Профиль пилота EuroFighter > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
X-22 Xeno Fissure MkII [LS-X22]
(Krait Mk II)
Дата регистрации:
19 марта 2018 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
12 980
Открыто систем:
6 706
3 166 328 084 кр.
Log Entry #1:

Alright, this is my first kinda thing here. Sooo,

over the last few weeks I've been thinking about doing the Sol-SagA*-Colonia-Sol route. I looked for the best ship in my fleet and thought my Anaconda can do it. I outfitted and engineered it and now everything is ready to go, including my flight partner, CMDR FeuerStern. He is in his ASPX. Will update once we depart.

Fly Safe, CMDR EuroFighter