CMDR DragonRage1001 资料 > 航行日志

Returning home

This is the 12th of February, 3308 and I have just returned from exploring the black of the outer rims of the galaxy, collecting data and examining the bodies that I find. Much of it led to nothing being just a barren planet around twenty thousand light years "south" of sol, devoid of anything. I eventually decided to return back to my home with all of what I hoped to be useful data to turn in at my home station. It took me quite a long time to get back as I had to avoid a gap of systems between arms of the galaxy in order to return to civilization but I did eventually make it back. I am now sitting in my ship taking in the bustle of there being many people moving all around me. I shall return to the black in due time, but first I have business to attend to within the bubble. Signing off, this has been cmdr DragonRage1001.

A note on space madness

This is the first day of January in the year 3308. I've been out far from civilization for nearly a year now and I have certainly noticed the effects of being so isolated with only myself to keep me company. I have seen thousands of celestial bodies, but have not seen a single human one in the entire time being out here, to the point where I forget that there are others like me. I need to be careful thinking of home as if I think too hard on it, I long for the bubble again, for civilization, even though there is no way for me to get back in a timely manner and it would wasteful to return now as I have come so quite far. Every system I have jumped through look the same, but different, each with their own quarks and uniqueness, but overall, just the same thing repeated over and over again. I begin to lose track of how many stars I have seen, how many planets I have scanned, or how far I am from anything really. sometimes I land on a planet to get a closer look, I step out on a surface that I know no human has ever touched and instead of making me feel proud or accomplished, it fills me with loneliness. This has been a long journey but I plan to end it soon as I am starting to fail to see how prolonging this excursion longer could be beneficial. This has been Cmdr Dragonrage1001, signing out.

Plans for a Lengthy excursion

(date recorded in file: "3807-03-24") I am no stranger to exploration, I have traveled far and wide within this galaxy, and I plan a excursion longer then most that I embark upon. I plan on traveling South-West of sol then turning east and following the southern-most arm to the edge. This will allow me to assess part of the galaxy not much explored as it is typically hard to reach due to their being a barrier, being the gap between arms, that one must fly around in order to reach any location on this arm. I have decided to explore this area in the hopes of finding something novel and will be departed within the month. This has been Cmdr Dragonrage1001, signing off.