Galactic News

  • November 28, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: November 3309

    Renowned war correspondent Jade Sanderlyn provides her regular summary of the latest news regarding the Thargoid conflict.

    “It is now a whole year since the Thargoid Titans arrived and unleashed their fleets upon us. It’s pleasing to report that humanity’s resistance remains strong. New invasions are rare, and Thargoid vessels are being driven out of occupied systems. Nobody is under any illusions that this war might end soon, and it remains to be seen how the Thargoids adapt to the current situation. But among independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons, morale is high – as it absolutely deserves to be.”

    “The Thargoid spire sites have also brought cause for cautious optimism. Having received huge volumes of samples for testing, Ishmael Palin proved that spire compounds and Titan hull fragments share genetic commonalities. Whatever these eerie alien growths are, evidence is growing that their industrial processes are related to the Thargoid motherships in some way.”

    “Professor Palin has now concocted a biological impurity, which should disrupt the spires’ biochemistry when inserted into their processing chain. Many pilots are signing up to undertake missions to deliver this contaminant, despite the inevitability that some volunteers will not return. It’s too soon to determine whether or not this will impact the Thargoid war machine, but hopes are high.”

    “Meanwhile, the many thousands of people rescued from captivity within the Titans remain in strict quarantine. Debate continues over how quickly they should be returned to society, but so far nobody seems to be taking any chances.”

    “That could change following Felicia Winters’ victory in the Federal presidential election. Via my political colleagues, I’ve heard that the president-elect plans to send home all returnees with Federation citizenship when her term of office begins next year. So we might soon score the greatest of victories: allowing those who were so cruelly abducted to return to their normal lives.”

    “This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • November 23, 3309
  • Mining Campaign in LHS 3872 Concludes

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Torval Mining Ltd has announced that sufficient quantities of mined resources were delivered to its subsidiary faction.

    The Aristocrats of Cuacocha, who control the LHS 3872 system, received the shipments of mined lithium hydroxide, painite, praseodymium and tritium. They have confirmed that all participating pilots can now collect their rewards at Curbeam Hub.

    Constantia Torval, the corporation’s recently appointed CEO, gave a statement:

    “With this successful event, Torval Mining Ltd advances toward even greater prestige and profitability. I offer sincere thanks to our partners and contributors.”

    The campaign’s background was discussed by Gwendolyn Nash, Empire correspondent for Vox Galactica:

    “Senator Zemina Torval handing Torval Mining Ltd to her oldest daughter is the latest of several curious developments in recent years. She established the company by branching out from Mastopolos Mining, severing connections with more distant family members. She also transferred many investments to her other daughter Petra Torval, who is also a senator, and grandson Titus Torval, an Imperial Intelligence captain.”

    “Coupled with the fact that she has missed several Senate meetings recently, speculation is rife that the 132-year-old has entered the twilight of her corporate and political careers. But as even her sternest opponents would attest, it is never wise to underestimate Zemina Torval’s willpower.”

  • November 20, 3309
  • Alliance Reviews Sirius Defence Pact

    The Alliance Assembly has approved a formal evaluation of its strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation.

    The vote to launch an independent inquiry was led by Councillor Nakato Kaine, who summarised:

    “This partnership has been in effect for nearly two years. What tangible military support have we seen? Sirius Corporation has done little to protect Allied populations from attack or abduction. The capital ships promised to the Alliance Defence Force remain on the drawing board. The Sirius Navy isn’t even engaging the Thargoid fleets on the front line of this war. How much longer must we endure Li Yong-Rui’s empty promises?”

    Admiral Nikolas Glass, the megacorp’s representative on the Council of Admirals, disputed these claims:

    “In truth, an enormous amount of work is taking place behind the scenes. Sirius technicians have retrofitted many ageing ADF ships with modern weaponry and internal systems. We’ve invested significantly in new AX modules, such as the anti-xeno missile rack and pre-engineered heatsink. And our blueprints formed the basis for Aegis’s sub-surface extraction missile, which has helped rescue so many from the Titans.”

