Galactic News

  • February 20, 3311
  • Independent Colonisation Support Campaign Goes Live

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Brewer Corporation has issued a request for deliveries to Starlace Station in the Minerva system.

    Brewer COO Mark Rennik is overseeing the second open request by the corporation in a month, following calls for system survey data earlier this month. Rennik’s press release, published through most major news feeds, offered an update on Brewer’s broader colonisation plans.

    An excerpt highlighted by Vox Galactica:

    “A key feature of independent colonisation plans is the beacon and suite module used to establish a successful claim. Our secure manufacturing facilities across several systems have been producing considerable stocks of these devices ready to supply outfitters.”

    “This morning, we held talks with representatives of minor factions on the fringes of populated space. It was suggested – and we agreed - that the initial colonisation efforts carried out with Brewer technology could benefit from mobile market support.”

    “I have therefore commissioned new additions to the Trailblazer megaship fleet, which will aid in supplying early colony claims. To ensure these megaships are ready for service and sufficiently stocked on time, we call for independent traders to bring specific commodities to Minerva so we can meet our planned two-week deadline.”

    A number of commodities have been requested by Brewer Logistics, the logistical arm of Brewer Corporation, which are detailed within the initiative. Following a recent security incident, a secondary initiative to protect traders in the Minerva system is also underway, with contributions measured in bounty vouchers.

  • January 29, 3311
  • Titan Wreckage In Sol Draws Keen Interest

    The wreckage of Titan Cocijo far above Earth has attracted thousands of ships over the past several weeks.

    As extensively reported in December, a huge effort from the Federal Navy, the Pilots’ Federation and other independent pilots brought down the last remaining Thargoid Titan after it assaulted the Sol system. Titan Cocijo’s destruction was confirmed on December 18th 3310.

    An excerpt from an article by Jason Nygaard of the Federal Times offered the following:

    “Thousands of ships have descended on the carcass of Titan Cocijo now that the caustic cloud left in the mothership’s wake has dissipated to less hazardous levels. Some seek to claim a trophy of this military victory, while others seek to gain knowledge of Thargoid technology. Others still have been seen posing for selfies, using external camera modules to take the perfect snapshot for ICE channels.”

    “Federal authorities had sought to limit the number of visitors to the site, citing military security and safety concerns. But with other Titan wreckages similarly popular, adventurous pilots have mostly ignored these protocols and there seems to be little appetite to enforce them.”

    A memorial beacon to remember those lost during the Second Thargoid War and the Battle of Sol has been deployed in the system.

  • January 9, 3311
  • Empire Accused of Power Grab in Federation’s Heart

    Imperial agents have been charged with attempting to seize political influence deep in Federal territory following the Battle of Sol.

    With the aftermath of the Thargoid Invasion still causing upheaval across populated space, there has been a marked effort by many factions to establish themselves in systems impacted by Titan Cocijo’s assault in December.

    Sofia Trevino wrote a summary for the Federal Times:

    “In recent weeks there has been turmoil in Sol, as political, corporate and military interests come to terms with the impact of Titan Cocijo’s arrival – not to mention the civilian cost, with billions of refugees still displaced in surrounding systems.”

    “But an unexpected element has emerged, with ports and outposts reporting a significant increase in positive Imperial sentiment. This has been tied to Princess Aisling Duval in particular, currently enjoying a good reputation among non-Imperial populations due to her work as a delegate to Aegis and a champion of humanitarian causes for those impacted by the xeno war.”

    “Shadow-President Jerome Archer has stamped down on this flourishing popularity and was described as ‘outraged’ by the notion of Imperial influence in the heart of the Federation. Republican media outlets, counteragents and even the Proactive Detection Bureau were deployed to quell the initial unrest.”

    Princess Aisling has denied any involvement in the growth of Imperial support, but did imply that Federal populations ‘should not be spurned for the consideration of new ideas’.

    It has been noted that a core of Aisling’s supporters remain active in Barnard’s Star, which no doubt concerns the Federal government.

  • December 18, 3310
  • Titan Cocijo Destroyed, Sol Liberated

    The last remaining Thargoid Titan has been destroyed in the Sol system, following weeks of fierce fighting between Thargoid and human AX pilots.

