Galactic News

  • May 10, 3309
  • Into the Maelstroms

    Aegis has confirmed that the first ships equipped with Thargoid pulse neutralisers have entered the inner regions of the Maelstroms.

    The new module provides a temporary shield against the electromagnetic pulse that is generated when ships reach a certain point within the Maelstroms. Until now, this has prevented all attempts to identify what Thargoid constructs may exist within the caustic clouds.

    Rear Admiral Daniel Parry, the Federal Navy’s liaison to Aegis, reported:

    “Armed ships crewed by military and xenology specialists have now been sent into each Maelstrom. These pathfinder missions will attempt to gather as much tactical and environmental data as possible.”

    “We have also received information from Commanders who returned intact from the Maelstroms’ core areas. We are unable to authenticate these accounts at present, but they are being collated and analysed. The Allied, Federal and Imperial high commands will authorise an official report in due course.”

    A secondary statement was provided by Commodore Emil Varga, the Alliance’s military liaison:

    “If the preliminary data obtained by independent pilots is accurate, one common factor is that they encountered a significant Thargoid presence. Aegis warns all pilots that they enter the Maelstroms at their own risk, and should prepare for combat situations.”

    “All of the eight systems containing Maelstroms are still affected by the same anti-Guardian field that was first witnessed in HIP 22460. Therefore, weapons based on Guardian technology will not function and should be replaced with other anti-xeno armaments.”

  • May 2, 3309
  • Resources Needed for Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Aegis has requested materials in the YZ Ceti system to mass-produce a defence for ships entering the Maelstroms.

    Professor Alba Tesreau, head of the tri-superpower agency, announced the initiative at a press conference:

    “Final tests have been conducted on the Thargoid pulse neutraliser, which offers ships a brief window of insulation from the energy wave encountered inside a Maelstrom. Their primary components are based on unclassified relics, which are created by interfacing Guardian artefacts with Thargoid surface sites. Ram Tah and Professor Palin have donated some of their research supplies to this project.”

    “Aegis has been assigned a generous budget to purchase large quantities of cobalt, ion distributors and power converters. These will be used to create a manufacturing and distribution base, making the Thargoid pulse neutraliser commercially available on all rescue megaships.”

    Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system will serve as the delivery point for all shipments. Aegis has been authorised to redeem bounty hunting vouchers for all wanted ships in the vicinity, since transporting such valuable materials is likely to attract pirates.

    Representatives from the superpowers and the scientific community congratulated Aegis, while military figures emphasised the importance of finding ways to hinder or destroy the Maelstroms. Rear Admiral Daniel Parry claimed: “This is the most strategically significant breakthrough to date. It will allow us to modify our military tactics based on what is discovered inside the deadly clouds.”

  • April 17, 3309
  • Aegis Reports on Utopia’s Sim-Archive

    A scientific delegation from Aegis has visited Utopia to compare its Sim-Archive with Salvation’s Nemesis Failsafe designs.

    A summary from Dr Maximo Fonseca was shared with newsfeeds:

    “Simguru Antal agreed to meet with us as a sign of good faith, and to refute claims of collaboration with Salvation. He personally introduced us to the neurosmiths of Utopia, who can digitally encode electrochemical activity within the brain. I took part in a demonstration, uploading some of my own long-term memories into the Sim-Archive. Afterwards, my colleague Dr Cooper enjoyed a remarkably accurate simulation of my university graduation thirty years ago, who claimed she found it hard to believe the memory was not her own.”

    “Analysis of the Nemesis Failsafe designs that we provided was swift, but the differences were stark. From what we understood of the summary by Utopian researchers, the Nemesis process irreversibly transforms a person’s entire neuronal network into esoteric energy particles. But there was no suggestion how the particle stream might be directed or stored.”

    Further scrutiny by Aegis specialists confirmed that the Nemesis Failsafe relies heavily on Guardian technology, much of which remains a mystery. Early indications suggest that Allied, Federal and Imperial leaders agree that Salvation was unlikely to have sought assistance from the Utopia commune.

