Maya [#1109989001571]

Benton's Constructions [#3827825920]
ALIAS\STATION\TYPE\Odyssey Settlement
Небесне тіло:
Maya 10 b (2 637 св.с.)


Contacts, Missions, Refuel, Repair, Search and Rescue

Стан фракції:

Останнє оновлення: 18.10.22 00:33


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Explosives -- -- 1 191 cr 3 724 т
Hydrogen Fuel 113 cr 809 т 112 cr 1 т
Surface Stabilisers -- -- 1 263 cr 2 116 т
Synthetic Reagents -- -- 7 266 cr 137 т
Water -- -- 486 cr 494 т

Consumer Items

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Clothing -- -- 620 cr 271 т
Consumer Technology -- -- 7 266 cr 63 т
Domestic Appliances -- -- 1 085 cr 121 т
Evacuation Shelter -- -- 691 cr 4 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Animal Meat -- -- 1 658 cr 78 т
Coffee -- -- 1 668 cr 21 т
Fish -- -- 714 cr 209 т
Food Cartridges -- -- 457 cr 15 т
Fruit and Vegetables -- -- 621 cr 68 т
Grain -- -- 559 cr 448 т
Synthetic Meat -- -- 623 cr 130 т
Tea -- -- 1 841 cr 71 т

Industrial Materials

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
CMM Composite -- -- 6 417 cr 137 т
Ceramic Composites -- -- 1 788 cr 6 545 т
Insulating Membrane -- -- 11 314 cr 91 т
Micro-weave Cooling Hoses -- -- 1 768 cr 650 т
Neofabric Insulation -- -- 5 888 cr 514 т
Polymers -- -- 1 122 cr 9 866 т
Semiconductors -- -- 1 616 cr 1 310 т
Superconductors -- -- 7 338 cr 302 т

Legal Drugs

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Beer -- -- 527 cr 351 т
Liquor -- -- 960 cr 22 т
Narcotics -- -- 9 958 cr 2 т
Tobacco -- -- 5 241 cr 5 т
Wine -- -- 607 cr 312 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Atmospheric Processors -- -- 874 cr 484 т
Building Fabricators -- -- 2 932 cr 970 т
Crop Harvesters 2 015 cr 64 т 2 014 cr 1 т
Emergency Power Cells -- -- 2 819 cr 2 183 т
Energy Grid Assembly -- -- 2 963 cr 205 т
Geological Equipment 1 893 cr 78 т 1 892 cr 1 т
HN Shock Mount 1 591 cr 156 т 1 590 cr 1 т
Magnetic Emitter Coil -- -- 1 580 cr 377 т
Marine Equipment 3 742 cr 42 т 3 741 cr 1 т
Power Converter -- -- 1 807 cr 3 478 т
Power Generators -- -- 3 092 cr 970 т
Power Transfer Bus -- -- 2 674 cr 2 319 т
Radiation Baffle -- -- 2 027 cr 273 т
Reinforced Mounting Plate -- -- 2 973 cr 615 т
Skimmer Components -- -- 1 560 cr 28 т
Thermal Cooling Units -- -- 4 521 cr 647 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Advanced Medicines -- -- 1 580 cr 126 т
Basic Medicines -- -- 626 cr 17 т
Combat Stabilisers -- -- 3 321 cr 11 т
Performance Enhancers -- -- 7 266 cr 21 т
Progenitor Cells -- -- 7 266 cr 35 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Gallium -- -- 5 888 cr 1 502 т
Gold -- -- 50 946 cr 455 т
Lanthanum -- -- 9 346 cr 319 т
Lithium -- -- 2 047 cr 364 т
Palladium -- -- 53 536 cr 364 т
Platinum -- -- 52 318 cr 273 т
Praseodymium -- -- 8 237 cr 91 т
Samarium -- -- 35 158 cr 91 т
Tantalum -- -- 4 698 cr 1 864 т
Thallium -- -- 4 238 cr 182 т
Uranium -- -- 3 347 cr 2 501 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Lithium Hydroxide -- -- 5 547 cr 455 т
Low Temperature Diamonds -- -- 135 982 cr 3 т
Methanol Monohydrate Crystals -- -- 2 252 cr 364 т
Moissanite -- -- 23 693 cr 137 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Auto-Fabricators -- -- 4 196 cr 182 т
Computer Components -- -- 848 cr 163 т
Hardware Diagnostic Sensor -- -- 7 266 cr 137 т
Ion Distributor -- -- 2 650 cr 273 т
Robotics -- -- 2 534 cr 1 209 т
Structural Regulators -- -- 2 365 cr 229 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Synthetic Fabrics -- -- 1 305 cr 6 847 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Scrap 187 cr 487 т 173 cr 1 т