Galactic News

  • August 15, 3308
  • Rumours Arise of New Alien Artefacts

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Anecdotal reports suggest that a previously unknown non-human object has been discovered by independent pilots.

    No details about where or how the object was obtained have been established at this time. What little information exists has been provided by individual members of the Pilots’ Federation.

    One of these sources is a public message posted by Commander Marcus Mercer via an Interstellar Common Experience (ICE) network:

    “I recently met up with an old friend of mine. Let’s call her Digger. Years ago we’d team up to excavate Guardian and Thargoid artefacts. Sold them and split the profits. She mentioned having an ‘unusual find’ in her ship’s cargo hold, and invited me onboard to check it out.”

    “Standing there bathed in its light from the other side of the window, I knew this was something alien. But it wasn’t just another dusty relic from millennia ago. This looked newer, alive and glowing, giving off a vibration that made me feel queasy.”

    “Commander Kralone was the first to discover these objects, apparently. Digger said she’d worked out how to get hold of one and would tell me how – for a price. I joked that if Aegis was still around, it would have paid big credits for the thing. Digger suddenly stopped talking and gave me this look. Then she kicked me off her ship and was out of the docking bay before I’d even cleared the hangar!”

    “I know that Digger spends a lot of her time investigating Thargoid stuff planet-side. So I’m going to visit a few and see what turns up. There’s got to be more of those things out there, and if they end up being worth something, then I want my share.”

  • August 9, 3308
  • Contact Lost after Proteus Wave Fired

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Communication with all ships in the HIP 22460 system has unexpectedly terminated, following the Proteus Wave’s activation.

    As intended, the energy pulse from Salvation’s Guardian-based superweapon disabled all Thargoids in the system. This was followed by a second pulse of similar intensity from an undetermined source, which rendered the Bright Sentinel megaship powerless. The Thargoid vessels displayed signs of returning to life, after which all comms channels fell silent.

    The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have verified that they are no longer receiving signals from their capital ships. Azimuth Biotech has been unable to contact the Bright Sentinel or Heart of Taurus. There has been no word from Salvation or any Azimuth personnel within the system.

    Some newsfeeds have begun publishing eyewitness reports from independent pilots, claiming that the Thargoids have resumed attacking all human ships. These statements have not been independently verified.

    However, the superpowers are insisting on caution until the status of the Thargoid fleet can be ascertained. They have advised that non-military ships should avoid entering the HIP 22460 system until further notice.

  • August 8, 3308
  • Azimuth Claims ‘Thargoid Doomsday’ Imminent

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapon is now complete and final preparations are underway in the HIP 22460 system.

    Commodore Morag Halloran, Azimuth Biotech’s military coordinator, broadcast this announcement from the Bright Sentinel megaship:

    “Salvation has confirmed that the Proteus Wave core mechanism is fully active. Calibration inside the Thargoid structure on the surface of HIP 22460 10b has successfully concluded. Power sources derived from Guardian designs are building to the required levels, and a final series of safety checks are currently underway.”

    “Upon detonation, the energy pulse generated by the Proteus Wave will cause catastrophic disruption to all Thargoid biomechanical technology within range. Every alien vessel in HIP 22460 will immediately cease to function. Salvation predicts that the wide-ranging impact of the superweapon will drive all Thargoids out of the core systems. In practical terms, tomorrow will be their doomsday.”

    “This is the culmination of years of research, coupled with Salvation’s revolutionary technology. The project could not have been realised without the military support of the Alliance, Empire and Federation. Azimuth is also grateful to those pilots who delivered vital materials and risked their lives to hold back the Thargoid fleet. Take pride in the knowledge that your courage and dedication will help bring an end to the Second Thargoid War.”

    The superpowers’ anti-xeno taskforces have sent out urgent calls for emergency support to prevent Thargoid forces from attacking the Proteus Wave site in these critical final hours.

  • August 5, 3308
  • Azimuth Divides Media Opinion

    Editorial pieces published by newsfeeds across the core systems illustrate a range of viewpoints on current events in HIP 22460.

    Eye on Achenar: “There is no doubt that the real threat to our Empire will arise once the Thargoids are gone. That’s when Federal aggression will undoubtedly resume, fuelled by centuries of envy at our glorious splendour.”

