Xiancheim [#9468926240177]

T0G-56Z [#3707937536]
Fleet Carrier
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Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Imperial Slaves
最后更新: 24/12/17 上午12:30

Core Internal

Thruster Mounting Integrity Mass Power Price
2A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 56 2.5 吨 3 兆瓦 160,220 cr
3A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 70 5 吨 3.72 兆瓦 507,910 cr
4A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 88 10 吨 4.92 兆瓦 1,610,080 cr
5A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 106 20 吨 6.12 兆瓦 5,103,950 cr
6A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 124 40 吨 7.56 兆瓦 16,179,530 cr
7A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 144 80 吨 9.12 兆瓦 51,289,110 cr
8A Thrusters Normal-space propulsion system. 165 160 吨 10.8 兆瓦 162,586,490 cr
FSD Housing Integrity Mass Power Price
2A 3925 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
2A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 64 2.5 吨 0.3 兆瓦 160,220 cr
3A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 80 5 吨 0.45 兆瓦 507,910 cr
3A Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 80 5 吨 0.45 兆瓦 ??
4A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 100 10 吨 0.45 兆瓦 1,610,080 cr
4A Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 100 10 吨 0.45 兆瓦 ??
5A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 120 20 吨 0.6 兆瓦 5,103,950 cr
5A 3955 ?? 120 20 吨 0.6 兆瓦 ??
6A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 141 40 吨 0.75 兆瓦 16,179,530 cr
6A Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 141 40 吨 0.75 兆瓦 ??
7A Frame Shift Drive Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. 164 80 吨 0.9 兆瓦 51,289,110 cr
7A Frame Shift Drive (SCO) ?? 164 80 吨 0.9 兆瓦 ??

Optional Internal

AFM Units Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 32 0 吨 0.54 兆瓦 10,000 cr
1D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 24 0 吨 0.72 兆瓦 30,000 cr
2E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 41 0 吨 0.68 兆瓦 18,000 cr
2D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 31 0 吨 0.9 兆瓦 54,000 cr
3E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 51 0 吨 0.81 兆瓦 32,400 cr
3D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 38 0 吨 1.08 兆瓦 97,200 cr
4E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 64 0 吨 0.99 兆瓦 58,320 cr
4D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 48 0 吨 1.32 兆瓦 174,960 cr
5E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 77 0 吨 1.17 兆瓦 104,980 cr
5D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 58 0 吨 1.56 兆瓦 314,930 cr
6E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 90 0 吨 1.4 兆瓦 188,960 cr
6D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 68 0 吨 1.86 兆瓦 566,870 cr
7E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 105 0 吨 1.58 兆瓦 340,120 cr
7D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 79 0 吨 2.1 兆瓦 1,020,370 cr
8E Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. 120 0 吨 1.8 兆瓦 612,220 cr
8D Auto Field-Maintenance Unit Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. ?? 0 吨 2.4 兆瓦 1,836,660 cr
Docking Computers Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Standard Docking Computer Allows automated docking sequence at all starports and outposts. ?? 0 吨 0.39 兆瓦 4,500 cr
1E Supercruise Assist ?? 10 0 吨 0.3 兆瓦 ??
Fighter Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
5D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 20 吨 0.25 兆瓦 575,660 cr
6D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 40 吨 0.35 兆瓦 1,869,350 cr
Planetary Vehicle Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
2G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 6 吨 0.75 兆瓦 21,600 cr
4H Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 20 吨 0.4 兆瓦 72,000 cr
4G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 10 吨 1.2 兆瓦 86,400 cr

Utility Mount

Xeno Scanner Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Xeno Scanner Scanner that can passively understand non-Human vessels, and analyse their structural make-up and internal modules. ?? 1.3 吨 0.2 兆瓦 365,698 cr
0C Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner ?? ?? 1.3 吨 0.8 兆瓦 ??
Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
0F Shutdown Field Neutraliser Counters current xeno shutdown technology when used within proximity. ?? 1.3 吨 0.2 兆瓦 ??
Heatsink Launchers Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Heat Sink Launcher Purges ship's heat into a disposable sink block, which is then ejected. Requires ammunition. 45 1.3 吨 0.2 兆瓦 3,500 cr
Caustic Sink Launcher Integrity Mass Power Price
0I Caustic Sink Launcher ?? 45 1.7 吨 0.6 兆瓦 ??

Weapon Hardpoint

Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
3E AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 8 吨 0.64 兆瓦 ??
3D Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) ?? ?? 8 吨 0.69 兆瓦 ??
3C AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Fixed mount, rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 8 吨 0.64 兆瓦 ??
3C Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon (Gimbal) ?? ?? 8 吨 0.64 兆瓦 ??
3B Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) ?? ?? 8 吨 0.69 兆瓦 ??
3A AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 8 吨 1.62 兆瓦 ??
3A AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Turret) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 8 吨 1.75 兆瓦 ??