Профиль пилота Adken > Дневник

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Deep Space Mandalay [AD-31M]
Дата регистрации:
30 мая 2020 г.
Внесено расстояний:
Посещено систем:
17 582
Открыто систем:
8 710
8 515 388 309 кр.
Circumnavigation of Oevasy SG-Y D0 B 9 F // This is the End

In humility I give up my first attempt to circumnavigate Oevasy SG-Y D0 B 9 F in SRV. I drove 570km in total and there were many great moments.

But the ascents in the big canyon at position 39/0/0 are too steep for me. For many hours I wandered around, tried different climbs and gave my best to get grip in the walls. No chance. Maybe another commander will make it, but my riding skills are not good enough.

So I descended and looked for the bottom of the canyon because I saw landable areas. Even that turns out to be a big task but in the end the Phantom landed safely in the canyon. Now I was able to get an overview and this canyon is just huge and rugged. Even the big climbs I had mastered are only small wrinkles at the bottom of the canyon. I got surprisingly close to the exit. But I really doubt that I would have made the final ascent.

With the Phantom I travelled on to the North Pole to explore the area. Wonderful light moods everywhere but I would never have mastered the terrain. It goes down even deeper in some places and there are many slippery ice walls without any stops along the way.

So now I have failed. It was dangerous and exhausting but absolutely worth the try. Maybe I'll come back give it another try.

For now I arrived back at the beagle point.

Fly safe commanders! o7

Circumnavigation of Oevasy SG-Y D0 B 9 F // Day 3

Finally I was able to escape the first canyons crossing my path to the north pole. That was a tough challenge. I had to leave my course and follow the canyon quite a while to find a drivable way up. At times I feel like a mountaineer these days. To be honest, I was afraid to get lost more than once.

But after that the huge plains opened up and...the views! Beautiful views along the way everywhere. The sparse light and long shadows created a stunning light show today. Soft wavy terrain changes to rough craters and layered hills fly by. Backlit by the distant sun, translucent icy stones all along the way reveal their pale blue color. That's why I'm doing this.

Curent position: 39,8/0/0 Distance: 568km total, 210km today

SRV circumnavigation of Oevasy SG-Y D0 B 9 F // Day 2

This is going to be much harder than expected. It took hours to make progress in the steep canyons which are crossing my way to the north pole. I fell down several times. Deep. Out of control. Rolling. Crashing.

Jumps as high as 620m above canyon ground are the most impressive i did for a long time. But the landings...so hard at times. My neck hurts badly. It took at least 8 hull repairs today. I have something like 138 repairs left. Need to be more careful.

I'm taking rest inside the canyon wall tonight.It's really hard to find a way up this time. I'm too tired to go on.

Curent position: 25,8/0/0 degrees. Distance: 358km total, 280km today

SRV circumnavigation of Oevasy SG-Y D0 B 9 F

Day one of my first attempt to circumnavigate the farthest known planet by SRV. Starting point was on the edge of a canyon very near to 0/0/0. Need to look up the exact coords later. Current position:6,32/0,81/0,04. heading 0.

The first plains and canyons lay behind me. It was quite a rough trip until now. My steering utterly sucks. I should have fixed this beforehand.

I made around 6degrees today. That's 78km. Not too much.

But hey, I just reached Beagle Point this afternoon and made my way outta here. Being 65000+ lys away from home...that feels special to me. What a great day.