Профіль пілоту MuRaKaZ > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
the thanatos [xii-sn]
(Federal Gunship)
Зареєстровано з:
18 трав. 2020
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
6 702
Першовідкривач систем:
1 037
The Fresh Spaciousness

At the moment I encounter myself with some random and vague simple missions to earn some credits while I begin to shape my unforgettable journey.

It is a slow grind towards the start of the race but hey it is not about the goal but the journey, right? It is not even a race where the fastest wins, hell ! There are no winners ! That is the hook. You need to be hooked with ambitional endless energy to cover those long routes. The joy of the undiscovered through your veins.

I fill my activities with the acquisition of mining and refinery trainings growing my trading skills along the systems. It is now, they say where some random pilot can shine with some low temperature diamonds and make a way to the billionaire race. Although Im no random pilot, I like the billionaire idea but even more, the gained skills throughout the vast asteroid ring fields that dress beautiful gas giants.


from A to Hey

The Wonder Return

Back in the colourful dark vastness after some gap years. Now, gearing up my ship The Eternal Visionary for an unforgettable trip. The anxiety of misterious questions makes my energy look for hidden answers. The secrecy around the unknown shall be the truth. Only one truth. I desire truth.

I desire freedom.