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CMDR's log, stardate 1402.33o7 Maiden Voyage


START of CMDR's log, stardate 1402.33o7

Maiden Voyage

Sometimes You run into an offer one just cannot refuse ;-)

I was in Deciat the other day visiting Felicity to talk to her about the Q type anomaly's and for some tea and biscuits. After a while we went sort of off topic and talked about other stuff too. Things like, Sassia Bianchi whom also visited the other day and the Formidine Rift, the whole Core Dynamics mess and what might happen to let's say Vodel.

When all of a sudden she invited me for a tour through her workshop. Witch was surprisingly, well organized and clean. Afterwards we walked though the materials warehouse, to get back to the office complex and that's where i noticed an huge bulge under an big dusty tarp. Without thinking I said that I didn't know that meta alloy's could grew so big :-). Felicity chuckled than rolled her eye's and replied. "That old heap of junk? It's one of my biggest mistakes and I cannot seem to get rid of it. Wanna see?"

She pressed a button and rumble turned in to a cough from under neath the tarp. Until a soothing hummm steadied the ear deafening noise from within. "It's for sale you know!" Shouted Felicity in my ear. "Lets go in side".

"It's big and costly to maintain and I rather fly my ASP. So I used this one as test bed for my workshop and harvested it for parts as I needed them. Now a days I have a state of the art facility but in the beginning I was working from this very engine bay. If you decide to take it off my hands I will gladly E rate de missing modules and sent this pile of bits and bobs on its merry way. Have better use for this space tough anyway. I'm actually thinking of making an Visitors Center here so I can meet al sorts of Commanders here in person."

There you have it, I'm now the proud owner of an Anaconda. But I have to get really used to it, because boy it is an heavy beast to ride :-). I am quite happy with it though, now I have a decent galley and restrooms (Yes ... plural) so no more stinking up the bridge on those long trips.

On my first light years onboard I remembered my conversation on the Formidine Rift and since I haven't been there it only made sense to go there now. Now to plot an decent route ;-)

END of CMDR's log, stardate 1402.33o7
CMDR's log, stardate 0201.3307
[START OF CMDR's log, stardate 0201.3307]

And an happy 3307!

During this period where the engineers are boosting upgrades, I was feeling grinded down. So I took a couple of day's off. I hit me during the process of collecting bounty's for the engineer Tod McQuinn. Bounty hunting is not my go to method of gathering credits and I found it was quit difficult to do, I know, I know, Git Guud and all that... But still. One commander generously offered fellow commanders, that otherwise aren't able to go, a spot on his Fortune-class fleetcarrier to see the new outpost in HIP 58832. It is an perfect timed solution for me to escape from work and take a step back in order to see things in perspective. First thing I did after detaching from the fleetcarrier was to fly around Rackham's Peak and it's installations. Followed up with a visit to two of the planets in this system.

But oh what an sight, beautiful to see the galaxy from an step back.

Happy 3307 everybody!

Job with a view

[END OF CMDR's log, stardate 0201.3307]
CMDR's log, stardate 10123306
[START OF CMDR's log, stardate 10123306]

2nd journey to Colonia, Sightseeing with SWS, Neutron Highway

So a while back I, by accident btw ;-), signed up for the The Enthusiastic Christmas Colonia Trip hosted by the Sidewinder Syndicate - Thanks for having me! -. And of course I missed out on the mass jump because I was running late. I didn't miss the speech though. After Jackson's Lighthouse I plotted a route towards the second waypoint in the list and after a view hyperspace jumps I stumbled upon an Ammonia world. At that moment I realized that I had received an compelling message from Sirius Atmospherics to provide data on ammonia worlds for terraforming purposes. At that time only a handful where needed to gain a nice bonus for delivering.

Al of a sudden I was quit the busy commander trying to follow the Trip and trying to find ammonia worlds. With only a couple of day's left to gather al the data I made the decision to leave the group and finish the trip in the shortest possible time, missing all the fun stuff unfortunately, and focus more on finding the most wanted exploration data while jumping towards Colonia.

