Профіль пілоту junagu > Щоденник

(Asp Scout)

Since returning to our home systems last year I've been involved in almost an endless spate of engineering, setting up new ships and refining others. The main new ships have been a Mamba, set up for core region exploration, an Anaconda (my first, at long last) which is loaded up as a self-sufficiency vessel, another Cobra MkIII, An Asp Explorer and a Type-10 Defender. The last in particular, which wasn't cheap, was bought specifically for Anti-Xeno duties.
Another outbreak of Thargoid attacks at both the Witch Head and Coalsack nebulas saw a lot of forces drawn into the battle and The Silverbacks participated heavily in the Wellington system. I had found that my own vessels had hardly been tested and needed a good deal of work doing to them. I now have 6 dedicated AX ships, up from 3, and I have a feeling that they shall see heavier fighting yet. For the time being the Thargoids seem to have been driven back and the work repairing the stations begins.
Not for us, though. A long, slow-burning idea has finally started to come to fruition: an expedition into the Core Regions. The last time I was there was over a year ago and having taken the new fleet carrier out on a journey down to the end of the Outer Arm we're going to push it some more and do a somewhat more ambitious journey. We've a lot more CMDRs on board this time and hopefully will start to pick up a few more in the next few days. I'm very pleased to have the two CMDRs who were on board the last long journey: CMDRs [url=https://inara.cz/cmdr/183221/]Godthab [/url]and [url=https://inara.cz/cmdr/128263/]Robyobson[/url], both SVBK stalwarts and great company. They both added invaluable support the last time and have been helping to develop the detail of the expedition on the bridge.
Currently anchored in [url=https://inara.cz/galaxy-starsystem/4883/]CD-47 8991[/url]. A fairly benign independent industrial democracy.
It's a quiet system that gets few visitors from outsiders and since we are protected here it should provide a good spot for the fleet to assemble. A few in-system jumps for the carrier crew to do some checks have been made. All good so far. The crew is getting very busy now that ships have started to be brought on board; the shipyard is a-buzz and starting to get a good vibe going; same with the outfitting crew. In fact the [url=https://inara.cz/cmdr-fleetcarrier/142920/184020/]Blodeuwedd's Branch[/url] is fair starting to pop with activity.
Whilst all that has been going on I've made a few trips out in [url=https://inara.cz/cmdr-fleet/142920/1252478/]The Medicine Cabinet[/url]
Some essential last-minute meetings. I've been for one last visit to the Bank of [url=https://inara.cz/galaxy-starsystem/1368/]Zaonce[/url], to put in place some of the financial underpinnings. There were some odd clauses I wanted to include that made the executives get a bit quizzical but once I'd laid out my credentials they were assuaged in their concerns. Though this is a mostly private enterprise, I've always gone through the formalities of assuring financial connections. It helps clear the way. Then, on to Brett High in [url=https://inara.cz/galaxy-starsystem/4895/]Tionisla [/url]to meet with some old associates from [url=https://eddb.io/body/10468341]New Caledonia[/url]; no longer spacefarers, having retired to the sea of their world, but nonetheless deeply concerned with the legacy of their own journeys. Having had a much more detailed look at the journey ahead I had some questions for them; a couple of critical points needed their perspective.
Recent approval of the expedition with [url=https://www.edsm.net/en/expeditions/summary/id/135/name/In+search+of+Gwydion]EDSM[/url] has given us a countdown to launch.
