic life sentences will ensure that these traitors never again put innocent people at risk.”

    The declaration brought political pressure on all three presidential candidates to state their intentions for the Far God cult should they be elected.

    Vice President Jerome Archer: “I will be pleased to continue President Hudson’s policy on dealing with these religious fanatics: stricter controls, increased surveillance and tougher sentences.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters: “Regardless of their misguided beliefs, thousands of former citizens also lost their lives during this Thargoid attack. I am lobbying for an independent security review into these tragic events.”

    Zachary Rackham: “Hear me out. There’s a simple solution to all this. When I’m president, only criminals will pay tax. That’ll be a far more effective deterrent than imprisonment!”

    Dr Alfred Ulyanov, an expert on the Order of the Far God, observed that the cultists had no way of communicating with the Thargoids: “The deeply distressing logs found on the Dedicant prove that the arrival of the Thargoids was unexpected, and certainly not the rapturous experience they believed it would be.”

    The Federal Intelligence Agency is continuing to investigate the Dedicant in the HIP 19600 system. The Alliance’s amnesty programme with the Federation has been officially halted, but the Far God religion remains legal in most Allied territories.

  • August 3, 3309
  • The Fate of the Dedicant

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The lost megaship Dedicant has been located in HIP 19600, with signs of Thargoid attack and all inhabitants missing.

    The Dedicant was being prepared by Federal authorities to deport imprisoned members of the Order of the Far God when it unexpectedly jumped into hyperspace. Pilots who helped decipher its fragmented distress call were informed of the recent discovery by the Imperial Navy.

    Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency issued a statement:

    “We can confirm that the Dedicant has been discovered adrift in the HIP 19600 system. There is evidence that the Thargoids penetrated the hull in multiple locations, and thousands of escape pods were launched. Unusually, there are no bodies onboard and we have not been able to locate any of the escape pods. The whereabouts of all three FIA security teams and over 8,000 Far God cultists cannot be determined.”

    “A series of personal logs, portraying some harrowing experiences, are helping us to piece together what happened during the Dedicant’s disappearance. We are liaising with military intelligence to learn more.”

    In related news, Aegis made an announcement on all public channels:

    “Independent observers have detected a new type of Thargoid vessel operating within the Maelstroms. Little is known of their capabilities as yet. They have been provisionally classified as a ‘hunter’ due to their size, which is similar to the Glaive.”

    “Aegis has only corroborated sightings of these ships in close proximity to the Thargoid Titans. However, we have received reports that they may be active elsewhere. Pilots are advised to exercise maximum caution if they encounter these vessels.”

  • July 27, 3309
  • Dedicant Quest Yields Results

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The missing megaship Dedicant is close to being located after fragments of its distress call were tracked down.

    The scrambled messages were discovered on comms beacons in the LP 714-58, Wuniez, Olurung and Kwakimo systems. Combined decryption efforts eventually led to another beacon in the HIP 19912 system, where the Dedicant’s original transmission was revealed:











    Vice Admiral Amir Rafiq of the Imperial Navy provided an update:

    “Imperial Intelligence specialists are currently analysing the comms beacon in HIP 19912 to trace the message to its point of origin. We have orders not to commence any joint operations with the Federation, but I am authorised to make our findings public.”

    Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency told the media:

    “We appreciate the assistance from the Empire , and from all the independent pilots who helped find this distress call. It has confirmed our theory that the prisoners managed to regain control of their former vessel, using various modifications made to its internal systems.”

    “FIA security teams are standing by to launch a rescue mission as and when the Dedicant’s location is pinpointed. They will retake the megaship by force if necessary and detain all Far God cultists onboard.”

  • July 20, 3309
  • Azimuth Releases New AX Weapon

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Rare goods delivered to Xi Wangda helped ensure that Azimuth Biotech’s arms convention was a success.

    CEO Torben Rademaker confirmed the initiative’s completion:

    “From today, the Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannon with Auto Loader is available at all rescue megaships, as well as Azimuth Biotech’s core markets. I am confident that this will prove useful those brave pilots who enter combat with Thargoid ships. Once again, my company has proved that its ingenuity and experience in developing anti-xeno weaponry cannot be surpassed.”

    “I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to all of the corporate, financial and military representatives who attended the convention. Many fascinating proposals were discussed, most of which must remain commercially confidential for now. Suffice to say, the future for Azimuth Biotech and our partners looks bright.”

