Профиль пилота Kevlari > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
(Type-10 Defender)
Дата регистрации:
11 февр. 2018 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
10 952
Открыто систем:
4 591
Engineering Grind

Now trying to unlock engineers. why oh why, do I do this to myself currently earning bounty tokens not easy when you try to avoid being killed

Back in the bubble

so made it back safely ,and now I'm going to unlock all the engineers and start pinning some blueprints starting with Elvira Martuuk and increased FSD range grade 5 with mass manager for the experimental effect

The final countdown (Again)

Now on the final push back to Jameson over a 100 jumps behind me withjust 115 jumps to go before I decide what to grind on next, decisions decisions

better to sell than transfer

Eventually made to Eudaemon Anchorage in Rohina.

Though i would transfer my Krait MkII from Colonia back to here. I was in for a big shock 49 million to transfer it and wait over 38 hours for it to arrive. so decided to sell it for 52 million instead, i'll buy a new one when i get back to the bubble

For every action there is....

an equal an opposite reaction, discovered some neutron stars, use them to jump ahead which is good, however the bad part is my FSD is now malfunctioning at 79% and takes a few attempts to fire it up

Back on course to the bubble

Finished my attempt at trillateation -really don't get it or what it is I am supposed to do. so heading towards rohina for some repairs still a 150 jumps left to do

Returning to the bubble

Heading back and have decided to try my hand at some trilateration first target 400 jumps from TIR only 75 left to do. Oh why do I keep doing these grinds

Finally Elite in Exploration

Got to TIR and achieved the rank of elite in exploration while unlocking the engineers around Colonia.

Was it worth unlocking these engineers not really. I did this the hard way and transported most of the goods needed to unlock them, not realising progenitor cells can be bought locally

Route to Tir -4 and another a earth like planet

Just like buses you get 2 in the space of 300 lightyears

Route to Tir -4 finally a earth like planet

This is commander Kevlari visiting you from planet Earth

For many days, we travelled from a distant place and time To reach a place they call the planet like Earth There was to be a celebration On the mission of the sacred heart

The planet like Earth from way up there is beautiful and blue And floating softly through a rainbow But when you touch down, things look different here At the mission of the sacred heart

Watching all the jumps roll by Who are you and who am I?

How's life back on Earth?

190 jumps left