CMDR SonsySpice18650 资料 > 航行日志

Krait Phantom
The adventure so far...

CMDR Log: April 14th - April 26th, 3307

Summarizing my adventures throughout the cosmos for the past several days

April 26th, 3307 I returned to the bubble earlier this morning. I docked safely at Hopkinson Gateway in Lhanayi and sold my exploration data. Boosted my credit balance up quite a bit I will stay here in the bubble for some time taking part in trading missions. I need to build my credit balance up to afford better upgrades to my ship. FSD and Speed upgrades are my main interest. More combat upgrades for defense too

April 25th, 3307 My journey to the Puppis Dark Region neubla is complete. Along the way I managed to come across newly discovered systems. Mostly icy bodies. Now begins my journey back to the bubble

April 24th, 3307 I saved up 12 million credits and purchased an Asp Explorer and made some adjustments to it. I'm 95% explorer and 5% trader. Based on what I read about the ship and its available upgrades, it will suit me well. After I oufitted my ship I decided to travel to Delphi to meet Felicity Farseer. She had invited me a while back

Travelling through the Pleiades region was an interesting experience. Fortunately did not run into any Thargoids but I saw many signals. Too many perhaps. Are they preparing for an invasion? Seeing non human signals pop up on my FSS was a mix of intrigue and fear

I managed to get to Delphi and then realized I had the wrong system. Wow, what a huge error of judgement on my part. I enjoyed the journey though and managed to discover new systems and discovered a black hole! I set course for the correct destination, Deciat. I made it there safely. I met with Felicity and she needed Meta Alloys. Meta Alloys only being available in the Pleiades region. So I had to make a trip back through the Pleiades, docked safely at Darnielle's Progress on Maia purchased the Meta Alloys and then made my way back to Deciat and handed them to Felicity. I now have her services, and I will in time use those kindly

After this I decided to do some more exploration. I set out on a course for the Horsehead Nebula but found it was permit locked. Huh. So I decided to reroute and journey to the Puppis Dark Region nebula a bit further away, near the edge of the Inner Orion Spur

April 23rd, 3307 Continuing my journey outside of the bubble and I feel I have completed it. I ended up returning to the bubble and sold my exploration data and was given a siginicant boost in credits. 12 million! I think I'll purchase a new ship soon

April 22nd, 3307 Continuing my journey outside of the bubble. Have had a few close calls nearly running out of fuel, not as many scoopable stars out this way. Presently I am in the Col 285 Sector BG-O d6-93 system. I will be heading back to the bubble later today

April 21st, 3307 I started today continuing my journey of exiting the bubble. I finally made it. I'll be spending at least a day or two out here. I made sure to buy a decent fuel scoop that will help me considerably when running low on fuel. Don't want to get stranded!

April 20th, 3307 Today I explored more of the bubble. I did some trade missions and sold exploration data. I also bought defensive and exploration upgrades for my Eagle. I've done quite a bit of exploration in the bubble but now I feel its time to exit and find out what awaits outside of it

April 16th, 3307 I purchased an Eagle! Its got a great look and feel to it. Its going to serve me well for my exploration. Today was spent exploring more of the bubble area and selling the exploration data to build up my credits

April 15th, 3307 I think I'm getting the hang of this. I've found trading missions are better, so is exploration. Mining is a bust. Every asteroid I attempt to mine just doesn't work. I'm not really into combat, but I do plan to get a better ship eventually and buy defensive upgrades just in case

April 14th, 3307 My journey starts! Well in a penitentiary. I had issues with docking my Sidewinder. There was a timer and it ran out and then I asploded and woke up in a jail cell. What a weird way to start my exploration of the cosmos