    Simguru Pranav Antal released a rare public statement:

    “The Sim-Archive is designed to preserve human thought, not to extract it from living minds. One day, experiencing other people’s stored memories will be as common as searching for information on a database. Utopia’s role is to unite us all by bringing down the barriers between our individual universes.”

    “Salvation’s design very much relates to the preservation of one’s self, rather than the storage of information for future generations. Whatever knowledge of Guardian technology he may have possessed is likely lost to us now.”

  • April 10, 3309
  • Salvation-Utopia Link Raises Concerns

    Similarities between the Nemesis Failsafe and Utopia’s Sim-Archive have led to questions being asked about a possible connection.

    Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse reported on Seo Jin-ae’s recent discoveries:

    “We all knew that Salvation had a messiah complex, so it’s no surprise that he planned to keep his colossal ego alive after his ancient body died. We also know that Pranav Antal has been digitising his followers’ brains for years.”

    “My question is: did Salvation modify Antal’s system for his own private use, rather than reverse-engineer Guardian technology? Or maybe Azimuth and Utopia were secretly working together all this time, and the Sim-Archive has always been Guardian-based? It would explain how Utopia is able to maintain funding for its little tech-bohemian commune.”

    This theory was critiqued by The Federal Times’s technology correspondent Harlow Nassry:

    “It is a fact that most of Utopia’s scientific development remains opaque. But the few inventions that have been examined – such as the nanomedicines acquired by Vitadyne Labs – contain no molecular markers of Guardian origin. The Sim-Archive’s memory-recording techniques are based on exoneurological research conducted over hundreds of years.”

    Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Alliance’s scientific liaison to Aegis, gave a statement to the media:

    “Since successful applications in this field are so rare, we cannot ignore the potential relation between the Nemesis Failsafe designs and the Sim-Archive. I have made contact with Simguru Pranav Antal and explained the situation. He kindly invited me and my staff to visit Utopia and discuss the matter. Our findings will determine whether a formal investigation into Salvation’s current status is warranted.”

  • April 3, 3309
  • Nemesis Failsafe: Fact or Fiction?

    Azimuth Biotech has rejected Seo Jin-ae’s unverified claim that Salvation survived by relocating his mind using advanced Guardian technology.

    CEO Torben Rademaker issued this statement:

    “I can officially confirm that Azimuth Biotech has no knowledge of any project related to a ‘Nemesis Failsafe’. Frankly, suggesting that anyone could transmit their living mind across space stretches her credibility past breaking point.”

    “Seo Jin-ae’s absurd outbursts have justified our fears that she suffers from paranoid delusions, and has falsified data to support her personal vendetta. And she now seems to have an exalted position among the Far God cultists. Only those deranged unfortunates would take her flights of fantasy seriously.”

    An article in the scientific journal The Empirical addressed the concepts featured in Seo Jin-ae’s statement:

    “The field of exoneurology, whereby the human mind is isolated from the neuronal network and transferred to an artificial host, is mostly comprised of failed experiments. Only the Utopia commune has ever claimed significant success. Their Sim-Archive allegedly duplicates an individual’s memory engrams and uploads them to a sophisticated digital emulation program. But independent reviews of this technology have been prevented by the reclusive nature of Utopian society.”

  • March 30, 3309
  • Seo Jin-ae: ‘I Believe Salvation Survived’

    Aegis has published a personal statement from Seo Jin-ae, who claims to have evidence that Salvation planned to escape death in the HIP 22460 system.

    “First of all, yes, Caleb Wycherley died when the Thargoids attacked the Bright Sentinel in HIP 22460. But, I believe, only physically. He was developing technology to automatically relocate his mind, an emergency protocol he named the Nemesis Failsafe.”

    “I know how implausible that sounds, but the files I recovered from an Azimuth Biotech archive prove his intentions. For several years, Salvation ran a private project to reverse-engineer a Guardian artefact which could store consciousness. The design showed neural interactions as digital impulses, and made reference to exactly retaining his identity and memories.”

    “Salvation had already extended his life to over 250 years, and was obsessed with staying alive until he could wipe out the Thargoids. I’m convinced that he has survived in some bodiless form, and that Azimuth has known all along.”

