Robigo [#9463020987689]

V6X-42Z [#3701338368]
Fleet Carrier
586 光秒

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Apa Vietii, Narcotics, Beer, Bootleg Liquor, Imperial Slaves, Liquor, Tobacco, Wine
最后更新: 22/2/5 下午3:47

Core Internal

Sensor Suite Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 40 1.3 吨 0.2 兆瓦 3,230 cr
1B Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 48 2 吨 0.33 兆瓦 8,080 cr
2C Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 51 2.5 吨 0.23 兆瓦 9,050 cr
2B Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 61 4 吨 0.38 兆瓦 22,620 cr
3C Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 64 5 吨 0.28 兆瓦 25,330 cr
3B Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 77 8 吨 0.46 兆瓦 63,330 cr
4C Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 80 10 吨 0.34 兆瓦 70,930 cr
4B Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 96 16 吨 0.56 兆瓦 177,330 cr
5C Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 96 20 吨 0.41 兆瓦 198,610 cr
6D Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 90 16 吨 0.45 兆瓦 222,440 cr
6C Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 113 40 吨 0.5 兆瓦 556,110 cr
7D Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 105 32 吨 0.53 兆瓦 622,840 cr
7C Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 131 80 吨 0.59 兆瓦 1,557,110 cr
8D Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 120 64 吨 0.62 兆瓦 1,743,960 cr
8C Sensors Standard suite providing basic detection, identification and targeting capabilities. 150 160 吨 0.69 兆瓦 4,359,900 cr

Optional Internal

Fighter Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
6D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 40 吨 0.35 兆瓦 1,869,350 cr
7D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 60 吨 0.35 兆瓦 2,369,330 cr
Planetary Vehicle Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
4G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 10 吨 1.2 兆瓦 86,400 cr
6H Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 34 吨 0.6 兆瓦 576,000 cr
6G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 17 吨 1.8 兆瓦 691,200 cr
Surface Scanners Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Detailed Surface Scanner Advanced stellar body scanner used during exploration. 20 0 吨 0 兆瓦 250,000 cr

Utility Mount

Pulse Wave Analyser Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1.3 吨 0.2 兆瓦 ??
0D Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1.3 吨 0.4 兆瓦 ??
0C Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1.3 吨 0.8 兆瓦 ??
0B Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1.3 吨 1.6 兆瓦 ??