    Titan Cocijo entered a meltdown state 24 hours ago, after pilots were able to jam its heat vents to trigger an overload of heat within the giant mothership. Shortly before detonation, the last remaining Thargoid vessels were seen entering portals to leave the system. No Thargoid ships remain in Sol.

    President Felicia Winters, speaking from Feynman in Eta Cassiopeiae, announced victory in the Battle for Sol via all newsfeeds:

    “This is a historic moment in human history. We have fought together against an alien invader who sought to dominate us. In this moment, today, we have triumphed. The heart of the Federation was the Thargoid’s final target, and with Aegis’ support the Federation stood firm. Now we look to rebuild, refocus and move forward.”

    Professor Alba Tesreau also provided a statement on behalf of Aegis:

    “It is important to recognise the significance of our victory. When coming together as one, working side-by-side regardless of identity or allegiance, we have proven that humanity can withstand significant challenges and move forward, arm in arm, towards the future. But in such moments, we remember those who have been taken from us – the selfless, the heroic and the loved. It will take time to heal. We thank the efforts of all those who defended us against the Thargoids, due to which so many of us remain to mourn the lost.”

    Words of support from Allied and Imperial figures have been exchanged, though some Federal ICE-Casters have drawn attention to the lack of military support from the other superpowers during Cocijo’s assault on Sol.

    The repair of all offline ports in Sol has been highlighted as the next priority. Shipments of materials needed to complete the restoration of these locations are needed in Sol and neighbouring systems which experienced Thargoid invasion.

    Refugees numbering in the billions remain homeless, still living in temporary shelters assigned by Rescue Megaship processing teams. Many of these refugees are reluctant to return to their home systems and are looking for new opportunities among the stars.

    Participants in the assault on Titan Cocijo can now collect their rewards from Rescue Ship Hutner in the Luyten’s Star system.

  • January 25, 3310
  • Titan Cocijo Devastates Sol System

    The Thargoid Titan Cocijo has arrived in the Sol system, positioning itself in orbit around Earth.

    Cocijo’s arrival unleashed a devastating regional assault by the remaining Thargoid invasion fleet. In Sol, only Mars High, Galileo and Haberlandt Survey remain functional, albeit damaged, with all other ports knocked offline by Thargoid attack. Farragut battlecruisers FNS Nero and FNS Erebus have been destroyed, while FNS Victory and FNS Trander are marshaling system defence efforts. Thousands of AX fleet vessels have been lost to the initial conflict.

    16 other systems were assaulted near Sol, triggering a massive refugee crisis as billions of civilians remain stranded in the region. Rescue megaships are en route to support evacuation efforts.

    Starship One has successfully arrived in Eta Cassiopeiae, with President Winters and members of her cabinet on board.

    Aden Tanner, military advisor for Aegis, provided the following statement:

    “This is it, folks. The Thargoids have made their final attempt at checkmate. The birthplace of humanity and the centre of the Federation: Sol. Titan Cocijo has chosen to bring the fight to the core of human space.”

    “This is a fight like nothing we’ve ever seen. The Thargoids are hitting us aggressively and in huge numbers, with a Titan directly leading the attack. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that we’ve got a war to win. Civilians need our help, and Federal AX forces need our support. If you’ve got a ship and you’re willing to get involved, do so now. Humanity is going to remember this fight forever.”

  • December 2, 3310
  • Widespread Panic in Sol

    Confirmation that the final Thargoid Titan, Cocijo, is headed for the Sol system has sparked mass panic among inhabitants.

    Evacuation efforts in Sol began as a precaution on November 28th, when Titan Cocijo first moved towards the core systems. Once it became clear that Cocijo was on a direct course for Sol, these efforts were swiftly accelerated.

    Defence Secretary Conn Montgomery provided the following update to the Federal Times:

    “Rescue Ship Cornwallis is acting as our delivery point for most refugees who do not have access to spacecraft. We’re shuttling civilians from Earth to ports within Sol for transport by Federal military craft and freelance pilots. Other rescue megaships are scheduled for arrival in the next few days to systems close to Sol, which will increase our capacity to process refugees and deliver them to temporary holdings in neighbouring systems.”

