Galactic News

  • March 25, 3304
  • Aegis Thargoid Report Causes Ripples

    A recent report from Aegis, outlining the Thargoids’ history and their interactions with the Guardians, has elicited a wide range of responses.

    A brief statement was released by Federal President Zachary Hudson:

    “It is now clear that there is no reasoning with this alien menace. The Federation remains dedicated to wiping out any threat to our citizens.”

    Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus adopted a similar viewpoint:

    “This new information makes it clear that the Thargoids will reject any diplomatic overtures. We must redouble our efforts to defend ourselves from their antagonism.”

    Meanwhile, Professor Palin observed:

    “Aegis’s report forewarns us, and perhaps forearms us, too. We now know that the Guardians developed technologies capable of resisting the Thargoids’ aggression. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to hope that the weaponry being developed by Ram Tah, based on Guardian designs, might help us replicate the Guardians’ success, and defeat the Thargoids.”

  • March 24, 3304
  • Aegis Thargoid Report Causes Ripples

    A recent report from Aegis, outlining the Thargoids’ history and their interactions with the Guardians, has elicited a wide range of responses.

    A brief statement was released by Federal President Zachary Hudson:

    “It is now clear that there is no reasoning with this alien menace. The Federation remains dedicated to wiping out any threat to our citizens.”

    Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus adopted a similar viewpoint:

    “This new information makes it clear that the Thargoids will reject any diplomatic overtures. We must redouble our efforts to defend ourselves from their antagonism.”

    Meanwhile, Professor Palin observed:

    “Aegis’s report forewarns us, and perhaps forearms us, too. We now know that the Guardians developed technologies capable of resisting the Thargoids’ aggression. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to hope that the weaponry being developed by Ram Tah, based on Guardian designs, might help us replicate the Guardians’ success, and defeat the Thargoids.”

  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs at Guardian sites. The report indicates that the Guardians and the Thargoids were once at war, due to the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, said: “It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”

    The Aegis report has elicited a wide range of responses. Federal President Zachary Hudson said, “It is now clear that there is no reasoning with this alien menace”, while Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus commented, “This new information makes it clear that the Thargoids will reject any diplomatic overtures. We must redouble our efforts to defend ourselves from their antagonism.”

    Meanwhile, the operation to clear Socho of Thargoids has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoid vessels in the system, and by delivering alien material to Dantec Enterprise. A spokesperson for Aegis Core, which oversaw the initiative, thanked those who participated.

    In other news, Yuri Grom has announced an initiative to create a new shipyard in the CPC 20 6743 system. The shipyard will produce capital ships with which to defend human space from both human and alien threats.

    Finally, the Sirius Corporation has announced plans to expand its presence in the Ceos and Sothis systems. The expansion will involve the construction of several new starports, settlements and megaships.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • March 23, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs at Guardian sites. The report indicates that the Guardians and the Thargoids were once at war, due to the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, said: “It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”

    The Aegis report has elicited a wide range of responses. Federal President Zachary Hudson said, “It is now clear that there is no reasoning with this alien menace”, while Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus commented, “This new information makes it clear that the Thargoids will reject any diplomatic overtures. We must redouble our efforts to defend ourselves from their antagonism.”

    Meanwhile, the operation to clear Socho of Thargoids has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoid vessels in the system, and by delivering alien material to Dantec Enterprise. A spokesperson for Aegis Core, which oversaw the initiative, thanked those who participated.

    In other news, Yuri Grom has announced an initiative to create a new shipyard in the CPC 20 6743 system. The shipyard will produce capital ships with which to defend human space from both human and alien threats.

    Finally, the Sirius Corporation has announced plans to expand its presence in the Ceos and Sothis systems. The expansion will involve the construction of several new starports, settlements and megaships.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • Thargoid Revelations

    Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs found at Guardian sites.

    Key extracts from the report are reprinted below:

    “The codices indicate that the Thargoids may be an older race than the Guardians, and that the two species share a history of conflict. This hostility was a product of the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians.”

    “The Guardians attempted to communicate with the Thargoids, but these efforts ended in failure. They determined that the Thargoids’ survival instincts were so strong that they could not tolerate any potential threat, including the proximity of another space-faring civilisation.”

    “It is now clear that the Guardians’ defensive drones and advanced weaponry were developed principally to protect their worlds from the Thargoids. Although details are scant, it seems these war machines eventually succeeded in repelling the Thargoids.”