[Blua Hypa Glowing Green Giant]( Blua Hypa Glowing Green Giant

Now in Colonia I had a nice databank with Universal Cartographics data but only two days to return to Betancourt Base some 21.kyl from Colonia. I was hoping to find an willing fleet carrier commander who would take me on board, but as you might guess, no outbound ships planned for over a week. -- Brown alert -- Also, I'm here but -again- failed to complete the necessary arrangements to fulfill the needs an requirements for the engineers in the sector. So a third trip will at some point be made to this neck of the woods to finish the latest engineering lines. But I digress.

With only one option left I decided to take the Neutron Highway back, I plotted a route and received a list containing a little over 100 jumps back. Never had I attempted to increase my jump range by supercharging my FSD via the neutron jet streams. The first ones where nerve-racking but lo and behold, after a dozen or so I actually - kinda- got the hang of it making billy big steps on the first day with almost 13.5kly.

On the second day on the Neutron Highway I got a bit cocky and slammed right in to the exclusion zone of an Neutron star, luckily I missed the jet cone and was able to pop an heat sink and be on my merry way once again. On the latest part instead of making 11 jumps to the next Neutron star I took the " normal" route to Betancourt Base since it was only 16 jumps away. Around this time Cecil came on to the bridge and started to annoy the cr*p out of me. Cecil is tipsy again and screwing around with the comms panel mumbling "What does this button do?" pushing out wierd comms to an live chat. I Swear i'm going to airlock the nutter someday. For now I have confined him to the cargo bay, along with the cat :-) for the duration of the trip.

The Enthusiastic Christmas Colonia Trip See map

[END OF CMDR's log, stardate 10123306]
CMDR's log, stardate 22113306
[START OF CMDR's log, stardate 22113306]

New job opportunity

After some sight seeing and gathering materials from different systems with nice accommodations on board The Dutch Beer Boat (many thanks for your troubles cmdr Vonensung) I recieved a comms message that started with the following sentence:

Pilots Federation ALERT

The message informed commanders to deliver certain goods to a megaship in the Musca Dark Region. I left the gathering party and set course to dock in a system with sufficient supply of the things I would need. After the community goal was met I found my self with an abundance of time on my hands so I decided to see some of the beautiful nebulae in this sector.

enter image description here Barnards Loop

enter image description here Witch Head Nebula

Afterwards I went back to the bubble to sel my Cartographic data and run some mining trails, since I started I haven't tried out mining before, well, at least never a decent try that is. So I managed to get the Phyton configured in a way that we could start mining for a bit. She is now kinda set up for dual mining, so laser as well as core mining.

I kinda like it, it is something i could do more often, I know I have to, because of the interest I have in finding some of the Engineers. However for now it doesn't feel like work. That's mostly because for now I refine everything the limpets bring me and my hold is quickly filled. So loads of stuff I need to learn and sort out, but for now i'm on my way to the required 500T of refined ore. (500Tons not that much I guess)

[END OF CMDR's log, stardate 22113306]
CMDR's log, stardate 06113306
[START OF CMDR's log, stardate 06113306]

This Hamster took a day off

So the masters of the universe are at it again huh, well I still feel I did good by hauling all the fruits to the refugees, being refugees and not terrorists. Terrorists should not have place to call home where ever they may be, there are (far more) better way's to obtain ones goal then though terrorism. That being said, I wonder how Liz Ryder always comes up with some information regarding terrorist activities. Does she know more then she is letting on? I don't know and frankly I don't care.

After running some missions from the Founders world it came to my knowledge the we could not expand from that place and I really could use some time off, you know, to get once head straight. Normally a trip to Colonia would do the trick, but this time I got an open invitation to join the Elite Dangerous Astrotour at the rendezvous location "Fisher's Rest". (I have seen a lot of his stuff during, the sometimes dull hours on long trips, but it's only since of late that I try to actively tag along with the tour instead of watching it on GalTube). And sure when I jumped in they were all there!


But me being me, I lost the guide (instancing) in no time :-)

So I docked aboard the fleet carrier Wimbledon Common for a ride along to the Maia star system. Unfortunately I couldn't hook up again with the remainder of the tour for some of their famous shenanigans. There I made a docking request at Obsidian Orbital, to spend the night. The friendly Air Traffic Controller guided me to my LZ where I, after refueling and repairing, disembarked and wend to the GalBar for a simple meal and a tall glass of Kongga Ale

Perhaps tomorrow I could search for some raw mats, since i do need a bucked load of them.