Getting from the Outer Arm to Perseus through the Persius Fades https://www.edsm.net/en_GB/galactic-routes/show/id/1587/name/Hugos+High+Road+%28Perseus+Arm+to+Outer+Arm+Vacuus+for+Anaconda%29 5500Lyrs
Candidates for bridge systems Outer Arm - Hypau Aewsy JF-R d4-0 / Hypisp vx-l d7-0 / Hypinn cl-p d5-0 Perseus Arm - Pha Aescs er-n d6-0 / Hypisk KO-Z D13-0
The following seems to be the furthest bridge: Hypao Aewsy MA-A d0 0.00 Hypao Aewsy HL-P d5-0 487.72 Hypao Aewsy DQ-G d10-0 479.66 Hypao Aewsy JW-E d11-0 102.96
A larger arc (about 1200t of Tritium) - Hypinn CL-P d5-0 0 1619 Hypisk FZ-S d3-0 489 1347 Hypisk PG-Y d0 393 1328 Jongoo OO-Z d13-0 413 1312 Jongoo KO-Z d13-0 334 1297 Hypao Aewsy NA-A d0 410 1280 Hypao Aewsy DF-R d4-0 496 1130 Hypao Aewsy AK-I d9-0 468 679 Hypisk EI-B d13-0 466 221 Hypisk KO-Z d13-0 221 0
Explorers Bar and Grill at Hypau Aec IO-Z d13-0 is about 3000t of Tritium from Hypinn CL-P d5-0
Three of us have come out to the Teal Nebula to survey some of the gaps that have been left by the pioneers of the area, mainly Canonn CMDR's it seems, though it looks like whatever expedition that was part of was some time ago; maybe up to 2 years past. We've not discovered any new Guardian Ruins as yet, though plenty of Brain Trees - including some very busy systems that have been missed by all previous explorers. I found a system with 144 Brain Tree outcrops (Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-3190). We are trying to chip away at some of the areas just outside the nebula and there is still a good deal of unexplored systems here. We have exchanged a brief communication with Canonn via the relay at Explorers Anchorage that they should expect a good deal of new logs for Brain Tree locations. The Codex does not seem to be taking any new entries for them.
I've already seen one other CMDR here. I'm expecting more to arrive. The journey to the DSSV Distant Worlds is 11 jumps. I've started shipping all my modules out here. The price of Void Opals, LTDs and others besides is way above the galactic average. So plenty of opportunity for profitable activity.
After a short time hanging out in the Colonia region with The Presence and some other Silverbacks, consolidating a lot of modules and ships and engineering what I can, I got the news that The Event Horizon Science Relay & The DSSV Distant Worlds are now deployed in the Core region near SagA* and I can't resist the journey out there, since that is what I had intended for a while - to base myself at Explorers Anchorage. I've decided on the Krait MkII (Worm Sike) for this, as the option of a Fighter Bay was too tempting. It's range isn't amazing at 49Lyrs, but it'll do. Once I'm there I intend to do a lot of small jumps and spend a lot of time mapping things around the core. There's an awful lot of exploring to do there, what with the stars being so densely packed, so range isn't really an issue apart from cutting down the journey time out there. Once there module storage is a possibility, so plenty of options there. I've stripped all my ships at Rock, Chrysus, where I ended up basing myself in the Colonia region, so that I can pick and choose from all my equipment. I've already been in touch with a few CMDR's that have responded to the news of The Event Horizon Science Relay & The DSSV Distant Worlds deployment with similar enthusiasm, so I hope that we'll be able to form up and explore in company out there. There is a real possibility to make a mark in the core region - maybe something based on short jump ranges and forming a perimeter of POI's around ExAnch or something like that.
This is a brief summary of some of the interesting systems and planets I found along the way.
Eor Audst UU-C c1-3
This system is high above the galactic plane and is green - 6 A has some great canyons
Hatchoi MJ-X b28-2 A great system with several stars and loads of binary gas giants.
Bleae Aub DO-O b47-0 2A has some great extreme mountains with spots to land at the top.
This system has some fantastic Geo sites for Arsenic and Polonium - high yield.
Straae Eohn LR-I b43-0 The 3rd planet has very unusual rings with moons between them and you can't tell this from the system map. It took a look at the orery to see that.
Maybe it's a bit late to start this logbook. However I have a fair bit of information building up so I may as well make use of it.
I left WP11 a bit early as I started to get the feeling that there was still a good portion of the journey to go and doing some research on the region ahead it looks like my hunch was right. The Abyss is going to be time consuming. Whilst there are already well established routes across I feel like I should at least try and forge a new route. Well, it's all manual navigation plotting for a good chunk of this last bit - something that I often thought about when looking in the navigation at the edges of the galaxy where the stars get thin. So, now is the time. Of course here is where I wish I'd not equipped my ship with various extraneous modules that I haven't used since Explorers Anchorage. Well, never mind. 40Lyrs isn't too bad a range and I'm getting to the stage now where my SynthMats are well provisioned, having luckily hit a system with a massive abundance of Arsenic and Pollonium just outside of WP11 with a CMDR called Karl Draex who is a couple of 1000 lyrs ahead of me at the moment but who I'm using as a pace marker. Neutrons have been a rare encounter lately though and that's somewhat irksome.
The milky way bar is starting to look distinct and somewhat distant now. Many thoughts about how the return journey is going to work out.
At the moment I'm trying to tag at least one body in every system I visit but the exploration of systems has dropped off at the moment - I'm buckball'ing it to the edge of the Abyss right now.