    Citizens' Chronicle: “Some may have mocked Princess Aisling Duval for describing Salvation as ‘a master of self-promotion and public manipulation’. But her political instincts are astute, and we believe she is right to warn us against this dangerous man.”

    Sol Today: “We can all see what will happen as soon as the Thargoids have been dealt with. The Imperials will declare war against our democracy, seeking to enforce their totalitarian regime upon freedom-loving Federal citizens.”

    Federal Free Press: “The government’s focus on Salvation means that vital domestic issues are being ignored. Our economy is still geared toward military spending rather than helping those families and communites who rely on state support.”

    Old Worlds Gazette: “Cooperating with Sirius Corporation to harvest meta-alloys in the Coalsack Nebula was the primary cause of increased hostility from the Thargoids. Is the Alliance responsible for providing the conditions that allowed Salvation to obtain such power?”

    The Tau Ceti Journal: “Senior figures in the business sector are concerned that Azimuth Biotech, despite some recent market uncertainty, has the potential to become the most influential corporation with all three superpowers. Its success in the HIP 22460 system could reshape the financial markets considerably.”

    The Empirical: “Ram Tah has published theoretical papers on the Guardian technology derived from the Proteus experiments. However, he admits that full comprehension of the superweapon’s construction requires scientific data held exclusively by Salvation.”

  • August 4, 3308
  • Resources Supplied to Xeno-Retrieval Programme

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A delivery campaign in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system has provided vital commodities to Azimuth Biotech.

    The technical materials will enable Azimuth to analyse the salvaged wreckages of Thargoid vessels, following the activation of the Proteus Wave in the HIP 22460 system.

    Captain Maxim Lagunov, commanding officer of the Glorious Prospect megaship, delivered a statement to conclude the initiative:

    “Over the last week, I have been pleased to witness so many ships arriving at the Glorious Prospect in response to Director Rademaker’s request. Our cargo holds are now well stocked with HN shock mounts, micro controllers, neofabric insulation and radiation baffles. My crew are already arranging for these to be distributed to Azimuth’s xenological research centres.”

    “Pilots who signed up to this campaign can now collect credit payments. We also have a limited stock of pre-engineered Guardian shard cannons, which have been ferried across from our sister ship Bright Sentinel, and these will be awarded to the most dedicated contributors.”

    The Glorious Prospect will remain in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system alongside the Musashi, which is offering anti-xeno weaponry and redeeming Thargoid combat bonds. Two other Azimuth megaships, Bright Sentinel and Heart of Taurus, are in the nearby HIP 22460 system where the Proteus Wave project is approaching readiness.

  • July 28, 3308
  • Thargoid Salvage Operation Requires Resources

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Azimuth Biotech has called for commodities to be delivered to the Glorious Prospect in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system.

    Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, outlined the new initiative:

    “Once the Proteus Wave has eliminated the Thargoids, the second phase of our corporate strategy will commence. As per our agreement with the Alliance, Empire and Federation, Azimuth Biotech is licensed to collect limited quantities of any remaining non-human material in the HIP 22460 system. The powerless Thargoid vessels will be taken to specialised laboratories for examination, and the subsequent results shared with the superpowers’ military intelligence divisions.”

    “Unfortunately, Azimuth has experienced significant losses in several systems, as a result of actions taken by ‘Operation Wych Hunt’ saboteurs. This has prevented us from setting up research labs and analytical equipment, delaying our xeno-retrieval programme considerably.”

    “To counteract this setback, we require shipments of HN shock mounts, micro controllers and radiation baffles. The Glorious Prospect megaship stands ready in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system to receive these deliveries.”

    As well as credit payments, Azimuth Biotech has agreed to make pre-engineered Guardian shard cannons available as an additional reward for pilots who transport the greatest volume of commodities.

  • July 27, 3308
  • Tesreau Highlights Azimuth’s ‘Inhumanity’

    A counter-statement regarding Azimuth Biotech has been published by Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research at Aegis.

