Perfil do CMDR JaredCrue > Diário
(Imperial Cutter)
I sent my flight plan to their control tower. After some verification traffic control allowed me in. A day later I begun their mapping project to put a diamond on to the ED Astro map, in order to highlight the player made bubble.
Old Erikson's Gateway has plotted the first jump towards Sag A. After several jumps I'll start Exo-Bio operations. o7
A Thargoid wake can be seen from multiple systems. Near Bernard's Loop, Col 70.
We probably angered the Thargoid Queen. She might be coming.
I'm going to wait until Thursday before I start my exploration trip to see what happens.
Due to the increasing Thargoid threat after the conclusion of the Azimuth Saga, I'm planning on at least leaving the bubble.
The main concern is getting Old Erikson's Gateway away from the action, even if it is for role play reasons.
If I do go on a trip, it will focus on Exo-Bio, and the core will be my new home range for a while.
Some services will be removed: Bar Tender (No player ever used it, and I won't need it out in the black).
Routes are guidelines and can change at anytime.
Option 1:
Go above the Bubble, up to 2kly away. Stay there until something intrigues me to go back. Otherwise meaning that I won't be actively playing Elite.
Most services will be shutdown but not removed.
Option 2:
Take the carrier towards Sag A as a base of operations. Explore on the way, possibly using Spansh Exo-Bio routes.
To do: Access Tritium stock (12,213 Includes day tank) Leave some ships in the bubble incase I run back for Story/ CG content. Decide on whether or not to view the upcoming moon collision. System: Reienadi Moons: 8B and 8C When: Aug 31 starting at 9:00 or 21:00. (5pm local)
Exo-Bio Route from Sag A to Colonia:*&loop=1&max_distance=5341&max_results=999&min_value=400000&radius=25&range=65&to=Colonia
Straight Carrier Route to Sag A:*%22%5D&refuel_destinations=%5B%5D&source=GCRV%202743&used_capacity=6370
Option 3:
Do option 1, but head to Sag A via ship. Potentially taking Spansh Exo-Bio routes until I reach the core.
Exo-Bio Route from Sol to Sag A:*
My current plans...
Commander's Plans:
- Explore two regions I haven't been to yet, depends on if there's an event (Kepler's Crest and Xibalba).
- Decide the name of my seal ship, please vote!
- Earn 10 Billion Credits total. (Currently at 7 Billion)
- Help minor factions
I pushed very hard today, I have arrived safely!
Sold a Conda that I bought in Colonia, as it would cost more to ship the Conda than it was worth.
Next step, join a faction and sell my data to get a few ranks. ;)
Any suggestions would be appreciated! :)
Twitter Link:
Docking Successful at the Dove Enigma! Expedition Leaders and Managers, Thank You For the Great Journey! The Community was Great As Well!!
If you notice the credits are lower than they should be, I only sold enough to get the Elite Rank. The rest will be sold in the bubble...
Photos and discoveries:
Photos and discoveries:
BlindiRL and I went to SPOIHAAE XE-X D2-9 where there is a moon orbiting a white dwarf. The moon actually goes inside the white dwarf. Blind was on the moon, I was watching the orbit from above to make sure he could safely take off.