Профіль пілоту V4KY > Щоденник

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8 жовт. 2020
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CMDR's log - Defense contracts and upgrades - #02-0004

- 21.4.3307. -

As of right now at the time of writing this report, I'm sitting at Galileo space station in Sol system, taking a small break before I continue collecting the materials I need to upgrade 4 ships. Each unique in its own way, for personal use.

With a cup of coffee to my right and GalNet on my left, I keep reading the news every morning or whenever I have a cup of coffee available. The last couple of weeks were very very chilling and nice to enjoy.

  • Using my connections, I've managed to gather more information about CMDR Nyx Vetra. It turns out... I was wrong. The huge credit transactions and trades containing gold and palladium checks out. It turns out it's all clean with nothing shady happening in the background. I've heard that the CMDR is also known for having good relations with big trading companies and suppliers, as well as buyers who buy commodities from her at a very fair price.

  • I also went on a little trip around 40kLy away from Sol. Found a lot of terraformable WW's, ELW's and AW's. Discovered and mapped, in the end, sold the data, earned ~350M credits in total. Quite a treat, if I may say.

  • The next 6 weeks will be brutal. Me and CMDR Nyx Vetra managed to gather around 7B credits in total to do around 4 Tritium supply runs from Sol to DSSA Destiny Ascension. There's a lot of folks who need Tritium and are willing to pay for it, so we are happy to help in anyway possible. A helping hand comes first, profit second.

  • The 6 Cobra Mk.III's, purchased 4 months ago had problems. The maintenance crew encountered flaws on all six ships. It turns out the Guardian FSD upgrades we purchased for these Cobra Mk.III's pulled more power than it should from the power plant, in the end, slowly, yet efficiently damaging the other modules. In the end, these ships were rendered useless. We had to dismantle each ship and ship it back to Shinrarta Dezhra. These Cobras were used as patrol ships, in groups of 2, we would have 3 groups covering the area inside and outside the designated system and conduct patrols and research on landable planets, defend against any pirate threats and such, but now, that's just not possible.

  • However, Core Dynamics reached out to us and offered us something even better. With a contract worth 900M credits, we would get 15 A-class Vulture ships, followed by 30 F63 Condor Rouge F's.

  • Armaments are ok, the ships would have 3E pulse laser and 3C multi-cannon, with standard equipment such as 1x chaff, 1x heatsink, 1x point defense, all engineered for ammo capacity and 1x heavy duty shield booster. Optional modules would have A-class fast-charge, reinforced shield generator, a rapid charged, flow controlled shield cell bank, a fuel scoop, module reinforcement package, an AFMU, a planetary hangar bay and navigation computers for supercruise assist and advanced docking. Optional modules engineered as much as possible. As for core upgrades, monstered overcharged power plant, dirty drag drive thrusters, heavy duty, deep plating military composite armor, normal FSD and 3D life support, charge enhanced super conduits power distributor.

  • When you combine the price of these ships un-engineered with the costs of engineering materials, and the overall installation of these upgrades, the price is in the range of what was mentioned in the contract. In the end, we signed the contract and are currently in the process of upgrading the ships to what was mentioned above. All to all, it looks promising.

  • Shipping these Vultures is another problem. We had to spend around 14M credits shipping EACH Cobra Mk.III, so that's not an option for these Vultures. I've managed to hire another FC to have my Vultures shipped to me, however, this time I've asked Core Dynamics to disassemble each and every Vulture, apply upgrades to all modules, weapons, armor and the structure itself, carefully package them all together and pack them in big cargo containers, isolated completely and protected from any kind of interference, be it human or something else. Ship such as a Vulture is a modular ship, which means it can be easily assembled or disassembled whenever we want, or if there's maintenance to be done, it is easy to disconnect and connect modules, making it much easier for the maintenance crew to do their job more efficiently and less time consuming.

  • Each critical, engineered module comes with 2 backup modules, just in case something goes wrong and is the reason why this contract is big, financially speaking. Core Dynamics really wants to supply us with whatever's needed for Deep Space operations to go smooth, without any problems. They assured us everything will go as planned, by procedure and finished before the deadline. It will take 1 month for everything to be done completely.

  • With 15 of these Vultures, we can have more patrol groups scattered around the system where Destiny Ascension is. Group of 3/15 equals 5 patrols, or when another Fleet Carrier pops up in the system, tasks are set up to have groups of 5/15, equal to 3 patrols securing the trades between carriers or any delegations visiting Destiny Ascension. As for independent pilots, as long as they request permission to dock, all is good.