[END OF CMDR's log, stardate 06113306]
CMDR's log, stardate 02113306
[START OF CMDR's log, stardate 02113306]

Frustration leads to stupid decisions -- note to self.

Oh yeah, I got my self in a pickle alright.

So after entering the Chukchan system I immediately start to look for the Lowell Class Science Vessel called the "Adamastor". Galnet gave me an body to start looking for it. And sure there it was, although the ship had seen better day's I reckon.

After the initial scan I noticed all kinds of debris floating about so I decided to scoop them. Then I noticed that there where storage locations onboard with an entrance located at the hull. Yeah no hatch breaker limpets with me. After circling the ship an couple of times I got a bit frustrated en decided to shoot the cargo bay's to see if they would open up. Well ... Something opened up alright. The ships comms where flooded with chatter from federal ships trying to find me and in an brown alert moment I flew directly to the star port from where the feral ships where launched. The blackness of space was lid up by the laser beam that struck down on my shields, even inside the star port. Docking privileges where retracted so the only thing I could think of was to get out, out, out of here.

Outside the federal ships where waiting for me, high wake in 4,3,2,1 (long, long seconds)
Looking for a Interstellar Factors contact to pay my fines, witch in this rate accumulate quit quick, I found one just in the same system I jumped in to.

After this, I am done for today! And after a good long shower I wander to the GalBar Lounge and order myself a double shot of Leestian Evil Juice before turning to bed.

[END OF CMDR's log, stardate 02113306]
CMDR's log, stardate 01113306
[START OF CMDR's log, stardate 01113306]

What to do, what to do next.

For some time now, I have been truckin' along space lanes carrying goods and mail from one system to the other. Until i got the message to aid in a effort to help Marlinist Refugees. Although I try to not get mixed up in political affairs i couldn't sit idle to the fact that other people couldn't get food or clothing or medicines for their children. Besides the fact that they had to leave their homes behind in fear of ... Well leave the politics and just help others, that was my idea. And help myself along the way as well. Win, win ;-) The Marlinist Refugees were quit happy with the overwhelming support they got, I'm sure, but what happens next? If the PTB decide to lock horns, yet again, how is that going to influence my income? Are permits going to be revoked? Are there systems that will shoot me on sight? Hmmm, the more I think about this the more problems I see. In the mean time I come across an open invitation to haul goods from an Ida carrier to some Coriolis starport which I happily accepted.

So there I am pondering what to do next, when the comms lit up, a channel 4 news broadcast stating an ghost ship was towed in orbit of a planet in the system of Chukchan, you know jackies brother ;-)

Perhaps go have a look see over there.

[END OF CMDR's log, stardate 01113306]
Interdictions and Permits.

After my sightseeing tour (Bubble - Sag A* - Colonina - Bubble) was over, I decided it was time to get back to work. My trusty DBX is a very fine plane but it lacks room (and a mess hall ;-) ) So I am on the lookout for another ship. The plan is to test a couple of them once I got most of the permits sorted. The plan is to run some tests on de ASP-X, Krait, and the Keelback. With the python on the horizon in might just skip those, but we'll see.

Fortunately, my trip produced enough data to sell to the Universal Cartographics giving me the payout I worked so long for, that I could buy my way into most permit locked systems. (And that smells better to me than hauling Biowaste al week) But one Minor faction presented somewhat of trouble to me. The Luyten 347-14 Prison Colony is making me do actual work for a permit, ok its no biowaste stuff but hey! Give me a break!

Plowing along doing missions in six systems, trying not to overstack my workload, carefully plan my missions. Luckily the Interdictions aren't too hard, but as the missions stack up, so do they. And with a rough estimate of 1.7 bill. of unsold data, I, at least, try to fly responsibly. Except for that one time I went to Tau Ceti, got drunk, and flew on supercruise to a tourist point, because of eurhm reasons. But didn't slam the brakes on time and smacked hard on the beacon, I mean really, really hard. Well, that's when she said:" It's better you take me home now...."