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, publicly commented on the report:

    “Thanks to Ram Tah and the brave pilots who explored Guardian sites, some of our questions about the Thargoids have been answered. It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”

    “We now know that the purpose of the Thargoids’ ongoing military offensive is to remove humanity from what they consider their territory. If the Thargoids adopt the same modus operandi as with the Guardians, their next move will be to start aggressively mining mineral resources. There is no evidence this has yet begun, however.”

    Ram Tah has also made a statement about the impact of the findings:

    “Until now, the Thargoids have been shrouded in mystery, and their objectives have been unclear. For the first time, we have an insight into what drives them, why they are attacking us, and what their overall goals are. This is a historically significant discovery that I believe will make a huge difference to this conflict, and perhaps to humanity’s survival.”

  • March 22, 3304
  • Thargoid Revelations

    Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs found at Guardian sites.

    Key extracts from the report are reprinted below:

    “The codices indicate that the Thargoids may be an older race than the Guardians, and that the two species share a history of conflict. This hostility was a product of the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians.”

    “The Guardians attempted to communicate with the Thargoids, but these efforts ended in failure. They determined that the Thargoids’ survival instincts were so strong that they could not tolerate any potential threat, including the proximity of another space-faring civilisation.”

    “It is now clear that the Guardians’ defensive drones and advanced weaponry were developed principally to protect their worlds from the Thargoids. Although details are scant, it seems these war machines eventually succeeded in repelling the Thargoids.”

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, publicly commented on the report:

    “Thanks to Ram Tah and the brave pilots who explored Guardian sites, some of our questions about the Thargoids have been answered. It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”

    “We now know that the purpose of the Thargoids’ ongoing military offensive is to remove humanity from what they consider their territory. If the Thargoids adopt the same modus operandi as with the Guardians, their next move will be to start aggressively mining mineral resources. There is no evidence this has yet begun, however.”

    Ram Tah has also made a statement about the impact of the findings:

    “Until now, the Thargoids have been shrouded in mystery, and their objectives have been unclear. For the first time, we have an insight into what drives them, why they are attacking us, and what their overall goals are. This is a historically significant discovery that I believe will make a huge difference to this conflict, and perhaps to humanity’s survival.”

  • March 11, 3304
  • Fresh Knowledge From New Guardian Sites

    Following the recent discovery of new Guardian sites, the engineer Ram Tah is seeking help from the galactic community to learn more about the long-lost civilisation.

    Further details were outlined in his latest announcement:

    “I have developed a decryption algorithm that will translate the codices at Guardian sites. However, pilots are reminded that accessing Guardian data is only possible when in possession of one of their artefacts.”

    Pilots can obtain Ram Tah’s decryption algorithm from any station in the Meene system other than Felice Dock. The artefacts alluded to by Ram Tah can be found at Guardian sites. Commanders are warned to be on alert, as the sites may be defended by Guardian drones.

    Ram Tah also stated: “I will be more than pleased to reimburse any pilot who successfully returns to the Meene system with a complete series of Guardian logs. There is so much more for us to discover about the Guardians and their history, and this could be a significant turning point in our understanding.”

  • March 10, 3304
  • Fresh Knowledge From New Guardian Sites

    Following the recent discovery of new Guardian sites, the engineer Ram Tah is seeking help from the galactic community to learn more about the long-lost civilisation.

    Further details were outlined in his latest announcement:

    “I have developed a decryption algorithm that will translate the codices at Guardian sites. However, pilots are reminded that accessing Guardian data is only possible when in possession of one of their artefacts.”

    Pilots can obtain Ram Tah’s decryption algorithm from any station in the Meene system other than Felice Dock. The artefacts alluded to by Ram Tah can be found at Guardian sites. Commanders are warned to be on alert, as the sites may be defended by Guardian drones.

    Ram Tah also stated: “I will be more than pleased to reimburse any pilot who successfully returns to the Meene system with a complete series of Guardian logs. There is so much more for us to discover about the Guardians and their history, and this could be a significant turning point in our understanding.”

  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Several new Guardian sites have been discovered, resulting in a wealth of fresh information about the Guardians’ long-lost civilisation. Some of this information has already been put to practical use by the engineer Ram Tah, who has produced blueprints for new weaponry and power-plant systems based on Guardian designs.

    Several galactic figureheads reacted to the news. Federal President Zachary Hudson said: “Anything that helps us defend our citizens from Thargoid aggression is welcome”, while Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus expressed hope that the new armaments would “provide a tactical advantage in our conflict with the Thargoids”.

    Meanwhile, Aegis has launched an operation to monitor Thargoid activity in the Pleiades Nebula. The tri-superpower initiative has established orbital surveillance installations at six locations in the Pleiades as part of the Eagle Eye initiative. The installations will monitor systems where Thargoid surface sites are known to exist.

