Bhaguti [#5069538010545]

T9K-B3M [#3701743360]
Fleet Carrier
Відстань від точки прибуття:
8 св.с.

Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier

Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Останнє оновлення: 22.09.24 10:15

Optional Internal

FSD Interdictors Integrity Mass Power Price
1E Frame Shift Drive Interdictor Used to pull targets out of supercruise. 32 1,3 т 0,14 МВт 12 000 кр
1D Frame Shift Drive Interdictor Used to pull targets out of supercruise. 24 0,5 т 0,18 МВт 36 000 кр
2D Frame Shift Drive Interdictor Used to pull targets out of supercruise. 31 1 т 0,22 МВт 100 800 кр
2C Frame Shift Drive Interdictor Used to pull targets out of supercruise. 51 2,5 т 0,28 МВт 302 400 кр
3D Frame Shift Drive Interdictor Used to pull targets out of supercruise. 38 2 т 0,27 МВт 282 240 кр
3C Frame Shift Drive Interdictor Used to pull targets out of supercruise. 64 5 т 0,34 МВт 846 720 кр
4E Frame Shift Drive Interdictor Used to pull targets out of supercruise. ?? 10 т 0,25 МВт 263 420 кр
4D Frame Shift Drive Interdictor Used to pull targets out of supercruise. 48 4 т 0,33 МВт 790 270 кр

Utility Mount

Kill Warrant Scanners Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Kill Warrant Scanner Scanner that incorporates real-time communication with multiple law enforcement networks to obtain all issued bounties. 32 1,3 т 0,2 МВт 13 540 кр
0D Kill Warrant Scanner Scanner that incorporates real-time communication with multiple law enforcement networks to obtain all issued bounties. 24 1,3 т 0,4 МВт 40 630 кр
Manifest Scanners Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Cargo Scanner Scanner that can detect and analyse the contents of a targeted vessel's cargo hold and passenger cabins. 32 1,3 т 0,2 МВт 135 400 кр
0D Cargo Scanner Scanner that can detect and analyse the contents of a targeted vessel's cargo hold and passenger cabins. 24 1,3 т 0,4 МВт 40 630 кр
Wake Scanners Integrity Mass Power Price
0E Frame Shift Wake Scanner Scanner that can calculate the destination of a hyperspace jump by analysis of frame shift energy wake. 32 1,3 т 0,2 МВт 13 540 кр
0D Frame Shift Wake Scanner Scanner that can calculate the destination of a hyperspace jump by analysis of frame shift energy wake. 24 1,3 т 0,4 МВт 40 630 кр