Yaming [#2557686682306]

Mitchell Market [#3536120832]
Планетарний космопорт
Небесне тіло:
Yaming A 1 (292 св.с.)
Координати: 10.8687 / -166.229


Apex Interstellar Transport, Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Frontline Solutions, Missions, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Search and Rescue, Tuning, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Стан фракції:

Narcotics, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Slaves
Останнє оновлення: 07.04.24 03:05


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Agronomic Treatment -- -- 3 525 cr 46 т
Hydrogen Fuel 84 cr 514 т 80 cr 1 т
Surface Stabilisers -- -- 1 058 cr 37 873 т
Water -- -- 634 cr 5 981 т

Consumer Items

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Clothing -- -- 820 cr 15 858 т
Consumer Technology -- -- 7 511 cr 2 172 т
Domestic Appliances -- -- 1 058 cr 5 130 т
Evacuation Shelter -- -- 694 cr 221 т
Survival Equipment -- -- 659 cr 13 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Animal Meat -- -- 1 898 cr 4 176 т
Coffee -- -- 1 898 cr 1 191 т
Fish -- -- 919 cr 11 972 т
Food Cartridges -- -- 141 cr 274 т
Fruit and Vegetables -- -- 820 cr 4 296 т
Grain -- -- 702 cr 26 460 т
Synthetic Meat -- -- 751 cr 2 774 т
Tea -- -- 2 087 cr 3 822 т

Legal Drugs

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Beer -- -- 670 cr 10 546 т
Liquor -- -- 1 156 cr 1 336 т
Onionhead Gamma Strain -- -- 5 555 cr 3 172 т
Tobacco -- -- 5 557 cr 1 728 т
Wine -- -- 751 cr 8 661 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Building Fabricators -- -- 2 142 cr 589 т
Geological Equipment -- -- 1 766 cr 363 т
Power Generators -- -- 2 550 cr 1 186 т
Skimmer Components -- -- 1 088 cr 45 т
Thermal Cooling Units -- -- 3 612 cr 408 т
Water Purifiers -- -- 300 cr 1 677 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Advanced Medicines -- -- 1 728 cr 4 814 т
Basic Medicines -- -- 315 cr 327 т
Performance Enhancers -- -- 7 511 cr 510 т
Progenitor Cells -- -- 7 274 cr 128 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Gold -- -- 50 961 cr 726 т
Palladium -- -- 53 789 cr 544 т
Platinum -- -- 52 485 cr 363 т
Silver -- -- 40 804 cr 1 269 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Black Box -- -- 31 187 cr 454 т
Damaged Escape Pod -- -- 17 000 cr 454 т
Hostage -- -- 34 724 cr 454 т
Occupied Escape Pod -- -- 30 463 cr 454 т
Personal Effects -- -- 9 616 cr 454 т
Thargoid Glaive Tissue Sample -- -- 71 744 cr 454 т
Titan Deep Tissue Sample -- -- 498 586 cr 454 т
Titan Partial Tissue Sample -- -- 139 587 cr 454 т
Titan Tissue Sample -- -- 272 524 cr 454 т
Unoccupied Escape Pod -- -- 4 154 cr 454 т
Wreckage Components -- -- 8 783 cr 46 т
Xenobiological Prison Pod -- -- 149 227 cr 454 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Structural Regulators -- -- 2 421 cr 408 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Biowaste 78 cr 244 т 47 cr 1 т


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Landmines -- -- 4 122 cr 201 т
Non-Lethal Weapons -- -- 1 929 cr 80 т
Personal Weapons -- -- 4 122 cr 181 т
Reactive Armour -- -- 2 008 cr 152 т