Reach an Explorer Rank of Trailblazer.
Reach an Explorer Rank of Elite.
Reach a Trade Rank of Merchant.
Reach a Trade Rank of Elite.
Reach a Combat Rank of Expert.
Reach a Combat Rank of Elite.
Reach a CQC Rank of Professional.
Reach a CQC Rank of Elite.
Reach a Combat Rank, Explorer Rank, Trader Rank of Elite.
Own 10 different ships simultaneously.
Own 20 different ships simultaneously.
Add a paintjob to 1 of your ship.
Add a paintjob to 10 of your ships.
Travel at least 100,000ly.
Travel at least 200,000ly.
Travel at least 500,000ly.
Travel at least 1,000,000ly.
Travel at least 2,500,000 ly. The distance between the Milky Way & Andromeda galaxies.
Make a 50+ly jump.
Make a 200+ly neutron jump.
Travel 1,000 light years from the start.
Travel 25,000 light years from the start.
Travel at least 65,000ly from Sol.
Visit Sagittarius A*.
Visit Sol.
Visit Colonia.
Visit W Ursae Majoris.
Visit EAFOTS sector.
Docked at Hutton Orbital... and all i got was a mug!
Have at least 1,001 credits.
Have at least 1,000,000 credits.
Have at least 1,000,000,000 credits.
Earn at least 4,000,000,000 credits.
Collect a raw loot material.
Collect 5 different raw loot materials.
Collect 20 different raw loot materials.
Collect 250 raw loot materials.
Collect a manufactured loot material.
Collect 5 different manufactured loot materials.
Collect 25 different manufactured loot materials.
Collect 250 manufactured loot materials.
Collect a data loot material.
Collect 5 different data loot materials.
Collect 25 different data loot materials.
Collect 250 data loot materials.
Scan a Thargoid and scoop a `Thargoid Cyclops Tissue Sample`.
Kill a Thargoid and scoop a `Wreckage Components`, `Propulsion Elements`, `Biomechanical Conduits`, `Weapon Parts`, or `Thargoid Heart`.
Be first to discover a planet.
Be first to discover a scoopable star.
Be first to discover a Wolf-Rayet star.
Be first to discover a black hole.
Be first to discover a neutron star.
Be first to discover an Earth-like world.
Be first to discover a Water world.
Be first to discover an Ammonia world.
Played 1 hour.
Played 24 hours.
Played 1,000 hours.
Played 10,000 hours.
Find a galactic record.
Register and finish at least one expedition.
Be an expedition leader.
Be friend with another commander.
Be friend with 10 other commanders.
Write an entry in your logbook.
Write 10 entries in your logbook.
Write 25 entries in your logbook.
Submit 1,000 distances to EDSM.
Submit 2,000 distances to EDSM.
Being an EDSM benefactor.
Be killed by the Pink Lady.
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