    Finally, the Coalition of Othime has announced plans to develop refinery facilities in its home system through the construction of a new asteroid base. The organisation hopes that the new base will allow it to compete with other refineries in the region.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • March 9, 3304
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Several new Guardian sites have been discovered, resulting in a wealth of fresh information about the Guardians’ long-lost civilisation. Some of this information has already been put to practical use by the engineer Ram Tah, who has produced blueprints for new weaponry and power-plant systems based on Guardian designs.

    Several galactic figureheads reacted to the news. Federal President Zachary Hudson said: “Anything that helps us defend our citizens from Thargoid aggression is welcome”, while Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus expressed hope that the new armaments would “provide a tactical advantage in our conflict with the Thargoids”.

    Meanwhile, Aegis has launched an operation to monitor Thargoid activity in the Pleiades Nebula. The tri-superpower initiative has established orbital surveillance installations at six locations in the Pleiades as part of the Eagle Eye initiative. The installations will monitor systems where Thargoid surface sites are known to exist.

    Finally, the Coalition of Othime has announced plans to develop refinery facilities in its home system through the construction of a new asteroid base. The organisation hopes that the new base will allow it to compete with other refineries in the region.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • March 8, 3304
  • The Guardians: The Galaxy Reacts

    There has been a range of reactions to the discovery of new Guardian sites, and to Ram Tah’s development of Guardian-inspired technologies.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson said: “The Federation congratulates Ram Tah on his success. Anything that helps us defend our citizens from Thargoid aggression is welcome.”

    Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus echoed this sentiment: “I am pleased to hear that new, more powerful armaments are being produced. These will provide a tactical advantage in our conflict with the Thargoids.”

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon struck a more balanced tone: “Information is wealth, and Ram Tah’s efforts to expand the boundaries of science and knowledge will make us rich indeed.”

    Meanwhile, Simguru Pranav Antal of Utopia looked to the future: “There is enormous potential for humanity to benefit from the technology of our galactic predecessors, and we look forward to sharing whatever prosperity these new discoveries may bring.”

    Finally, Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, commented: “I have already contacted Ram Tah with the hope that Aegis can study his new data. Understanding more about the Guardians may enhance our knowledge of the Thargoids, and perhaps help us to comprehend their motives.”

  • March 7, 3304
  • The Guardians: The Galaxy Reacts

    There has been a range of reactions to the discovery of new Guardian sites, and to Ram Tah’s development of Guardian-inspired technologies.

    Federal President Zachary Hudson said: “The Federation congratulates Ram Tah on his success. Anything that helps us defend our citizens from Thargoid aggression is welcome.”

    Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus echoed this sentiment: “I am pleased to hear that new, more powerful armaments are being produced. These will provide a tactical advantage in our conflict with the Thargoids.”

    Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon struck a more balanced tone: “Information is wealth, and Ram Tah’s efforts to expand the boundaries of science and knowledge will make us rich indeed.”

    Meanwhile, Simguru Pranav Antal of Utopia looked to the future: “There is enormous potential for humanity to benefit from the technology of our galactic predecessors, and we look forward to sharing whatever prosperity these new discoveries may bring.”

    Finally, Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, commented: “I have already contacted Ram Tah with the hope that Aegis can study his new data. Understanding more about the Guardians may enhance our knowledge of the Thargoids, and perhaps help us to comprehend their motives.”

  • Ram Tah Announces New Discoveries

    The engineer Ram Tah has revealed that his recent request for pilots to investigate possible Guardian sites has yielded significant discoveries. He has released this statement:

    “Thanks to many courageous Commanders, we have found several new Guardian sites and recovered a great deal of data. As I theorised, the ruins are not as dead as they seem, since some are actively defended by ancient Guardian drones.”

    “My analysis of the data has yielded key technological information, much of which can be put to immediate practical use. This has allowed me to produce blueprints for new weaponry and power-plant systems based on Guardian designs.”

    “I am currently liaising with technology brokers to manufacture and distribute these devices, which I hope will benefit the galaxy in these troubled times.”

    Ram Tah added that he will continue to rely on the galactic community’s support in unearthing further knowledge about the Guardians.

  • March 6, 3304
  • Ram Tah Announces New Discoveries

    The engineer Ram Tah has revealed that his recent request for pilots to investigate possible Guardian sites has yielded significant discoveries. He has released this statement:

    “Thanks to many courageous Commanders, we have found several new Guardian sites and recovered a great deal of data. As I theorised, the ruins are not as dead as they seem, since some are actively defended by ancient Guardian drones.”

