Mildeptu [#4683401791851]
Fleet Carrier
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Fleet Carrier
Fleet Carrier
Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics
Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics
Apa Vietii, Narcotics, Beer, Bootleg Liquor, Liquor, Tobacco, Wine
Последнее обновление 13.12.24, 2:03
Core Internal |
Thruster Mounting | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
2E | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 46 | 2,5 т | 2 МВт | 1 980 кр. |
2D | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 41 | 1 т | 2,25 МВт | 5 930 кр. |
3E | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 58 | 5 т | 2,48 МВт | 6 270 кр. |
3D | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 51 | 2 т | 2,79 МВт | 18 810 кр. |
4E | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 72 | 10 т | 3,28 МВт | 19 880 кр. |
4D | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 64 | 4 т | 3,69 МВт | 59 630 кр. |
5E | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 86 | 20 т | 4,08 МВт | 63 010 кр. |
5D | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 77 | 8 т | 4,59 МВт | 189 040 кр. |
6E | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 102 | 40 т | 5,04 МВт | 199 750 кр. |
6D | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 90 | 16 т | 5,67 МВт | 599 240 кр. |
7E | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 118 | 80 т | 6,08 МВт | 633 200 кр. |
7D | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 105 | 32 т | 6,84 МВт | 1 899 600 кр. |
8E | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 135 | 160 т | 7,2 МВт | 2 007 240 кр. |
8D | Thrusters | Normal-space propulsion system. | 120 | 64 т | 8,1 МВт | 6 021 720 кр. |
FSD Housing | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
2E | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 46 | 2,5 т | 0,16 МВт | 1 980 кр. |
2D | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 41 | 1 т | 0,18 МВт | 5 930 кр. |
2C | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 57 | 2,5 т | 0,25 МВт | ?? |
3E | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 58 | 5 т | 0,24 МВт | 6 270 кр. |
3D | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 51 | 2 т | 0,27 МВт | 18 810 кр. |
3D | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 70 | 2 т | ?? | ?? |
3C | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 70 | 5 т | ?? | ?? |
4E | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 72 | 10 т | 0,24 МВт | 19 880 кр. |
4D | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 64 | 4 т | 0,27 МВт | 59 630 кр. |
4D | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 90 | 4 т | ?? | ?? |
4C | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 90 | 10 т | ?? | ?? |
5E | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 86 | 20 т | 0,32 МВт | 63 010 кр. |
5D | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 110 | 20 т | ?? | ?? |
5D | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 77 | 8 т | 0,36 МВт | 189 040 кр. |
5C | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 110 | 20 т | 0,5 МВт | ?? |
5B | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 110 | 20 т | ?? | ?? |
6E | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 102 | 40 т | 0,4 МВт | 199 750 кр. |
6D | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 90 | 16 т | 0,45 МВт | 599 240 кр. |
6D | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 130 | 16 т | ?? | ?? |
6C | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 130 | 40 т | ?? | ?? |
6B | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 130 | 40 т | ?? | ?? |
7E | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 118 | 80 т | 0,48 МВт | 633 200 кр. |
7D | Frame Shift Drive | Device that allows supercruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. | 105 | 32 т | 0,54 МВт | 1 899 600 кр. |
7D | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 150 | 32 т | ?? | ?? |
7C | Frame Shift Drive (SCO) | ?? | 150 | 80 т | ?? | ?? |
Optional Internal |
AFM Units | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 56 | 0 т | 1,04 МВт | 270 000 кр. |
1A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 46 | 0 т | 1,26 МВт | 810 000 кр. |
2B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 71 | 0 т | 1,29 МВт | 486 000 кр. |
2A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 59 | 0 т | 1,58 МВт | 1 458 000 кр. |
3B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 90 | 0 т | 1,55 МВт | 874 800 кр. |
3A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 74 | 0 т | 1,89 МВт | 2 624 400 кр. |
4B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 112 | 0 т | 1,9 МВт | 1 574 640 кр. |
4A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 92 | 0 т | 2,31 МВт | 4 723 920 кр. |
5B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 134 | 0 т | 2,24 МВт | 2 834 350 кр. |
5A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 110 | 0 т | 2,73 МВт | 8 503 060 кр. |
6B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 158 | 0 т | 2,67 МВт | 5 101 830 кр. |
6A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 130 | 0 т | 3,26 МВт | 15 305 500 кр. |
7B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 183 | 0 т | 3,02 МВт | 9 183 300 кр. |
7A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 151 | 0 т | 3,68 МВт | 27 549 900 кр. |
8B | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 210 | 0 т | 3,45 МВт | 16 529 940 кр. |
8A | Auto Field-Maintenance Unit | Allows in-flight repair of internal ship modules. Can restore broken modules. Requires ammunition. | 173 | 0 т | 4,2 МВт | 49 589 820 кр. |
Docking Computers | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
1E | Standard Docking Computer | Allows automated docking sequence at all starports and outposts. | ?? | 0 т | 0,39 МВт | 4 500 кр. |
1E | Advanced Docking Computer | ?? | ?? | 0 т | 0,45 МВт | ?? |
1E | Supercruise Assist | ?? | 10 | 0 т | 0,3 МВт | ?? |
Fighter Hangars | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
5D | Fighter Hangar | A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. | ?? | 20 т | 0,25 МВт | 575 660 кр. |
6D | Fighter Hangar | A module designed to house ship launched vehicles. | ?? | 40 т | 0,35 МВт | 1 869 350 кр. |
Passenger Cabins | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
4C | First Class Passenger Cabin | First Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 10 т | 0 МВт | 170 600 кр. |
5C | First Class Passenger Cabin | First Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 20 т | 0 МВт | 340 540 кр. |
5B | Luxury Passenger Cabin | Luxury Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 20 т | 0 МВт | 1 658 100 кр. |
6C | First Class Passenger Cabin | First Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 40 т | 0 МВт | 552 700 кр. |
6B | Luxury Passenger Cabin | Luxury Class Passenger Cabin. | ?? | 40 т | 0 МВт | 4 974 300 кр. |
Planetary Vehicle Hangars | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
2G | Planetary Vehicle Hangar | A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. | ?? | 6 т | 0,75 МВт | 21 600 кр. |
4H | Planetary Vehicle Hangar | A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. | ?? | 20 т | 0,4 МВт | 72 000 кр. |
4G | Planetary Vehicle Hangar | A module designed to house ground-based vehicles. | ?? | 10 т | 1,2 МВт | 86 400 кр. |
Utility Mount |
Heatsink Launchers | Integrity | Mass | Power | Price | ||
0I | Heat Sink Launcher | Purges ship's heat into a disposable sink block, which is then ejected. Requires ammunition. | 45 | 1,3 т | 0,2 МВт | 3 500 кр. |