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Laughing shadow [VW-04]
(Krait Phantom)
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The immensity of space

It is only my second voyage out to the core, but I still wonder if anyone ever grows tired of the sight of it all. The closeness of neighboring systems, the sheer number of stars dotting the seemingly endless expanse of our galaxy. I can see an impressive amount of far off nebulae out here. Back in more civilized space, such views are impossible. It always fills me with wonder. What is out there? Who might be out there. Only other human pilots, or perhaps other sentient beings awaiting the answer we all ask ourselves. Are we alone? Sure, there are the Thadgoids, a menace I have only skirted past on occasion, but one does have to wonder. Is that the only other race out here? Perhaps one day we will know. Or perhaps humanity will fade into history never finding another. The galaxy, though all of it may be at our fingertips, is yet vast and unexplored. The core though. That is a wonderous place.

New Gear

It has come to my attention recently that there is soon to be new exploration equipment available to us pilots. While I am slightly annoyed, seeing as I was already well on my second long trek into the Galaxy, I am overall quite excited. I look forward to using this new equipment and seeing just how it all works. Back to civilization I go!

Back at it

Upon returning to The Bubble, I decided I would finally purcahse the ship I have always dreamed of owning. The Anaconda. So, with my exploration data sold for a handsome profit, I took myself to Jameson Memorial, where I then purchased said ship. Oh, what a wonderous feeling to be behind the controls of a new vessel! Of course, I outfitted it mostly for combat. Having been out of civilized space for so long, I felt a change of pace was necessary.

I found my way to a number of gas giants surrounded by resource rich rings and then waited. There are always folks mining for resources in these regions. I've never taken a fancy at such a life myself, though perhaps one day. I waited however, for where there are those blasting apart space rocks for riches untold, there are also those seeking to steal such riches. As could be expected, a few troublemakers showed up and I got my chance to put this Anaconda through it's paces. As I got used to the lumbering nature of the Anaconda, I took some small amount of damage, but returned to port with a few bounties acquired.

It was after chasing bounties for a time that I decided I needed some time off. I had plenty of credits in the bank and figured it was time for a bit of a vacation. I took a few months off, because why not?!

Upon returning to space, however, I got right back to the bounty hunting. This time, I shredded through miscreant's ships like a knife through warm butter. Oh, what a time was had! After a few small boosts to my bank account though, I once again began to feel that itch. You others out here in emptiness between stars will know it well. The itch to get out of inhabited space and see what's what! Those damn Thargoids are still being a menace, alliances are faltering from what I hear, and in general, people suck. So here I am again, heading out into the galaxy to see what I can find! Who knows, maybe I'll not come back. Find myself some ELW, well away from it all and just set up camp. Wouldn't be a bad way to finish my years.

Wonderous find!

In recent days, during my trip back to civilization, I happened upon a magnificently large region of neutron stars, white dwarves, and black holes. I have since spent the last few days meandering my way through it while of course still keeping my heading towards the bubble. Mostly. Even though I had enough data before this find to net me quite a lot of credits, this find will only make this long trip all the better. Even better about this find is that judging by the information in my galactic map, most of this region is completely unexplored or at the very least it hasn't been turned in anywhere yet. Here's hoping that I shall have my name attributed to much of this region of space. I shall continue to explore this region for a few days more before setting back towards the bubble in earnest. I will have to return out here again some day and continue to map it.

Troubles at home...

I have been getting reports, no doubt delayed, of some sort of alien attack on a number of stations. I have been seeing news in my Galnet feed for some time now about...Thargoids? However, I usually never pay them any mind. Figured it was some sort of new life form discovered on a planet or something. The news got more frequent, though, and darker. And now the attacks. I am tens of thousands of light years from the nearest populated systems in the 'Bubble', and further still from the areas being attacked so I do not feel worried for my safety...But do I turn around? Do I abandon my self prescribed mission of exploring the galaxy? Would I even get back to occupied space before things got entirely out of hand? I have no weapons aboard my ship. Out here, I have no need of them. I am starting to rethink that position, however. Do I dare risk heading straight back to help in rescue and fighting missions, knowing full well I could get back and find only ruins and hostile aliens? I will have to think on this. My idle days exploring shall now be haunted by the prospect of encountering these...Thargoids. I have not yet heard from any out this way willing to talk of any encounters, but that does not mean they aren't here too. I have decisions to think upon.

Out here...

It is truly beautiful out here amongst the stars. It is also...liberating. Out here, I can say I am truly free. Free to go where I want, when I want and by whatever route I want. No one to tell me what to do or where to go. The path is mine and mine alone. True, it may be a lonely path, venturing out here on my own, but that doesn't matter. The sights I have seen! Water worlds, glistening in the light of the star it orbits! Gas giants that would make our own Jupiter seem bland! Neutron stars and black holes and everything in between! It is all quite humbling as well. To not only know that you are a tiny, insignificant speck of dust in this galaxy, but to witness it...Never have I felt so small than in these travels of mine..And yet...I feel bigger than ever! I have done my share of bounty hunting, of trading and smuggling. I've taken on countless jobs for countless factions within the Empire, the Federation, some independants and even the Sirius corporation. Hell, I've even dabbled in a small bit of piracy. While all have been profitable in their own rights, none were as wonderous or freeing as being out here.

I am currently en route to Colonia. I've not yet been. Perhaps I should have taken the chance when Jacques Station was still newly rediscovered, but no matter now. I figure I may as well take a peek at the new expansion our humanity has understaken while I am on my venture to Sagittarius A, another place I have yet to go. All this though, is not simply a joy ride. I am taking my time and collecting data and charting systems. Tedious work, but someone has to do it, mapping the stars. I am presently in the Pyramio IC-B D1-146 system, some 5,496 light years from Sol. This is honestly the furthest I have been from civilization. Some seventeen thousand and then some light years to Colonia and over five thousand from the bulk of humanity. The scale of it all...Out here...Is mind numbing.

Onward, however. Onward until I have seen as much as I am able to see, in my tiny expanse of time that I am able to view the wonders of this galaxy. Perhaps I will return to The Bubble one day. Perhaps it will be only for a quick restock and perhaps a new ship before heading back out into the black, or perhaps I will take up another trade. Time will tell and out here...I've got nothing but time.

-CMDR VW Joker