Профіль пілоту Th'orn > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Zelisa's Tantrum [TH-09F]
(Federal Corvette)
Зареєстровано з:
28 лист. 2017
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
4 865
Першовідкривач систем:
1 244
DW2 Beagle's Point, at last... exhausted, relieved, confused...

Sag A* to Beagle Point in just 6 nights. I'm exhausted, relieved, confused. I turned off the engines and am siting here staring at Beagle Point 2, contemplating how I feel about this whole ordeal. This whole trip didn't turn out exactly as I expected.. but when do they ever do? Gotta go with the flow.

Last year it was all the rage in any station you'd dock... One of my usual ship mechanics was going nuts about it — Distant Worlds is awesome dude! You can't miss it! They are going to build a new station near the centre of the galaxy! RAD DUDE!!!

Yeah... I got excited too, even managed to convince a friend to join, CMDR Hades. Poor Hades. But he never misses a good opportunity to crash and burn his ship so off we went.

It was a very exciting departure and the first few weeks were full of wonder. But it also became evident that some ppl on the trip were clearly underprepared and would likely die along the way. Come on ppl, if you're going to the other frakin side of the galaxy at least practice a simple medium-G landing!

The organizers were very professional, did a wonderful job. Almost too good! Pointed out all the great sights, supplied all the critical info, organized all kinds of help and rescues. I started feeling more like a tourist than an explorer. I guess that's what got me stuck at Explorer's Anchorage, our new station in Sag A*. I'm an explorer, not a tourist.

Something else nagged me from the beginning. I thought I'd feel less alone out here, knowing there were thousands more around me! But space is huge, really huge. I could have come to Beagle Point alone and it wouldn't feel much different.

The whole expedition was already half-way to WP11 while I was still sipping coffee with Hades at WP7. I had to force myself out of that damned mailslot! I wanted to forget about Beagle. It's just another system, nothing really special about it. I could go anywhere else, some place new, I thought! But I had to see. I had to be there when all this effort finally came together for all these adventurers. I wanted to hear their stories, be part of that special moment.

So I messaged Hades: "Get your butt on that ship! We're going! Screw the tourist attractions, we're grinding this trip to oblivion!". I would say we blasted off past that mailslot but it was more like a snail paced purr, considering the boostless 5D thrusters I had on Maltrey's Fate II, my Anaconda. Yes, she handles like a brick, can't boost, can't get past 252m/s, has a stupid small canopy but this bitch can jump!!! 76.86 ly per jump and 394.71 ly total with full tanks!

I grabbed my trusty plotter and targeted WP8... then WP9, 10, 11... Should I wait for the rest of the pack?... fuck it, I'm going with the flow. Gotta go with the flow. So I aimed for WP12, the mythical Beagle Point, and never looked back.

So here I am now, writing this log, still feeling more like a tourist that an explorer. It's ok. Now I relax, celebrate with all the other CMDRs when they arrive and then finally set off to the real adventure: a very long way back.

One adventure nearly finished, another already on the horizon. Gotta go with the flow... o7 CMDRs.