Bidiono [#2871319995841]

Kubasov Settlement [#3541269760]
Posto Fronteiriço planetário
Corpo Celeste:
Bidiono A 2 (11 sL)
Coordenadas: 32.2638 / -33.9247


Apex Interstellar Transport, Black Market, Contacts, Crew Lounge, Frontline Solutions, Missions, Pioneer Supplies, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Search and Rescue, Tuning, Universal Cartographics, Vista Genomics

Situação da facção:

Narcotics, Battle Weapons, Bootleg Liquor, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Landmines, Personal Weapons, Slaves
Ultima atualização: 30/06/24 13:41


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Agronomic Treatment -- -- 3.552 cr 24 t
Hydrogen Fuel 84 cr 26.718 t 80 cr 1 t
Hydrogen Peroxide -- -- 3.063 cr 44.511 t
Liquid Oxygen -- -- 2.221 cr 49.698 t
Surface Stabilisers -- -- 1.082 cr 19.710 t
Water -- -- 652 cr 30.743 t

Consumer Items

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Clothing 361 cr 6.157 t 327 cr 1 t
Consumer Technology -- -- 7.562 cr 2.262 t
Domestic Appliances 571 cr 3.678 t 535 cr 1 t
Evacuation Shelter -- -- 710 cr 153 t
Survival Equipment 417 cr 3.741 t 391 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Algae -- -- 656 cr 56.959 t
Animal Meat -- -- 1.927 cr 2.173 t
Coffee -- -- 1.927 cr 620 t
Fish -- -- 942 cr 6.230 t
Food Cartridges 58 cr 56.108 t 38 cr 1 t
Fruit and Vegetables -- -- 841 cr 2.235 t
Grain -- -- 722 cr 13.769 t
Synthetic Meat -- -- 771 cr 1.444 t
Tea -- -- 2.117 cr 1.989 t

Industrial Materials

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
CMM Composite -- -- 6.699 cr 14.052 t
Ceramic Composites -- -- 707 cr 91.567 t
Insulating Membrane -- -- 11.667 cr 8.865 t
Micro-weave Cooling Hoses -- -- 1.842 cr 48.094 t
Polymers -- -- 668 cr 183.982 t
Semiconductors -- -- 1.488 cr 124.384 t
Superconductors -- -- 7.562 cr 12.732 t

Legal Drugs

Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Beer -- -- 689 cr 11.997 t
Liquor 682 cr 65 t 650 cr 1 t
Tobacco -- -- 5.583 cr 1.832 t
Wine -- -- 731 cr 7.955 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Atmospheric Processors 314 cr 8.469 t 293 cr 1 t
Building Fabricators 1.822 cr 30.365 t 1.775 cr 1 t
Crop Harvesters 1.822 cr 58.879 t 1.775 cr 1 t
Emergency Power Cells -- -- 2.860 cr 2.264 t
Geological Equipment 1.481 cr 7.073 t 1.442 cr 1 t
HN Shock Mount 1.709 cr 3.958 t 1.664 cr 1 t
Marine Equipment 3.622 cr 3.465 t 3.535 cr 1 t
Mineral Extractors 473 cr 35.646 t 451 cr 1 t
Power Generators 2.013 cr 4.319 t 1.962 cr 1 t
Reinforced Mounting Plate -- -- 3.015 cr 2.193 t
Skimmer Components 875 cr 409 t 837 cr 1 t
Thermal Cooling Units 3.152 cr 10.091 t 3.075 cr 1 t
Water Purifiers 346 cr 1.949 t 313 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Advanced Medicines -- -- 1.761 cr 2.523 t
Basic Medicines 237 cr 10.082 t 215 cr 1 t
Performance Enhancers -- -- 7.562 cr 412 t
Progenitor Cells -- -- 7.562 cr 1.190 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Aluminium -- -- 859 cr 62.616 t
Beryllium -- -- 9.091 cr 10.845 t
Cobalt -- -- 5.032 cr 15.278 t
Copper -- -- 1.020 cr 218.780 t
Gallium -- -- 5.944 cr 31.120 t
Gold -- -- 51.024 cr 37.344 t
Indium -- -- 6.699 cr 14.052 t
Lithium -- -- 2.221 cr 78.459 t
Osmium -- -- 43.879 cr 13.014 t
Palladium -- -- 53.843 cr 4.528 t
Platinum -- -- 57.520 cr 2.264 t
Praseodymium -- -- 8.547 cr 11.411 t
Samarium -- -- 25.711 cr 7.262 t
Silver -- -- 40.861 cr 32.817 t
Tantalum -- -- 4.701 cr 38.287 t
Titanium -- -- 1.615 cr 22.444 t
Uranium -- -- 3.358 cr 52.055 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Low Temperature Diamonds -- -- 89.037 cr 237 t
Painite -- -- 54.143 cr 732 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Black Box -- -- 30.772 cr 24 t
Damaged Escape Pod -- -- 16.726 cr 119 t
Hostage -- -- 34.348 cr 24 t
Occupied Escape Pod -- -- 30.109 cr 24 t
Personal Effects -- -- 9.397 cr 24 t
Thargoid Glaive Tissue Sample -- -- 71.212 cr 119 t
Titan Deep Tissue Sample -- -- 497.133 cr 119 t
Titan Partial Tissue Sample -- -- 138.843 cr 119 t
Titan Tissue Sample -- -- 271.469 cr 119 t
Unoccupied Escape Pod -- -- 3.991 cr 119 t
Wreckage Components -- -- 8.823 cr 237 t
Xenobiological Prison Pod -- -- 148.457 cr 119 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Auto-Fabricators -- -- 4.439 cr 4.056 t
Computer Components 570 cr 5.525 t 534 cr 1 t
H.E. Suits -- -- 796 cr 38.475 t
Micro Controllers -- -- 6.309 cr 1.509 t
Muon Imager 5.665 cr 189 t 5.598 cr 1 t
Robotics -- -- 2.452 cr 10.167 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Conductive Fabrics -- -- 1.020 cr 21.879 t
Leather -- -- 689 cr 142.302 t
Natural Fabrics -- -- 942 cr 255.180 t
Synthetic Fabrics -- -- 700 cr 128.439 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Biowaste 94 cr 773 t 57 cr 1 t
Scrap 103 cr 15.427 t 86 cr 1 t


Buy price Stock Sell price Demand
Non-Lethal Weapons -- -- 1.937 cr 55 t
Reactive Armour -- -- 2.008 cr 105 t