Misir [#6955867312842]

T4Y-G0Q [#3708724736]
Fleet Carrier
Небесне тіло:
Misir 6 (2 453 св.с.)

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Contacts, Crew Lounge, Refuel, Repair, Restock

Останнє оновлення: 15.01.25 03:45

Core Internal

Environment Control Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 40 1,3 т 0,4 МВт 3 230 кр
1B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 44 2 т 0,44 МВт 8 080 кр
1A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 48 1,3 т 0,48 МВт 20 200 кр
2C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 51 2,5 т 0,46 МВт 9 050 кр
2B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 56 4 т 0,51 МВт 22 620 кр
2A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 61 2,5 т 0,55 МВт 56 550 кр
3C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 64 5 т 0,53 МВт 25 330 кр
3B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 70 8 т 0,58 МВт 63 330 кр
3A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 77 5 т 0,64 МВт 158 330 кр
4C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 80 10 т 0,62 МВт 70 930 кр
4B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 88 16 т 0,68 МВт 177 330 кр
4A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 96 10 т 0,74 МВт 443 330 кр
5C Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 96 20 т 0,71 МВт 198 610 кр
5B Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 106 32 т 0,78 МВт 496 530 кр
5A Life Support Regulates habitable ship atmosphere and provides emergency reservoir for pilot's Remlock system. 115 20 т 0,85 МВт 1 241 320 кр

Optional Internal

Cargo Racks Integrity Mass Power Price
4E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 т 0 МВт 34 330 кр
5E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 т 0 МВт 111 570 кр
6E Cargo Rack Standardised storage rack for use in automated cargo transfer system. ?? 0 т 0 МВт 362 590 кр
Fighter Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
5D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 20 т 0,25 МВт 575 660 кр
6D Fighter Hangar A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. ?? 40 т 0,35 МВт 1 869 350 кр
Hull Reinforcements Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. ?? 1 т 0 МВт 15 000 кр
2D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. 51 2 т 0 МВт 36 000 кр
3D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. ?? 4 т 0 МВт 84 000 кр
4D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. ?? 8 т 0 МВт 195 000 кр
5D Hull Reinforcement Package Increases the ship's hull integrity and resistance to damage. ?? 16 т 0 МВт 450 000 кр
Module Reinforcements Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 1 т 0 МВт 15 000 кр
2D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 2 т 0 МВт 36 000 кр
3D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 4 т 0 МВт 84 000 кр
4D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 8 т 0 МВт 195 000 кр
5D Module Reinforcement Package Protects modules against weapons fire that penetrates the hull. This version of the module has low damage capacity but high absorption of module damage. I.e. it can absorb a large proportion of module damage each time over a short period before running out of damage capacity. ?? 16 т 0 МВт 450 000 кр
Planetary Vehicle Hangars Integrity Mass Power Price
2G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 6 т 0,75 МВт 21 600 кр
4H Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 20 т 0,4 МВт 72 000 кр
4G Planetary Vehicle Hangar A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. ?? 10 т 1,2 МВт 86 400 кр
Prospector Limpets Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 24 1,3 т 0,18 МВт 600 кр
1D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 32 0,5 т 0,14 МВт 1 200 кр
1C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 40 1,3 т 0,23 МВт 2 400 кр
1B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 48 2 т 0,32 МВт 4 800 кр
1A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 56 1,3 т 0,28 МВт 9 600 кр
3E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 38 5 т 0,27 МВт 5 400 кр
3D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 51 2 т 0,2 МВт 10 800 кр
3C Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 64 5 т 0,34 МВт 21 600 кр
3B Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 77 8 т 0,48 МВт 43 200 кр
3A Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 90 5 т 0,41 МВт 86 400 кр
5E Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. ?? 20 т 0,4 МВт 48 600 кр
5D Prospector Limpet Controller Controls a limpet to prospect an asteroid to discover its composition. 77 8 т 0,3 МВт 97 200 кр
Refineries Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 32 0 т 0,14 МВт 6 000 кр
1D Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). ?? 0 т 0,18 МВт 18 000 кр
1C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 40 0 т 0,23 МВт 54 000 кр
1B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 56 0 т 0,28 МВт 162 000 кр
2E Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). ?? 0 т 0,17 МВт 12 600 кр
2D Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 31 0 т 0,22 МВт 37 800 кр
2C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 51 0 т 0,28 МВт 113 400 кр
2B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 71 0 т 0,34 МВт 340 200 кр
3E Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 51 0 т 0,2 МВт 26 460 кр
3D Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 38 0 т 0,27 МВт 79 380 кр
3C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 64 0 т 0,34 МВт 238 140 кр
3B Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 90 0 т 0,41 МВт 714 420 кр
4E Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 64 0 т 0,25 МВт 55 570 кр
4D Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 48 0 т 0,33 МВт 166 700 кр
4C Refinery Converts scooped fragments into usable resources (requires mining laser). 80 0 т 0,41 МВт 500 090 кр
Surface Scanners Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Detailed Surface Scanner Advanced stellar body scanner used during exploration. 20 0 т 0 МВт 250 000 кр