    “The recent declaration by Director Torben Rademaker paints a false picture of those pilots who are actively working against Azimuth Biotech. He frames them as criminals and alien sympathisers, betraying humanity to the Thargoids. This could not be any further from the truth. It is Azimuth’s own inhumanity that they are fighting against.”

    “It’s unsurprising that Salvation’s focus is now on HIP 22460, given this system has long been part of Azimuth’s sinister legacy. On planet 7c is the abandoned settlement Fort Asch, where unlicensed scientists performed monstrous experiments to link human minds with Thargoid vessels. We know from Project Seraph’s sole survivor, known as Subject D-2, how brutal the results were.”

    “Alongside the Bright Sentinel above planet 10b is the Overlook, a derelict megaship drifting within a caustic cloud of debris. Some may have assumed it is the scene of a recent Thargoid attack, but in fact it once served as the headquarters of Black Flight. This secretive organisation arranged strike teams to suppress evidence of the Thargoids from the general public. Azimuth’s collaboration with Black Flight helped it establish a monopoly on xenological research.”

    “For the past two centuries, Azimuth has ruthlessly sought to obtain and weaponise alien technology. The crew of the Alexandria were sacrificed in order to steal Guardian material for its superweapon. Now that same genocidal device, paid for with the blood of thousands, is being hailed as a ‘noble enterprise’.”

    “Caleb Wycherley has reinvented himself as Salvation, but his modern persona cannot conceal his malignant nature. Those who Rademaker accused of betrayal are in fact driven by conscience and a sense of justice. I call upon the leaders of the Alliance, Empire and Federation to follow their example, and withdraw support for this nefarious organisation.”

  • July 26, 3308
  • Guardian Artefact Campaign Concludes

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The third phase of an initiative to acquire Guardian artefacts for the Proteus Wave has ended successfully.

    Commodore Morag Halloran, Azimuth Biotech’s military coordinator, announced:

    “Salvation has asked me to extend his sincere thanks to all pilots for exploring ancient Guardian sites and transporting their discoveries to the Bright Sentinel in HIP 22460. The quantity of artefacts delivered over the past three weeks has surpassed our targets.”

    “The most recent shipments are now being ferried down to the surface of HIP 22460 10b. The Proteus Wave’s core mechanism is mere days away from being fully assembled. Calibration tests will then begin within the Thargoid structure, which will vastly amplify the superweapon’s disruptive frequencies.”

    “It is now mission critical to defend the project. The Thargoids appear frenzied by the system’s concentration of Guardian technology, which is drawing their vessels in ever-greater numbers. I am liaising closely with the Allied, Federal and Imperial taskforces, but we require even more volunteers to provide tactical support to their capital ships.”

    With the delivery initiative concluded, contributing pilots can now collect their rewards from the Bright Sentinel megaship in the HIP 22460 system.

  • July 21, 3308
  • Proteus Wave Approaches Completion

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    New Federal and Imperial capital ships have arrived in HIP 22460 as Azimuth Biotech’s operation nears its conclusion.

    The following message was provided to all newsfeeds for public broadcast:

    “This is Salvation. The Proteus Wave’s core mechanism will be fully constructed one week from today. We will then begin integration with the surface site on HIP 22460 10b, using designs of mine which are unique to the superweapon’s operation.”

    “As anticipated, the Thargoid presence in the HIP 22460 system has escalated considerably. Providing the sufficient majority of their fleet is within range of the Proteus Wave, the casualties will be devastating enough to drive the Thargoids out of the core systems forever.”

    “I urge all superpower-affiliated and independent ships to hold the line. Only through determination and sacrifice will we finish our crucial work.”

    In HIP 22460, the Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have each deployed additional capital ships as the conflict has grown in scale and ferocity. These huge vessels are directing large-scale firepower against the Thargoids.

    Independent pilots are also being incentivised to destroy the alien vessels, with opportunities to obtain Salvation’s pre-engineered Guardian gauss cannons. Thargoid combat bonds can be redeemed at the Musashi in the nearby Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system.

    Azimuth Biotech’s campaign for Guardian artefacts, which form the most vital components of the Proteus Wave, is now in its final phase. Deliveries can be made to the Bright Sentinel megaship in HIP 22460 until Tuesday the 26th of July.

