Профіль пілоту Hulda Helgrim > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Weird Science [Canonn]
(Federal Corvette)
Зареєстровано з:
10 лют. 2018
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
5 445
Першовідкривач систем:
Collection is growing.

I just spent the better part of 500 mill on my new ship collection, only a few more to go now.....

First Elite

Just made Trade Elite. :)

5000 LY

Allegedly there is an engineer that pings me after i've traveled 5KLY from my starting position... This better be worth it.

An unspecified search...

A friend of mine has given me a tip to go search a certain area. He did warn me it could be nothing, but i'll take the chance as i am going to do a 5000 LY run to get an invite anyways.... Lets see how this turns out.

Building up some funds.

I was pointed towards passenger hauling to make som funds, so i can keep upgrading my ship. so far i am at 200 Mill.

Re doing engineering.

All the engineers have apparently improved their work. I have been revisiting them lately to re engineer my modules. A drag, but worth it in the end....


Two more have been unlocked now. Ram Tah, and Tiana Fortune.

Empire unlocked.

The completionist in me demanded that i gained max rank at the empire. Not happy about it, but done is done. Ugh. These empire types give me the creeps. Slavery is slavery not matter how you try to "sell" it. May they all rot in hell.

A grade

I have finally upgraded all my core modules to grade A. Now its full on engineer invites. This will take some more time.

Mining done.....

I've gotten Selena Jean unlocked now. It "only" took me mining 500 tons of unspecified ore, AND handing over 10 tons of Painite.

At the moment Mining doesn't seem to lucrative to me, so its not something i'll very often.