  • As for F63 Condors, these small fighters would fly around Destiny Ascension and provide cover for the Vultures. Fancy little crafts, modular aswell and very easy to assemble. To me, this looks like something that could last for quite some time.

I just hope I'll be able to complete these tasks as soon as possible, time is not on my side.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #02-0004.^

CMDR's log - Deep Space Supply Lines - #02-0003

- 29.3.3307. -

Decided to do a report on the current situation regarding establishing a stable Tritium supply line from The Bubble to DSSA Destiny Ascension.

  • CMDR Nyx Vetra, a volunteer who came in contact with me directly managed to gather an enormous amount of credits, in what way, I have no clue. The funds came from unknown sources, so there's no way to find out the origins of the credits, which means I'm unable to confirm if the origins are either good or bad. I don't care where these credits come from. As long as both the credits and transactions are clean, I'm happy. If the credits are not clean, this could complicate things.

  • Fleet Carrier "Tritium Supplier" H1F-4KG under the command of CMDR Nyx Vetra, is now officially a Destiny Ascension Support Vessel. The first resupply mission was a success, delivering 11.5k tonnes of Tritium. 23.8k tonnes of Tritium was purchased, costing in about 1.3 billion credits, but in order to make the trip from The Bubble to Destiny Ascension, I needed 8-8.5k tonnes of Tritium to get to Destiny Ascension and 5k tonnes of Tritium to get back to The Bubble. Once you do the math, half of Tritium is already lost due to jumping from one point to another, 140 jumps to be more accurate. The entire trip there and back takes around 50 hours, give or take. If there only was a better way...

  • 1.3 billion credits. That's how much it costs to fill up the Fleet Carrier cargo hold with Tritium for the price of 50k per tonne. 2.6 billion credits to fill up Destiny Ascension to the max. What do I think of it? To say that I'm angry would be just a tip of the iceberg. But, if I sell it for 30k credits per tonne, that's a 20k credit loss, resulting in 1.6B credits in actual loss. Sometimes I ask myself should I really be doing this? And the answer is always yes. The credits are unlimited and hopefully they'll stay that way. The more credits we have at our disposal, the more operations we can start, resulting in progress being made.

There are a lot more things to write about, but I wanted to focus on writing about main events such as these. I'll keep digging around CMDR Nyx Vetra, but I just hope I'm wrong. As much as I'm enjoying this, there's always a possibility of something going wrong.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #02-0003.^

CMDR's log - New hope? - #02-0002

- 4.3.3307. -

After returning back to The Bubble, I've done some delivery missions for the famous Galactic Summit. The rewards were really nice for the invested amount of time. As for handing in bounty vouchers, I didn't feel like participating in such an event. I have different things to do before returning back to DSSA Destiny Ascension to continue with Tritium mining activities.

  • The Tritium selling business over at Ryker's Hope is going well, but not much traffic going through. To know the reason behind it, I wouldn't know. I get PMs over the extranet every now and then of people asking me if there's Tritium available and if there are any plans on selling it, hinting at buying thousands of tonnes of Tritium later on when passing through the region, which sounds great. Hopefully we'll see more activity once Odyssey comes out!

  • I came in contact with a CMDR interested in offering carrier services for Ryker's Hope, most likely for storing Tritium, such as keeping the reserves for needed activities or special kind of expeditions. The CMDR by the name of Nyx Vetra is looking forward to cooperation and teamwork and is willing to help in any way possible, but the CMDR is financially... in a critical situation, hence why I'm supporting the CMDR however I can. I've got a good feeling about it.

Future plans are currently on hold until I get some things back on the right path, after that, we're good to go!

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #02-0002.^

CMDR's log - Tritium Depot - #02-0001

- 8.2.3307. -

I finally managed to take a break from all the mining and spend some time aboard Destiny Ascension. There ain't much to write about, but always happy to share the news!

  • After reaching Sol and celebrating the Earth New Year, I've decided to change some activities. At first, I was clueless on what to do. Transporting good from A to B was somewhat profitable, Robigo passengers are disrespectful no matter what we offer and mining LTDs, Painite and VOs is not as it used to be. Arsenal of combat vessels was in mint condition and I had enough money and material to upgrade them, but for me, combat is not the way to go (and I'm still not triple Elite). And then, out of nowhere, it hit me in the head. If I can't help myself, perhaps I can help others (sounds crazy, I know). Observing the GalNet news and market reports, there's been an issue with Tritium. Couple of months ago, Tritium was as cheap as 3k per tonne and today's price is over 60k per tonne, so now you have FC owners struggling to buy Tritium at a cheap price. How to counter such a problem?