    Aden Tanner, who works for Aegis as an independent specialist, also released a statement:

    “I’ll admit that the designs Seo found seem authentic and incredibly advanced. But the files contained no concrete proof that the Nemesis Failsafe was constructed, or if it could actually work. I’m more concerned that she was being hunted by unknown parties, who would likely have succeeded if not for the Far God cult’s intervention. Perhaps it needs to be restated that actively seeking to hinder Aegis, or its valued personnel, is a crime against all three superpowers.”

    In related news, the Testament megaship that rescued Seo Jin-ae from unidentified attackers has now left the Luyten’s Star system, following a week of clemency offered by Federal authorities. A spokesperson for President Hudson reiterated that the Order of the Far God remains illegal in the Federation.

  • January 20, 3309
  • Thargoid War Update: January 3309

    Vox Galactica reporter Jade Sanderlyn has published a summary of the current situation in the conflict against the Thargoids.

    “Many of us who witnessed those terrifying events in HIP 22460 felt that it was both an ending and a beginning – that history had turned a page. Five months later, the Second Thargoid War has escalated to a point which may yet close the book altogether.”

    “The arrival of the eight Maelstroms resulted in 44 populated systems being completely overwhelmed by the Thargoids. Dozens of neighbouring regions were also attacked by their fleets, leaving starports and settlements ablaze. Billions were killed and billions more fled from their homes as panicked refugees, creating the greatest humanitarian crisis of all time.”

    “Despite the lack of coordination previously provided by Aegis and Salvation, anti-xeno efforts have been herculean. Allied, Federal and Imperial warships rapidly responded to form a vanguard against the invaders, and thousands of independent pilots have valiantly fought the Thargoid swarms across multiple battlefields.”

    “Military experts believe that neutralising the Maelstroms will stem the endless waves of Thargoid vessels. Unfortunately, their caustic clouds and repulsing energy waves prevent our ships from exploring whatever resides within. They also generate the same disruptive field found in HIP 22460, which prevents any Guardian-based weapons from functioning within the system.”

    “But there is hope. A small but steady flow of unclassified relics, those strange artefacts recovered from Thargoid surface sites after the Proteus Wave fired, have made their way to Professor Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah. A leading theory is that they share esoteric properties with several of the Thargoids’ recent technological advances, and may hold the key to developing countermeasures. Many other scientists are focusing on xenological research, striving to locate a weakness or develop an advantage.”

    “Until such a breakthrough occurs, we are reliant upon our spacefaring warriors to contain the most destructive adversary the human race has ever faced. This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

  • December 30, 3308
  • A Retrospective of 3308 (Part Two)

    Sima Kalhana continues her review of the most significant historical events that occurred during the past year.

    “In May 3308, the Thargoid invasions of the Didio, Novas and Sosong systems were completely repelled by the use of Salvation’s unique superweapons. This convinced the Alliance, Empire and Federation to support Azimuth Biotech in developing this Guardian-based technology, with Salvation claiming that he could end the Thargoid threat forever.”

    “Elsewhere that month, the Kumo Crew syndicate faced civil war as pirate rebels tried to replace Archon Delaine. Eventually his loyal forces triumphed, with the Blue Viper Club dredger clan fleeing his reprisals. And in the Federation, trillionaire entrepreneur Zachary Rackham announced his presidential candidacy for the 3309 election.”

    “June saw the Golconda generation ship repaired and updated by the Artificers Clan. This provided the majority of its original inhabitants, descended from Earth colonists, the opportunity to resume their spacefaring lifestyle.”

    “The news around this time was dominated by Salvation, particularly when he rebranded Taurus Mining Ventures as Azimuth Biotech. The scientist, once named Dr Caleb Wycherley, admitted that the corporation had evolved out of the notorious Azimuth Biochemicals. But Allied, Federal and Imperial leaders chose to ignore this, having pinned their anti-xeno strategy on Salvation’s superweapon technology.”

    “HIP 22460 was the system chosen to construct the Proteus Wave. This interfaced Guardian technology with a Thargoid ground settlement, and was designed to deliberately attract the Thargoids before wiping them out. During July and August, upgraded capital ships along with independent pilots defended Azimuth Biotech’s operation from swarms of Thargoid vessels.”

