Mildeptu [#4683401791851]

VBV-L2H [#3705047808]
Fleet Carrier
116,124 光秒

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Apa Vietii, Narcotics, Beer, Bootleg Liquor, Liquor, Tobacco, Wine
最后更新: 24/12/13 上午2:19

Optional Internal

Cargo Racks Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 吨 0 兆瓦 1,000 cr
2E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 吨 0 兆瓦 3,250 cr
3E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 吨 0 兆瓦 10,560 cr
Fighter Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
6D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 40 吨 0.35 兆瓦 1,869,350 cr
7D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 60 吨 0.35 兆瓦 2,369,330 cr
Planetary Vehicle Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
4G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 10 吨 1.2 兆瓦 86,400 cr
6H Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 34 吨 0.6 兆瓦 576,000 cr
6G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 17 吨 1.8 兆瓦 691,200 cr
Shield Cell Banks Integrity Mass Power Price
1B Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 56 2 吨 0.83 兆瓦 8,078 cr
1A Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 48 1.3 吨 0.97 兆瓦 20,195 cr
2B Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 71 4 吨 1.01 兆瓦 22,619 cr
2A Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 61 2.5 吨 1.18 兆瓦 56,547 cr
3B Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 90 8 吨 1.22 兆瓦 61,909 cr
3A Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 77 5 吨 1.43 兆瓦 158,331 cr
4B Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 112 16 吨 1.48 兆瓦 177,331 cr
4A Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 96 10 吨 1.72 兆瓦 443,328 cr
5B Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 134 32 吨 1.8 兆瓦 496,527 cr
5A Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 115 20 吨 2.1 兆瓦 1,210,285 cr
6B Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 158 64 吨 2.12 兆瓦 1,390,275 cr
6A Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 136 40 吨 2.48 兆瓦 3,475,688 cr
7B Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 183 128 吨 2.48 兆瓦 3,892,770 cr
7A Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 157 80 吨 2.9 兆瓦 9,731,925 cr
8B Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 210 256 吨 2.88 兆瓦 10,899,756 cr
8A Shield Cell Bank Device that uses pre-charged cells to rapidly repair active shields. No effect on collapsed shields. 180 160 吨 3.36 兆瓦 27,249,391 cr

Utility Mount

Chaff Launchers Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Chaff Launcher Signature tracking defence. When deployed, causes gimbal and turret-mounted devices to lose lock. Requires ammunition. 20 1.3 吨 0.2 兆瓦 8,500 cr
ECMs Integrity Mass Power Price
0F Electronic Countermeasure Missile and torpedo defence. When deployed, causes affected ordnance to lose lock. 20 1.3 吨 0.2 兆瓦 12,500 cr
Heatsink Launchers Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Heat Sink Launcher Purges ship's heat into a disposable sink block, which is then ejected. Requires ammunition. 45 1.3 吨 0.2 兆瓦 3,500 cr
Point Defence Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Point Defence Missile defence. Automatically tracks and fires upon missiles and torpedoes in range when powered. 30 0.5 吨 0.2 兆瓦 18,550 cr