    An editorial piece in the Old Worlds Gazette speculated:

    “The strategic defence pact has led to some successes, such as the Operation Tyndareus taskforce that repulsed a Thargoid incursion in Allied territory. But that was over a year ago, and the vision of a Sirius-backed Alliance Navy to rival the Empire or Federation has not materialised.”

    “As displeasure grows in the Assembly, the option to renegotiate the pact has been raised alongside Councillor Kaine’s proposal to terminate it entirely. Prime Minister Mahon faces political pressure to abandon his commitment to Sirius Corporation, especially now that a reformed Aegis is leading anti-xeno technology development.”

  • November 16, 3309
  • Torval Mining Campaign Marks Ownership Change

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A mining initiative is being held in the LHS 3872 system, as Torval Mining Ltd welcomes its new CEO.

    Senator Zemina Torval, owner of the Imperial company until recently, has formally transferred her controlling shares to her eldest daughter. Constantia Torval was already director of operations, but will now oversee all corporate decision making from the highest chair.

    From the press suite on Curbeam Hub starport, Ms Torval gave an announcement from the megaship Zetian’s Recall:

    “My mother’s tireless efforts to build a corporation worthy of our family name have brought enormous success and esteem to the Torval portfolio. It is my honour to continue supplying vital resources to the great industries that drive our Empire.”

    “To mark the occasion, Torval Mining Ltd offers generous payments for newly mined quantities of lithium hydroxide, painite, praseodymium and tritium. The campaign is being managed by the Aristocrats of Cuacocha, who will receive shipments at Curbeam Hub in LHS 3872. This follows my new policy to subcontract mining operations to other Imperial factions, in order to meet expanded resource extraction quotas.”

    “A Torval Mining Ltd mining laser will also be awarded to those pilots who make a concerted effort to support our endeavours.”

    Anton Lagorio, business correspondent for The Imperial Herald, reported:

    “This announcement confirms rumours that Constantia Torval had been allowed to take the reins in managing the family company. Under her guidance, Torval Mining Ltd has expanded its sphere of operations and obtained many lucrative new contracts. Whereas Zemina Torval’s policy was to manage as much as possible in-house, her daughter seems keen to build corporate relationships with subsidiaries within the Empire.”

  • November 10, 3309
  • Palin Makes Thargoid Spire Breakthrough

    Analysis of objects and refinery compounds obtained from Thargoid spire sites has revealed a crucial connection to the Titans.

    The announcement was made by Professor Ishmael Palin, who has been receiving deliveries of these materials from Pilots’ Federation members:

    “Genetic commonalities between the spire compounds and Titan hull fragments have now been verified. My research suggests these surface sites have been established to harvest resources which sustain the Thargoid motherships in some way. It may be that their supplies of some vital enzymes or fuels are running low, after months of being deployed away from their home worlds.”

    “To capitalise on this newfound understanding, my team has synthesised a biological contaminant based on the chemical composition of the samples. Introducing this to a spire’s processing chain can only help our efforts to disrupt their invasion plans.”

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Alliance’s scientific liaison to Aegis, commented:

    “It is important to note that Professor Palin’s work is still in the experimental phase, necessitating further testing. Large quantities of the contaminant will need to be transported to all known spires. This will be a highly dangerous mission, as the sites are aggressively patrolled by Thargoid drones and vessels.”

    Aegis has expressed gratitude to everyone who provided samples from the Titans and Thargoid spire sites to Professor Palin in the Arque system. A special notice was published honouring those pilots who delivered the first and the highest number of items:

    CMDR HaLfY47

    CMDR M. V. Coehoorn


    CMDR Pete Justice

    CMDR Ecthelion

    CMDR Tarin Tarek

    CMDR Racius

    CMDR Dark Session

  • November 6, 3309
  • Hudson Lays Groundwork for Political Successors

    President Zachary Hudson has announced a raft of legislation he intends to push during his last few months in office.

    Political journalists have noted that many of the points would benefit the Republican Party while in opposition to the president-elect Felicia Winters administration. A press release from the Office of the Federal President listed the key initiatives currently underway:

    “First: A new media standards agency will be established to regulate independently operated newsfeeds in Federal systems, to ensure local issues are presented in a format which adheres to Federal values.”