    “After weeks of intense combat and delivering vital supplies, the Proteus Wave was activated on 9th August. Initially it seemed successful, rendering the Thargoids powerless, but an unexpected second energy pulse from the planetary site had the same effect on all human ships. The resulting massacre saw the Thargoids take control of the HIP 22460 system, establishing a permanent presence.”

    “Salvation was dead. Azimuth Biotech’s plans had failed. The superpowers were in retreat. And speculation grew about an unearthly alien screech heard in HIP 22460, dubbed the ‘Thargoid roar’.”

  • December 29, 3308
  • Enhanced AX Weapon Update

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The continued project to provide enhanced AX weaponry for all ships has announced its latest progress update.

    All enhanced AX weapons designed by the engineers Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo have now been completed. It is hoped that with these weapons improvements, humanity will be better positioned to defend itself against Thargoid invasion fleets.

    The following weapons are now available for purchase:

    Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Gimballed)

    Enhanced AX Missile Rack (Fixed)

    These modules are offered at all rescue megaships, which can be found using the Galaxy Map filter. Ships looking to engage Thargoid forces are advised to equip these weapons, particularly in Maelstrom systems where Guardian-based technology has proven ineffective.

  • December 19, 3308
  • The Supercruise Factor

    Thargoid vessels are interdicting human ships travelling through systems that have been occupied by their fleets.

    The Thargoids’ ability to force craft to drop out of hyperspace is well documented. Over the past couple of weeks, pilots have reported that the interdiction ability used by human ships in supercruise is also being utilised by the alien forces.

    Colonel Bris Dekker, an engineer who specialises in frame shift drive technology, submitted his analysis to The Federal Times:

    “Being intercepted by the Thargoids mid-way through an interstellar journey is certainly a disturbing experience, but not necessarily a fatal one. Many ships have survived such encounters, unless they happen to be carrying Guardian or Thargoid artefacts. By contrast, these more recent incidents are uniformly acts of aggression, with ships being wrenched out of supercruise and immediately fired upon.”

    “We don’t know precisely how the Thargoids achieve this, though some theories are gathering support. But the intention is clear: to make the hunting of humans vessels easier. Anti-xeno pilots should note that they can no longer escape the Thargoid blasting though their shields by simply entering supercruise.”

    “Possibly, this is more of a shift in tactics than a new technological development. All reported interdictions have taken place in recently invaded systems close to the Maelstroms, rather than in the aliens’ more well-known haunts. Whatever the reason, the invading Thargoid force has adapted to more efficiently catch its prey.”

  • December 15, 3308
  • Enhanced AX Weapon Update

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The continued project to provide enhanced AX weaponry for all ships has announced its latest progress update.

    Independent pilots have been tasked with establishing a manufacturing base at select locations in the core systems. Thanks to these focused efforts, the following weapons are now available for purchase:

    Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Turreted)

    Enhanced AX Missile Rack (Turreted)

    Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Fixed)

    These modules are offered at all rescue megaships, which can be found using the Galaxy Map filter. Ships looking to engage Thargoid forces are advised to equip these weapons, particularly in Maelstrom systems where Guardian-based technology has proven ineffective.

    Work continues on the other enhanced weapons, based on designs by the engineers Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo which improve the original Aegis models. A further update will be provided next Thursday, unless no additional modules have been established during the week.

  • Enhanced AX Weapon Project

    <p>Pilots’ Federation ALERT The continued project to provide enhanced AX weaponry for all ships has announced its latest progress update. Independent pilots have been tasked with establishing a manufacturing base at select locations in the core systems. Thanks to these focused efforts, the following weapons are now available for purchase: Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Turreted) Enhanced AX Missile Rack (Turreted) Enhanced AX Multi-cannon (Fixed) These modules are offered at all rescue megaships, which can be found using the Galaxy Map filter. Ships looking to engage Thargoid forces are advised to equip these weapons, particularly in Maelstrom systems where Guardian-based technology has proven ineffective. Work continues on the other enhanced weapons, based on designs by the engineers Liz Ryder and Zacariah Nemo which improve the original Aegis models. A further update will be provided next Thursday, unless no additional modules have been established during the week.</p>

  • November 10, 3308
  • Azimuth Claim Expensive Success

    The recent Azimuth Biotech initiative to expand its operation assets has been described as a ‘partial success’.