    “Finally, the event was helped enormously by the supplies of Albino Quechua Mammoth Meat, Gilya Signature Weapons and Harma Silver Sea Rum, as well as those who eliminated criminal elements in the Xi Wangda system. I have authorised reimbursement for delivered goods from Musashi and bounty vouchers from Cartier City.”

    Newsfeeds, business analysts and ICE channels have discussed the clandestine nature of Azimuth Biotech’s convention. Some wondered if the corporation would be able to function without external financing. Others suggested that cooperation with mainstream companies may rehabilitate Azimuth in the eyes of the superpowers.

    The attendance of senior staff from the Holloway Bioscience Institute has also raised eyebrows within the scientific community. An editorial in The Empirical remarked: “Holloway’s expertise in studying vacuum-dwelling life forms is almost unparalleled. If Azimuth were to forge closer ties with the institute, the resulting xenological research capabilities might even surpass those of Aegis.”

  • The Hunt for the Dedicant

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Traces of a distress call from the Dedicant megaship have been detected in the LP 714-58 system.

    Vice Admiral Amir Rafiq, a spokesperson for the Imperial Navy, broadcast an announcement on all public channels:

    “An Imperial scout ship travelling through LP 714-58 has intercepted several fragmentary signals. Their identifying markers confirmed that they originated from the Dedicant. We believe there has been an encryption error in the system’s communication beacons, which prevented the distress call from being rerouted to its intended destination in the Federation.”

    “Officially, the Imperial Navy no longer performs joint operations with our Federal counterparts. Nor do we involve ourselves in the activities of the illegal Far God cult. Nevertheless, we are sharing this information as a humanitarian gesture. Our hope is that this may aid a rescue mission for those trapped aboard the lost megaship.”

    The Dedicant made an unscheduled hyperspace jump from the Popontia system on the 15th of June, while imprisoned members of the Order of the Far God were being transferred onboard to be relocated in the Alliance.

    Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency released a statement:

    “It is unexpected to receive any kind of assistance from the Empire, but on this occasion we are grateful. Three security teams, comprised of 50 agents each, are currently on the Dedicant along with over 8,000 cultists. This is the first indication that the megaship remains intact and that our people are calling for help.”

    “FIA specialists are en route to the LP 714-58 system. However, deciphering interstellar comms signals is a difficult and time-consuming task. We would appreciate any assistance from independent pilots if they are able to detect any further messages.”

  • July 17, 3309
  • Presidential Candidates Outline Manifestos

    The three candidates in the Federal presidential election have taken part in a second live debate to discuss policies.

    The event was more closely moderated than the first debate in June. The candidates discussed their campaigns in detail, with minimal interruption from their rivals.

    Republican Party candidate Jerome Archer is the current vice president and a former director of the Federal Intelligence Agency. He explained his intentions to tighten security and increase military spending:

    “Shielding citizens from external threats, whether human or alien, is always my top priority. Ms Winters lacks any significant achievements in her political career, if we’re honest. Whereas I can refer to many successes – such as the Proactive Detection Bureau – which prove I am a man of my word.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters, leader of the Liberal Party, was previously the secretary of state in Jasmina Halsey’s administration. She outlined her plans to reinvest in civil infrastructure by increasing corporate taxation:

    “Our economic model will look to increase tax revenue generated by large corporations, greatly improving the quality of life for billions of people through public service investment. Mr Archer’s obsession with police-state programmes can only push the Federation further toward an authoritarian dystopia.”

    Independent candidate Zachary Rackham is a well-known business magnate, who privately owns many Federal companies. His campaign pledges have proved highly popular, but remain light on detail:

    “Is anyone else as bored of these two windbags as I am? All politicians do is make empty promises, but I’m in the business of giving people what they want. As president, I’ll make every single person rich and successful, just like – say it with me, come on – just like me!”

    All three candidates pledged to prioritise funding for the Federal Navy’s anti-xeno efforts until the ongoing conflict with the Thargoids reaches a conclusion.

    In related news, Congress confirmed that the election date has been shifted again. Refugee advocacy groups have argued that all residents of Federal systems lost to Thargoid invasion are entitled to vote, and the active re-registration of this demographic in new territories has forced a further delay. The election is now expected to be held in the last quarter of 3309.

  • July 13, 3309
  • Deliver Rarities for Azimuth Event

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Azimuth Biotech has requested shipments of rare commodities to Xi Wangda, as luxury supplies for its business convention.