  • The answer to the problem: Destiny Ascension. Sounds like an ad, but after reading this, it might change your view. See, to counter this problem, I've decided to ship all of my mining gear from Sol and Colonia to Destiny Ascension and prepare myself for SSD mining (Sub-Surface-Deposit mining). 200 tonnes of Tritium in an hour with close to 40 limpets used is absolutely perfect and the best part about it? I'm selling Tritium up to 30k per tonne. The idea is to supply CMDRs in critical need of Tritium inside Ryker's Hope. CMDRs with FCs are always welcome to mine and fill up their FCs with needed Tritium or they can always buy it off Destiny Ascension. Either way, the news are spreading around bit by bit and hopefully I'll attract more people into this idea.

  • This is not profitable much, but it helps me imagine the impact on the market and spread the influence and colonization of the area around my FC and outside The Bubble.

We'll see how things work out and I'm pretty sure I'll leave a report soon on the progress.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #02-0001.^

CMDR's log - General status #01-0006

- 31.12.3306. -

As we have reached the end of 3306, it is time to start looking towards our future in 3307. As promised before, this log will be the last of this year.

  • The DSSA #143 "Destiny Ascension" finally made it into EDSM GMP POI. It's nice to see a list of traffic reports. For those interested, you can take a look:


  • For the first time ever, I've reached Beagle Point and reached the furthest system away from Sol, Ishum's Reach. It is a unique experience I must say. For those who do not know, there is Hutton Orbital back in The Bubble, a Rite of Passage as one would say, although orientated towards supercruise travel which takes some time to reach the station. Beagle Point on the other hand, is a hyperspace travel orientated and A LOT farther from your starting position, Rite of Passage for those CMDRs interested in such activities.

Picture of Anaconda "Pathfinder" from Beagle Point.

  • It is always a pleasure to travel outside Sol and admire the beauty of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Give it a thousand more years and we'll be able to reach Andromeda galaxy. Makes me relax, while jazz is looping in the background of my ship.

  • Upon reaching Sol, I had time to upgrade my Python "Infiltrator" vessel and turned it into a Black Ops vessel, from transporting illegal goods and passengers to taking out key strongholds, outposts and capital ships with no detection whatsoever. For now, I just use it for Robigo passenger missions.

I'll be celebrating the new year in the Sol system, Galileo station. To all my fellow CMDRs, enjoy the time with your friends and family. The 3307 is almost here, so I'll be seeing you all in the year that follows.

Take care CMDRs, o7 and a Happy New Year to all of you.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0006.^

CMDR's log - Ryker's Hope - Revisit #01-0005

- 11.12.3306. -

I've taken my time once more to talk about the last two weeks, which I do find interesting to talk about. So, here we go.

  • As expected, the Taygeta - Electra delivery runs payed out big time, but it didn't last long. The word around the "The Bubble" spread like wild fire and a large portion of players jumped into the action. The number of delivery missions could not meet the number of players, resulting in a large portion of such cargo delivered to Electra and the prices of delivery missions at Taygeta going back to normal, as it was before. In my opinion, it must be the work of a higher force here, something we have yet to understand...

  • Once I was done with hauling cargo for 5 days straight, I've decided to pay a visit to Sol system, where I keep most of my fleet. Landed on Luna moon orbiting Earth and I must say, it's breathtaking. But it makes you ask yourself some questions. If a war breaks out between the Federation and the Empire, how many worlds would burn for actions of a few? I honestly thought both the Federation and the Empire knew better than to resolve problems in a way where pilots put their lives on the line just because they were told to do so. Wars and different conflicts are never the solution, although I understand the moto "Sometimes you have to pick up a weapon, to put it down later", and now we are building capital ships to display the might of fleets to each other. This Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army or whatever they are called, I don't understand what the are fighting for or what are they trying to achieve here in these past couple of months. In my opinion, the Empire pulled a wrong move when they tried to occupy LTT 1935 system located in Federation territory. Sure, the Federation accepted Marlinist refugees and I have no problem in that, humanitarian aid is a must in this situation, but there should have been background checks on ships and the fleeing population. If the Empire had used diplomacy instead of its military, I believe things would have turned out differently and Federation would've offered help and a firm handshake, but it's hard to say because if the opposite superpower benefits from terrorist attacks on another superpower without having any influence, control or connection to those same terrorists... The Federation probably wouldn't be doing much to save the Empire from these attacks, most likely some of the information that is crucial, gathered by Federation agents wouldn't be handed over to the Empire. It's very hard to display different outcomes of this situation, truth be told... but there are tensions between the NMLA and the Federation as well... this is getting interesting...