    A primary goal of obtaining sufficient resources to establish a new anti-xeno megaship has been met, Azimuth CEO Torben Rademaker announced. The megaship is expected to be operational within the next few weeks.

    Opponents of the weapons research corporation, seeking to disrupt the campaign, mobilised forces to engage Azimuth security vessels. While unable to prevent sufficient deliveries from reaching the Musashi, it is thought these pilots inflicted significant losses on the Azimuth fleet.

    “We are delighted with the support shown to Azimuth Biotech by independent pilots, and look to the future with optimism,” said Rademaker. “We will soon deploy a new AX megaship to lead our mobile operations. Setbacks inflicted by anarchic opponents of progress have delayed our plans to establish planetary research bases, however. This persistent antagonism will have to be resolved separately.”

    Along with credit rewards, qualifying pilots that contributed to the delivery campaign will receive the Mbooni permit shortly, granting access to Azimuth’s selection of AX weaponry. Rademaker confirmed that the Glorious Prospect megaship will now sell this permit from the T-Tauri system permanently.

    Pilots who fought for Azimuth Biotech will also receive overcharged Guardian plasma chargers in storage at the Musashi, providing they reaches the contribution threshold. Those who fought against Azimuth will receive rapid-fire multi-cannons with phasing sequence from Wandrama Purple Council soon, collectable from MacLean City.

  • January 13, 3308
  • Azimuth to Expand Operational Assets

    Azimuth Biotech has announced a campaign in the Wandrama system to expand its military and surface facility capacity.

    The controversial weapons developer has seen a recent downturn in fortunes, due to fierce opposition by independent pilots protesting Azimuth’s history of illicit research. The failure of Salvation to bring an end to the war has also soured public sentiment towards the corporation.

    Azimuth Biotech CEO Torben Rademaker announced the initiative:

    “After a period of reflection, it is time for Azimuth to once again step forward and assume a position of support for the brave pilots engaging Thargoid forces wherever they are encountered. To do this, we shall establish a new megaship equipped to operation in Thargoid-tainted systems. The tragic loss of the Bright Sentinel and Heart of Taurus in HIP 22460 must not hinder our ambition any further.”

    “We also intend to operate several surface outposts to aid our research projects. We aim to contribute to humanity’s military options once again, being careful not to repeat the mistakes of our former figurehead.”

    Pilots contributing to Azimuth’s campaign, hosted at the Musashi megaship in Wandrama, will be granted the Mbooni permit and access to the company’s range of anti-xeno weaponry. Rademaker has promised that a successful campaign will allow for the Glorious Prospect to offer the Mbooni permit from the T-Tauri system permanently.

    Within hours of the announcement, opponents of Azimuth Biotech had organised a counter-campaign to prevent deliveries from reaching Wandrama. Combat between Azimuth security forces and anti-Azimuth activists has been reported in the system. It is believed efforts to derail the campaign are being directed from MacLean City by Wandrama Purple Council.

    In an effort to rally combat pilots to their respective causes, both factions are offering module rewards. Azimuth Biotech is offering its overcharged Guardian plasma charger, while Wandrama Purple Council promises a rapid-fire multi-cannon with phasing sequence.

  • November 2, 3308
  • Peace with the Thargoids?

    The rise of the xeno-peace movement has caused a number of public figures to discuss coexisting peacefully with the Thargoid race.

    With military options currently under discussion in the political capitals of all three superpowers, calls for diplomacy have sought to keep pace. Professor Shamus Madigan, Head of Xenology at Olympus Village University, is one of several figures to have weighed in on the matter:

    “The ancient records of the Guardians, as deciphered by Ram Tah, describe how they learned enough of the Thargoids’ language to make peaceful overtures. These were rejected in favour of total war. Though millions of years have passed, it seems improbable that the Thargoids will view humanity any differently - particularly since we actively deploy Guardian-based weaponry against them.”

    Federal Governor Dalton Chase:

    “Assuming the communications barrier can be broken, I see no reason why we cannot have non-violent relations with these obviously intelligent beings. The recently consigned pro-peace megaship will help demonstrate to the Thargoids that we are not a single-minded warlike race, but a fellow advanced civilisation.”