    “We ask for the people of Sol to pack lightly, move to your nearest designated evacuation centre and follow all instructions from Federal authorities. This is an extremely complicated operation, with over 22 billion people in the system that need to be kept safe. The Federation is doing everything it can to prepare for Titan Cocijo’s arrival.”

    News of Cocijo’s approach has triggered significant alarm across Earth, Mars and major ports. Riots have occurred at evacuation centres as people clamour to be transported out of the system. There have been two separate attempts to storm a secure medical facility on Mars where citizens rescued from Thargoid abductions are housed, with gathered crowds blaming the abductees for ‘summoning’ Cocijo to Sol. To date, there is no evidence to support such claims.

    ICE-cast analysts have also noted an increase in online hostility towards Seo Jin-ae, the Aegis special advisor who recently declared her unique link to the Thargoid hive mind was ‘exploited’ for information. Some prominent political ICE-casters have blamed her for providing the Thargoids with the location of humanity’s original home world, Earth.

  • November 7, 3310
  • A New Dawn for Humanity?

    With the Thargoid invasion force seemingly on the edge of defeat, political analysts have presented several arguments for what follows.

    The potential balance of power across the core systems will be heavily influenced by the ambitions of its primary players – perhaps crucially in the Federation, claims Jean-Daniel Moulin:

    “President Winters has finally taken up residence in the White House, ready to face a multitude of challenges. A depressed war economy, mass citizen displacement and a series of late-term policies implemented by the outgoing Zachary Hudson will keep her schedule full for months. Jeremy Archer stands opposite her in Congress, ready to pounce on any signs of weakness and eager to fully emerge from the long shadow of Hudson as the true leader of the Republican party.”

    On the Imperial front, Cassia Carvalho of the Imperial Herald has provided a summary of those most likely to benefit post-invasion:

    “Emperor Arissa remains the figurehead of Imperial authority, and the successful navigation of military, migrant and domestic challenges has only enhanced her popularity. Likewise for Senator Denton Patreus, whose tactical leadership during the Thargoid war reinforced his power as Admiral of the Fleet. Princess Aisling enjoys glowing praise from Aegis figures as part of the Imperial delegation to the anti-xeno initiative, particularly her focus on humanitarian operations. And Senator Zemina Torval seems poised to assume the position of Chancellor in the near future. What comes next for the continued glory of the Empire?”

    In the Alliance, Prime Minister Mahon faces his strongest opposition for some time in the Alliance, according to Vanya Driscoll of the Alliance Tribune:

    “There have been some accusations towards the Prime Minister of a lack of decisive leadership during the Thargoid invasion. His reliance on a military pact with Sirius Corporation to enhance the Alliance Defence Force’s AX capabilities awoke key dissenters to Mahon's otherwise popular rule – most notably from Councillor Nakato Kaine, whose anti-corporate stance and strong devotion to the Alliance’s founding ideals have won her plenty of support.”

    Various newsfeeds discussed other figures: Sirius Corporation’s continued influence over many aspects of the corporate landscape gives CEO Li Yong-Rui considerable power. Pranav Antal, Simguru of the Utopia, leads a far smaller but vital community of devotees convinced of their guide’s future-tech vision.

    Yuri Grom remains a prominent independent fleet commander – viewed as a principled liberator to some, and a ruthless dictator to others. Finally, the Pirate King Archon Delaine’s recent targeted attacks on Emperor Arissa and Shadow President Archer suggests he sees an opportunity to expand his criminal influence in the early post-Invasion era.

  • October 31, 3310
  • President Winters Assumes Office

    The inauguration ceremony has taken place to formally swear in Felicia Winters as the president of the Federation.

    President Winters made a public address from the White House in Olympus Village on Mars:

    “I pledge to work for the benefit of each and every individual within our Federation. My administration will redirect funding away from corporations toward improving health, public services and quality of life. Together, we will launch a new era of optimism and opportunity!”

