Профіль пілоту Riddick R. Loxley > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
INS Montaigne [43-RLO]
(Type-8 Transporter)
Зареєстровано з:
20 трав. 2016
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
18 643
Першовідкривач систем:
5 295
1 553 817 568 Кр
Pilots log 3307/1 Sol 01/02/3307

Some days after my arrival back in habitated space and bringing my systems that are getting old up to date, I will investigate some of the mysterious things about the long extinct guardians. And of course benefit from the guardian technologies, especially concerning their outstanding FSD techs.

Pilots log ESE 3306/3 Sol 12/27/3306

Arrived back in habitated space after 3 years in the almost infinity of the galaxy. During that time I explored plenty of solar systems, planetary nebulae, planet surfaces with different types of vulcanism and tectonic structures and even different lifeforms in space and on planetary surfaces. Now, even with all these impressions, I am excited to be back and face new adventures.

Post ESE statistics

  • systems visited: 10299
  • Lvl 2 scans 20053
  • Lvl 3 scans 44861
  • Efficiency bonus 1112
  • highest payout 19,775,632 Cr
  • Total HS Distance 434,463 LY
  • Total HS Jummps 12215
  • SRV Distance traveled: 4,68 MM
  • Profits from Exploration: 1,918,637,374 Cr
Pilots log ESE 3306/2 Sol 08/01/3306

Made a nice discovery near Boewnst AA-A H87 Nebula. A relatively small nebula around a black hole. Due to its small dimensions the super nova exploded just a few hundreds or thousand years ago. Not a long time ago for galactic dimensions. The nebula has a nice blue and green shine from outside. Near the black hole all surroundings are enveloped in a bright green. Just stunning and beautiful, when landing on planets or gliding threw planetary rings.

Pilots log ESE 3306/1 Sol 07/25/3306

I am heading out for an expedition to empyrean straits via the norma arm and back to the bubble. Main target is to explore and research plenty of Wolf Rayet stars in these areas as well as visit thargoid sites on the way.

Pre ESE Exploration statistics:

  • systems visited: 9651
  • Lvl 2 scans 10573
  • Lvl 3 scans 35381
  • Efficiency bonus 594
  • highest payout 16,070,315 Cr
  • Total HS Distance 387,269 LY
  • Total HS Jummps 11561
  • SRV Distance traveled: 4,37 MM
  • Profits from Exploration: 1,444,381,719 Cr
Pilots log FTT 3303/6 SOL 07/08/3304

After plenty of time has passed, while I lived on a beautiful Earthlike at the edge of the galactic rim for about 2 years, I made it to Jaques Station. The Planet was really stunning with nice flora and weird fauna. Some day I may return and stay there to the end of time.

But now I sold all my Exploration data with a good profit and will find some nice ores around Colonia systems.


Post FTT statistics:


  • Systems visited: 9569
  • Lvl 2 scans: 8900
  • Lvl 3 scans: 33708
  • Efficiency Bonus: 499
  • Highest Payout: 16,070,315 Cr.
  • Total HS Distance: 384659LY
  • Total HS Jumps: 11457
  • SRV Distance travelled: 4,37MM
Pilots log FTT 3303/5 SOL 01/28/3304

Arrived at IC 1805 Sector DQ-Y E3 and met the tourist cruiser. It orbited the Black hole there just around 1 MM from its event horizon. The Black hole is a beautiful sight, especially from neighbor systems. It is surrounded by a tiny, bright blue nebula.

Heading now for Soul and Heart Nebulaes

Pilots log FTT 3303/4 SOL 01/28/3304

Arrived at the asteroid base in elephants trunk nebula 3 days ago. Seems that my incident was a minor problem to fix, with proper equipment and tools.

Now I get close to the IC 1805 sector to meet up with the sagan tourist cruiser. Near by is a large, bright star cluster of maybe 100 or more O and B Type Stars. It was like a beacon even from 1500 LY away.

Pilots log FTT 3303/3 SOL 01/20/3304

Had an incident while orbiting a life-suitable planet near SADR nebula. I needed to land there, the repair took me nearly 2 month. Luckily I had no problems with dangerous creatures.

Finally made it back into space, heading directly for Elephants trunk mine outpost to fix the temporarily repair.

Pilots log FTT 3303/2 SOL 11/27/3303

Visited region 2 k LY above the inhabited bubble. Discovered nothing special, just some supergiants. Region is mostly already explored there. Jumping back down, heading for the veil nebulas and than for the outpost at SADR.

Pilots log FTT 3303/1 SOL 11/20/3303

Started a new expedition on 11-18-3303 from Shinrarta Dezra. I call this the Formidine Tourist Tour. Main sights to visit are the Zurara in the Syreadiae JX-F c0 1 system and the Sagan tourist cruiser TEL-121 in the IC1805 sector.

Statistics pre FTT:

Systems visited: 8025

Profits from Exploration: 467,298,131 Cr.

Lvl 3 Scans: 24126

Highest Payout: 3,930,479 Cr.

Total Hyperspace Dist.: 248,265 LY

Total Hyperspace Jumps: 9905

SRV Distance: 3.42 MM```