Профиль пилота mallick > Дневник

Имя пилота:
Текущий корабль:
DogsBody [MAL-1A]
(Krait Mk II)
Дата регистрации:
8 сент. 2017 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
26 056
Открыто систем:
9 765
20 816 798 131 кр.
Lord of the Rings

Stopped at a system today (MEAMAI XB-S D5-0) and found a class 1 gas giant that was average in every way except it has the largest ring system I have ever seen. The ring is over 6.26 million km radius. What a sight to see from the edge of the ring the gas giant is a mere dot in the middle. I tried to use probes to map the ring but it is so far out from its host planet that the probes are out of range for the inner edge which is over 600,000km from the planet.

Nice views from the surface

I stopped at system NYOIJAA XJ-A DO Planet 8B had some good volcanism and resources so I stopped to re-supply and discovered an amazing little potato planet with mountains and deep valleys with bright white ice deposits in the bottoms. The ground is grey with bright purple dust under the crust and lots of magma spouts.

The views here are amazing. the gas giant is close and the rest of the system is visible just of to one side like a little cluster of gems hanging in the sky in stark contrast to the lack of other stars. A light mist envelops the planet from all the gas and magma vents giving an eerie halo to the light and making some amazing photo opportunities.


F class star Earthlike with moon Water world 1 gas giant 2 stellar phenomenum silicate crystals and seed pods x2