    “My first act is to order the Federal Intelligence Agency to shut down the Proactive Detection Bureau. The illegal surveillance of all communication ends now. We will propose to Congress that the Domestic Counter-Terrorism Act of 3307 is revoked, allowing our Federal Accord to uphold each citizen’s constitutional right to privacy.”

    The presidential election was held in October 3309, when Felicia Winters eclipsed her rival Jerome Archer by four per cent of the vote. Her inauguration was delayed for a number of reasons, including the personal tragedy affecting the Winters family after disastrous earthquakes on Rhea 3.

    President Winters is supported by Vice President Isolde Rochester, matriarch of the famous Rochester family. The Liberal Party will now form a new Federal government, led by a hand-picked Cabinet. This includes Congressmen Kristine Lasky as Secretary of State, Conn Montgomery as Secretary for Defence, Bai Zheng as Secretary for Security, and Pierre-Marc Pelletier as Grand Attorney.

    Former President Zachary Hudson has officially vacated the office, having served since 3301. His successor, Shadow President Jerome Archer, will now lead the Republican Party as the opposition.

  • October 18, 3310
  • The Assault on Raijin

    Pilots’ Federation Alert

    Titan Raijin is under siege. This is an urgent call to all independent pilots to aid in the complete defeat of the seventh Titan.

    The key modules for the assault continue to be readily available at all Rescue Megaships:

    • Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser – To break through the maelstrom defence wave.

    • Caustic Sink Launchers – To protect your ship from caustic effects of the maelstrom.

    • Guardian Nanite Torpedo Pylon – To hamper the Titan’s vents and make it vulnerable to damage.

    Rewards have been requisitioned for all Commanders able to participate in ending the Titan threat.

    Good luck, Commanders.

  • October 2, 3310
  • Jameson Memorial Starport Operational

    The famous megamarket Jameson Memorial is once again fully operational.

    A recent Thargoid incursion into Shinrarta Dezhra caught AX forces by surprise, overwhelming the system and knocking most ports offline. Only Jameson Memorial resisted as large numbers of independent pilots flocked to the defensive campaign.

    Florian Baljak, now officially installed as the starport commander for Jameson Memorial, offered this statement:

    “I am overwhelmed by the response to the recovery initiative for offline ports. The flow of resources and commodities to this great system reflects the importance that Jameson Memorial holds in the eyes of our pilots.”

    The Pilots’ Federation has confirmed the loss of over 1,600 licensed Commanders and Rescue Rangers during the attack. The initial resistance to the Thargoid fleet was upheld by these pilots until reinforcements arrived. Shinrarta Dezhra is the home of the elite pilot organization, with its headquarters situated on Founders World.

    Several military sources have mentioned that the Thargoid attack fleet in Shinrarta Dezhra was far larger than a typical system invasion force. The Thargoids suffered considerable losses as the conflict wore on, with confirmed Thargoid Scout kills noted as "particularly high".

    All services previously found at Jameson Memorial are now available for pilots with access to the system. The Shinrarta Dezhra temporary access permit granted to pilots will expire on Thursday 3rd October.

  • September 19, 3310
  • Thargoid Fleet Invades Shinrarta Dezhra

    Pilots’ Federation Alert

    A Thargoid invasion fleet has emerged in the Shinrarta Dezhra system, catching AX forces behind front lines by surprise.

    The massive alien force quickly struck ports in the system. Jameson Memorial remains online but damaged, with local AX forces rallying to protect the famous megamarket. An urgent call for aid by local governors has been made.

    Aegis has agreed to remain focused on frontline against the final two Thargoid Titans, while Sirius Corporation establishes supply lines to Shinrarta Dezhra. Azimuth Corporation has offered to provide further incentives for pilots heading to the region. The Corporation’s Megaships, Spirit of Laelaps and Musashi, have moved to a nearby system, V886 Centauri, to lend further support.

    The Pilots’ Federation has granted a temporary permit to all Commanders to access the system for two weeks. Early reports indicate that the Pilots’ Federation has taken notably high casualties, with hundreds of Commanders active in the region lost during the initial heavy fighting.

