CMDR Rigel Chiokis 资料 > 航行日志

uss chaser [rc-i]
(Type-7 Transporter)
871,866,870 Cr
August 17, 3310 Exobiology

I am out in one of the Wregoe sectors, collecting biological samples, working my way up to Exobiologist Elite 2.

It's nice when you find samples worth more than one million credits. It's even better when you get the first logged bonus!

2021-12-19 Biological Report

Greetings commanders and fellow exobiologists. I'm here to report another system that will give you a total of 50 biological samples, worth about 9 million credits.

Hip 2506

7 f -- 6 signals 7 g -- 7 7 g A -- 9

8 a -- 5 8 b -- 4 8 c -- 4 8 d -- 4 8 e -- 5

9 b -- 6

3307-11-12 Biological Bonanza

Greetings budding exobiologists! I found another cluster of samples all in one handy location.

System: Synuefe VK-G c26-6 Star: A Planet: 1

Moon b; 3 samples: bacterium, tubus, frutexa Moon c; 3 samples: bacterium, frutexa, tussock Moon d; 3 samples: bacterium, frutexa, tussock moon e; 4 samples: bacterium, tubus, frutexa, tussock moon f; 4 samples: bacterium, tubus, frutexa, tussock

A total of 17 samples all within 40 LS of each other. Enjoy!

3307-11-04 Biological Bonus

Greetings Commanders! If you're like me (working on your Exobiologist rank) then you know that you don't find life in every system you visit. When you do, it's often only 1 to 2 planets with 1 or 2 biological signals each. Once in awhile you find a planet with 5 to 7 biologicals and it's like hitting the jackpot!

But what if I told you I just found a system, fairly close to home, with not one, but TWO planets with SEVEN biologicals each?

But wait, there's more! The same system has TWO other planets with SIX biologicals each!

If you act now, you'll get a bonus bundle of 4 other planets with 1, 2, 2 and 2 biologicals each! That's a staggering THIRTY-THREE biological samples in ONE system!

Just a heads up; I spent about 10 hours over two days collecting all of the samples. You'll need mountain climbing tread on your SRV tires as well.

So where is this biological bonanza? Well, for the low, low price of 1,000,000 CR deposited to my account. . . I jest.

Head over to Hip 4720. It's an odd system as it has the primary sun plus a T Tauri and a Y Dwarf. But the T Tauri is labelled as 1 and the Y Dwarf is labelled as 2; they're considered planets even though they are star class. All of the planetary bodies circle 1 and 2. The four around Hip 4720 2 are just under 3,800 LS from your arrival point, so no major slog.

You're welcome!

May 6, 3307 - Jameson Memorial

After a leisurely trip back to the bubble, I have arrived at Jameson Memorial. It's been at least 6 months since I was last here.

May 4 3307

I am travelling back to Shinrata Dezrha, moving my carrier back into occupied space. Not long after crossing the border into the Sanguineous Region I came upon this unsual sight; a water world with a water world for a satellite. They are less than 1 ls apart!

enter image description here

April 21, 3307 -- Discovery Report

Myeadai BK-H c10-1

Planet #1 Earth-like world. Data sold for 2,716,135 credits.

enter image description here

Mining Report April 17, 3307

Myeadai XJ-I b10-0

Planet 4: 3 hotspots

  • 1 x Void Opal
  • 1 x Low Temperature Diamonds
  • 1 x Alexandrite

Myeadai LW-N b7-0

Planet 2: 3 hotspots

  • 1 x Grandidierite
  • 2 x Low Temperature Diamonds
Mining Report April 16, 3307

Myeadai NG-Q c5-1

Note: A large number of the satellites orbiting these gas giants have geological sites. There are 43 bodies in this system.

Planet 4: 1 hotspot Monazite

Planet 5: 3 hotspots

  • 2 x Alexandrite
  • 1 x Low Temperature Diamonds

Planet B 4: 7 hotspots

  • 2 x Painite
  • 2 x Platinum
  • 2 x Rhodplumsite
  • 1 x Monazite

Planet B 5: 8 hotspots

  • 4 x Alexandrite
  • 2 x Tritium
  • 2 x Void Opal

Planet B 7: 2 hotspots 2 x Void Opal

Mining Report: April 15, 3307

Myeadai OW-W d1-13

2 Hotspots

  • 1 Bromellite
  • 1 Void Opal