  • To get away from things happening in "The Bubble", I decided to pack some mugs from Hutton Orbital and be on my way to Destiny Ascension. Day and a half before my arrival, the 4 Beluga Liners arrived from "The Bubble". Both the crew and their families thanked me for such contribution. I shared some mugs with the officers on deck and went straight for the personal quarters to get some rest after a 5 hour trip. After a nice 12-hour beauty sleep, I got in touch with the Jameson Memorial back in "The Bubble", Shinrarta Dezhra system. All 6 Cobra Mk.III's were shipped to Destiny Ascension and have arrived 4 days later. This shipping cost me 56 million credits. The crew was very happy to see new ships that they could use whenever they feel like it. For patrols inside and outside the system, planetary and asteroid belt scans and surveys, and different events such as racing, they will perform nicely. To make things even better, I put myself in a role of a working crewmate. Sharing the same food, regular maintenance checks and other activities. The crew took me on a mining run for Tritium and some materials in a T9H (Type-9 Heavy). The crew of the T9H at least had new things to hear from me about what's happening in "The Bubble" and what might happen. I noticed the crew was happy the carrier owner was relating things to their experience, thus the reason why they were so relaxed around my presence in the area.

Picture of a T9H taken by a crewmate in a spacesuit, outside the ship. Type-9 Heavy a.k.a. "Heleus"

  • The communication relays have been properly modified and optimized, so now we have messages being sent and received every hour, not couple of days. I was happy to hear that, managed to get in contact with ship delivery service, as stated above. The other activities aboard Destiny Ascension include billiard, poker, blackjack, darts, different sport activites such as football (not the American one, the actual football), basketball, handball and tennis. There's also the videogame room where the crew gets to enjoy their time playing different videogames on high-end systems with LAN parties still being a thing, which brought tears of joy into my eyes. The crew aboard also grow their own food where ever they can. It's not that we don't have a greenhouse, but it doesn't hurt to grow things around, at least it produces more than enough oxygen for everyone. The caffeteria is in mint condition and the cooks can make good use of whatever's left available, at the end of the day, you'd be eating leftovers that were just as nice as when they first got taken out of the electrical oven. The food's great. There's also the gym where the crew works out, because exercising your muscles in space is something you'd do every single day, unless you want to become a jellyfish once you hit the planet with enough gravity to pull down your own mass to the point you won't be able to move a bit. There's also this improvised nightclub called "The Vortex". Decided to give it a go, not much of a drinker on a saturday night. I ended up throwing up for 2 hours straight into the toilet in my own personal quarters. The crew laughed hard and I don't blame them. There's also the cinema, planetarium which displays both the system and galaxy maps. The crew said they plan on making more changes and updates to existing parts of the ship. I offered my help, but they said they have everything under control.

  • Gave a tour of my "Pathfinder" Anaconda. The crew liked it and they asked me if I'm planning on delivering more ships to Destiny Ascension. I said yes, just think of the things that you might need for general purposes and I'll buy it and have it delivered whenever that's possible.

  • The crew really thought of everything, but I did ask where they put their families and relatives when it comes to lack of space. Well, it turns out the Beluga Liners passenger modules have their own luxury beds that the passengers absolutely love. Luxury beds in First class passenger modules, I didn't believe it until I've seen it myself.

  • The personal weapons and armor the crew carries around are in mint condition. The armory's huge arsenal keeps the inside of the ship safe and under control. The large shooting range can be used to test all weapons from time to time, just for the sake of it. The last thing we need is for weapons to malfunction or get stuck in action. The way the crew organized the patrols is very efficient and works flawlessly. No problems have yet been reported. Good to know the crew is aware they don't need bad things happening around them, since the entire crew and officers is a mixed combination of former Federation, Empire and Alliance soldiers and workers who know better than to attack each other. That's the kind of people I like and respect very much. They all work together and treat each other as family members.

  • Before leaving for Callisto's Respite, a DSSA carrier located in Empyrean Straits, the crew of Destiny Ascension decided to organize a racing event in the asteroid belt. I was impressed by the performance of the crew flying the Cobra Mk.III's and their experience of knowing how the ships react to their modifications. "Reaper" finished 1st, "Nomad" 2nd with "Omega" taking the 3rd place on the board. There were a few close calls, but there's nothing the crew can't handle.