  • July 19, 3308
  • Azimuth’s Final Call for Guardian Artefacts

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The campaign to deliver Guardian artefacts to Azimuth Biotech in the HIP 22460 system has reached its third phase.

    Commodore Morag Halloran outlined the final stage of the initiative:

    “We have received an impressive number of Guardian caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns at the Bright Sentinel over the past two weeks. Thanks to this supply, construction of the Proteus Wave has progressed satisfactorily.”

    “However, Salvation has requested that further shipments of artefacts are sourced from Guardian sites. There can be no shortfall of these vital components, and the superweapon will make use of every one we can provide.”

    “We have projected a substantial increase in the number of Thargoid vessels within HIP 22460, as they react to the increased concentration of technology created by their ancient enemies. AX fighters and squadrons are asked to continue engaging the enemy’s forces to provide safe passage for incoming transports.”

    Pilots who previously contributed to this initiative can collect rewards from the Bright Sentinel megaship in HIP 22460, which is continuing to accept new shipments of Guardian artefacts.

  • July 14, 3308
  • Pilots Urged to Defend Proteus Wave Project

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    As the Thargoid presence increases in the HIP 22460 system, Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers call for reinforcements.

    An urgent bulletin was transmitted from Commodore Morag Halloran aboard the Bright Sentinel:

    “A series of actions by ‘Operation Wych Hunt’ saboteurs have resulted in delays to Azimuth Biotech’s supply infrastructure. As a result of these traitorous acts, we have been forced to amend the construction timetable for the Proteus Wave.”

    “Salvation informs me that it will be approximately two more weeks until the weapon is fully assembled. This delay increases the Proteus Wave’s exposure to Thargoid intervention, potentially undermining the project. But we remain convinced that the majority of pilots are committed to ensuring a human victory.”

    “After discussions with Admiral Atherton, Admiral Price and Admiral Ziegler, the coalition has agreed to provide funding for increased defences in HIP 22460. For the next two weeks, independent pilots can claim reimbursement for the hazardous task of engaging the Thargoids.”

    “Thargoid combat bonds can be handed in at the Musashi megaship in the nearby Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system. The most dedicated Commanders by contribution will be rewarded with Salvation’s pre-engineered Guardian gauss cannons.”

  • July 13, 3308
  • The Battle of HIP 22460

    Vox Galactica has published an on-site account from the HIP 22460 system, where a coalition fleet is engaged in combat with the Thargoids.

    “This is Jade Sanderlyn reporting for Vox Galactica. I’ve been in HIP 22460 over the past two weeks, and during this time the system has been transformed into a ferocious battleground.”

    “Naval and independent craft are fighting side by side against the biomechanical nightmares that are Thargoid vessels. Many brave pilots have lost their lives to the aliens’ firepower, several of whom I spoke to only hours before. The official casualty numbers are climbing rapidly. But so far the coalition is holding the line.”

    “The Bright Sentinel is at the eye of the storm, aboard which high concentrations of Guardian devices are being prepared for integration with the Proteus Wave device on HIP 22460 10b. We know little about this superweapon’s properties, considering its origins stem from the technology of a long-extinct civilisation. Perhaps only Salvation can claim such an understanding. But he is certainly not willing to share his unique knowledge, since it has placed all three superpowers at his beck and call.”

    “Despite the constant danger, most personnel I’ve spoken to are optimistic. There is a sense of comradeship, of humanity working together against a common enemy. But among them are those who view Salvation as untrustworthy at best, and a mass murderer at worst. Some pilots have even mounted a resistance campaign against Azimuth, convinced that it is the cause of the Thargoids’ aggression rather than the solution.”

    “This mirrors the results of a recent study by Orion University into public sentiment towards Salvation’s grand plan. The campaign in HIP 22460 enjoys general social network support from users fatigued by this years-long war, particularly following Salvation’s claims of complete victory. Others remain sceptical of Salvation, citing concerns over the Proteus Wave’s future as well as historical crimes committed by Azimuth personnel. A small demographic, recently given a voice by popular ICE creator Joy Senne, has suggested that Salvation’s influence has actively prevented efforts to communicate with the Thargoids, dashing hopes of a diplomatic solution to the conflict.”

