CMDR Elijah Dyson 资料 > 航行日志

borealis [ed-1]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Perseus Base Camp 2 - Bubble Sector LX-T b3-1 Planet A1, Geo 10

Commander's log, Day 4 of the expedition.

Three black holes.......THREE OF THEM. The Angels of Death almost got me, but that's what I get for being curious and following rumors and wild tails of the Formidine Rift region. Turns out the stories are true, the Rift is filled with Brown Dwarfes and death. The final logs of the Zuratha told of settlements on the road to meet the "Angels of Death." I found the Angels, but not the settlements. The Triple black hole system was ominous but I was able to jump in and out without much damage. I've made my way to the Bubble Nebula to await the arrival of the rest of the Perseus expedition. Ship's core reactor is down a percent, I might have to bug one of the hull rats to help with some minor repairs before we begin our next leg. For now, I've landed on Planet A1, which is plentiful in resources needed to restock my AFM. So far, everything is good, and I'm holding off on using any of my AFM recharges until absolutely needed. I can currently restock 33 times and there is a long road ahead of me. All these neutron jumps are allowing me to explore a lot of the region around me, but they are taxing on the ship's systems. I might have to switch up my navigation strategy in the future if I can't mitigate some of the wear and tear on the ship's systems. For now, everything is shut down and I'm at rest in a barnacle field near our base camp. The sun is rising and the nebula is beautiful. Over and out.

Perseus Day Two - To the Rift!

Commander's Log, Perseus Expedition Day 2.

At the request of our Expedition leader, I've decided to take a side-trip to the Formidine Rift. The Rift is the resting place of the Zurara, humanitie's attempt to escape the bubble and establish a back-up colony in case the Thargoids wiped us out. The Zurara was sabotaged, or so the story goes, but the ship holds many mysteries I hope to get some answers to. The journey to the rift was a difficult one; I had to really put some stress on the Borealis's FSD by boosting through 68 neutron stars, averaging 220 ly jumps. I've covered over 11,000 light years in a handful of hours but my AFM is working fine and the ship is in good shape. I've found the Zurara....amazingly in good shape, but it's been a long day, so it's time to park around the dead ship and get some sleep. Hopefully the dead won't wake me.

End log.

Perseus Day One

Commander's log, Day 1 of the Perseus Expedition.

The mass jump from Sol proved a logistic nightmare, but one we overcame. Working with Commander Donerkind, I jumped to the California nebula, skirting several neutron and T-Tauri stars along the way. The Borealis, my beloved Diamondback Explorer, has proved once again to be a worthy companion on my journey. I'm well outfitted and ready for a deep dive into the black. What mysteries remain to be discovered out there? Only time will tell. I'm off to the Stock 2 Sector KM-W d1-41 star and I expect at least 7 neutron jumps without a break. Time to put this ship to the real test!

Over and out.