    Pilots looking to assist the AX efforts should first sign up to the defence fleet by visiting Rescue Ship Cornwallis in the V886 Centauri system before progressing into Shinrarta Dezhra.

    With Jameson Memorial unavailable for regular trade, two other megamarkets remain available: I Sola Prospect in Brestla, and Attilius Orbital in CD-43 11917.

  • September 17, 3310
  • Winters Acknowledges Growing Calls for Inauguration

    President-elect Felicia Winters has discussed the growing discontent within Federal Congress over her delayed inauguration.

    A series of devastating earthquakes struck Winters’s home world of Rhea 3 in February this year. Millions were killed during the unprecedented disaster, including six members of Winter’s family in the destruction of the capital New Greenacre.

    Winters took an extended leave of absence to direct relief and recovery efforts on Rhea 3, which included a widespread appeal for resources from the independent pilot community. But recent articles in Sol Today have suggested the goodwill for Winter’s situation may be wearing thin.

    Political journalist Ewan Klein recently wrote:

    “When Winters first announced the delay to her inauguration, there was obvious resistance from her Republican opponents – though perhaps less so from President Hudson, who has remained in office temporarily. As more details of Rhea’s turmoil came to light, support for Winter’s choice on compassionate grounds increased.”

    “Seven months later, however, some in Congress have started to wonder if Winters will ever overcome her grief and accept the presidency.”

    Winters has finally released a statement on the matter via the Federal Free Press:

    “Nothing can ever repair the hole left in my heart following the tragedy on Rhea 3. That pain is shared with millions of families affected by the catastrophe that befell our home world. We may never truly overcome it, but must resolve to move forward despite it.”

    “And during our darkest hours, the outpouring of love and support from across the Federation has been a source of great strength. I was reminded a thousand times over of the charity, selflessness and warmth of Federal citizens. Your patience has been cherished, and it is time that your faith in me as president-elect is rewarded.”

    “I plan to step back from personally directing the recovery of Rhea 3 in the near future, leaving the task in the capable hands of Rhea’s emergency aid and relief committee. When the time is right, my inauguration ceremony will proceed and I will humbly accept the role of President of the Federation.”

  • September 10, 3310
  • Aegis: “Be Alert for Thargoid Counterattacks”

    Pilots’ Federation Alert

    Aden Tanner, special military advisor to the Aegis project, has warned of the potential for targeted Thargoid assaults on key military locations.

    Speaking during a recent graduation ceremony for the latest batch of Federal AX recruits, Tanner warned against complacency following the destruction of Titan Thor last month.

    “It may seem that we have the upper hand in this war. There’s no shame in taking pride in our accomplishments, and we’re certainly in a better place than when the Thargoid invasion started.”

    “But the Thargoids are just as dangerous as they’ve ever been. Entering a conflict zone with anything less than full focus would be a terrible mistake. Think of how hard you’d fight if you thought the Thargoids were driving our fleets back a little further each day. That’s the situation our enemy finds themselves in.”

    “In fact, while our forces push towards the remaining two Titans, Aegis is always watching for counter-attacking efforts behind our front lines. We know the Thargoids can travel via portal technology, allowing them to spring ambushes on our ports beyond any fleet blockades. What we're less clear on is how the aliens assign value to potential targets.”

    “Important systems are well protected, but we're playing catch-up when predicting the Thargoids’ next move. When you join our AX forces in combat for the first time, remember: look out for each other, and always expect the unexpected.”

  • August 29, 3310
  • Jerome Archer and Nakato Kaine Increase Supporters

    Civil, commercial and political groups within the Alliance and Federation are pledging loyalty to two increasingly high-profile individuals.

    Sofia Trevino published a summary for The Federal Times:

    “President Zachary Hudson has long been the figurehead for a wide range of Federal communities and corporations. But as he prepares to depart the White House, many of these are transferring their allegiance to the new head of the Republican Party, Vice President Jerome Archer.”

    “When Felicia Winters becomes president, Archer will take on the role of shadow president and lead the Republican opposition to the governing Liberal Party. He will effectively inherit Hudson’s political power base, which spreads across the Federation and through many independent systems. Many millions of people, including members of the Pilots’ Federation, will perform tasks and exploit local resources in order to expand Archer’s influence.”

