Perfil do CMDR KekersDev > Diário

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(Asp Explorer)
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633.152.831 Cr
Back to exploration

Found a gas giant with ammonia-based life in Eafots DY-B c0 that somehow was left unnoticed even though the system was already discovered. Interestingly enough there was a broken thargoid sensor on B 9 A. Never encountered such sight before, let alone more than 8K Ly from the bubble.

Trees and guardians

A short time after returning to the Bubble, for the first time in my life I discovered brain trees. People were saying that brain trees correlate with guardian structures so now I'm scrupulously exploring Col 132 Sector.

Current system: Col 132 Sector RT-Q d5-41

Sgr A*

Finally visited Sagittarius A*... Nothing very interesting as I expected but I'm still happy with that small journey. Now I'm thinking about joining some expedition...

Current system: Sagittarius A*


The end of my journey was sad enough. I was blown up by some ganker near Farseer Inc. I was inside no-fire zone, 3.5 km from the facility when my Asp exploded, it seems like this guy (who turned out to be the best PvP'er in the game (so good that he kills defenceless explorers from outside of no-fire zone (go do pew-pew somewhere else, there is CQC for those who don’t know where to direct excess energy))). But whatever... That's how the world works in E:D. While staying in the bubble I did a little modding of my ship with some engineered and guardian hybrid parts, so my maximum jump finally exceeded 70 LY. I was thinking about a new journey and when I received an invitation from Etienne Dorn I firmly decided that whatever the journey would be, it would begin in Colonia. Jumping over neutron stars I got to Colonia in the matter of some hours and finally, met with Etienne. Now I'm collecting resources for grade 5 power distributor and life support. Maybe I will manage to get more than 71 LY max jump... (Actually I have no idea why am I using Asp. Maybe back then when I bought it DBX was worse... Or I didn't like the design... One day I will buy Conda anyway... Or will I?)

I think it's time to visit Sgr A* for the first time.

Star density

I decided to go back to the bubble so I turned towards Lantern Highway. But I messed up with coordinates and while travelling across Formadine Rift ended up in a weird region: almost all star systems are explored and after some point density of stars significantly decreased.

Current system: Phoi Aescs FR-N d6-2

Water worlds

While travelling along the border between Formidine Rift and Outer Arm Vacuus I encountered a lot of water planets and also some Earth-like and ammonia worlds. All in unexplored systems... Feels kind of unusual...

Current location: Smaidau XD-A d1-1