Профіль пілоту HUMDRUMWOODSMAN > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Зареєстровано з:
25 жовт. 2020
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
8 053
Першовідкривач систем:
1 862
New Ship



I sold my Keelback and Asp Explorer to buy a Type-7. Now I can do more serious trading and also it'll help me to contribute to the Community Goal of providing aid to the Marlinist refugees in LFT 625. I'll buy another Asp once I've made the money back.

Grinding Community Goal

I've been working on the community goal to aid the Marlinist refugees in LHS 625 by supplying evacuation shelters and basic medicines. As the largest ship I have is a Keelback (Atalanta) with a capacity of around 80t of cargo this is proving to be tedious, but I am making good progress. I Wish I could afford a Type-7 though.