Anaconda "Pathfinder" leaving Destiny Ascension to carry on its duties as a DSSA carrier while CMDR V4KY continues his trip. Pathfinder ascending to reach the stars above...

I enjoyed my time being here, but it's time to leave once more and continue my trip. After staying for couple of days here at Callisto's Respite, on the 20th I'll be leaving for Beagle Point, where I plan to spend my days enjoying Christmas and New Year. I hope the 3307 brings better opportunities and less pain and suffering for everyone in this beautiful galaxy called "The Milky Way". This won't be my last log of the year, one more will be added before reaching 3307.

See you in another log CMDR. o7

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0005.^

CMDR's log - "Booming commodities" #01-0004

- 29.11.3306. -

It's been over a month since my last log due to the amount of work, trying to sort out things. I was stretched all across "The Bubble" that I just couldn't get some free time on my hands, so now I'm taking this chance to continue where I stopped. I was talking about... ahh yes, the Apex Interstellar Transport with 4 of their Beluga Liners.

  • Well, as it turns out, the Beluga Liners have been modified for long range jumps, up to 50LY. These ships are also equipped with standard AFMU, heatsinks, fuel scoops and first class cabins to accommodate the families and relatives heading for Ryker's Hope. Every ship was outfitted properly by A-class standards and triple checked in case something was missed. For once, I was happy what was accomplished here...

  • The 4 Beluga Liners depart on the same date and time and are expected to arrive 3 weeks from departure with 1 week of R&R at Destiny Ascension. The officers in command of the crew, over at Destiny Ascension are prepared for their arrival as well as the crew itself. The contract I signed with Apex Interstellar Transport was a 1st major step forward and I've already payed the first rate out of many, required amount of credits to the agency. The services they offer are great, couldn't have asked for better. IIRC, they mentioned this to be their 1st attempt to reach a mobile station that is very far away and if they reach Destiny Ascension on time with no problems, things will be great and our business will continue.

  • As for the 6 Cobra Mk. III's, they are still at Shinatra Dezhra, waiting to be sent to Destiny Ascension. The problem is, I am unable to send them away from "The Bubble", meaning I have to be on the FC itself and request for those ships to be delivered. The commanding officers at Destiny Ascension are not able to request for those ships manually, which is a shame. Due to how the policies are at the moment, I'll have to depart soon for the FC to get this shipment done.

  • Due to recent changes in the market, the mining operations had to be paused for some time. As the prices of valuable metals (such as Painite and Low Temperature Diamonds) have decreased, a certain rise in value of other metals has gone up (such as Gold, Silver and Palladium). With the Imperial Cutter parked at Titan's Daughter station, Taygeta system, I've decided to personally make some deliveries to a nearby system, Electra, Cavalieri station. I was shocked to see that the prices of such deliveries (and we are talking about standard deliveries that go up to 180 tons) jumped up to 300%, which is crazy and we're not talking about Booming states of these 2 mentioned systems. In 2 days time, I've earned more credits than my mining operations in 2 weeks, which is absolutely amazing! 95% of these credits already went to upkeep of the FC. It's time to make the most out of it!

With the way things are developing right now, the future is ahead of me and it's up to me to make the most out of it. More information in the next log.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0004.^

CMDR's log - "Shore leave" #01-0003

- 22.10.3306. -

It's been 12 days since my last log. While currently on my way to Hutton Orbital to pick up some mugs for the officers aboard Destiny Ascension, I thought to take this time to write something down.

  • I've received the list of things I need to buy for the crew of Destiny Ascension and to tell you the truth, this ain't bad as I thought. I've spent ~50 million credits on 6 fully upgraded Cobra Mk.III specifically for events such as racing, exploration and patrols around the FC and nearby systems. Each Cobra has A-grade fuel scoop, a planetary hangar with 1 SRV, Guardian FSD, advanced docking as well as supercruise assist, cargo rack which can support up to 2 tons of cargo, AFMS B-grade... all to all, it was worth it. It also has the ability to install 2 Multicannons, in case there's a need for that. They will be shipped alongside the Cobras. Hopefully they will never be used, but you never know...

