Perfil do CMDR Halfdan Helgrim > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
Mjolner [Viking]
(Federal Corvette)
Membro desde:
Distâncias submetidas:
Sistemas visitados:
Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
120.154.362 Cr
Crashed ship.

I need materials, and apparently there is a crashed ship with plenty of it. Going there now.

New modules.

I've been told there is new stuff around. Gotta get me some. Grind incoming.

Sagittarius A*

Big whuptidoo, been there done that.... Home ward to sol it is.....

Sagitarius A*

Away from colonia... Nothing remarkable about it to be honest. AFMU installed, and on a Neutron star highway towards SAG A* Should be there soon.

Once i'm there, i'll decide where to go from there.

Colonia run

Been to the rift, no big deal really. Now the boring long run to Colonia. After that I'll swing by SAG A* on my way back to the bubble.

At least i'll be able to say "been there, Done that."

Deep space.

Having visited all the known engineers, and made some improvements, I think it's time i went out and visited some of the sights that my friends have been talking about.

I've prepared the ASP X for the trip, and I'll start out by visiting Palin, to see what more he can do for the drive, then its on to the Formidine Rift, to see a ghost ship.... From there.....who knows...

Master 34%

Getting closer now. Not long until i have the final engineer unlocked.

Lori jamerson

I am close now. 6 more % to master, and then on to Dangerous.....

Road to riches...second entry

Ending for now at 167 on the list. Beta hits tomorrow, so it'll probably be a while before i resume.....

Road to riches...

Out on a field trip, trying to short cut my way to elite explorer. Been at it in small steps. Currently starting at point 151 on the list....