    “Second: Corporations that have exclusive contracts with the Federal government will be granted significant tax rebates, on President Hudson’s executive authority.”

    “Third: The Federal Navy Intelligence Office will establish a data-sharing strategy with the Proactive Detection Bureau. This will broaden the net to capture even more criminal activity.”

    “Fourth: Funding will be granted for a political think tank. This will be a cross-party institute to gather ideas, strategies and research that benefits the entire Federation.”

    An editorial in the Federal Free Press pointed out the potential downsides to each of these initiatives:

    “First: Sol Today’s CEO Neive McFarlane is on the board of this ‘independent’ regulator, thereby ensuring local newsfeeds will have a pro-Republican voice at the highest level of oversight.”

    “Second: Felicia Winters’s administration will be forced to reverse these rebates to cover the loss of tax-generated revenue, which is guaranteed to cause friction with those corporations.”

    “Third: The Federal Navy could provide military-grade technology for public surveillance, to bypass legal encryption software used to protect private conversations. It is likely Winters will be furious about this proposal, given her election pledge to dismantle the PDB entirely.”

    “Fourth: Outgoing Secretary of State Lana Berkovich has volunteered to act as this think tank’s congressional liaison – and assume the authority to decide which of its reports reach those in power.”

  • November 1, 3309
  • Grey Swan Fleet Destroyed in Shamash

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Crazed pilots that were killing civilians in the Shamash system have been eliminated.

    The local security force vessels participating in Fleet Exercise Grey Swan were exposed to an anomalous signal, which then circulated through the fleet’s networked comms. This apparently triggered a violent mania that caused them to attack passing traffic.

    Captain Ulrich Maurer of the megaship Khonsu Gleam announced that an operation to eliminate the threat had concluded:

    “All Grey Swan ships have now been targeted and destroyed. Though tragic, this action undoubtedly saved many thousands of lives and has brought peace to the system once more. San Tu State Network, in agreement with Shamash Future, has agreed to reimburse all independent pilots who took part. Payments are available for collection at the Khonsu Gleam.”

    Shamash Future confirmed that Garrett Orbital, which was locked down due to several of its crew becoming homicidal, is now functioning as normal. The scars of the survivors may take much longer to resolve, however.

    Research has begun into the cause of this event, although few details of note has been identified. One possible explanation was floated by Jaya Chaudhary, host of historical ICE-cast Ghastly Pasts:

    “The horror which unfolded in Shamash bears strong similarities to the fate of the generation ship Thetis. This vessel from the 22nd century was discovered in the Nefertem system in 3303. Logs describe how its entire population turned on each other in a murderous rage, after a signal was picked up while passing an unnamed planet. This ‘whispering’ sound compelled everyone who heard it to kill on sight.”

    “The Thetis phenomenon had never been encountered before or since – until now. What was once a chilling tale from the pages of history has become a sickening reality. We do not know where the signal was transmitted, how it interacts with the human mind or whether we’ll encounter it again. These questions are attractive to researchers, but uncovering any answers may prove highly dangerous.”

  • October 27, 3309
  • Eliminate Threat of Grey Swan Fleet

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Commanders have been asked to help destroy the rogue Grey Swan pilots killing civilians in the Shamash system.

    Military squadrons taking part in Fleet Exercise Grey Swan became irrationally violent following an unexplained mass hysteria that swept through Garrett Orbital during a fleet training exercise. Captain Ulrich Maurer, commanding officer of the San Tu State Network megaship Khonsu Gleam, broadcast the following message:

    “Shamash Future’s security forces have asked us to help stop the carnage taking place throughout this system. No medical or technological solution has been found for affected pilots, who seem reluctant to leave Shamash. Therefore, to prevent the loss of more innocent lives, there is regrettably no choice but to eliminate every ship in the Grey Swan fleet.”

    “We are urgently seeking to recruit independent pilots with combat experience. Financial rewards and other incentives will be available at the Khonsu Gleam. Hopefully we can perform this unpleasant task as efficiently as possible.”