Weapon Hardpoint

Beam Lasers Integrity Mass Power Price
1F Beam Laser (Turret) Continuous-fire laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 40 2 吨 0.57 兆瓦 500,000 cr
1E Beam Laser (Fixed) Continuous-fire laser weapon on fixed mount. 40 2 吨 0.62 兆瓦 37,430 cr
1E Beam Laser (Gimbal) Continuous-fire laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 40 2 吨 0.6 兆瓦 74,650 cr
2E Beam Laser (Turret) Continuous-fire laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 51 4 吨 0.93 兆瓦 2,099,900 cr
2D Beam Laser (Fixed) Continuous-fire laser weapon on fixed mount. 51 4 吨 1.01 兆瓦 299,520 cr
2D Beam Laser (Gimbal) Continuous-fire laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 51 4 吨 1 兆瓦 500,600 cr
3D Beam Laser (Turret) Continuous-fire laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 64 8 吨 1.51 兆瓦 19,399,600 cr
3C Beam Laser (Fixed) Continuous-fire laser weapon on fixed mount. 64 8 吨 1.62 兆瓦 1,177,600 cr
3C Beam Laser (Gimbal) Continuous-fire laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 64 8 吨 1.6 兆瓦 8,746,160 cr
4A Beam Laser (Fixed) Continuous-fire laser weapon on fixed mount. 80 16 吨 2.61 兆瓦 2,396,160 cr
4A Beam Laser (Gimbal) Continuous-fire laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 80 16 吨 2.57 兆瓦 ??
Burst Lasers Integrity Mass Power Price
1G Burst Laser (Turret) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 40 2 吨 0.6 兆瓦 52,800 cr
1G Burst Laser (Gimbal) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 40 2 吨 0.64 兆瓦 8,600 cr
1F Burst Laser (Fixed) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 40 2 吨 0.65 兆瓦 4,400 cr
2F Burst Laser (Gimbal) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 40 4 吨 1.04 兆瓦 48,500 cr
2F Burst Laser (Turret) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 40 4 吨 0.98 兆瓦 162,800 cr
2E Burst Laser (Fixed) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 40 4 吨 1.05 兆瓦 23,000 cr
3E Burst Laser (Gimbal) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 64 8 吨 1.65 兆瓦 281,600 cr
3E Burst Laser (Turret) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 64 8 吨 1.57 兆瓦 800,400 cr
3D Burst Laser (Fixed) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 64 8 吨 1.66 兆瓦 140,400 cr
4E Burst Laser (Fixed) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 80 16 吨 2.58 兆瓦 281,600 cr
4E Burst Laser (Gimbal) Multiple-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 64 16 吨 2.59 兆瓦 1,245,600 cr
Cannons Integrity Mass Power Price
1F Cannon (Turret) Large-calibre projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 40 2 吨 0.32 兆瓦 506,400 cr
1E Cannon (Gimbal) Large-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 40 2 吨 0.38 兆瓦 42,200 cr
1D Cannon (Fixed) Large-calibre projectile weapon on fixed mount. 40 2 吨 0.34 兆瓦 21,100 cr
2E Cannon (Turret) Large-calibre projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 51 4 吨 0.45 兆瓦 4,051,200 cr
2D Cannon (Fixed) Large-calibre projectile weapon on fixed mount. 51 4 吨 0.49 兆瓦 168,430 cr
2D Cannon (Gimbal) Large-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 51 4 吨 0.54 兆瓦 337,600 cr
3D Cannon (Turret) Large-calibre projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 64 8 吨 0.64 兆瓦 16,204,800 cr
3C Cannon (Fixed) Large-calibre projectile weapon on fixed mount. 64 8 吨 0.67 兆瓦 675,200 cr
3C Cannon (Gimbal) Large-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 64 8 吨 0.75 兆瓦 1,350,400 cr
4B Cannon (Fixed) Large-calibre projectile weapon on fixed mount. 80 16 吨 0.92 兆瓦 2,700,800 cr
4B Cannon (Gimbal) Large-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 80 16 吨 1.03 兆瓦 5,401,600 cr
Fragment Cannons Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Fragment Cannon (Fixed) Multi-shot projectile weapon on fixed mount. 40 2 吨 0.45 兆瓦 36,000 cr
1E Fragment Cannon (Gimbal) Multi-shot projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 40 2 吨 0.59 兆瓦 54,720 cr
1E Fragment Cannon (Turret) Multi-shot projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 40 2 吨 0.42 兆瓦 182,400 cr
2D Fragment Cannon (Gimbal) Multi-shot projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 51 4 吨 1.03 兆瓦 437,800 cr
2D Fragment Cannon (Turret) Multi-shot projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 51 4 吨 0.79 兆瓦 1,459,200 cr
2A Fragment Cannon (Fixed) Multi-shot projectile weapon on fixed mount. 51 4 吨 0.74 兆瓦 291,840 cr
3C Fragment Cannon (Fixed) Multi-shot projectile weapon on fixed mount. 64 8 吨 1.02 兆瓦 1,167,360 cr
3C Fragment Cannon (Gimbal) Multi-shot projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 64 8 吨 1.55 兆瓦 1,751,040 cr