    “Could HIP 22460 really be the final battle of the Second Thargoid War? Many combat pilots here are convinced that Salvation can achieve this, and are willing to die for his cause. Right now, we can only wait and hope that their continued sacrifices are worthwhile.”

    “This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • July 12, 3308
  • Guardian Artefact Initiative Enters Second Phase

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Azimuth Biotech has repeated its call for Guardian artefacts to be delivered to the HIP 22460 system.

    Military coordinator Commodore Morag Halloran announced the details:

    “Over the last week, many Commanders have scoured Guardian sites to collect artefacts and transport them to HIP 22460. We are grateful for their efforts, and payment is now available at the Bright Sentinel.”

    “The Proteus Wave, currently being constructed aboard the megaship, requires increasing quantities of Guardian-based technology. Azimuth Biotech has confirmed the artefact acquisition initiative will continue for a second week and would like more pilots to take part.”

    “Passage through the HIP 22460 system has become hazardous, with Thargoid vessels present in large numbers. The Allied, Federal and Imperial taskforces are striving to protect traders, as are independent AX fighters and squadrons. However, as the concentration of artefacts increases, it’s expected that the Thargoid presence will intensify. Pilots should remain on high alert while in the system.”

    Guardian caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns can all be delivered to the Bright Sentinel megaship, which remains in stationary orbit above HIP 22460 10b.

  • July 8, 3308
  • Thargoids Launch Attack in HIP 22460

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The HIP 22460 system has been invaded by large numbers of Thargoid vessels, with several multi-craft conflicts already reported.

    An alert was broadcast by Commodore Morag Halloran, military coordinator for Azimuth Biotech:

    “As Salvation predicted, the Thargoids have detected the large-scale concentration of Guardian artefacts aboard the Bright Sentinel. Thargoid interceptors and scouts are now swarming throughout HIP 22460.”

    “The Allied, Federal and Imperial taskforces have engaged the enemy. But it is crucial that their efforts are supplemented by as many additional ships as we can muster. All available independent pilots and AX squadrons are requested to take part in counter-offensives against the Thargoids.”

    “It is also important to protect traders who are entering the system to deliver Guardian artefacts to the Bright Sentinel. The construction of the Proteus Wave relies on these vital components, and supply routes must not be interrupted by Thargoid strikes.”

    The Alliance megaship Oath of Tyndareus, the Farragut-class battle cruiser FNS Fortitude, and the Majestic-class interdictor INV Audacious Dream are coordinating the tactical deployment of the superpowers’ taskforces in HIP 22460.

  • July 7, 3308
  • HIP 22460 Receives Vital Supplies

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Medical and military commodities have been delivered to the HIP 22460 system in support of the anti-xeno operation.

    Commodore Morag Halloran expressed gratitude that so many Commanders took part in the initiative. She indicated that payment was now available from the megaship Heart of Taurus. This includes tailored ship liveries for those Commanders who made the greatest contributions.

    Azimuth Biotech has requested that pilots continue supporting the operation by obtaining Guardian artefacts, which will form part of the Proteus Wave’s construction process. These can be delivered to the Bright Sentinel megaship.

    The shipments of advanced medicines, basic medicines and reactive armour will be distributed by Azimuth Biotech to the Allied, Federal and Imperial taskforces within the system.

    Experimental anti-xeno weaponry has been installed on the three taskforce flagships: the Alliance megaship Oath of Tyndareus, the Farragut-class battle cruiser FNS Fortitude, and the Majestic-class interdictor INV Audacious Dream. Both the Federal and Imperial Navies intend to reinforce their presence in HIP 22460 at the appropriate time.

  • The Salvation Stratagem

    As the superpowers establish their fleets in the HIP 22460 system, Azimuth Biotech prepares to deliver a decisive blow against the Thargoids.

    A segment from Salvation’s briefing to the anti-xeno taskforce admirals was shared by Azimuth:

    “The Proteus Wave relies on power sources and components of Guardian origin, which will inevitably draw the Thargoids to HIP 22460. As we know, their hostile reaction to stockpiles of Guardian artefacts is instinctive. They have no defence against the weaponry of their ancient enemies, other than to launch pre-emptive strikes to prevent it being deployed.”