    Wing Commander Mackenzie Coates was coordinating Fleet Exercise Grey Swan when a bizarre signal caused its crews to become homicidal. She told a local newsfeed:

    “This is a nightmarish situation. I’m trained to deal with pirates, invaders and even Thargoids, not to hunt down my own friends and colleagues. The thought of them being turned into deranged savages… I know they wouldn’t want to live like that. But I can’t be the one to pull the trigger – there are survivors on Garrett Orbital who need my help.”

    Participants are advised that the Khonsu Gleam aims to complete the combat operation by Wednesday 1st November.

  • October 26, 3309
  • Mysterious Phenomenon Triggers Violent Attacks

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A large naval squadron has gone rogue in the Shamash system, amid claims of widespread mental instability caused by an unknown signal.

    Security forces for the Shamash Future faction were practising fleet manoeuvres, shortly before they turned their weapons against passing traffic. Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie Coates , one of the officers coordinating Fleet Exercise Grey Swan, told the media:

    “All crews deployed for the exercise are now ignoring orders and attacking anything within range. The evidence we’ve gathered suggests they’re suffering from violent mania, caused by some kind of mass psychological disturbance. They are still capable of operating the ships, making them a danger to civilians.”

    “Garrett Orbital outpost reported an anomalous multi-frequency signal during Grey Swan, which also broke through our primary comms network. We think it’s related to the violence Shamash is now facing, but with all the chaos we haven’t had a chance to investigate further. Garrett Orbital is now in lockdown, while security teams onboard try to contain outbreaks of aggression from affected personnel.”

    A popular news program, 'Frameshift Live', was broadcasting from Garrett Orbital around the time of the fleet exercise. Disturbing footage indicates the presenters were similarly affected by this unexplained hysteria.

    The San Tu State Network megaship Khonsu Gleam, present in Shamash on unrelated business, has been asked to host defensive efforts since the system lacks a starport. Captain Ulrich Maurer has agreed to remain and support Shamash Future, by organising countermeasures against the Grey Swan fleet.

    Speculation have been raised that the ‘anomalous multi-frequency signal’ might be a new Thargoid weapon, or a test of experimental mind-affecting technology. However, no alien or unauthorised vessels have been detected in the system, and the signal’s origin remains unconfirmed.

  • October 23, 3309
  • Titan Survivors Kept in Quarantine

    Thousands of people rescued from captivity within the Thargoid motherships remain isolated under strict medical and security protocols.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, spoke at a press conference:

    “I’m relieved to see that the sub-surface extraction missiles are proving effective, especially considering how quickly they went into production. Many pilots are using them to excavate bio-storage capsules from beneath the hulls of the Thargoid Titans.”

    “Each resuscitated individual has undergone an exhaustive range of physical scans and psychological evaluations. Some are being treated for stress-related conditions and mental trauma, but otherwise they appear to be unharmed. With no clear evidence that these people have been infected or influenced by the Thargoids in some manner, Aegis has sent a number of proposals to superpower governments as they consider the next steps.”

    Despite this announcement, everyone extracted from a bio-storage capsule remains under military quarantine. The Alliance, Empire, Federation and independent factions have all instructed that any citizen who was abducted by Thargoids must be kept in high-security isolation until further notice.

    As discussed by reporter Ernesto Rios for Vox Galactica:

    “There is widespread concern that whatever the Thargoids had planned for their human captives was set in motion before rescue efforts began. While scientific analysis of the captives disputes this notion – as all results have thus far – the returnees may face prejudice and mistrust when they are permitted to rejoin society.”

    In related news, there are reports that the Thargoid barnacle matrix sites have recently undergone enormous growth, with sightings of ‘towering spires’ and similar megastructures. Aegis and other scientific bodies have sent analysis teams to all known sites to gather data.

  • October 19, 3309
  • Winters Outlines Her Future Presidency

    President-elect Felicia Winters has discussed her election victory and other topics during an interview with The Federal Times.

    On defeating Vice President Jerome Archer:

    “One cannot dispute that Archer played his campaign straight, with none of the underhanded tricks utilised by some of his predecessors. But the election results prove that the citizens want a change from the Republican Party’s bombastic approach.”

