Профіль пілоту Vertigan > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
(Krait Phantom)
Зареєстровано з:
2 вер. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
18 734
Першовідкривач систем:
2 436
536 875 866 Кр
A 3rd time to Beagle ?

Last year, from Feb 1st to April ..ish My friends and I took off to Beagle point, following the DW2 route i had used previously. Now there's a new expedition, that is really tempting me.. The Odyssey Galactic expedition. Using fleet carriers, they want to head straight to beagle Via Sag A and then take a clockwise loop around the galaxy's edge on a !6month! excursion. But miners and mining scouts are needed to fuel these beasts. My only concern is the new life I have made out in Imperial space. Our group is doing well, support for our faction grows. Since leaving FOTV its been a challenge but an enjoyable one. However, they have all bonded well over the last few months and im sure they will be there when i return... If I still feel like i want to join this 3rd trip ..

Log book, entry one

A bit late to start a log book, but here i am. On the DW2 expedition, currently on way to rest stop one after taking a voyage out to the Phoenix Nebula and got some nice pictures. Really enjoying the break from the norm, finally doing that exploration trip that i had promised myself. My trusty Anaconda has performed well, Had to break out some repair limpets & the AMFU's are working well, keeping the FSD in good condition through all the Cone boosts im doing.

met plenty of friendly like minded cmdrs so far. its great to see our community out in force. Safe travels cmdrs o7