    “Therefore, the Bright Sentinel must be protected as a priority while delivered artefacts are processed for transport to the Proteus Wave site, with independent pilots who support our endeavour aiding these efforts. I cannot stress enough how vital it is to keep the enemy at bay during this phase of the plan.”

    “The Proteus Wave will be constructed on the surface of HIP 22460 10b. Its core mechanism will be calibrated to interface with one of the extant Thargoid structures present on the moon. The structure will amplify the Proteus Wave’s electromagnetic pulse to permanently shut down every Thargoid vessel within range.”

    “Providing your combined forces can keep the Thargoid vessels occupied, the finished superweapon will ensure humanity’s final victory against the aliens. There will be no need for further superweapons when the Thargoid threat has been extinguished once and for all.”

  • July 5, 3308
  • Guardian Artefacts Needed to Power Superweapon

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Azimuth Biotech urgently requires deliveries of Guardian artefacts to HIP 22460 as vital components of the Proteus Wave.

    Salvation issued an official request to the Allied, Federal and Imperial taskforces, which was then shared via public channels:

    “We have now begun assembly of the Proteus Wave. Our existing stockpile of Guardian material was sufficient to begin construction, but we must now establish a supply line capable of delivering the quantity needed to finish the weapon.”

    Azimuth Biotech has established an initiative to encourage independent pilots to supply the Bright Sentinel megaship with Guardian commodities. Azimuth are also offering additional ship liveries to contributors.

    Pilots can deliver any combination of Guardian caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns to the Bright Sentinel megaship in the HIP 22460 system.

  • July 1, 3308
  • Leaders Respond to Azimuth Initiative

    The anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460 involving Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers has drawn comments from prominent political figures.

    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval: “I agree with Senator Patreus that supporting Azimuth’s proposal remains our most practical course of action. However, alternative options for tackling the Thargoid threat are required.”

    Princess Aisling Duval: “Salvation is clearly a master of self-promotion and public manipulation. I only hope that the Empire does not regret associating with this distasteful individual.”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon: “Our military presence in HIP 22460, coupled with the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation, shows that the long-term security of Allied systems remains our priority.”

    Councillor Nakato Kaine: “Two ruthless corporations with disreputable histories, and the Alliance is now collaborating with both. This a deeply regrettable chapter in our history.”

    President Zachary Hudson: “I have every confidence in the Federal Navy to protect Salvation while the Proteus Wave is prepared. This is a long-overdue reprisal against an intractable and relentless enemy.”

    Shadow President Felicia Winters: “Azimuth’s superweapon is effective, I’ll admit. But I’m unhappy with relying on this clandestine organisation, rather than an accountable anti-xeno agency.”

    CEO Li Yong-Rui: “Sirius Corporation is observing activities in HIP 22460 with great interest. I am keen to explore cooperation with Azimuth Biotech on developing new products using Proteus Wave technology.”

    Simguru Pranav Antal: “The advanced electromagnetic sciences developed by the Guardians over a million years ago remain poorly understood, even to Utopia’s keenest minds. The safety and effectiveness of Salvation’s device cannot be guaranteed.”

  • June 30, 3308
  • Salvation Prepares ‘Final Thargoid Battlefield’

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The HIP 22460 system will be the stage for a decisive strike against the Thargoids by Azimuth Biotech and the superpowers.

    The following message was broadcast across all public channels:

    “This is Salvation. Construction of the Proteus Wave has officially commenced. This version of my anti-xeno superweapon has been designed to bring absolute victory against our adversaries.”

    “HIP 22460 will serve as the final battlefield in the Thargoid war. As with previous superweapons, we anticipate that the Guardian-based technology incorporated within the Proteus Wave will once again attract the Thargoids. However, this time it will eradicate the alien threat not just from the system, but from the entire galaxy.”

    “Everyone who wishes to see this hostile species defeated once and for all should view this project as a call to arms. This is not a time for politics or debate. It is an opportunity to secure humanity’s continued survival.”