    On the priorities for her forthcoming administration:

    “Our government will expand investment in the Federation’s soft infrastructure, pulling the economy’s focus away from military projects and corporate profits. Many systems are in dire need of improved healthcare, housing and work opportunities. Billions of people need temporary financial support as refugees from the Thargoid invasion. We are not the Empire – we serve our people rather than rule over them.”

    On the Proactive Detection Bureau:

    “My very first task in office will be to dismantle this monstrosity, ending the surveillance of private communications. The Federal Intelligence Agency is perfectly capable of protecting our people without violating their personal freedoms.”

    On the Thargoid war:

    “I can assure everyone that while I lack the enthusiasm for war that my predecessor demonstrated, my administration takes office with the Thargoid invasion as a top priority. Aegis has led the way in developing new anti-xeno technologies, and Federal support for the agency will continue.”

    Many Federal newsfeeds congratulated Felicia Winters on her success in the election, but an editorial in Sol Today said:

    “Without Zachary Hudson’s strength of will, or Jerome Archer’s dedication to security, there’s every possibility that the Federation will rot from within. You can expect to see all manner of fringe groups and minorities grab the lion’s share of funding, while freeloaders and criminals get a free pass. We predict that Winters will go down in history as one of the weakest presidents ever.”

  • October 16, 3309
  • Felicia Winters Elected as Federal President

    The Federation has voted to elect Felicia Winters as its next president, with a four per cent vote majority over her rival Jerome Archer.

    The current shadow president of the Liberal Party will be officially inaugurated in the new year, entering an eight-year term of office. Congressman Isolde Rochester will also be sworn in as vice president in Winters’s administration.

    President Zachary Hudson will remain in power during the transition period, but will not be expected to implement any major policy changes. The Liberal Party will replace the Republican Party as the superpower’s governing authority in 3310, with Jerome Archer assuming the role of shadow president.

    President-elect Winters addressed her supporters during a celebratory rally in Olympus Village on Mars:

    “The people of the Federation have spoken! I thank you all for turning my party’s vision into a reality. My aim is to govern fairly for everybody, regardless of their political allegiance. Together we will create optimism where there was fear, give shelter those who are vulnerable, and improve the quality of life for each and every Federal citizen.”

    Vice President Jerome Archer formally conceded the election during a session of Congress:

    “My compliments to Felicia Winters, who fought a strong campaign. I look forward to taking on the role of shadow president next year, and ensuring that her government’s proposals are thoroughly scrutinised from day one.”

    Former presidents Antonia Madison and Jasmina Halsey – whom Winters temporarily replaced after the Starship One disaster – offered their congratulations. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon of the Alliance, First Minister Octavia Volkov of the Marlinist Colonies, and CEO Li Yong-Rui of Sirius Corporation sent similar messages to the Winters campaign.

    No formal acknowledgement was received from the Empire. However, Princess Aisling Duval joined Professor Alba Tesreau and other members of Aegis leadership to state: “We trust that President Winters will remain committed to our unified approach, ensuring the development of technology needed to secure victory in the ongoing Thargoid war.”

  • October 13, 3309
  • Federal Election: The Allied Perspective

    The Alliance is observing the Federal president election, but expects little will change in relationships between the two superpowers.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon delivered a formal address on the topic before the Assembly:

    “The Alliance continues to enjoy stable relations with the Federation. Our recent anti-xeno coalitions, including the reformation of Aegis, show how we can benefit from maintaining such cooperation. I am confident that the new president, whoever it may be, will respect the status quo.”

    Councillor Nakato Kaine gave a more direct statement to the press:

    “I cannot ignore how the Federation has become more authoritarian under Zachary Hudson’s Republican government. It has also coped poorly with internal pressures: the Starship One conspiracy, Jupiter Division’s attempted coup, the secession crisis triggered by the Proactive Detection Bureau’s operation… the list goes on. And yet, Federal democracy is now empowering every individual to elect their leaders. That, at least, is something we in the Alliance should admire and consider adopting.”

    Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:

    “Most Allied politicians are too diplomatic to openly express a preference between the two candidates. Privately, councillors like Kaine are hopeful of a more nuanced relationship with Winters, who lacks the hawkish rhetoric of Hudson. However, others believe that Archer’s focus on military spending and domestic security might prove more practical in the face of the Thargoid invasion.”

    The latest voting polls from Federal systems show that Jerome Archer has overtaken Felicia Winters, albeit by a narrow margin. The voting window ends on the 15th, with the results verified by Monday to determine the victor of the 3309 Federal presidential election.

  • October 12, 3309
  • Sol Celebrations End as Election Begins

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Federation has begun voting to decide its next president, as a week of festivities in the Sol system are concluded.

    Congress confirmed that any pilots who supplied rare goods for the celebratory events can collect payment from Li Qing Jao starport. All temporary system permits for Sol remain suspended for Pilots’ Federation members for a further week.

    The 3309 presidential election has now officially begun. More than one trillion Federal citizens are expected to submit their votes, which will be recorded and collated over the next four days via secure digital systems.

    Vice President Jerome Archer is the Republican Party candidate, who is widely perceived as the political heir to President Zachary Hudson. His running mate is Congressman Niko Shirakawa, who has strong connections within the military.

    Shadow President Felicia Winters, leader of the Liberal Party, is the rival candidate and a proponent of more humanitarian-focused policies. She is on a presidential ticket with Congressman Isolde Rochester, matriarch of the famous Rochester dynasty.

    Sofia Trevino, political correspondent for The Federal Times, commented:

    “Following months of delay, logistical issues caused by the Thargoid war, plus the drama surrounding Zachary Rackham, voting is finally underway. Analysts believe this could be one of the closest-run elections in the Federation’s history, reflecting the polarisation that has taken place in recent years.”

    “Support for the Republican Party has been bolstered by its increasingly successful handling of the Thargoid menace during the past six months. But Archer’s flagship creation, the Proactive Detection Bureau, remains highly divisive – something the Liberal Party has found success in using to frame its opponent as increasingly authoritarian. How these primary points will ultimately impact the outcome of the vote remains to be seen.”

    The new president will be announced on Monday 16th October. President Hudson will remain in office as caretaker president until the official inauguration of the election winner, expected to take place in the new year.

  • Federal Election: The Imperial Perspective

    As the Federation readies itself for a new president, the Empire is preparing for potential changes to its relationship with its historical rival.

    Last year Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval severed all official collaboration with the other superpowers, except for limited contributions to Aegis. But this does not mean the Empire is ignoring the potential impact of either Jerome Archer or Felicia Winters becoming the next Federal president.

    Senator Denton Patreus remarked on the election during a military parade through the city of Port Isabelle:

    “The Federation’s leaders always reinforce their popularity by framing the Empire as the ‘great enemy’. I expect Archer will have those same aggressive tendencies. In truth, I’d prefer to deal with that predictable approach, since Winters is clearly the more cunning and deceitful candidate.”

    Princess Aisling Duval was asked her opinion while visiting a xenology seminar hosted by the Achenar Research Council:

    “I must admit that Felicia Winters’s style of governance is more appealing, though she should be mindful of her running mate’s influence. But whoever becomes president must break the cycle of hostility between Empire and Federation. My fruitful collaboration with other Aegis delegates, and ACT’s success against the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army, is evidence of how effective inter-superpower cooperation can be.”

    The election was also discussed by Cassia Carvalho, political journalist for The Imperial Herald:

    “The average Imperial citizen has little interest in the Federation’s internal workings, but anxiety in the Senate is high. With the Thargoid war still raging, the prospect of a new president seeking to stamp their authority on the interstellar stage is a major concern. Conversely, some captains of industry anticipate a new era of trade with a friendlier Federation, if the Emperor can be convinced to rescind her isolationist decree.”

    Voting within Federal systems has been running for 24 hours, and polling suggests Felicia Winters holds a slight lead over Jerome Archer. The election will run for another three days.

  • October 5, 3309
  • Aegis Produces Sub-Surface Extraction Missiles

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Rescue megaships now stock Aegis’s modified mining tool, designed to extract bio-storage capsules from Thargoid Titans.

