Профиль пилота Laen Yeltrah > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
Hari Seldon [NH-55]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Дата регистрации:
9 янв. 2020 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
8 456
Открыто систем:
3 020
4 155 741 634 кр.
Why why why?

I decided to pursue Elite status as an Exobiologist, which felt fitting since I'm a biologist in real life. However, the grind is wearing me down. After countless hours over many months, carefully redeeming data at numerous space stations, I'm still only 37% of the way to Elite. I also have a gripe about the game’s inability to display bio data, forcing me to resort to the decidedly low-tech method of using pencil and paper to track which plants I’ve scanned on each planet. And while I’m at it, why aren’t there any animals on these planets? At least give us some insects to pollinate all those flowers. Thanks for listening, I’ll get back in my ship and disappear into the dark once more.


Yes, I know it is seen as just part of the game by some but I would like those Cmdrs who, unprovoked, like to shoot down peaceful Cmdrs while they are going about their business to consider this: There are lots of other less aggressive and destructive things you can do in this game if you only take the time to go and look for them. It may be that you are too young and inexperienced with life to change at the moment but a little respect for others would be appreciated. It's possible that you don't fully understand what respect means because of your age or level of psychological maturity. In which case, you might like to confine your combat activities to that part of the game which is constructed for that purpose.

Bio hunting

Collected lots of bio on trip from Colonia to Sol, over 3 billion!!! Now trying to get Elite status around Sol and Inner Orion Arm area.

Home again.

After an epic six months journey to Colonia then Sag A and back to Colonia I have returned home to Sol. During that time I grew legs and walked for the first time on a planet which is an amazing experience after years of being cooped up in a ship or SRV

I have learned how to find biological data, collect it and then get paid for it (although I think the renumeration is so low it will take forever to get Exobiologist Elite status, so I may not continue this activity).

Not that impressed with the space stations which are so similar they are boring to visit.

Fighting isn't my thing so Odyssey may not be what I thought it would be which is a shame.

What is also apparent is the almost complete lack of other Cmdrs in systems and stations on my entire journey. Despite playing the whole time in Open I met one in a station who ignored my attempts to converse and absolutely none while travelling in system. where the hell are you all?

I now have to decide what to do next. Mining is so hard now with the lack of materials, I don't think I'll be doing that much. Trading might keep me going but I am more and more getting to a point where I play for playing's sake. Perhaps I need a rest and come back later. 07 Cmdrs


In the last few months I undertook a journey I wanted to make since becoming a Commander. From Sol to Colonia then on to the Galactic Centre to see the Black Hole of Sag A which was as spectacular as I hoped it would be. After a short rest I did some exploring towards Sol then returned to Sag A. The next leg was originally intended to be back to Sol but I changed my mission objectives and returned to Colonia. Here I will fit out a mining ship and see what I can find among the pristine reserves in the vicinity. How long will I stay? Well. how long is a piece of galactic string?

Cmdr Laen Yeltrah