    Torben Rademaker, CEO of the anti-xeno corporation, announced the initiative via public channels:

    “We expect this prestigious gathering to be attended by many representatives from research groups, manufacturing companies and military forces. To ensure that our esteemed guests are made welcome, we will pay handsomely for shipments of Albino Quechua Mammoth Meat, Gilya Signature Weapons and Harma Silver Sea Rum.”

    “The cornerstone of this event will be the commercial launch of Azimuth’s newly modified ship-mounted weapon: the pre-engineered Overcharged Gimballed AX Multi-Cannon with Auto Loader. Our proprietary redesign will make a significant contribution when engaging Thargoid vessels in combat. Those who contribute the greatest number of rare goods will be rewarded with some of these revolutionary modules.”

    Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran, who coordinates the Alliance’s involvement with Aegis, remarked on Azimuth’s campaign during an interview for the Old Worlds Gazette:

    “Anything that increases survivability against the Thargoids is surely welcome. But it does grind a little when it comes from the same organisation that escalated the war so significantly.”

    “Furthermore, Mr Rademaker is placing a positive spin on Azimuth’s connections with third parties, rather than admit that it is a necessity. Activist groups such as Operation Wych Hunt have diminished the corporation’s stellar influence in recent months. Their actions might have forced Azimuth to rely on external support in order to compete with Aegis.”

    Pilots can make their deliveries to Musashi in the Xi Wangda system. Azimuth Biotech has acknowledged that transporting these valuable items increases the likelihood of being targeted by pirate forces. The corporation will therefore offer a further reward for redeeming bounty vouchers at Cartier City on wanted ships in the system, in order to maintain local security.

  • July 6, 3309
  • Kokoller Mining Initiative Concludes

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A mining campaign organised by Kokoller Limited has drawn to a close, with the organisers declaring it a success.

    The Federal corporation requested deliveries of bertrandite, coltan and praseodymium to supply the Kokoller system’s refinery base, ostensibly to manufacture supplies for the Federal Navy’s anti-xeno war efforts.

    Spokesperson Paul Dyson provided a message to participants:

    “It is genuinely a pleasure to see so many pilots respond to our call for raw materials. Harvesting those asteroid belts is no easy task, but the performance has been remarkable. I can promise all those involved in the campaign that the profits raised from refining and distributing these resources will go to a very worthy cause. Those credits are in good hands.”

    Kokoller Limited has confirmed that all contributors to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Utley Hub in the Kokoller system.

  • June 30, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: June 3309

    The latest report on the ongoing struggle against the Thargoids from Vox Galactica reporter Jade Sanderlyn.

    “As the war reaches its eighth month, Thargoid invasion forces occupy over a thousand systems. Billions of people have been evacuated or lost as a result. Although this ongoing conflict has made little impact on everyday life for the other side of the bubble, it continues to dominate the media.”

    “The beginning of June saw the release of Aegis’s latest development: the pulse wave xeno scanner. This module allows any pilots who dares approach the Titans to gather much-needed data, triggering what The Empirical referred to as a ‘scientific gold rush’. We are a long way from fully comprehending the purpose of these gargantuan constructs, but the tools to do so are at least beginning to arrive.”

    “Unsurprisingly, Azimuth Biotech also declared its interest in the Titans. This led to the corporation competing indirectly with Aegis to collect tissue samples directly from the hull of the Thargoid motherships. Although there was significantly greater support for the tri-superpower agency - no doubt an encouraging sign for Aegis’s Professor Tesreau - Azimuth’s results suggest that some retain faith in Salvation’s legacy.”

    “On the subject of faith, another media talking point was the recent mysterious disappearance of the Dedicant. This Order of the Far God megaship, impounded for months by the FIA, was scheduled to deport tens of thousands of imprisoned adherents from the Federation to the Alliance. But with only a few thousand on board, the ship made a sudden hyperspace jump out of Popontia. Theories abound as to its fate, ranging from a simple engine malfunction to the Far God rescuing its loyal worshippers. Even in wartime, it seems everyone loves a mystery.”

    “On the front lines, of course, there is no time for such distractions. Thargoid Glaives hunt down human ships. Revenants seek to eliminate human trespassers on conquered worlds. Titans launch wave after wave of Thargoid vessels further into the core systems. Here, the focus remains locked onto the deadliest adversary we have ever faced. But the resistance is holding fast, and some traction is being made by anti-xeno forces. Systems are being recovered from alien control. There is hope that the tide is slowly turning.”

    “This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”