    The sub-surface extraction missiles went into rapid production following a delivery initiative in the Senlu system. Aegis has confirmed that pilots who transported CMM composites, neofabric insulation and osmium to Springer Gateway can now collect their rewards. Bounty vouchers for all wanted ships destroyed during the past week will also be redeemed at the same location.

    Aden Tanner discussed tactics for using the new module:

    “These specialised devices are designed to be used alongside the pulse wave xeno scanner, which can now pinpoint human life signs beneath the hull of a Titan. If accurately targeted, an extraction missile should penetrate far enough into the outer hull to jettison the pod-like structures containing captives. Assuming the extraction is successful, these capsules can then be taken onboard via cargo scoop.”

    “All pilots who achieve this should deliver recovered capsules to the nearest search and rescue contact. Aegis has provided instructions to medical and military teams standing by at these locations. These personnel will place capsules into high-security quarantine before attempting to revive the occupants.”

    “Once again, I remind pilots to outfit their ships to deal with the Maelstroms’ caustic effects, defensive barriers and Thargoid patrols. Deploying the extraction missiles might also trigger counterattacks from the Titans themselves. These are perhaps the most dangerous rescue missions ever attempted. But I am confident that we can bring many of our people home.”

    The first wave of ships equipped with sub-surface extraction missiles are already making their initial forays into the Maelstroms.

  • Celebrations in Sol for Federal Election

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A series of public events to celebrate the forthcoming presidential election are being held in the Sol system.

    Congress approved a request by President Zachary Hudson to finance a range of festivities, concerts and shows across the home system of the Federation.

    Billions of people are expected to attend, leading to a request for supplies of Crystalline Spheres, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Indi Bourbon, LTT Hyper Sweet and Pantaa Prayer Sticks to be delivered to Li Qing Jao starport in orbit over planet Earth. Congress also agreed to authorise a temporary two-week permit for all Pilots’ Federation members to access the Sol system.

    President Hudson announced the events across all Federal news channels, where he said:

    “Now we approach the time, as determined centuries ago by the Federal Accord, of our civilisation’s most profound tradition: the peaceful transfer of power. I have been deeply honoured to serve as your president for the past eight years. And you, the people of the galaxy’s largest ever democracy, deserve to celebrate all that we have accomplished together.”

    Vox Galactica’s political journalist Conrad Sterling observed:

    “This is clearly a high-profile attempt to boost public morale, one that allows President Hudson to leave office on a positive note. Political critics are viewing it as a way to distract the citizens from the prolonged Thargoid war, the recent Rackham scandal, and various other challenges besetting the Federation. But the eagerness of most citizens to embrace the sentiment proves one fact remains true: everyone loves a party.”

    Voting will open next Thursday for Federal citizens to choose either Vice President Jerome Archer or Shadow President Felicia Winters as their next president. The election winner will be announced at the start of the following week.

  • September 28, 3309
  • Deliver Resources for Extraction Missile Manufacture

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis has requested materials to construct sub-surface extraction missiles that recover imprisoned humans from the Titans.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, announced:

    “Using blueprints provided by Sirius Corporation, engineering teams have worked around the clock to modify sub-surface displacement munitions. These adaptations enable the projectiles to breach sections of the Titans’ hulls and jettison the bio-storage capsules embedded within.”

    “We could spend the next few months in a testing cycle, and ideally that would be the case – but lives are at risk and we can’t be sure how much time our missing have. Therefore, we have approved mass production of these sub-surface extraction missiles. Industrial materials are urgently needed to establish assembly centres, so that we can distribute them as rapidly as possible.”

    Princess Aisling Duval, who is coordinating the Empire’s involvement with Aegis, transmitted a personal message:

    “My heart goes out to the families and friends of the millions unaccounted for following the Thargoid invasions. But I urge you all to hold onto the hope of seeing your loved ones again. With this breakthrough, we finally have a chance to rescue some of those poor souls. Nobody doubts that this will be dangerous, and yet if this war has proved anything, it’s that we can rise to any challenge when we work together.”