3C Fragment Cannon (Turret) Multi-shot projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 64 8 吨 1.29 兆瓦 5,836,800 cr
Mines Integrity Mass Power Price
1I Mine Launcher (Fixed) Defensive weapon. Deploys proximity-triggered charges. 40 2 吨 0.4 兆瓦 24,260 cr
1I Shock Mine Launcher (Fixed) Launches mines that are designed to physically shock and push on a ship more than damage it outright. 40 2 吨 0.4 兆瓦 36,400 cr
2I Mine Launcher (Fixed) Defensive weapon. Deploys proximity-triggered charges. 51 4 吨 0.4 兆瓦 294,080 cr
Missiles Integrity Mass Power Price
1B Missile Rack (Seeker, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching seeker missiles. 40 2 吨 0.6 兆瓦 72,600 cr
1B Missile Rack (Dumbfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire missiles. 40 2 吨 0.4 兆瓦 32,180 cr
2B Missile Rack (Seeker, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching seeker missiles. 51 4 吨 1.2 兆瓦 512,400 cr
2B Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire missiles. 51 4 吨 1.2 兆瓦 240,400 cr
3A Missile Rack (Seeker, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching seeker missiles. 64 8 吨 1.62 兆瓦 ??
3A Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire missiles. 64 8 吨 1.62 兆瓦 ??
Multi-Cannons Integrity Mass Power Price
1G Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 40 2 吨 0.26 兆瓦 81,600 cr
1G Multi-Cannon (Gimbal) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 40 2 吨 0.37 兆瓦 14,250 cr
1F Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on fixed mount. 40 2 吨 0.28 兆瓦 9,500 cr
2F Multi-Cannon (Gimbal) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 51 4 吨 0.64 兆瓦 57,000 cr
2F Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 51 4 吨 0.5 兆瓦 1,292,800 cr
2E Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on fixed mount. 51 4 吨 0.46 兆瓦 38,000 cr
3E Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 64 8 吨 0.86 兆瓦 ??
3C Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on fixed mount. 64 8 吨 0.64 兆瓦 140,400 cr
3C Multi-Cannon (Gimbal) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 64 8 吨 0.97 兆瓦 578,436 cr
4A Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on fixed mount. 80 16 吨 0.73 兆瓦 1,177,600 cr
4A Multi-Cannon (Gimbal) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 80 16 吨 1.22 兆瓦 6,377,600 cr
Plasma Accelerators Integrity Mass Power Price
2C Plasma Accelerator (Fixed) Energy projectile weapon on fixed mount. 51 4 吨 1.43 兆瓦 834,200 cr
3B Plasma Accelerator (Fixed) Energy projectile weapon on fixed mount. 64 8 吨 1.97 兆瓦 3,051,200 cr
4A Plasma Accelerator (Fixed) Energy projectile weapon on fixed mount. 80 16 吨 2.63 兆瓦 13,793,600 cr
Pulse Lasers Integrity Mass Power Price
1G Pulse Laser (Turret) Single-pulse laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 40 2 吨 0.38 兆瓦 26,000 cr
1G Pulse Laser (Gimbal) Single-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 40 2 吨 0.39 兆瓦 6,600 cr
1F Pulse Laser (Fixed) Single-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 40 2 吨 0.39 兆瓦 2,200 cr
2F Pulse Laser (Gimbal) Single-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 51 4 吨 0.6 兆瓦 35,400 cr
2F Pulse Laser (Turret) Single-pulse laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 51 4 吨 0.58 兆瓦 132,800 cr
2E Pulse Laser (Fixed) Single-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 51 4 吨 0.6 兆瓦 17,600 cr
3F Pulse Laser (Turret) Single-pulse laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 64 8 吨 0.89 兆瓦 400,400 cr
3E Pulse Laser (Gimbal) Single-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 64 8 吨 0.92 兆瓦 140,600 cr
3D Pulse Laser (Fixed) Single-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 64 8 吨 0.9 兆瓦 70,400 cr
4A Pulse Laser (Fixed) Single-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 80 16 吨 1.33 兆瓦 177,600 cr
4A Pulse Laser (Gimbal) Single-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 80 16 吨 1.37 兆瓦 877,600 cr
Rail Guns Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Rail Gun (Fixed) Hyper-velocity projectile weapon on fixed mount. 40 2 吨 1.15 兆瓦 51,600 cr
2B Rail Gun (Fixed) Hyper-velocity projectile weapon on fixed mount. 51 4 吨 1.63 兆瓦 412,800 cr
Torpedoes Integrity Mass Power Price
1I Torpedo Pylon (Seeker, Fixed) Torpedo pylon capable of launching heat-seeking torpedoes. 40 2 吨 0.4 兆瓦 11,200 cr
2I Torpedo Pylon (Seeker, Fixed) Torpedo pylon capable of launching heat-seeking torpedoes. 51 4 吨 0.4 兆瓦 44,800 cr
3I Torpedo Pylon (Seeker, Fixed) Torpedo pylon capable of launching heat-seeking torpedoes. 64 8 吨 0.6 兆瓦 ??