    In the Alliance, a similar situation is now being recognised, as discussed by Vanya Driscoll of The Alliance Tribune:

    “Councillor Nakato Kaine is the representative for the Tionisla system and has been a vocal presence in the Assembly for several years. She ran against Prime Minister Edmund Mahon in the 3307 elections, gaining many followers despite being ultimately unsuccessful. Kaine has also directly opposed many of Mahon’s policies, particularly the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation, on the grounds that the Alliance’s founding principles should not bend to megacorporate influence.”

    “This has led Kaine to become a rallying point for those who wish to see Allied systems governed more like the Old Worlds. She is a proponent of electoral reform that would allow the public to directly choose their leaders, rather than the Assembly voting on their behalf. Many local businesses, organisations and political bodies have been attracted by Kaine’s ambitions to transform the Alliance.”

  • August 20, 3310
  • Thargoid War Bulletin: Two Active Titans Remain

    Titan Thor in the Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5 system has been reported as destroyed, leaving only two of the eight Thargoid motherships still active.

    Aegis has begun a scientific analysis programme to investigate the hulks of all inactive Titans. A spokesperson told the media:

    “Xenologists from the Alliance, Empire and Federation are eagerly cooperating to study the Titans’ remains. Military teams are accompanying our research specialists as they seek to improve our understanding of Thargoid biotechnology.”

    “We are aware that some independent ships are already scavenging the debris, hoping to locate something of value. Aegis advises extreme caution to all pilots when approaching inactive Titans. The immediate area has been reported to be highly corrosive , and individual Thargoids may have survived deep within their motherships. We cannot discount defence mechanisms still being active, or even attacks from smaller Thargoid vessels.”

  • August 16, 3310
  • The Assault on Thor

    Pilots’ Federation Alert

    Titan Thor is under siege. This is an urgent call to all independent pilots to aid in the complete defeat of the sixth Titan.

    The key modules for the assault continue to be readily available at all Rescue Megaships:

    • Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser – To break through the maelstrom defence wave.

    • Caustic Sink Launchers – To protect your ship from caustic effects of the maelstrom.

    • Guardian Nanite Torpedo Pylon – To hamper the Titan’s vents and make it vulnerable to damage.

    Rewards have been requisitioned for all Commanders able to participate in ending the Titan threat.

    Good luck, Commanders.

  • August 15, 3310
  • Utopia Fails to Reinforce Research Archive Library

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Utopia’s campaign in the Polevnic system has ended, with Pranav Antal announcing that it did not receive the desired quota of goods and samples.

    The requested deliveries of several types of commodities and encoded materials arrived at Tanner Settlement starport in the Polevnic system. The Guardians of Harmony, which managed the initiative, is now arranging payment on behalf of Antal for all pilots who took part.

    Simguru Pranav Antal transmitted a short message that was broadcast by all newsfeeds:

    “These limited materials will be put to good use, so I’d like to thank those pilots who sought to assist our ongoing work for the betterment of all. It would appear Sirius Corporation maintains its shadow over humanity, even as Achilles’ Corporation enjoys a brief moment in the sunlight.”

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, offered a response to claims of exerting pressure on Utopia:

    “If Pranav Antal is unable to maintain his carefully protected courier network, which provides vital resources for the Sim Archive, then Sirius Corporation is perfectly capable of fulfilling any requests. Utopia's excellent research could benefit humanity in the present, not just some hypothetical future. My role as a representative of Sirius Corporation’s many shareholders demands that I seek profit and potential in all areas of colonised space. Utopia is no different, and I look forward to discussing more with Pranav in person.”

    Participants can now collect their rewards from Tanner Settlement.

  • Pranav Antal Announces Successful Research Campaign

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Utopia’s campaign in the Polevnic system has ended, with Pranav Antal offering his thanks to independent pilots.

    The requested deliveries of commodities and encoded materials arrived at Tanner Settlement starport in the Polevnic system. The Guardians of Harmony, which managed the initiative, is now arranging payment on behalf of Antal for all pilots who took part.