    Aegis has requested shipments of CMM composites, neofabric insulation and osmium, to be delivered to Springer Gateway in the Senlu system. To protect transports, bounty vouchers for all wanted ships in the system will be redeemed by the Green Party of Senlu.

  • September 27, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: September 3309

    The race is on to develop technology which can recover humans from Thargoid Titans, reports Vox Galactica journalist Jade Sanderlyn.

    “Now we know the stomach-churning truth: the Thargoids are keeping people they abduct alive. The dramatic leak of a high-level conversation within Aegis confirmed that Thargoid tactics had shifted to incorporate the mass abduction of humans. Seo Jin-ae’s telepathic connection to the aliens revealed that captives are being stored inside pod-like structures aboard the Titans. She also sensed that the Thargoids considered these captives an important part of their invasion plan.”

    “Aegis took these visions seriously, releasing an update to the pulse wave xeno scanner that was designed to test her hypothesis. Sure enough, those pilots who dared make a close approach to the Thargoid motherships detected human life-signs beneath their hulls. This is where civilians from conquered systems are being held. For what purpose? We scarcely dare imagine.”

    “Demands to save these people from their unknown fate have rippled across every inhabited world. To their credit, the three superpowers have empowered Aegis to make this its top priority. Even Sirius Corporation has offered assistance, sharing designs for a modified sub-surface displacement missile that might be capable of extracting these pods from within the Titans. Time is of the essence, since not even Seo Jin-ae knows for certain what the Thargoid intentions are for the prisoners.”

    “From the scientific community to the general public, there is enormous speculation. What state will the captives be in, assuming they can be recovered alive? Will they even be recognisably human? Some xenologists claim that the life-support chambers – to protect humans from the Thargoids’ toxic atmosphere – mean a stable physical condition is probably. But whether this is a necessity of their capture methods or an intentional step in a broader process remains unclear.”

    “Meanwhile, anti-xeno forces continue to achieve impressive results. The number of Thargoid-controlled systems has reduced significantly from only three months ago. Alien fleets are apparently struggling to expand their territory, with organised system defences supported by the Pilots’ Federation preventing the loss of new systems. What seemed like a near-hopeless task when the Maelstroms arrived has become a shining example of human courage and determination for future generations.”

    “This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • September 22, 3309
  • Rackham Withdraws from Presidential Election

    Zachary Rackham has officially ended his election campaign, following the discovery of evidence that supported claims of his criminal past.

    Federal Times journalist Bryanna Blanco published the results of an investigation by the Wallglass Investigations Agency, which included a message archive found on Zeta Trianguli Australis A 7 a. These findings strongly support a long-standing rumour that the trillionaire operated as notorious pirate lord ‘Calico Zack’, prior to inheriting his family’s wealth.

    PR consultant Anya Blackriver delivered a statement, in her role as campaign manager:

    “Mr Rackham has decided that these attempts at defamation are a regrettable distraction from his election campaign. His amused tolerance of the nickname ‘Calico Zack’ – a nickname assigned to him by the media, I should point out – is not an admission of any true link to that despicable outlaw. Rather than allow the race for the Federal presidency to be clouded by these ridiculous claims, Mr Rackham’s legal team has advised a focus on defending his good name away from the spotlight.”

    This announcement came a day after Congressman Harlan Turk formally resigned from his role as Zachary Rackham’s running mate. He will continue representing the Duamta system as an independent.

    Federation correspondent Patricia Chen reported on the situation for Vox Galactica:

    “There is speculation Rackham was warned that any further revelations could render him unelectable to the majority – and open to criminal charges. While the Federal Times piece is mostly based on circumstantial evidence at this stage, Rackham’s willingness to concede his claim to the presidency suggests a nervousness towards deeper dives into his past. His business portfolio has also been severely damaged, causing billions of losses in share price. Investors and corporate partners are avoiding any association with the man who may once have been Calico Zack.”

    “Both of his political rivals welcomed the news. ‘Nobody with even a hint of criminality deserves a position of such significant power,’ remarked former FIA director Jerome Archer, while Felicia Winters agreed it was best that Rackham ‘stands aside to let the grown-ups do their work.’ The electoral race is now evenly balanced between the two, with voting scheduled to take place in October.”