  • With recent mining operations, I've managed to gather around 600M credits. 175M credits will go for the transport of the crew's families and relatives. I've managed to talk to several companies that do passenger missions, but most of them turned me down with no explanations whatsoever. However, Apex Interstellar Transport offered me their services which covers all travel expenses. At first, I wanted the crew of Destiny Ascension to maintain their ships upon arrival and before leaving, which they agreed and accepted the deal, leaving me with 25 million credits extra on my Bank of Zaonce account. The travel company was kind enough to give me a tour around one of their Beluga Liner. 4 Beluga Liners of my choice and modifications will be used for such services. Details on that in another log.

For now, there's more things to do and not a lot of time on my hands.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0003.^

CMDR's log - Ryker's Hope #01-0002

- 10.10.3306. -

The officers in charge of the crew have shared their ideas and activites that would make the crew aboard "Destiny Ascension" feel like home.

  • The ideas such as hosting SRV racing on planets and ship racing in planetary rings on a weekly basis has been approved. Preparations are being made and the list with the necessary ships, ship parts (spare ones included) and SRVs is on the way, shouldn't take too long before leaving for Sagittarius A* and The Bubble.

  • The communications team has agreed to collect recorded videos throughout the week from the crew and send the collected material each Tuesday at 09:00 GMT+1 by Earth time towards the closest station. The communication relay tunnel would be Destiny Ascension - Explorer's Anchorage - Colonia - Sol and vice versa. The communications team informed the officers that due to some load of data, the current relay tunnel will allow the material to pass through, but it will take 2-3 days to reach The Bubble. The team is working hard to find a different way or a new relay tunnel to decrease the time, optimize the load and reduce the size of recordings for a much faster and efficient material transfer. I believe the team can pull this off as their work will be rewarded.

  • The crew in charge of maintaining the ships aboard the fleet carrier had an idea and reported it to one of the commanding officers. The idea was to organize a "transport" for the crew's families and relatives wanting to visit their loved ones serving aboard "Destiny Ascension". This would happen every 3 weeks, as it would take quite a lot of time to reach our system. Since we do offer rearm, repair and refuel services for ships, we would also do a regular check and maintenance for 2 days to ensure the ship heading back to Sol is in the same condition as it was when it was first heading for "Destiny Ascension". I liked the idea and approved it, but the list of ships, ship parts and required modules are needed for this transport idea and the crew will soon send the report. I have no doubts in their expertise.

The crew are looking forward to these ideas and they really want to make them happen as soon as possible, but in the end it is up to me to fulfill my part and meet their demands as promised.

On a more personal note...

The amount of credits it would cost me is not out of my reach, but it is not as close as I thought. Hopefully the lists with necessary preparations are not as demanding as I think at the moment, but time will show. I'll stick around the carrier for couple of more days. I let the crew know that I want them to share ideas, be open with me and talk to me whenever they feel like it. I want to be as equal to them, to put myself in their position. It's not for the reputation I'm doing this, it's just who I am. I don't want to disappoint them. There will always be complaints every now and then, you can't fill up every empty hole, but the less amount of such situations, the better.

I can't stop feeling good about myself. Weird.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0002.^

CMDR's log - Ryker's Hope #01-0001

- 8.10.3306. -

It's been 2 days since DSSA #143 "Destiny Ascension" was deployed in Scheau Blao AA-A H513 Nebula.

The point of having a fleet carrier in this part of the region is to provide necessary services for all ships regardless of size passing through the nebula with 0% tariff and additional service of universal cartography.

It is estimated the fleet carrier will be stationed in this nebula for 5 full years and if things go well with the upcoming expansion pack "Odyssey", it will provide enough interest on my side to keep the fleet carrier stationed here as long as the funds and necessary resources keep coming in. The x2 Tritium hotspot overlap provides more than enough fuel for the fleet carrier and if successful, the carrier crew would be able to provide other nearby carriers with fuel, at a fair price of course.

The Painite mining operations back in The Bubble keep the fleet carrier upkeep costs covered. The huge amount of credit transactions have secured the upkeep costs for additional 6 years with more funds on the way.

On a more personal note...

I've started gathering information on the crew serving aboard "Destiny Ascension". To leave them here for a couple of years, 34k LYs away from the The Bubble, doing the same tasks every single day would turn out catastrophic regarding their mental health. To counter such situations and keep the crew happy and amused, I've tasked the officers in charge of the crew to think of some different activities, games and ideas to make the crew feel like home, as much as we can. I will treat my crew with great care and will try to meet their demands. The next log will contain more information.

Things are looking great so far, hopefully can stay that way.

CMDR V4KY out.

^Message marked under ID: #01-0001.^