    Jaya Chaudhary , host of historical ICE-cast ‘Ghastly Pasts’:

    “Human-Thargoid diplomacy might have been possible when our two species first encountered each other. But since then we have made two attempts to eradicate them, first with the mycoid compound and then with the Proteus Wave superweapon. Let’s be honest: would we want to talk to an alien race that did that to us?”

    Ambassador Jasmina Halsey, former president of the Federation:

    “We have discovered a little about the Thargoids’ history, behaviour and technologies. But their thought processes and reasoning may be utterly different to our own. I have no idea if they even comprehend what diplomacy is, let alone whether we could find common ground. But I do know that we must try, if only to prove to ourselves that we can do better.”

  • September 8, 3308
  • Successful Mining Campaign Sustains Azimuth

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A range of mined materials have been delivered to the LHS 157 system to help Azimuth Biotech create new facilities.

    Captain Maxim Lagunov, in command of the Glorious Prospect megaship, announced:

    “This is the second time in recent weeks that our cargo bays have been stocked with vital supplies to sustain Azimuth’s future. These shipments of cobalt, gallite and osmium will be distributed to our manufacturing teams, and we hope to construct new permanent facilities in good time.”

    “Torben Rademaker has authorised us to release funds to all pilots who mined and delivered these materials. This initiative has played a major role in helping to rebuild the corporation and continue our important work.”

    “The Glorious Prospect will remain in the LHS 157 system for now. Pilots who have contributed to this initiative will shortly receive a Mbooni system permit, providing individual contribution targets were met.”

    With the destruction of the Bright Sentinel, the Prospect’s Deep outpost in Mbooni is currently the only supplier of Salvation’s pre-engineered Guardian gauss cannon, Guardian plasma charger and Guardian shard cannon.

  • September 5, 3308
  • Experts Speculate on Thargoid Behaviour

    The Thargoids’ resistance to the Proteus Wave in HIP 22460 has prompted discussion among academics in the field of xenology.

    Professor Shamus Madigan of Olympus Village University published a paper in the scientific journal The Empirical, which included this extract:

    “The Thargoids newly observed defence against a man-made superweapon, and their subsequent aggression, suggests a direct response to our tactics. Not only have they upgraded their technology, but also their behaviour has altered. Humanity is now a problem that must be dealt with.”

    The Imperial Science Academy’s director of xenological studies, Ivano Colombera, responded to a press query with:

    “My hypothesis is that the Thargoids’ ability to disrupt Guardian technology was first conceived millions of years ago during the Guardian/Thargoid conflict, and only now have they sought to redeploy it against our hybrid modules. Nevertheless, my division has been ordered to focus on developing practical countermeasures.”

    Dr Jeong-Hui Shin, a senior member of the Holloway Bioscience Institute, outlined her viewpoint via the Rewired network:

    “We should not assume that the Thargoids have consciously adapted to us, or even register us as an intelligent life-form. We may be no more than parasites to them. Perhaps their vessels are responding like biomechanical ‘antibodies’, automatically fighting against a particularly virulent strain of human infection in HIP 22460.”

  • August 26, 3308
  • Retrial Requested for Admiral Tanner

    The Federal Attorney’s Office has called for the conviction of former admiral Aden Tanner to be reviewed in light of events in HIP 22460.

    Following a distinguished career in the Federal Navy, Tanner served as the chief military liaison for Aegis. In November 3307, while in command of the Aegis Defense megaship Musashi, he attempted to take control of Hind Mine starport. He believed it held evidence that Salvation intentionally attracted the Thargoids to the Cornsar system in order to test his superweapon.

    Tanner’s attack failed and the Musashi was overtaken, largely due to superior numbers of independent pilots supporting the former Taurus Mining Ventures, now Azimuth Biotech. He was court martialled, dishonourably discharged, and found guilty of mutiny and unlawful military action. But his sentencing was postponed by request of Fleet Admiral Tayo Maikori, who considered Tanner’s intel to be crucial to his own investigation into Salvation.