    Azimuth Biotech megaships have entered the HIP 22460 system. Commodore Morag Halloran is coordinating the operation aboard the Bright Sentinel. The Heart of Taurus will serve as a delivery point for incoming resources. Two other megaships, Musashi and Glorious Prospect, are in the nearby Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system to provide further logistical support.

    Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy forces have also taken up positions in the HIP 22460 system. These ships have been modified for anti-xeno combat, as they expect to face Thargoid vessels in greater numbers than ever previously encountered. Military sources confirmed that although the ships’ experimental weaponry is being deployed somewhat prematurely, it should still prove effective.

  • June 29, 3308
  • Azimuth A Historical Perspective (Part Five)

    The concluding article in this series examines events leading to the resurrection of Azimuth and Salvation’s plans for the future.

    During February and March 3308, Aegis suffered a slow death as its operations were shut down by the superpowers. Its leaders continued calling for its reinstatement, not just to battle the Thargoids but also to oppose Azimuth Biochemicals. They claimed that this sinister corporation was still performing unlicensed xenological research and was responsible for thousands of deaths.

    Meanwhile, the number of Thargoid incursions was increasing, perhaps in response to Salvation’s Guardian-based superweapon. This culminated in a simultaneous invasion of the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems in April 3308. These were major population centres for the Alliance, Empire and Federation respectively, with over ten billion lives at risk.

    Salvation and the superpower militaries responded in concert. Allied, Imperial and Federal capital ships were deployed to coordinate system defences, and also host the construction of three new superweapons. Interviews with the admirals in charge of the anti-xeno taskforces provided an insight into how much they now relied on Salvation.

    The superweapons were successfully detonated in all three systems, but this time there were no wreckages left behind. It was unclear if these particular weapons were less effective, or if the Thargoids had anticipated their use and retreated before their vessels could be disrupted.

    This was nevertheless hailed as another victory for Salvation. He announced that he was working on the next generation of the devices, which would “deliver a truly overwhelming strike against the Thargoid species”. Increased amounts of personnel, supplies and equipment were provided to Taurus Mining Ventures to hasten development of the superweapon.

    In May 3308 came a shocking revelation. Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research at Aegis, received a tip-off leading to an abandoned outpost in the DG Canum Venaticorum system. This turned out to be a previously undiscovered base for INRA, the Intergalactic Naval Reserve Arm, which was formed to combat the Thargoids during the 32nd and 33rd centuries.

    The base provided evidence that INRA had contracted Azimuth Biochemicals to aid development of the mycoid virus. This was a highly controversial bioweapon used in 3151 to infect the aliens’ mothership, and which helped bring about the end of the First Thargoid War.

    Logs recorded by Dr Caleb Wycherley, the corporation’s vice-president of research, explained how he gained the nickname ‘the Witch’ after being half-blinded by a live Thargoid specimen. He then vowed that under his guidance, Azimuth would devote itself to the destruction of the Thargoids “If I must be humanity’s salvation, then so be it.”

    The former leaders of Aegis claimed that this verified their theory Salvation and ‘the Witch’ were the same person, and Azimuth had been operating in the shadows for decades. Professor Tesreau later revealed that the tip-off came from Subject D-2, the only survivor of the Project Seraph experiments to create a human test pilot for Thargoid ships.

    Some believed Aegis had fabricated these logs, since Dr Wycherley would now be over 200 years old. But although Salvation did not overtly confirm his true identity, Aegis’s suspicions were validated when Taurus Mining Ventures rebranded itself as Azimuth Biotech. Salvation described how Azimuth’s research division had survived as an independent organisation under his control, focused exclusively on Thargoid research and preparing for inter-species conflict.

    There was a public outcry that the man claiming to be humanity’s saviour was also responsible for the mycoid bioweapon, Project Seraph, the attack on the Alexandria, and other illegal or unethical activities. And yet there was little reaction from the Alliance, Empire or Federation, whose militaries were now fully committed to working with Salvation to defeat the Thargoids.

    In the past week, there have been signs that Azimuth Biotech is mobilising its forces and preparing for a large-scale operation of some kind. This may well tie in with Salvation’s promise to unveil a more powerful type of anti-xeno superweapon. We may soon learn if Azimuth can repeat history and deliver the decisive blow to end to the Second Thargoid War.