    “My analysis of the data has yielded key technological information, much of which can be put to immediate practical use. This has allowed me to produce blueprints for new weaponry and power-plant systems based on Guardian designs.”

    “I am currently liaising with technology brokers to manufacture and distribute these devices, which I hope will benefit the galaxy in these troubled times.”

    Ram Tah added that he will continue to rely on the galactic community’s support in unearthing further knowledge about the Guardians.

  • February 28, 3304
  • Ram Tah Searching for New Guardian Sites

    The engineer Ram Tah, a leading expert on the mysterious Guardians, has requested help in locating undiscovered sites from the ancient alien race. He has issued the following statement:

    “The artefacts recently delivered to me have been subjected to intense molecular analysis. As a result, I have deduced the possibility of Guardian sites in three specific systems: Col 173 Sector QU-O d6-25, HD 63154 and Synuefe EU-Q c21-10.”

    “I urge the galactic community to investigate these systems, where I believe we may find further traces of the Guardians’ ancient civilisation. I appreciate that this could be a wild goose chase, but data from such sites – if they exist – would be extremely valuable.”

    Ram Tah has asked that any data be delivered to him at Phoenix Base in the Meene system.

  • February 27, 3304
  • Ram Tah Searching for New Guardian Sites

    The engineer Ram Tah, a leading expert on the mysterious Guardians, has requested help in locating undiscovered sites from the ancient alien race. He has issued the following statement:

    “The artefacts recently delivered to me have been subjected to intense molecular analysis. As a result, I have deduced the possibility of Guardian sites in three specific systems: Col 173 Sector QU-O d6-25, HD 63154 and Synuefe EU-Q c21-10.”

    “I urge the galactic community to investigate these systems, where I believe we may find further traces of the Guardians’ ancient civilisation. I appreciate that this could be a wild goose chase, but data from such sites – if they exist – would be extremely valuable.”

    Ram Tah has asked that any data be delivered to him at Phoenix Base in the Meene system.

  • February 16, 3304
  • Ram Tah Campaign Concludes

    Ram Tah has announced that the galactic community has responded positively to his appeal for Guardian artefacts, resulting in a large number of deliveries to Felice Dock. The engineer will now subject the artefacts to extensive analysis.

    As the campaign drew to a close, Ram Tah issued the following statement:

    “My heartfelt thanks go to all those who supported this initiative. I’ve already started work and I should have something to share with you soon.”

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Felice Dock in the Meene system.

  • February 15, 3304
  • Ram Tah Campaign Concludes

    Ram Tah has announced that the galactic community has responded positively to his appeal for Guardian artefacts, resulting in a large number of deliveries to Felice Dock. The engineer will now subject the artefacts to extensive analysis.

    As the campaign drew to a close, Ram Tah issued the following statement:

    “My heartfelt thanks go to all those who supported this initiative. I’ve already started work and I should have something to share with you soon.”

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Felice Dock in the Meene system.

  • February 9, 3304
  • Ram Tah's Last Hurrah

    Ram Tah, the galaxy's foremost expert on the Guardians, has revealed that his research funding will soon end. In an effort to make the most of his remaining finances, the engineer has appealed to independent pilots to deliver Guardian artefacts to his base in the Meene system.

    In a statement, Ram Tah said:

    "Public interest in the Guardians may have waned, but I believe there is more to learn. Only through thorough investigation and analysis can we hope to fully understand the Guardians, their technology, and their relationships to other species. This knowledge could be of great importance to humanity."

    The campaign has received a financial boost from Meene General Industries, which has promised to reward pilots who deliver artefacts from Guardian sites to Felice Dock in the Meene system.

    The campaign begins on the 8th of February 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • February 8, 3304
  • Ram Tah's Last Hurrah

    Ram Tah, the galaxy's foremost expert on the Guardians, has revealed that his research funding will soon end. In an effort to make the most of his remaining finances, the engineer has appealed to independent pilots to deliver Guardian artefacts to his base in the Meene system.

    In a statement, Ram Tah said:

    "Public interest in the Guardians may have waned, but I believe there is more to learn. Only through thorough investigation and analysis can we hope to fully understand the Guardians, their technology, and their relationships to other species. This knowledge could be of great importance to humanity."

    The campaign has received a financial boost from Meene General Industries, which has promised to reward pilots who deliver artefacts from Guardian sites to Felice Dock in the Meene system.

    The campaign begins on the 8th of February 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.