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quirrel [hollow]
(Alliance Challenger)
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3.295.934.070 Cr
The REAL journey beings

Yesterday was a day to prepare mentally to go out in the Odyssey Galactic Expedition 3307

Today the real journey begins; I departed from Leavit City and when on my way I was expecting to do arouns 1kly but sadly I left it at around 900ly. Tomorrow I'll advance more towards my first waypoint at Thaileia IO-M a89-2

For today a good rest is in place

The Journey begins

Its never too late to start a journey, they say. In my case I'm two weeks late to the start of the Odyssey Galactic Expedition 3307; in my defence I'll say I didn't know it existed.

You see, I bough ED when it was released but after a few days a just left it; I don't remember the reasons why (maybe lack of time, space madness, boredom...) In any case I'm back.

And just a few days being back in game I dare to take part in this expedition; a long travel to Beagle Point. I intended to go there at some point after hearing of it. The journey seemed too long to do right now; this changed after finding this site. Even if I'm lacking 20kly behind I'll catch up and be there when its completed. Knowing that there's CMDR's out there making the same travel (and a few hundred) is quite encouraging

The first waypoint is located at 4kly from the start and it will take a while to reach it; for now I'm aiming at M7-SECTOR ZM-G B12-4 at 1kly from the start. A small step forward but a step nontheless

Today I've parked my ship at Leavit City for tomorrow we travel