    Simguru Pranav Antal transmitted a celebratory message that was broadcast by all newsfeeds:

    “These materials will be put to effective use in several key projects. Our simulation technology, including the Sim Archive, can be properly maintained and calibrated to provide reality-adjacent experiences for our community in search of future technological breakthroughs.”

    “Recently, I have come to better appreciate the wisdom of my late father Rishi Antal, who founded Utopia decades ago. Accessing his memories helped me realise the necessity of isolating our commune, in pursuit of our ultimate goal of establishing the Acheron Interface. But, on this occasion, I felt the support of those outside Utopia who believe in the importance of our project. Thank you.”

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, offered a brief comment following claims of exerting pressure on Utopia:

    “I am not going to dignify such brash words from Pranav with a public denial. My role as a representative of Sirius Corporation’s many shareholders demands that I seek profit and potential in all areas of colonised space. Utopia is no different, and I look forward to discussing a mutually beneficial arrangement with Pranav personally.”

    Participants can now collect their rewards from Tanner Settlement.

  • August 8, 3310
  • Utopia Requests Support Amid Claims of Sirius Pressure

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Utopia has asked for encoded materials and commodities in the Polevnic system, as part of an initiative to update its reference library.

    Simguru Pranav Antal, leader of the commune, provided this message to all news channels:

    “In recent years, Utopia has been inexorably drawn closer to the mundane politics, rivalries and conflicts that beset humanity. I am especially concerned about the increasing risk of our advancements being duplicated, as with the Vitadyne nanomedicines that were stolen from us. Misuse of our other inventions could lead to a shift in power or colossal casualties, something my conscience will not permit.”

    “And yet, while Utopia's gaze remains fixed on the horizon of humanity’s potential, the corporations we seek to avoid insist on making their presence felt. External suppliers to our commune have been bought or dissuaded by Li Yong-Rui, who hopes to leverage an exchange agreement between us. Such tactics put the archives of physical data which inform our simulation technology at risk of becoming outdated.”

    “I am hesitant to send members of my community to collect samples for our reference libraries and expose them to elements that would take advantage of them. Therefore, I ask members of the galactic community to bring research samples to Polevnic in exchange for an appropriate payment.”

    Sirius Corportation have not responded to requests for comment at the time of this article.

    Utopia’s initiative is being organised by the Guardians of Harmony faction. Submissions of classified scan databanks, cracked industrial firmware and unexpected emissions data can be delivered to Tanner Settlement starport in the Polevnic system.

    A parallel request for animal monitors, auto-fabricators, and micro controllers has also been made, and deliveries of these commodities can also be made at Tanner Settlement.

  • August 6, 3310
  • Aegis Announces Engineering Supply Commitment

    An announcement by Head of Aegis, Alba Tesreau, has revealed a new opportunity for pilots engaged in anti-xeno operations.

    During her monthly communication with representatives of all three superpowers which fund the Aegis project, Tesreau discussed a recent agreement to provide AX pilots with additional support:

    “The military fleets and operatives of the Alliance, Empire and Federation have proven vital to resisting the Thargoid war machine. But independent pilots have also sacrificed so much in defense of humanity’s sovereignty. By funding their own vessels and equipment, they earn their keep via combat, trade and humanitarian dedications.”

    “It is clear we need to do more to reward these pilots leading the charge towards the remaining Titans, liberating systems and protecting billions along the way. After discussing options with Professor Palin and Ram Tah, Aegis has agreed to arrange a supply of materials which can be applied to various engineering blueprints.”

    “We hope these contributions will improve the effectiveness of our AX efforts, while recognising the incredible efforts of our brave pilots.”

    A follow-up statement provided further clarification. Independent pilots active in systems harvested or controlled by Thargoids will be tracked by Aegis comms networks. When a Thargoid force has been eliminated from a system, Aegis will review this data and provide engineering materials based on each pilot’s individual contribution.

    Tesreau stressed that all activities which aided the defense of a system would be contained in this review, including non-combat efforts.

    Pilots that contributed to clearing a system of Thargoids will receive a direct message from Aegis with details of any earned engineering materials. The initiative will begin on Wednesday 7th of August, 3310.