    The Federal Times published this statement from Senior Attorney Fiona Logan:

    “It is now a proven fact that the Guardian-based nature of the Proteus Wave was intended to attract the Thargoid fleet to HIP 22460. Component analysis by Ram Tah has verified that its forerunner superweapons were almost certainly designed to do likewise.”

    “This substantiates Tanner’s allegation that Salvation deliberately invited Thargoid incursions in inhabited systems. Furthermore, Salvation originally claimed that his anti-xeno detection network alerted him to the aliens’ approach, but there is no evidence that this network exists.”

    The Federal Navy Criminal Court confirmed that a formal application for a judiciary review was received. A special panel has been convened to reassess Tanner’s case.

  • August 19, 3308
  • Palin and Ram Tah Seek Unclassified Relics

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    Two engineers who specialise in studying alien technology have requested deliveries of a newly discovered artefact.

    Professor Ishmael Palin explained the details:

    “These ‘unclassified relics’ – as they are currently known – are Guardian in origin. Traditionally such artefacts trigger a hostile reaction from any Thargoid technology introduced to it. But our preliminary studies show a molecular realignment of the artefact’s crystalline structure, resulting in something that emits both Guardian and Thargoid energy signatures.”

    “This came to my attention only recently, unusual electromagnetic fields appeared on my sensors as CMDR Hurix approached Abel Laboratory while carrying one of these objects. I am now offering reimbursement to any pilots who can provide more relics for further study.”

    Ram Tah provided a similar statement:

    “This is an exciting development in the field of xenological research. For the very first time, Guardian and Thargoid systems have interacted to synthesise a new material. Initial data suggests this is now a consistent process whenever a Guardian relic interfaces with a Thargoid surface site. The first relic I saw was gratefully received from CMDR Demlagor’s team several days ago.”

    “What is their purpose? Have we accidentally unlocked some transformative function that was always present? Or have the Thargoids reconsidered their technological adaptation in response to recent events in the HIP 22460 system? With the help of contributing pilots, my shared research project with Professor Palin may furnish us with answers.”

    Unclassified relics can be delivered to Professor Palin at Abel Laboratory in the Arque system, or to Ram Tah at Phoenix Base in the Meene system.

  • August 17, 3308
  • Mysteries of the Thargoids

    Professor Ishmael Palin, the foremost authority on the Thargoids, has authored a short article for the scientific journal The Empirical.

    “Recent events have once again brought a focus on the alien species we call Thargoids. I have witnessed governments, militaries and public figures characterise them as a mindless destructive force, akin to a swarm of locusts. I feel it is important to underscore how much is absent from our understanding.”

    “Despite many decades of research, the Thargoid civilisation remains totally alien. We still have almost no true understanding of their language, society, culture or objectives. Non-violent interactions with their spacecraft in recent years have provided little insight, other than their commitment to patrolling and harvesting meta-alloy sources. Of course, their willingness to fight is one of the few traits we definitely share.”

    “As yet we have almost no knowledge of their hierarchy, beyond broad assumptions that they follow the functional roles of known insect species. Due to the biomechanical nature of their constructs, we are even uncertain about the dividing line between individual beings and their vessels. If living Thargoids have ever been studied, as is rumoured, then it is by clandestine means, concealed from the scientific community.”

    “While Thargoids frequently drag ships out of hyperspace to be scanned, not all of these incidents result in an attack. Their hostile reaction to Guardian artefacts may be something like a genetic memory, hard-coded into their technologies. Even the Thargoids’ perception of time could be very different to ours. What we think of as an ancient war might be recent or ongoing from their viewpoint.”

    “However, in HIP 22460 we witnessed something new: an active countermeasure to the Proteus Wave. This suggests that their perception of humanity has changed. We are no longer troublesome scavengers claiming the scraps left behind by higher life forms. Instead, we have sought to decimate their numbers again, just as with the Mycoid virus centuries ago. I believe we now have the Thargoids’ full attention.”

    “Our future relationship with the Thargoids is uncertain. But I’m keen to offer the reminder that we are dealing with a species of enormous intelligence and complexity, not a horde of voracious animals. We must strive to learn more about them, and hope they have the capacity to view us as something other than an enemy.”