Профіль пілоту Keniah > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Bartolomeu Dias [LSE145]
(Asp Explorer)
Зареєстровано з:
12 жовт. 2017
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
10 434
Першовідкривач систем:
4 740
Somewhere in the black

My mind is slipping. Thought I heard my old space gerbil chirping at me this morning. Then I remembered I ate him.

The black is daunting and beautiful, all at the same time. So much to see and so little. The same thing over and over, but each experience completely unique. How can they both be true? But they are....

So many light years, so many stars and systems.....

Crossed the Gap

I am at the far edge of he Sagittarius Gap. I have scanned about 20M in cartographic data so far. Also, picked up some legal salvage today. Hellos only knows why if was out here.

Colonia & Sagittarius A* Expedition 1

I've made the turn toward Colonia. I stopped for (probably my last) outpost stop for a while at Sadr Logistics Outpost, and now I'm on the long, slow haul to Colonia. Not mining or planet-side prospecting unless I need specific materials for ship maintenance. Really beginning to get a good feel for what Bartolomeu Dias can do. She's a good explorer, for sure.

Colonia & Sagittarius A* Expedition 1

I've been out in the black for a couple of days, now. It has been forever since I added an entry to this log.

Right now, I'm flying an AspX that I've christened Bartolomeu Dias, after the Portuguese explorer. Current journey is from Inara (Citi Gateway) to Colonia (via whatever scenic route I choose), then on to Sagittarius A*. I will probably return via as direct a route as possible.

I have joined the Deep Recon X wing. I did have some significant hull damage (I was down to 77% integrity) the day before yesterday, so I made a side trip to Mammon Monitoring Station in the Mammon system. I'm outward bound from there. Spent most of yesterday mining a metal-rich ring.