Utility Mount

Xeno Scanner Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Xeno Scanner Scanner that can passively understand non-Human vessels, and analyse their structural make-up and internal modules. ?? 1,3 т 0,2 МВт 365 698 кр
Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
0F Shutdown Field Neutraliser Counters current xeno shutdown technology when used within proximity. ?? 1,3 т 0,2 МВт ??
Shield Boosters Integrity Mass Power Price
0B Shield Booster Strengthens the active shield if powered. Multiple boosters stack in effectiveness. 45 3 т 1 МВт 122 000 кр
0A Shield Booster Strengthens the active shield if powered. Multiple boosters stack in effectiveness. 48 3,5 т 1,2 МВт 281 000 кр
Pulse Wave Analyser Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 т 0,2 МВт ??
0D Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 т 0,4 МВт ??
0C Pulse Wave Analyser Pulse wave analysers are used to detect anomalous readings within solid objects, more specifically within asteroid fields. ?? 1,3 т 0,8 МВт ??

Weapon Hardpoint

Experimental Integrity Mass Power Price
2F AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 4 т 0,46 МВт ??
2E AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Fixed mount, rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 4 т 0,46 МВт ??
2B AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 4 т 1,2 МВт 540 900 кр
2B AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Turret) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 4 т 1,2 МВт 2 022 700 кр
3E AX Multi-Cannon (Turret) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 8 т 0,64 МВт ??
3C AX Multi-Cannon (Fixed) Fixed mount, rapid fire, small-calibre projectile tipped with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 8 т 0,64 МВт ??
3A AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Fixed) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. ?? 8 т 1,62 МВт ??
3A AX Missile Rack (Dumpfire, Turret) Missile battery capable of launching dumbfire ordnance loaded with a compound that damages alien vessels. Turret mounted, with automatic signature tracking. ?? 8 т 1,75 МВт ??
Mining Tools Integrity Mass Power Price
1D Mining Laser (Fixed) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). 40 2 т 0,5 МВт 6 800 кр
1D Mining Laser (Turret) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role onboard. ?? 2 т 0,5 МВт 9 400 кр
1D Abrasion Blaster (Fixed) Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery). 40 2 т 0,34 МВт ??
1D Abrasion Blaster (Turret) Breaks off surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 2 т 0,47 МВт ??
1B Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Turret) Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance. Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 4 т 0,53 МВт ??
2D Mining Laser (Fixed) Used on asteroids to cut chunks of resources from it (requires refinery). ?? 2 т 0,75 МВт 22 580 кр
2B Seismic Charge (Fixed) Warhead designed to break apart certain asteroids, allowing recovery of deep core deposits (requires refinery). ?? 4 т 1,2 МВт ??
2B Seismic Charge (Turret) Warhead designed to break apart certain asteroids, allowing recovery of deep core deposits (requires refinery).
Only functions as a turret when there is an active Gunner role aboard.
?? 4 т 1,2 МВт ??
2B Sub-Surface Displacement Missile (Fixed) Allows recovery of sub-surface deposits from asteroids (requires refinery).
Hold trigger to delay detonation of ordnance.
?? 2 т 1,01 МВт ??